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talk about and suggest good books on the topics of firearms, weapon systems in general, vehicles, armor, gear, field manuals, military tactics, operations and strategy, logistics, air warfare, naval warfare, unit organization, military history, analysis of past battles, operations and wars, war memoirs, outdoor survival and knowledge, and other fitting categories that I may have missed

would be cool to have an infographic with recommended reading for kopers in general and then in more detail by topic, I'll start one myself later
Not exactly /k/ but Topaz is a great novel for seeing how intelligence services work, also a good insight on russian subversion, you can see they are still using the same tactics after more than half a century.
History of German Guided Missiles Development AGARD-AG-20
This book deserves more love
I will also add sources of information other than books as long as they're legit and not entertainment slop, for example YT channels are ok but they must be serious ones


Christopher Larsen

kings and generals

security guy

sites are valid too:


that's some examples I'll make a better list later
saving the thread
Guy Sajer made a lot of shit up in his book.

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