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>Weapons experts worldwide have suggested since Saturday that the AR used Saturday was a poor choice for effective long-range shooting. The shooter was perched on a rooftop approximately 150 yards away from the podium where Trump was speaking. It’s unclear if he used any optics to magnify his perspective.

>Former Navy SEAL sniper and author Brandon Webb said a well-trained shooter would nonetheless have been much more accurate.

>“At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly and a trained sniper knows this is an easy headshot, a tap in golf putt, even with iron sights,” Webb said in his “after action report” about the shooting.

Why do these retards just go on television an lie? Hurr hurr putting a golf ball at 200 yards with iron sights, nevermind that you'd need to have your rifle zeroed for that distance first, nevermind fliers and ambient conditions, nevermind ammunition selection and shot placement. Nope, it's just herp derp anyone with training would have hit that shot 100 times out of 100
200 yards is not even beginning to be "long range"
>you'd need to have your rifle zeroed for that distance first
Kek. No.
Don’t forget, the shooter was being yelled at for over a minute and was already confronted by a cop. The shooting occurred during not ideal conditions.
>>Weapons experts worldwide have suggested since Saturday that the AR used Saturday was a poor choice for effective long-range shooting.
This is a good thing. A failure of an AR to kill in such an infamous case may actually make your average retard voter slightly less scared of them.
t. Never fired a rifle in his life
200 yards is 182 meters. I couldn’t shoot a golf ball at 200 yards with iron sights.
The kid was skilled like any country bumpkin, but that doesn’t mean he’s not skilled. Vast majority of Americans couldn’t do it.
Remember, if Trump didn’t turn his head, he’d be toast. Kid was accurate and that takes skill.
The rifle he used probably wasn't even capable of 1MOA precision, regardless of zero, optics, ambient conditions, skill, or nerves.
>Golf ball with irons at 182m
I shot a ton of 7.62 during my conscription, and I'd say I was pretty accurate. But aint no way I'd ever consistently hit a golf ball at that distance what the fuck lol? I wanna see someone do this, is it really that easy?
still, an AR is less than ideal for that purpose. we're lucky it was some retarded antifa goblin, because someone more capable would've taken a more powerful rifle and gone for center mass and Trump would've been done for no matter if he turned his head or not.
>At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly
Isn’t a golf ball at 200 yards less than 1 moa? Are most ARs even that accurate? And with iron sights? I have no problem shooting head-sized steel targets at 150 yards with my poorfag AR and no optics, but that’s a lot bigger than a golf ball.
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>trained marksman
>scoped bolt action rifle

Lee Harvey Oswald was better equipped and trained. These shooters use ar15s because its a walmart rifle.
You should have greentexted that, faggot.
I have enough to know that I do not need a 200 yard zero to even stay within a head sized (~8") vertical string if I zeroed at 35, 50, or 100. Even using shit surplus.
But I also know that if my plan was to kill a President, I would buy the most expensive ammo, optic and barrel possible. What do I have to worry about after, credit card bills?
A 2 MOA with a very good shooter could headshot someone at 130~140 yards. Not with irons. They would need an optic.
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>gone for center mass and Trump would've been done for no matter if he turned his head or not.
>laughs in plate carrier
Should've used a .45
The pressure wave would explode Trumps head even from a close miss like this
And obliterated the whole rally
I'd believe that statement if he said torso sized plate at 200 yards with irons. A golf ball is smaller than a MOA and would be a pretty impressive shot with random shitty ammo and no optic.
he wasn't wearing a vest or carrier though. You can see his nips through his dress shirt
Anons will be speculating until the end of time precisely what his sight picture was.
>shooter uses .45
>unable to handle such weight, recoil forces him to fire into the sky, and the bullet travels all the way to japan causing another atomic explosion
>shooter uses 9mm
>direct hit, trump looks at shooter and says "lol 9mm" as crown laughs
>shooter uses 22lr
>trump takes several direct hits but is unfazed and unharmed. shooters last words were "I'D RATHER HAVE A 22LR THAN NOTH-"
a 7.52x51 would go through pretty much any plate right?
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This. It was an easy shot for someone familiar with a rifle.

