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Hi, im not a /k/ guy could someone kindly identify what scope this agent is using and what kind of magnitude it is capible of. Thank you.
Looks like a scope for ants.
Glad I could help OP
sorry dog
it is capable of a magnitude of atleast 6 on the richter scale
Nightforce ATACR
>tasked with protecting
>ATACR scope
Is he stupid?
What kind of scope has a delay of 1 min and 26 seconds?
Tru"Glow" Optic.
>he protec
>he ATAC
about three fiddy
Tasco 3-9x40
Schmidt and Kochforce 44mm-300x155ACP Laser Sighted Elite 5
Schmidt Bender 6-36x56 PM II
>could someone kindly identify what scope this agent is using and what kind of magnitude it is capible of
WTF? Secret service said they didnt put someone on the roof where the shooter was cause it had a 15 degree slant and would be dangerous for the agents. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?
>Have scopes meant to shoot and not to spot.
>Don't have a scope meant to spot as rifle scope most likely set at lower zoom.
>There are two shooters and no spotter using higher power binos to identify at least a barrel of a gun.
>Second shooter don't have his gun mounted on tripod, which is a higher elevation and stable position to peak over.
>Both have the Chris Kyle beard

What's wrong in this picture?
If that was testified on the floor then it only adds to the conspiracy.
Nightforce 7x35 or 5x25 ATACR
Top of the line. No problem seeing anything.
fuckin server lag
File: '..'..'.jpg (37 KB, 323x416)
37 KB
>what scope this agent is using
Local cops have said they had a 3 man sniper team inside the building but no one on the roof because of manning issues. Shooter bought a step ladder the day before to get on the roof.
it's a big ol' nightforce atacr 7-35
maybe they thought the shooter was one of them? hiding in plain sight?
>Sniper team inside 1 story building with few to no windows
Man, hope the AC was worth it pigs
I was about to say, it was probably the local PD not SS whom that was the case. From what I've read there were 4 SS teams and 3 PD teams.

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