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Why are gun guys and anyone whos into guns even a little bit total jack asses? Stop being so uptight and miserable about guns you fucking meat heads. I know its a gun I know its dangerous I know what Im doing stop fucking being condescending to every fucking body. Why dont you fucking give me my shit and stop looking at me like ur fucking annoyed that I want to buy your fucking shit guns because Im a nice guy and ur just a fucking miserable sack of shit who thinks hes better than everyone else because u work in a gun shop or u fucking been around guns forever. Idc
i want answers
kill yourself
what stop being a dick just because u think u know everything about guns sir
What just happened at the LGS, Nonny? But in seriousness, I've never seen so many people confidently repeat incorrect information as I have within the gun community. I think because guns are weapons, you have a bunch of wannabe tough guys who think that admitting that they're wrong or don't know something is a sign of weakness, so they just make shit up or parrot information that another retard confidently regurgitated. It bothers me even more in the era of the internet and smart phones because anyone can find the correct information in less than a minute. A good example is that as recently as 2019, I had a guy in his 30s who owned and shot guns repeat the ".50 BMG will tear your arm off without hitting you" bullshit even though a quick search on youtube would prove that wrong immediately. I think it's gotten even worse recently because there are so many new gun owners that the newest wave is getting their info from people who didn't own guns before 2020 and are still very inexperienced.
Because the barrier of entry is beyond piss low (literally just don’t be a felon, and even that isn’t necessarily needed anyways) and there’s an entire industry that exists to grift to people and make them feel like the Punisher or some shit. Its a special breed of retarded that at least other interests like cars tend to gatekeep out a bit, I know what I got boomers and the inherent higher costs aside. But guns, as much as I believe everyone should own at least one rifle and pistol and shoot regularly that doesn’t mean more and more self proclaimed gun people aren’t total Funkopop tier faggots. The fact shit like caliber/Black Rifle Coffee exists says enough.
hmm appreciate the honest wholesome replies anons
masculine coded hobbies attract the most bitter, coping, pathetic lowest common denominator faggots in the world in addition to tolerate people. it sucks but it comes with the territory, weightlifting has the same problem, cars have the same problem, outdoorsman stuff has the same problem.

a lot of cunts need to feel like they know more than someone else/are better than someone else and they just gravitate to anything that gives off manly, strong, powerful vibes driven by the gaping void between the respect they believe they are owed by the world around them and their own deep and intractable inferiority
You sound like a poster child for gun control.
You sound like you shouldn't own guns. LGS are obnoxious fudds because they deal with retarded customers all day and their relationship with the government means they often don't need to be too competitive or customer-friendly to stay in business for years. 4chan is condescending because it's 4chan, and also because you're a retard, a faggot, and a nigger.
Bet my grouping is far superior by yours even with little experience because I'm just natural and cool about guns and not some stressed out uptight stiff dick
Stupid idiot, fuck you.

It’s tiring until you learn to let the retards gimp themselves. Let them buy steel plates and amazon optics. Let them think .22 is the deadliest round and that their shitty turk-guns are just as good. You cant save everyone from themselves.
>Is a whiney prick
>Complains about others
Shoo shoo, lefty scum.
>It’s tiring until you learn to let the retards gimp themselves. Let them buy steel plates and amazon optics. Let them think .22 is the deadliest round and that their shitty turk-guns are just as good.
You are so gay
I'm also natural and cool about guns, just not about retards and faggots like OP.
Fuck ya>>62088886
>posts le epic oldfag image to show them i am le old guy
I ain't reading all that
I'm happy for you
Or I'm sorry that happened
I'm going to fuck you in the ass
Thabk you, Anons. You put into words something I'd been rubbing against for a while now. Ignore the salty comments from insecure manboys, they feel attacked.
"gun guys" dont get to shoot much so they make up fake stories and argue about it online instead
When a zoomie walks into the store I work at I feed them ridiculous stretches of my imagination just to see if it ends up on this board
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lets hear some stories anon
Bad thread
Bad bait
Neck yourself
In much the same way as "If the only common denominator in all your failed relationships is _you_ then maybe you're the problem." I will say that "If the common denominator of gun folks treating you like a know nothing idiot is _you_ then you're probably a know nothing idiot."
I'm a simple man.
Someone says 5.56x45mm and .223 are the same cartridge, I lose my shit.
insecurity and projection. unwilling to admit you don't know things (dunning kurger). internet "tough guy" acting. lack of social skills.

think of how stupid the average person is, half of people are more stupider than that.
What's caliber?
Hope you're a troll and not actually an ignorant shit head. Bless ur hart

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