>At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly
This is a damn lie tho, that's sub-moa

Lol. Lmao, even. Someone go tell white death and that enemy at the gates russian and all of berdan's sharpshooters they actually missed everything 200+ because they only had irons

Am I the only motherfucker here with a centerfire rifle?
News said it was a dpms ar15
Eventually someone will climb up there again and take some pictures for us
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Why does no one seem to comprehend that taking the shot is more than "can u shute gun good?" Think about the internal factors too
>know there are counter-snipers and that you likely only get one chance
>know time is a pressing issue
>know these are the last moments of your life
>know the target was formerly the most powerful man on Earth and is running to be that man again
>possibly fatigued from climbing onto the roof
>the adrenaline from this entire situation
Motherfucker was probably quaking like you wouldn't believe. Hell, the fucking North Hollywood heisters even used benzos to calm their nerves even though they'd been previously successfull on several attempts.
Last ditch effort by ukie trannies to keep a common sense president who will end the war out of office. Less Slavs for fertilizer, sorry Zelensky! Don't pick a chud that looks like your malformed people, there are men in America who can actually hold a rifle. The prior world order will return once men like trump and vance take control from the laptop administration. Democracy shall not perish against violent american turned foreign actors with guns
>not euphoric in knowing for even a brief moment you were more powerful than one of the strongest people on the planet
It's like you don't even fedora
No, the lvl4 standard is being able to stop multiple hits of 7.62x63mm M2 AP
>dpms ar15
Which is and always has been a shit tier brand.
They got their start scrounging parts on the secondary market
> somebody made too many hammers
> or the triggers weren't quite right
> or the mag well was slightly out of spec
They'd scrounge up those parts and then piece them together.
I appreciate the hustle, but the rifles are shit.
>Eventually someone will climb up there again and take some pictures for us
If they go full Oklahoma City and tear down the building, you know they are hiding something.
>for even a brief moment you were more powerful than one of the strongest people on the planet
Only if you can land the shot
>Semi autos are just as accurate as bolt actions!
Also ARfags:
>No way someone could shoot a golf ball at 200 yards, that's sub-MOA!

>laughs in $300 axis xp
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Just got back from the past here is a quick mock up of what he was looking at
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I miss not having fucking vatnick posts on this board.
>ITT: OP outs himself as a loser noguns faggot who can't hit water when he pisses
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Luckily for them if it’s so useless they won’t mind that I’ll be holding onto mine. Besides my Beowulf is only really meant for shooting >200 yards.
Level 4 is designed to stop even black tip at much closer range.
Based fellow Axisfag.
Chambering and optic?
.243 here, considering the magpul stock to run AICS mags.
This, even without all that, buck fever's a real thing. I clean missed the first time I shot at a deer (about 100 yards, maybe a little less). Second time, that same season, I was bang on at the same distance.

Maybe if the people OP is quoting are talking about military trained snipers they're correct, but we all know now that's not who the kid was. He'd presumably never fired a gun at a human before.
That's pretty gnarly
no the .22lr would bounce around inside his body scrambling his brains and all other internal organs.
>headshots are the only way to kill people
>there can be no exceptions to the rule
It wouldn't appear that big at 100 yards. In my guestimation, that's much closer to 50, if not less.
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Someone will probably end up making a game called Trump Reloaded. Won't be as much fun as JFK Reloaded though because that is really about shooting the driver so the limo goes out of control and launches off a ramp in Dealey Plaza.
as someone who also wears glasses, Trump probably looked like a blur to him at 150 yards and the head was surely covered by the sight post at that distance. all things considered, this guy was an amateur under terrible conditions and I’m not sure why he didn’t go for a center mass shot. even with my best rifle under ideal conditions, hitting a golf ball at 200 yards with irons is fucking ridiculous. anyone can hit a golf ball at 200 with a couple of shots but to do it at will, on demand with irons is just not happening
It's true. If you don't keep their teammates away someone would've run over and had Trump back in the match in a few seconds if he wasn't hit in the head.
The only anon ITT to clue into why the media isn't reeeing over ARs with this one.
based off of an average male head size being about 22.5" circumference (22.5 / 3.14 ≈ 7") his head (if it's close to average) would be about 3.5 times the size of the dot. And that's rounding to at 100 yards, not the 130 or so it actually was.
Lurk /bag/ when it revives. Some rare stuff like boron carbide with UHMWPE is insane.
0/8, shit bait m8
Are you using longitude or latitude for circumference though?
A republican presidential candidate is going to be wearing armor
I was using latitude, but longitudinal should be pretty similar, hold a hat that fits you up to your face and it'll probably cover it.
And relatedly; Trump is damn sure not wearing civie or even infantry quality pl8s when he goes to the microphone.
>Tune in for more wishcasting at 11!
Just tried it, pretty close, maybe 1/2 inch undersized from peak of cranium.
I have a big head and fairly strong jawline, not sure if they cancel out then or skew results.
The naked eye can barely even see a golf ball from 200 yards...
Sauce: I've been golfing before.
Trump would be dead if the kid had just aimed for the chest.
ummm proofs?!?
post dick on golf course with scorecard and timestamp
Milspec m16s are 4moa "or better"
A typical civilian grade ar15 in a mechanical rest could not consistently hit a golf ball at 200 yards let alone a human being
>a durr hunter hick would have gotten him
rlly gets the noggin' joggin'
Dude, Trump turned to look directly at him right as he was taking the shot. I bet he just about pissed himself in that moment.
Likely. I want to know where those follow up shots were aimed, but I guess we'll never know.

