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I am look in to the weapons used in the "troubles' both side, pre and pro libya
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How many of these weapons are still around in Ireland? Could we see a new conflict with shit heating up due to the migrant protests?
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these home built subs look interesting
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>I am look in to the weapons used in the "troubles' both side, pre and pro libya
Answer honestly, what nationa nd religion are you?
All posted within seconds, why are you trying to incite political violence in my nation?
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wtf is this
Huh, again a spew of posts within seconds trying to incite paramilitary shite in my country in a thread started by someone who does not speak English.
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>wtf is this
Spam by non English speaking shitheads posting old propaganda pictures of various gangs from the troubles.
hey, little brown man. What's your big interest in Irish paramilitaries? or is it that you want them interested in you? I don;t think being a janny will help you in that conversation.
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Take your brain pills schizo.
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>kino IRA pic thread
>this guy kvetching about incitement
dude fuck off
the ira destroy most of their guns, I am sure there are some cashes around but its hard to tell
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Post what nation and religion you are because you're not from the island of Ireland and spamming that shit deserves anons knowing that.
Sounds like all of the parties are now thoroughly disarmed.
>“We are satisfied that the arms decommissioning represents the totality of the IRA’s arsenal,” said John de Chastelain, a retired Canadian general who since 1997 has led efforts to disarm the outlawed IRA.
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Not sure if this pic is from bong-occupied potatoistan, but I suspect that it is.
got to love 50 cals

he's just trying to make guns more commonplace and easily accessible over there buddy, consider it a favor
>the ira destroy most of their guns
yeah? learn fucking english and stop trying to stir shit in other peoples nations before you get in trouble you can't handle scumbag
>Looks at thread name
>"IRA kino" nowhere to be seen
Not only can you not speak English you can't even read it
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Nation: Empire of Lemuria
Religion: Beyond the comprehension of mere humans.
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>> a thread on 4chan will start a civil in ireland
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Fascinating thread, a bunch of ESLs trying to spam for terror in Ireland who won'e even nay what their nation and religion is.
Same discord, not from Ireland and ashamed of where you are from and non native English speakers.
how is this thread going to affect anything in RL.
>weapons on a weapons board
>its a big conspiracy maaaaaaaaaaaan
Do you want to find that out personally?
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Shut up Paddy, if Ireland is so fragile that a mere 4chan thread can destroy it it deserves to be destroyed
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multi-page article:
Mate what on earth are you on about?
This is the resident faggot in Ulster who slithers into every single thread related to Ireland or the IRA to derail it.
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>implying that the Irish are native English speakers

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That would be funny, civil war in ireland due to 4chan
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You seem very worried about this mythical one person who lives in Ireland calling out this thread for being a bunch of shit spammed by people who are not from Ireland and don't speak english.
He has to be a jeet afraid of the rising spirit of the potatonigger. I have never seen a mick lose his shit like this but poos are always on the verge of exactly this kind of meltdown.
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That explains it, thanks
That might cause a terrible loss of life at the Russian embassy though.
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what your point ? we are talking about weapons not politics.
Ok so you're Indians, are you being paid to spam this shit?
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meds now
Take your meds you absolute schizo
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>that slamfire shotgun
faith and begorrah
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Nailed it a bunch of jeets spamming old paramilitary propaganda crap with 30 second intervals.
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>I am look in to the weapons
Are you?
What is your problem, they’re just pictures of weapons
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>paramilitary propaganda
>a bunch of shitty greaseguns made out of square tubing
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Its not my problem any more its their problem.
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Ah, OK so its Jeets spamming fro Russia, that makes more sense. Trying to start shit. So should the Russian embassy in Dublin have another staff cut do you think?
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>Could we see a new conflict with shit heating up due to the migrant protests?
No. Irish republicans are some of the most pro-immigrant and anti-Catholic faction in the British Isles. Any new paramilitaries would have to be called the black and tans.
I think the main weapon that Ireland has in response to shit like this is deporting Russian diplomats who have comfy lives in the embassy in Dublin.
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Anons stop responding to the Ulster faggot. Don’t feed him it will prompt a thread deletion. Just discuss kino IRA weapons
>.303 Rifle
>not rifled

