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Does somebody have documents about it?
The British Raj is, and shall forever be, the height of the Indian sub-continent
Nah. Still too many Indians.
You have to go back to pre-humanity to find it’s true height.
Sorry guys I have the high ground
fuck you
russia is losing to THAT?
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I was watching this the other day, really enjoyed the chart, though it might be outdated
The structure is "Do what the CIA says or you're getting Gladio'd"
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Thank you very much
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It must sting, for you to know that there are many Northern Bharat Desi that actually agree with him, and wouldn't mind having the British back.
What does that have to do with doin what the CIA tells you to? Why can't /pol/ niggers ever come up with delusions that make sense
I wish all pajeetas looked like that.
Whenever someone mentions Gladio I just remember this commie I used to know who thought the Uvalde school shooting was done by Green Berets as part of Gladio
NATO's members all sit on a council where they decide the most important parts of warfare: shared artillery specifications, logistics and war production. The EU is closely tied to it, due to it's origins as the EEC for coal, steel and electricity production. Both groups strongly influence each other, in a mutually cooperative relationship to defend Europe. In terms of actual warfare, that's up to individual members - the US being the largest member who provides most of the air defense including defining air defense zones.

What exactly do you want to know OP? There's not much more to know unless you think intermodal containers, highway signs, and french marine technology are interesting.
Still wouldn't fix the smell.
GRU hands typed this
uh the mughal empire dude?

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