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you could say gen 2 tavor is not the most iconic weapon of this war
you'd be wrong tho
M4 barrel length in a ridiculously short package seems like a nobrainer for any urban/modern warfare.
OP is a jew
This, you can tell they are planning for urban warfare as they should be given their population density.
I wouldn't want to be in Afghanistan with one but there isn't anything better for door kicking.
repulsive rats
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Incorrect. The most iconic weapon of the war is banter.
Rafah status?
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>image: exists
>/pol/: *shits self*
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You'd think they'd have kept it rather than switch to an AR. If Israel is dumping bullpoops with all the urban warfare they do, the entire concept really is donezo.
Don't worry. TMD is proceeding apace.
north border status?
wtf how did a tavor do that
is the guy ok

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