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Really? You're full of opinions for someone who is not even from Ireland. I doubt you have even been there.
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>I am look in to the weapons used in the "troubles' both side
Have you tried looking up your ass for how to speak english?
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That guy is a sad little minge. Looks like someone shat into his malt vinegar this morning
Do you think we'll see FN SCARs in any new conflicts there? The FN FAL was present during the original Troubles
ok I am not good a typing, sorry can we just get back to weapons used in the troubles
So what's the deal should Ireland expel some Russian diplomats or something? be clear about what you want, I know your English is poor so do your best to be specific.
>ok I am not good a typing, sorry
Right so where are you from then that your fawning on paramilitary gangs you know nothing about?
Does Ireland use the SCAR?
Are you fucking retarded or just larping as retarded? Do they not allow search engines where you work?
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Laughing at you here. If that shower are your useful idiots for a few quid then you obviously needs some cutbacks at the Russian embassy in Dublin because you must be broke.
>"Apart from the pre-[Second World War] weapons, they're now bringing in more modern type weapons."
>"Like this M1 Carbine."
Is he joking?
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I would like talk about weapons used in ireland during the troubles. your are the one going off topic
Cheeky li'l cunt, innit?
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Its Russian spammers centered around the Irish Socialist republican Party traitors and the loyalist equivalent traitors to their mob. They re very active in anti immigration as well (no one asked for Russians opinion). A lot of people think that the Russian embassy should just be closed.
I am impressed on how many weapon were homemade
The M1 carbine was like the most common LEO, private, and military weapon in the NATO sphere until the M16/AR15 really got rolling. We don't even know how many millions were built.
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My name is Pyotyor Smithovich I am Orthodox Protestant from Texas Dallas America Town please believing me am just interest in historical photo thanks much.
why are brit posters such whiny cunt like >>62088275 , this seem be a recent trend in general
>I am impressed on how many weapon were homemade
You ought to see how far you could shove that up your arse and send the pictures with timestamp to the Russian embassy in Dublin..
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Last one I have, don't know if it's from the Troubles or something else, just that it has the same vibe.
Ireland didn't use the AR18 yet it still appeared there. Curious
Lmao little Nigel here is filled with impotent rage
I fucking love this pic. It was my wallpaper for awhile
dude you are crazy
Bit is it? Yeah. Are you;re supposed to be Irish are you? yeah? Are you actually retarded?
>Native English speaker
You're a disgrace to your heritage.
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Imagine being killed by a man in bell-bottoms.
And wearing boots with the fur
NATO tranny here are some facts
500 million native Americans killed by US Imperialism
3 billion native massacre by British empire
267 democratically elected communist governments topped by US
800,000 Iraqi civilians killed by US and British
30,000 Serbs killed in bombing of Belgrade
90 million indigenous people killed by other western countries
Yeah so?
If you ask me, that's not enough
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Why are they like this?
Damn this is peak 70s

You're no idea how crazy I am but if you want a few Brit spies I'm sure your pals in the IRSP have loads.In fact the main reason they are not all dead is it might upset the brits to much if one of their spooks got killed. Between the IRSP that are brit spooks and Russian paid drug dealers its very crowded in their communist basement
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Your country will be brown
ok, you are crazy
You know nothing about Ireland or it's heritage. Not surprising you are not from Ireland and you've never been there and you are no friend to the Irish either.
when irish larp americans realise most of the IRA were communists who had no trouble blowing up kids and killing innocents on their own streets
I feel like smuggling is a lot more difficult now though
Look at that staged propaganda shot.What fucking garbage.
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that what the ira did
>You know nothing about Ireland or it's heritage
I know my country is the reason you lot is seething at the bongs so badly
>you are not from Ireland
Thank god for that
REMINDER: before getting baited by the ulster faggot see >>62088476
>when irish larp americans realise most of the IRA were communists who had no trouble blowing up kids and killing innocents on their own streets
In fairness the loyalists were the same, murderers and gangsters just like the republican gangs
Freedom ain't free, here's to the next 3 billion.
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What is the weather like on Orwell Road at the moment Vanya?
Potato niggers literally have the same claim to being Anglo or "Native English-speakers" as the street-shitting 'jeets.
None of these two groups are native English speakers. And any Anglo blood in the population has been so diluted as to be effectively non-existent.
which is why they were never supported by the british, of course you wouldnt prioritise clamping down on the useful idiots fighting in general for you but both sides needed to stop
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Fine, there’s a pharmacy down the road for your schizo meds prescription
Is that some sort of neck protection?
Little fella with his stick gun :3
Weren’t those optics pretty shit
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kids are mean
Any pics of British soldiers with Sterlings?
FAL optics mounting options were even more shit than AK, yeah.
I will look
Bloke on the range did a video with one, it broke and hit him in the head iirc
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Yeah. Think of the 6,974,847,352,498,212,374,948,651 that died while Ireland existed. When will they accept responsibility?
Crazy how long chucks have stayed relevant
Any pictures of British snipers with L42A1s?
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>AR18 yet it still appeared there
There's essentially zero Irish owned shipping interests in the US anymore. There's not going to be a repeat of US Catholics donating millions in cash to fund the war either. Catholic is synonymous with Hispanic in the US now with a few Irish in the NE still retaining that as a significant part of their life.
It is. Post 9/11 shipping got out on lockdown. It's still the easiest smuggling method but it's very difficult now. There's no mechanism for it. Phillipinos dominate US flagged shipping along with Puerto Ricans. Neither care about the Irish obviously.
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>What if we kissed in Dublin during a pipebombing

Reminds me of that time a Neo-Nazi wrote an unironic peace song.