A scoped durr rifle would've done it better even if an AR should have been fine.

It's funny that the libs will jump on this to bring about more gun control but they're probably upset that the kid missed
Ignoring whether he had plates or not (people say he didn't because you can see nipples, but he's a big boy, so it probably is there but he is so fat his nipples aren't covered) if you get hit in the plate carrier, you're going down with an extremely painful chest injury. Something Trump, in his advanced years and his size, likely would not have been able to recovery quickly from. It could have even caused a cardiac arrest. He probably would not have been fit to take office even had he survived. So, yes. Going centre mass would have likely done what the guy wanted (removing Trump from the equation) but he went for le epic 360 no scope headshot for the (Views) on his wikipedia page.
I mean yes, I would rather have a .22LR than nothing
>"long range"


While shooting a body at center mass from 100m is definetely easy with any rifle, shooting at a fixed target in known conditions at your typical firing range is not the same than shooting at the fucking president of the United States who's moving on a stage with the certainty of the Secret Service killing you in a matter of seconds. Also keep in mind that Trump was probably wearing body armor, which means a headshot was mandatory to kill. And he didn't miss, Trump just moved at the last moment.

It's not Navy Seal level of shooting, but it's definetely a feat for a civilian.
>A failure of an AR to kill in such an infamous case
It did kill, just not the guy the shooter intended.
Kek. I love it that after someone tried to shoot Trump, the major reaction from BOTH sides of American politics was thr shooter was shit and or had a shitty gun.
I mean, he didn't do significant damage to the one person in the area anyone gave a shit about. It'd be a way different discussion if Trump had gotten anything other than a scar (wouldn't it be cool if he needed an eye patch?). It was a pretty good shot, I just don't know why there wasn't any magnification involved.
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That kind of brain injury seems survivable provided the blood loss is stemmed.
Tell me his name without looking it up. Sorry boss, but he's ultimately a little fish when everyone cares about the whale.
You mean sandy hook
and that's basically assuming match grade ammo. which you might say, why wouldn't he? but at the same time it seems he wasn't using any magnification and you could say the same thing about that.

I wonder if it was just an ego thing for him, or maybe it's just a bug with the MKUltra programming.
Though that's true, keep in my Lee Harvey Oswald was 1-2 for assassinations. He tried shooting some far right retired general, missed, and slunk away. It's possible if he killed him that there'd be enough of an investigation to arrest him, which would have saved JFK.

>It was a pretty good shot, I just don't know why there wasn't any magnification involved.

The type of person willing to carry this out is typically on the fringes of society, and a total loser, so they're not the best at planning and just winging it. Lee Harvey Oswald only had a few spare rounds when he found out that the President's motorcade was going to be driving past his work-place, so he went with what he had. This shooter may have been in a similar situation, or they may have not been knowledgible enough about firearms.
>At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly
Probably not with an off the rack m4, and damn sure not with m855/a1. A golf ball is just over 1.5", so sub MOA at 200y. Someone with with a mk12 and mk262 has a shot. But they wouldn't be shooting irons at that point.
>I wonder if it was just an ego thing for him
No fucking shit it was. If he had wanted to make it political he would have left something for police and the media to spread nationwide. Dude most likely wanted wanted to kill one of the most famous people in the world so that he could have a Wikipedia article with his name in big bold letters right at the top.
Nobody mentions the stress factor. Shooting a paper target is easy, no risk. Shooting a president must have your heart beating like crazy, palms sweaty, nervous as fuck
vomit on your sweater already, mom's spaghetti
was it even confirmed he was hit by a bullet or broken glass from his teleprompter?
Retard here, the shooter should have used a 1911. He may not have been able to hit the target at 100 meters, but with that much stopping power, does it matter?
Like he was just caught by the cops so he is then forced to take the shot right then and there. And he knows this is a one way trip and he is within minutes of death.
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a real sniper would have picked the building FUTHER AWAY with better cover from the glowie counter-snipers and still made the shot.

