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ITT: /k/ if the US lost the revolutionary war
The Bradley is the worst IFV ever fielded on the modern battlefield. It truly shows how America has declined as a power.
t. definitely not Bradleytard
>Washington was a traitor
>those revolutionaries were LOSER TRAITORS
>Betsy Ross flag? Isn’t it supposed to be white?
>the “United States of America” lasted less time than (cultural reference)
>live free or d-ACK
Thank god we beat those fascist white supremacists
>the revolution wasn’t about freedom to bear arms! It was about colonial rights!
Rights to what exactly??
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>be bongoloid
>get shot
>go to school
>get shot
>go to fish and chips shop
>get shot
>eat maltesers
>get diabetes
>get shot
Don't they know that requiring a license to own a firearm will stop this? Bongistan doesn't even have sensible pepper spray regulation...
If the colonials had lost the war, /k/ wouldn't exist. The internet wouldn't. We'd barely be past a handful of transcontinental telegraph cables. Traveling from the old continent out west for some adventuring up and down the americas would still be seen as a sporting thing for fit young lads and confirmed bachelors, with real danger attached (depending on your itinerary). Very high-end steamboats would do most of the people-moving.

You would still make the worst posts on the town square's bulletin board.
I don't think /k/ would even exist if the US lost that war.
>Traveling from the old continent out west for some adventuring up and down the americas would still be seen as a sporting thing for fit young lads and confirmed bachelors, with real danger attached (depending on your itinerary).
What the fuck. This almost makes me wish the limeys had won, that sounds great.
Mainland Europe would have invented the internet at that point anon. Look up inventions such as bluetooth and their origins. Not even taken into account all the lostech 'Murrica stole from ze nazi's.
Real talk. The US would have ended up in a similar state as current day South Africa. Based as hell in one way, but cursed as hell in another. Oh, wait, that still sounds like current day US...
The technological surge that led into the industrial revolution was spearheded by the invention of US patent laws. Without that guarantee that an inventor will be able to profit from his invention without somebody stealing the design, the rate of technological advancement slows down dramatically compared to historical rates.
>ITT: /k/ if the US lost the revolutionary war
Well then it would be Ireland and would have got independence in the 1920s when the UK faltered and the empire collapses under the mass of incompetence and distorted economics.
>Mainland Europe would have invented the internet at that point anon. Look up inventions such as bluetooth and their origins.
Waiting until he finds out the mobile phone and mobile data he used to post were both created in Europe and are a European standard that the US was late to adopt. (GSM)
>The technological surge that led into the industrial revolution was spearheded by the invention of US patent laws
You are talking absolute shit, the agricultural revolution is what spurred the Industrial one which commenced when the USA was shill a savage wilderness The first steam train was 1804
Don’t make me dream of an alternate timeline where there wasn’t a civil war over blacks (because they all got repatriated once freed), that we aren’t condemned to sucking nigger toes till the heat death of the universe, and AIPAC never infested our politics with God’s Chosen.
>The West would still be won
>mystery meat brown papists and the sweepings of Eastern Europe would never have been allowed in
>the British empire would be so powerful it would never get sucked into continental meatgrinders.
>we would still own as many guns as we do today, probably with fewer regulations since we won’t have the magical negro society rampaging through the street
>no successful revolution = no French Revolution = no concert of Europe = no world wars = no insane debt ponzi scheme by the Fed = no outrageous taxes = no pressing 1 for English = no weirdo Ashkenazi deconstructionists flooding America to dismantle the host nation from within.
The revolution was a mistake. If the brits had won 90% of American men would not have mangled genitals.
>if the brits had won 90% of American men would not have mangled genitals.
what could have been, unburdened by what has been tipped...
All of your modern freedoms and comforts are only possible in tandem with sucking “n-word toes”, you can’t have scientific revolution, transistors, or even modern capitalism without self determination. Go back to your nazi containment board
>The first steam train was 1804
So, 14 years after the introduction of US patent law.
>All of your modern freedoms and comforts are only possible in tandem with sucking “n-word toes”
>without niggers we wouldn't have transistors n shieeeedd
what? hahahahahahahha
Nice of you not appropriating our word to describe African hominids and, no, I don't think I will. Thanks for the laugh, though. transistors. hahahaha
"Gentlemen, let's pause and reflect on the negros who made our invention possible by- I don't know, lounging around with bones in their noses and eating each other. We couldn't have done it without them."
aside from what >>62090635 has said - the early US was notorious for its lack of patent laws - it was worse than modern-day china for stealing technologies from europe.

the reality is, if the US revolution had failed, representation in parliament would've been inevitable as the colonial era changed its values - most likely something like the reform acts of parliament in the 1830's and 1860's would've brought US MPs into Westminster, and that number would've only grown with . The mainland Americas' members for parliament would've eventually outnumbered the British ones with the US' population matching that of the UK by about 1860.

Ironically, the US would've eventually dominated the UK in parliament, and american-born prime ministers would've been inevitable.
It's almost like the cause of the industrial revolution was a very large and complex web of events that cannot be boiled down to one simple answer
For clarity's sake, the other replies are other anons. I'm >>62090514 alone. And since this thread is one of florida's greatest hits, I'll 'fag it up.

The anon replying about patents is talking up one of the more interesting lolbertarian lines, which you can find in Boldrin and Levine - Against Intellectual Monopoly. http://www.dklevine.com/general/intellectual/against.htm

I do agree that north and south america would be more alike, but I was driving at the notion of a much more partial expansion - I guess failed colonization of the americas. Putting a lid on colonial revolt while somehow managing to sidestep the explosive outward migration pressures from mainland europe of the industrial revolution would change the timetables of technology so radically it'd be fucking silly. So much less would happen that it's hard to model just how different society would be today.

You might argue that that's just impossible - it's not a version of history that could transpire for us, given roughly similar inputs as the ones our world had - but consider the question of non-colonization of the moon. Just how easy, or difficult, is it for us to check the place out a couplefew times, but never go back for good? Nobody can say with any certainty yet. But we know that there can be generational gaps in effort and collective interest.
>le on off switch
If he didn’t come up with it, someone else would have.
Retard spotted. IP law originated in Britain, that's why most inventions occurred there in the early industrialization, and once IP law spread to Germany and the US they started to catch up.
Eventually we'd have tried again and won, probably during the Napoleonic wars while England was distracted with France. Probably would have worked out even better too since all the masons would have been executed at the end of the first attempt. This time, it would end up looking more like the Republic of Texas than the early US. The frontiersman would be our highest ideal, not the Northern businessman or the Southern planter. Urban society would be viewed with disdain.
>lostech 'Murrica stole from ze nazi's
Lol retard
the fuck are you babbling about dipshit?
The actually important WWII technology, mass production, electronics, computing, telecommunications, radar and sensors, were overwhelmingly British and American.
And it had jack shit to do with US patent law, because it wasn't invented in the US.
Most of /k/ would be Britannian, Area 11 supporters would be vatniks
>US loses the war
>All the would-be republicans and revolutionaries go to France or stage revolts in the mainland instead
>Repeat for a century
>UK ceases to exist
Not terrible honestly, but not great either. Everything would probably look more Robespierrean than what we've currently got.
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>there are americans who actually believe this
>go to range
>bunch of zoomers huddled together
>they all have S&W MP L85s
>literally bargain bin babbys first gun
>they all have magpul cheek rests, grips and handguards
>all using SUSATs but no one can get on target lol
>take out my SLR
>pristine walnut stock untainted by plastishit
>zero my irons and put 20 rounds on target
what the fuck are we feeding kids today that they can't even use a plastic LOL85?

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