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Gonna post some close ups of the guns and kits the Kenyan police are operating
Here's a video of them landing
Now we're about 600 Kenyans in Haiti. No losses
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Wake me up when they send some F-5s.
How are we ever going to get a NWO/world government when we have to send niggers to kill voodoo niggers just because of the optics? The Dominicans would happily genocide them. It doesn't make any sense.
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What percentage will come home with AIDS?
>The Dominicans would happily genocide them
From what I saw Dominicans don't want anything to do with Haiti, they just want to keep them out
As long as we don't give Powerthirst to the Haitians, the Kenyans are gonna be fine.
>Kenyans versus Cannibals
I can almost see the shitty shooter game
Have they done anything yet?
The only way to accomplish that is to kill them all. Eventually something will happen that will lead to them swarming in.
It's not optics. Haitians know Africans (real ones, not the crybaby Yanks) don't faff around when the push comes to the shove.
>come home
>implying that they don't already do
Now THAT is a meme I thought I'd never see again.
I bet they're all on PREP already. I listened to some podcast about last week and the African orphanage-running lady was complaining how her daughter died from AIDS 10 years ago when "medication was still unavailable". It sounded like they can get it in supermarkets now.
prep is cheap as fuck as has almost 0 side effects. hormonal birth control is rougher on the vody. they're working on a once every six months jab version too, might have already hit US markets.
PREP is a borderline miracle drug
A few police stations were won again
You saw right through the trick question. It’s always all of the above.
the same percent that left, 100
>Use M4s
>No optics on them
They took back a hospital

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