this was an 8" target and he was like 3-4" off-center even without the head turning

>if Trump had gotten hit? his language, memory and speech abilities would have just dropped to Sleepy Joe-tier
>Nobody mentions the stress factor.
The media doesn't but we sure have. It's brought up multiple times in every thread related to the shooting; the second reply here brings it up. I suppose it's not surprising that the media wants to harp more on the miraculous head turn than a 20 something shitting himself behind a set of irons though.

He wanted to kill the president, not level the county, boy!
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Ngr what
This was 180 yds prone with a FAL, irons and no support other than my arms
Testing handloads so nowhere near the bullseye
I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
>long-range shooting
>>Weapons experts
>Why do these retards just go on television an lie?
They get paid plus have the threads on this board are riddled with bullshitting retards. Why do they do it? No idea.
Anon, the kid was probably using shitty winchester whitebox, not green tips.
I wish JFK Reloaded would get a remake with modern graphics and physics. Could include new features like changing the weather and time of day.
just needs crowd stampede mechanics instead
You can thank Clinton's FAWB and Biden's bump stock ban for Trump's survival by the way. The guy would absolutely have fired full auto otherwise.
What I always find funny is when the media talks about something you know about you realize they are full of shit but as soon as the media goes back to talking about things you don't know about the people go back to believing them.

Also as soon as he took the shot he was dead and anyone with half a brain knows you don't survive a political assassination.
Any point before firing he might have been looking at years of prison but pulling the trigger sealed his fate.
Sure as fuck should now
>They don't want to remind people that the shooter actually believed he was exercising the actual intended purpose of 2a
There's a dead person and a couple of wounded who'd less-than-politely argue against that idea.
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Buddy I shoot ground squirrels with iron sights at that range, the shooter was just a limpwristed amateur.
Yeah, but no one cares about him.
Which is a good thing, it means no more hot-potatoe fuckups, no more passsing the buck every few years, lifetime service is lifetime responsibility, only one neck to hang.
He's right though. It's not that hard a shot for a trained shooter even with irons. He had shit fundamentals. Yeah he should have used a scope and a more powerful rifle, but he absolutely could have hit that shot if he had even done something as simple as Army BRM.

The reason all the vets are coming out of the woodwork and saying it was easy is because it is. Even POGs are expected, (nay required) to be able to make that shot in training. The conditions were obviously different than a pop-up range, but still the point remains.
He lies about it because it's illegal for a non-profit under the Johnson Amendment to endorse a political candidate.
The supreme court is neither an individual nor are they head of the nation.
When you have rule of law the people ultimately deciding what the law is rule the nation more than any president does.
Absolutely not 200 yards with irons is a pretty hard shot even on a torso size target
The actuality of the structure doesn't matter, Average Joe only sees the head of the beast.
By what logic? The people actually running the show are actually running the show even if the vast majority are too stupid to see it.
the X ring on an NRA high power target is 3 inches for the 200 yard target. if it was that fucking easy everyone would be shooting clean with 10/20 Xs
I could head shot someone at 200 yards with irons with my match AR. the only issue would be I'm not sure if I could 6 o clock hold the head or if I would need to hold on the torso. the issue isn't so much as idk where the bullet would go so much as idk how easy it would be to see a head, but with a torso sized target as an aiming point I could hit the head. t someon who shot a 99-6x at the 200 yards sitting rapid stage in high power. that's a 19 inch aiming point with 6 shits in a 3 inch ring, 9 shots in a 7 inch ring and all 10 shots in a 13 inch ring
>no military action will take control back from them.
Incorrect, any problem can be solved by the correct application of force.
IIRC, you can see a hole in his blazer in one pic.
> looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful.
>an AR is less than ideal for that purpose.
The purpose was to shoot at a target at less than 300 yards. Thats exactly what these rifles were designed to do, a cheap PSA upper and anderson lower could make that shot with 55 grain ammo.

