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They make pretty good 1911s that feel just like 1911A1s, at least better copies than the Filipinos. They make all sorts of other guns too. The only competition wants $1200 for one, and they could undercut that easily.
They don’t have legacy tooling from NATO gibs like with the 1911s. The real question is how do we convince an ammo manufacturer that there is a market for cheap 30 carbine ammo since there’s millions of them in this country
>carbine with a picatinny rail
>polymer stock
>magpull mags
>side folding
>accessory rails
I'm gonna give it a pass
Can't cheap out with pig iron and pot metal on these like a low pressure 45 or 12 gauge.
Tisas 1911s are forged though
But 30 carbine has a similar pressure to 357 Mag, around 40k CUP. The Turks already make plenty of 357 mag guns, granted only leverguns and revolvers, not semi autos.
Why would you want a shitter stick like that anyways? Better guns exist for less than that, sounds like someone wants to larp.
Yes I want to larp around my land pretending I am in the Korean War. Problem?
theres no market for it and no one makes thirty carbine
Too American. They would burst into flames if they tried to make such a holy relic outside of our holy shores.
Make it a PCC. I'd buy one in 10mm or something like that. I think there is a market. While M1 carbines aren't rare, they are incredibly overpriced just like M1 garands. Millions were made, many are still on the market today yet every boomer fudd knows what he gots and wants a grand + for their old mass produced surp.
Nah that’s gay just get ammo manufacturers to make more 30 carbine ammo
Those clips don't hold much
>no one makes .30 carbine
What are you, stupid?
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what do we think of the chiappa m1 9, chambered in 9mm
its blowback and gay but looks kind of cool
>They make pretty good 1911s

I've heard pretty piss poor things about reliability. Seems like an awesome concept, especially if you already have a bunch of 92FS/M9 mags, but it seems that's not the case for those that actually own them.
there are already chiappa clones for that
hyperbole bro point is its expensive and its not in abundance like it was
I've read the same as well
I guess we wait for PSA to do something
now just cure cancer
It’s not that big of an ask. There is a more than reasonable case for one of these big manufacturers to ramp up 30 carbine ammo production. There’s several million of these in the country and they are ridiculously fun shooters. They are also kid & female friendly. If a manufacturer managed to keep it at 40cpr they wouldn’t even be able to keep it in stock.
too advance
there is no demand, comparative speaking
its hard enough spinning up 9mm production, how would they convince themselves to go through the trouble of producing more of a less popular round
maybe if there was a coordinated push and new firearms in 30 carbine were released, though even then it may not have much of an impact since those firearms would also likely be released in more popular cartridges, causing a potentially minor impact on the market
honestly, when you put it that way I do too.
There's no point when ARs and AKs are easier to produce, cheap as shit, and more reliable, and both have plenty of options for chamber sizes.

And based off my dad's gun, it's not that reliable. They also wear out their magazines
Literally Amscor and Aguila exists
counter point, i want one
>No one will ever make a 9x25 or 7.5 M1 Carbine
It hurts, bros.
Nah this line of thinking is why nothing new ever gets made and the industry has stagnated on 9mm/5.56/308. The demand is there. People would buy the ammo.
counter counter point
that's why I got an m1a
>rooks same
>still produced
>shoots farther
>more reliable
>made for a bayonet
>heavy as shit so you could also use it as a club
>comes in tacticool polymer with rails or classic
It also has more customization because it's still used in shooting competitions. It's also still used in colorguards
well 30 carbine isn't exactly new
and the demand is comparative
those rounds are significantly more popular, so they get produced a lot more
pretty much the entire world uses those rounds, they do not use 30 carbine so those rounds have massive world wide manufacturing and staying power
new rounds have been created 6mm arc, 6.5 creedmore, there just isn't a large enough push or reason for all police, military, and civilians to switch and make it economically feasible
also .30 super carry is a thing, for some reason
>The demand is there. People would buy the ammo.
30 carbine is just too damn easy to reload. It can be done on a hand press, without lube, projectiles are cheap, brass is readily available, and there's a lot of data for it.
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I've watched and read a ton of reviews about these and they're pretty hit or miss. Generally most reviews say they're not reliable, of course they will always be 3-4 posts in the comment section saying "mine works fine no complaints". I wish they worked well as I like the idea of them, especially over a PC Carbine or something.
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>replaces you
nothing personal, kid
Like >>62091319 said, they are blowback and gay. I was a real short stroke gas piston.
jam o matic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdiS11eK3VM
Do you have the mini 14?
How does it compare size wise to the m1 carbine and the m14/m1a?

I think it's supposed to be a small m14, but they also make it in 7.62 as the mini 30. But springfield also makes m1as with shorter barrels than the original.
If someone ever made a youtube video or post comparing all of these guns it'd probably get a lot of views.
Nothing compares to the lightweight, balanced feel of the M1 carbine. They really knocked it outta the fuckin park
S&B, Armscor, Aguila, and PPU all make affordable .30 Carbine
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>tfw can't into m1 carbine because banned by name in nj because niggers in the 60s stole a bunch and used them to fight the firemen
god I have NJ
what do u do with it?
Get back to me when it’s $399 for a case
>chiappa m1 9
Sad; Iver Johnson used to make an actual gas-operated M1 Carbine in 9mm.
That or one in 5.7 Johnson would interest me.
5.7 Johnson is so fucking neat

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