He got out of prison and is no longer a Nazi, think he even had some black friends kek
how did the IRA get israeli guns?
Presumably they bought them.
From merchants, most likely.
The happy kind?
Uzis used to be widely available on the black market.
Both original Israeli guns, and clones from Belgium, the Balkans and South Africa.

The potatoland police also used these things, so they could be stolen police guns.
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I'm certain they were pleased to make a deal.
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britain has 1000% more niggers than us and here they're contained in shitholes in the west anyway
I see our armed police use MP7s now, are those meaningfully better?
Third party gets guns illicitly, then sells to the IRA. When you’re dealing with guns being sold on the black market, they’re almost never direct from the factory (except sometimes from China during the 70s/80s).
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homemade blackpowder rifle thing
Anybody know what kind of adidas jackets they are wearing?
I'm not even going to bother checking since Ireland threads are always a shitshow, but does that Irish commie faggot still post here?
It seems
Dunno if this thread is fucked or not due to mutts larping as IRA or Ulster niggers posting but I visited the royal armoury for the explicit purpose of seeing the Ulster arms.
Lots of l1a1s, lots of stens and brens. And a lot of stens made in small workshops.
Most interesting thing is the morters they used, tons of 2inch morters rounds used in really odd ways like improvised hand grenades, they had a whole system that was just described as "an easy and efficient way to turn a white phosphorus bomb into a hand grenade to destroy a dwelling due to biohazardous conditions"
I swear if Ulster niggers got NBC gear they would have used mustard gas
OP here, I am not good at type, due to having autism, I just wanted a thread on the weapons used in the troubles. I find the war fantasizing, as it is a mix of many different weapons, history and tactics. I like the homemade guns and how rockets were made from soup cans. it was strange time and I just want to make thread that everyone would enjoy,sorry it did not go well, have a nice day
I don't get it
I never said they were all the paramilitaries were scum, it's the one thing the vast majority of Catholics and Protestants agree on
They were told to do it by their parents to take propaganda pictures, neither sides 'activists' gave a shit about their kids, or other peoples then or now
You be careful now and have a nice day
What's this hilarious bullshit supposed to be? Its not the troubles that's for sure.
plastic paddy
>wtf is this
That's technically a gobshite.
We like Americans and are nice to American Presidents. Is that difficult to understand?
That's a gobshite Mark II with a black and white filter
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>Anybody know what kind of adidas jackets they are wearing?
I'm sure you are busy anyway reading Ulysses to keep your mind off the flies and the heat.
Are those .22 AKs? No way in hell those mags are holding an x39 cartridge
No, that Anon is not joking. At least when it comes to Sinn Fein representatives from the Republic of Ireland; whilst the ones across the border in Northern Ireland are just the children of the original provos who are in it for the grift rather than for any nationalist reasons.

How did the party responsible for the Irish Ethno-State become the polar opposite of that in the span of a hundred years?
Fuck knows, as I'm more knowledgeable about the stuff up North as I have family and friends from the area, but maybe another Anon can clue us into it.
Looks like one of the Stenlings.
You aren't Irish. We bitch at you because we can tell one of our own from those who simply wish to be like them. You don't use the right words, the right tone, the right attitude. You're just some random international seething about something you can never be, regardless of what your blood tests tell you or how you present yourself to the world. You ain't no Mick in mind, body or soul and you never will be.
Cuiridh mi geall gu bheil na h-amadan a' smaoineachadh gu bheil mi a' bruidhinn Gaeilge an-dràsta nuair a tha mi a' bruidhinn ann an Albannach, ach feuch an urrainn dhaibh obrachadh a-mach e.
Armi-Jager AP-80, yeah, it's a blowback .22LR action in a fake shell.
Bumping this thread since I really like the topic. Just got back from Belfast after learning some history from a former IRA arms dealer, so it's cool to see photos of the stuff he was involved with.
Honestly beret hackles are kino, more nations should incorporate it into their uniforms.

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