>Biden's bump stock ban
The bump stock ban was implemented by Trump after the "Las Vegas Shooting of 2017". It was not implemented by Biden.
back to facebook faggot
>a 7.52x51 would go through pretty much any plate right?
Level III plates are rated for 6 rounds of M80 (but get penned by M193 lmao) and IV is rated for one (1) round of M2 IIRC.

Yeah, also this. It'll be interesting to see what happens if the US gets their own Years of Lead because while there aren't a ton of people (numerically) that would have both the means and inclination to start taking 600+ yard shots at politicians I'd be willing to bet that 99%+ of them would be on the right and America has had a love affair with sniping and snipers ever since the days of the Revolutionary War. More to the point, how the hell do you even address that? Even stepping down from hollywood-tier fantasies of someone taking 1200yd shots with a riced out .338 there are probably hundreds of thousands of people in the US who could reliably hit a pie plate at 400 yards with whatever they hunt deer with and tens of millions of rilfes capable of that.
that would still go through IIIA like a hot knife through butter, and good luck getting a politician to walk around everywhere in a plate carrier with level IVs in it
I ping my 7" rifle plates at 200 yards repeatedly, 90% shots on steel, with a ruger 10/22 and rifle sights, when prone. If conditions are too turbulent most people can't even see the thing down sights. I also use a bead, a fucking bead, and 1oz slugs with my shotguns on the same targets at 100yd.

