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ITT: uncomfortable, unpleasant and overall obnoxious guns to shoot

tell your tales here anons, i'll start:
>middle of summer, hot as fuck
>go to shooting range
>decide to try pic related
>grip is ridiculously small
>can't wrap all of my fingers around it, pinky ends up resting under the grip
>sweaty hands bc of temperature
>both the trigger pull and the hammer are hard as fuck, always afraid my thumb will slip while cocking it.
>every time i fire the gun sinks in my hand and the recoil just vents all on my pinky lodged under the barrel
i swear these motherfuckers are a pain in the ass, only use these if your hands are small enough to fully grip the thing. Literally sub-zero levels of ergonomics.
>pinky lodged under the grip*
corrected, pardon my retardness
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This is the worst gun that I've ever had the misfortune of shooting. The slide beats up the frame at the front, the grip screws constantly back out, and it's a miracle if you get through a whole magazine without a malfunction. Because it's so unreliable and the slide is basically unrackable, every time it jams, you have to flip up the barrel and single load a new cartridge in just to get it running again. Not even the Nagant Revolver is as bad as the PT22.
>be me
>be stupid and have a hard on for double barrel shotguns
>buy sears and roebuck sxs 12 gauge for $420 at gun show
>later that day
>only one barrel fires reliably
>light primer strikes on the other one
>later that day: 2
>messing around with it before i diagnose the problem
>screw on ejector snaps while loading snapcaps
>both firing pins are bent to shit
>seemingly hammered by previous owner
>spend a few hours and a waste few dollars finding the right parts
>hand fit new ejector assembly
>install new firing pins and spring
>its an absolute bitch to do
>snap cap test shows promise, i am proud of myself
>take to range
>both barrels now fire reliably, but…
>action opens slightly on each shot with the opening lever getting jammed in the open position
>safety switches on by itself on each shot
>at next gun show months later
>see two of the same shotguns in far better conditions for $200 each and an old browning semi auto for $300
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>get to shoot Desert Eagle in .50 AE
>the hype from a lifetime of vidja has built this up in my mind
>pretty used to .357 and .44
>never feel like I'm in control of it at all
>you need gorilla hands to get a good hold on this thing
>feels like it's about to fly out of my hand every time I fire it

jewed again.
It’s not so bad. I just try to savor the $2 micro concussions as best i can.
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>see two of the same shotguns in far better conditions for $200 each and an old browning semi auto for $300
I fucking hate this so much
>used to shooting my friend's Deagle in .357
>go to shooting range in Prague
>try the .50ae
>shoot it like I shoot the .357
>recoil isn't worse, but the barrel turning that .50 gives the gun a lot more rotation
>a case punctures my forehead
was a good time
>snubbie was too small for third finger
Literally part of any small gun
>gun sinks
Grip issue
>my palms were sweaty, wet grip, gun not steady
>bullets were paid for already, spilled spaghetti
I have a model 37 and I love the tiny grip, but I also have a grip angle wedge thing, I never even shot it without the adapter. I have large hands and I personally have no issue, I find it amazing how my thumbs that are half the length of the gun have a natural position to fall in without hitting the cylinder release or the hammer path.
How many shots does the clip hold?
I loaded some custom bubba's hot 357 mag for my LCR which weighs 1 pound soaking wet and has a 1 7/8" barrel and the recoil was like getting kicked in the hand by a mule. It was beyond anything I have ever experienced.
I have shot a model 36 without the wedge adapter thing (I also use them now). It feels like your grip wants to shift every shot. The grip is truly tiny without it.
Trying to shoot a coach gun from the roof of a coach. Everything blows into your face, everything you shoot blows into your face, very hard to reload and remain at the ready
>muzzle flip out the ass
shit sucked besides trigger and nazism
The P7 I had absolutely sucked ass—just like in rifles, gas delay is only slightly better than straight blowback—far worse recoil handling than tilt barrel or falling block
It was my dream gun and I don't regret selling it one bit
I shot 50 rounds of winchester white box out of my M37 in about 30 minutes and I actually had a really hard time shifting manual on the way home, I have heard so many people say 357 in j frames is horrendous but I still want to try it once. I'd buy a 340PD just for that

I'm pretty sure when S&W was designing the grip they just shrunk the K Frame without thinking about it too hard, being vastly different from the K Frame would have been unthinkable. even though just a grip adapter basically fixes it. Solutions right there.

I could not shoot my Python with the factory grip, had the same issue where it just wanted to shift every single shot. Hogue hardwood grips with a single finger groove fixed it instantly
Shoot father in laws S\W bodyguard… 380 acp.. double action only.. feels uncomfortably small in my hands.. trigger feels like cottage cheese… Most of what I am used to shooting are heavy full size duty guns or big ass revolvers…. That thing was not my cup of tea…
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I hate my 1911
>idiot scratch
>bought the worst one
>buy tt ump45 receiver
>put shit together
>doesn't fucking work at all
>80% of the time light strikes and fucked up cases nose diving into ramp
>change springs out and break a lower in the process because fucking shitty omega lowers don't disassemble the same way as german lowers
>get a new lower with german springs
>light strikes 75% of the time
>get so pissed i put it on a shelf for 6 months
>out of curiosity order a new firing pin since i noticed the pin i have looks a bit odd compared to ones online
>put it in
>fits fine and makes huge indents on snap caps
>my entire problem was because instead of giving me a proper usc firing pin they gave me some jank retarded firing pin
>still haven't shot it since because i'm so pissed that it didn't work that if it doesn't work again i would be tempted to smash it with a sledge then shoot the remains at the range
Taurus 605 defender with cerakote/altamont grip. Just got back from 4th warranty service and went through 50 rounds no problem, will have to test more thoroughly. Previously the cylinder would constantly lock up, wouldn't spin freely, and 2 of the 5 chambers were unfirable, each time i got it back from taurus nothing changed until this last time. Warranty paperwork stated chamber headspace and cylinder adjustment each time I received it back. Fuck taurus. The cerakote is dog shit too, wears right through on cylinder immediately after firing. At work but might post a pic later if can remember. Owned a taurus 856 snub before that and had no issues but one bad experience like this is enough to just go with anything but taurus in the future. They wouldn't refund or exchange me bc I didn't purchase directly from taurus.
>2012 or so
>fucking love my $230 Makarov
>9x18 is $5 for a box of 50 at Academy and it's always in stock
>bought Polish P-64 for $180
>can't beat that price and I do love 9x18 Mak
>take it to the range
>literally has a 24lb trigger
>snaps so much it's painful
>my hand is bleeding after firing it a mere SIX TIMES
>sell it immediately

Worst pistol I ever owned. Thanks, Obama.
That thing is hideous, what is it? Rock Island? It looks like it came from a homemade gun roundup in a Mexican prison.
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>whoa that gun looks like a tokarev
>it's in 9mm?
>yugoslavia? yugo toks are good right?
>none on gunbroker
>$350? tokarevs go for like $500 these days
big mistake
>magazines do not stay in gun
>cannot find other aftermarket mags, just the ones that don't fit
>safety randomly flips on when firing
and to top it all off
give to gunsmith to fix both issues, improves but does not fix issue
>barrel bushing breaks
>buy new one
>see locking lugs in front of slide are toast
>realize the gun is toast

i mean i guess i can buy a mystery meat used slide for a dogshit zastava pistol that's going to beat itself apart within some indeterminate period of time, but not when these guns are being sold by boomers as if they aren't the absolute lowest bottom of the barrel firearm you can possibly buy. im not spending $200 on a slide for this piece of shit

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