I'd imagine, within reason, a trained sniper that has familiarity with a gucci top end ar15 could hit a golf ball. Milk jug challenges online are held at 1000, 1200, 1500+ yards. Move that target to 1/5th the distance and I'm sure some of these people could hit it with irons. In fact I'm pretty sure old army expert marksman awards required a 300m (basically 300yd) shot with irons.
I can't imagine why someone would want to use Trump's broadside cattle size'd torso as a target. Maybe he figured he'd only get 1 shot?
Water tower on the right looks like a good spot too. This seems like a kid trying to prove he could make the rifle team.
it's an easy shot to hit. but people can miss anything. hitting a golf ball at 200 yards with irons, not easy, but with a scope and a rest, easy. hitting ahead at 200 yards, trivial with iron sights. unless he moves at the last minute, AND he missed. if the shooteres trajectory had been dead center it would have hit. the shooter was on the edge of missing and then trump moved.,
why wouldn't his rifle be zeroed?
>>you'd need to have your rifle zeroed for that distance first
>Kek. No.
So did the shooter when he took his father's 100yard safe queen who most likely shot at 50 yard paper targets like all the boomers at the gun range.
Depends on height over bore and some other shit, but a 50 yard zero has no holds whatsoever out to 200 yards, while a 25 yard zero shoots about 5 inches high at 150 yards so you'd have to hold it low
he very well might have and the feds and/or media just aren't publishinig it. we don't even know for sure whether he used iron sights, a red dot or small prism scope, because the only info we have about his rifle is from a shitty cell phone video of a bystander and them saying that it was an "AR style" rifle.
There was also a 7mph crosswind that drifted the shot slightly to the left, apparently.
Brandon Webb is one of the top 5 fattest and most annoying Navy SEAL pseudocelebrities, works with aspiring member of the intelligentsia and hypogonadism sufferer green beret Jack Murphy
>Trump lived because he happened to have turned his head while the shooter was having a mom's spaghetti moment
That's funny as fuck.
If he was skilled at all he would have gone for the center of mass.
He probably figured Trump was wearing a vest. I know I did.
Maybe he was.
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No Gunz Detected
My 5'0, 110lb Asian wife hits Pigeons on them mound repeatedly with my 2003 Ban Era Bushmaster that I bought when you were still sperm swimming in your fathers balls. 100-150 yards is nothing with Iron sites and long burning powder loads
.308, stock
Setting aside that any real rifle caliber—.308, 6.5 Mememore, even 5,56—would've plowed through any armor he'd realistically've been wearing, any hit above the clavicular notch would be outside the scope of a rifle plate and would easily tag some important blood vessel without much regard for wind calls.
Shooter went for a headshot because he was a melodramatic faggot who wanted to pop Trump's head like a water balloon on live TV.
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this is me with an 11.5 kac upper and a 3000$ nightforce lpvo at 200 with cheap but good ammo. wasn't zeroing but was testing groups to see what ammo my barrel liked. four shots within an inch of one another and one flyer. this is from a bench and is probably my third time shooting at range with that setup. with a shittier gun and no/poor optics I would never have been able to do this. if he was shooting from ironsights the fact that he grazed an ear with the first shot is unbefuckinglievable and Trump is very lucky to be alive. at 200 yards a real sniper with a proper gun and ammo could hit a golfball...but not with ironsights. navy seals lie, and their snipers are the worst for it.
Based GenX AR shooter
Back in the day we had
Colt - Top Tier
Bushmaster - Second Tier
Armalite- Second Second Tier
Olympic Arms - 3rd Tier
DPMS - Trailer park tier
Then Came Stag and Rock River Arms
Then came the Flat Tops
Then came """Dimond Back""""
A cocoa florida Air boat company three doors down from Kel-Tec that fabricated airboats using Crack Heads for minimum wage labor
Owning an AR used to mean something bro
This, plus Trump's almost 80. Any center mass shot with a rifle probably would've ended him, even if he was shot on an operating table in the ER of Walter Reed.
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shinzo protected him
jfk reloaded was shockingly fun.
I remember
That is what the rifle was zeroed to. Yaw deviation only increases over distance. It's harder to adjust over distance with low magnification. It takes a lot of bullets to be on target. That is why average bullet groups for new rifle reviews are not grouped on the bullseye. A rifle sighted at 50 yards, but has a half an inch shot to the side will have that deviation multiply over distance up to 3 inches. It's minimum range is also it's maximum range at times. A 3x or 4x is precise within 50 yards. A 9x might be enough for 100 yards. Speaking of Minute of Angle, low magnification scopes and sights themselves can have a circular advisory zone for shots that are less likely to be on target over distance. Long distance shot videos by braggarts are Triple XXXL Wide man sized, gong sized, not head sized, and multiple feet in diameter, and at a planned location. It would take more bullets and more tuning for the first bullet to hit a watermelon at that same distance. People don't realize long distance shooting is not a demonstration of skill, it's a demonstration of how much work was put into the gun to make the shot, deduct by the skill of the shooter to control the gun's shortcomings. You can have the strongest bullet in the world with a gun that can stabilize it, but it won't hit anything with a shot group 1 or 2 inches from the bullseye, the bead, the cross.
Apparently the shitpost about Shinzo's voice telling Donny to turn his head circulated on the JP internet and Japanese conservative pundits reported it as a real thing.
Is that why Army and Marines zero their shit at 25 ?
because from 25 to 300 yards you basically do a six o'clock hold and hope for the best.
>But I also know that if my plan was to kill a President, I would buy the most expensive ammo, optic and barrel possible. What do I have to worry about after, credit card bills?
You’d have to be in his exact shoes to understand his reasoning. This all could’ve been a last minute plan cuz he just said fuck it why not?
The bullet hitting him in the ear didn’t give him a heart attack.
>but I guess we'll never know
There's a good chance forensic teams will wire frame the shots based on video and bullet holes. Unless no one cares because Trump survived and the unrealized assassin failed.
Serves him right, he was a gamer.
Yeah, for about an hour.
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Maybe he had stylish armor, like the greeks, or lamest batman
nipple pl8 unironically needs to come back
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>AR-15 is less than ideal

Biased, but I don't give a fuck these dudes were working with what they had before SASS rifles
Imagine, though—you've got one shot, one opportunity; are you gonna bring a real rifle to your presidential assassination attempt, or are you gonna let it slip?
exactly, if you put more than 5 minutes of thought into it, you'd go to academy to buy a durr gun in 6.5 sneedmore and a box or two of hunting rounds on a credit card and use that instead.
I can tell you I won't get something fresh off the shelf with some 55 grain lake city which is likely what this dude was using

In Minecraft, of course
Positive or negative emotions, it doesn't matter to adrenaline.
I mean, if there ever was a politician vain enough to wear a bulletproof muscle cuirass, it would be him
>you've got one shot, one opportunity
It's your moment. You gotta own it.

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