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Wild Hornets showcased the Queen Hornet, an unusually large combat FPV created at the request of K-2 commander Kyril Veres. It is used in a variety of roles: bomber, cargo, mother ship, repeater, and so forth. The first gen has been put through trial by fire and the second gen is forthcoming.
Name in ukrainian: Koroleva Shershniv
Sound: https://files.catbox.moe/8b2lu7.webm
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>parasite drones
Don't talk to me or my son ever again!
So I know everyone wants the hovering flying gun with a 360 turret, but personally I want to see something like OP with an RPK mounted on it dive bombing the shit out of some vatniks and strafing trenches. Put the old stuka siren on one too just for a laff.

An RPK is only like 6 kg, so you've even got some extra weight to put into a recoil dampening mount, extra ammo, or just extra battery/keeping it below max load for effectively extra battery.
What's the biggest boom you could hypothetically carry at 9 kg?
I want more demoralization drones like that one a few months back that had a speaker strapped to it and was flying over Russian trenches at night blasting German marching music and patriotic Uke songs
Unmanned Drone Airborne Aircraft Carrier when?
There's absolutely no point in doing that. You want the absolute lightest rifles you can get, the engagement range is only a hundred meters at best after all.
So basically an M4 stripped bare with a big magazine.
Well anon you see, a fancy carbon fiber ultralight M4 that's cut down to not have a grip or anything needed for human ergonomics costs money.
You can just find an old rusty RPK laying in a vatnik trench and take it from a dead zigger, then just zip tie that shit onto your silly drone that's almost certain to just crash or get shot down when you see if you can make mobiks shit themselves by reenacting Stuka raids.

Of course, if you DO actually have some success with your retarded scheme, THEN you spend the time and money to develop an actual good mount and gun system for use as a dedicated drone rifle. But that's a solid "if", because the aforementioned 360° hovering turret seems to be just flat out better overall than trying to do dive bombing runs.
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>you're gonna need a bigger cage
Reminds me of that unit in Iraq that would blast metal through loudspeakers to keep insurgents up at night.
You fucking retard you can remove the handguards without any tools, cut off the front sight with a hacksaw and remove the grip with an allen key and you end up with something that weighs less than 2kg.
doesn't that defeats the purpose? one of reason these drones are so effective is that they're difficult to spot and difficult to hit.
Like Baba Yaga these drones are not supposed to go into harm's way. If enemy is in trenches and shooting at them they would stay away. But if enemy hiding in a bunker and can't see drone it would come close and drop 16 pounds HE pack on bunker roof.
Utility use: working as range extension for smaller drones and as coms retranslator also don't puts them into harms way.
>There's absolutely no point in doing that.
Gun can have much more showed kills on board and and it's much faster to use and can be used against enemy in close vicitof your troops, like ne turn of the same trench. There is absolutely use for gun armed drone only its very difficult to shoot accurately from such small and unstable platform.
guys, what about a drone that is carrying like a mini javelin or some other heat seeking "missile" with minimal propulsion that you release over a tank and it locks on to the nearest heat signature
Wait don't the Germans have those 155 shells that had x2 Anti Tank EFP thingies?
Slap those on it.
There is no fucking way these people aren't getting some form of help from a western MIC.
Yeah in order to do that you need to do away with the FPV racing drones and look at the function of the drone and adjust the form accordingly.
>I want a beltfed gun to strafe the fuck out of enemy personnel
>Meaning I need to take into account recoil, take-off weight with ammo, battery power time, damage mitigation and speed/lift ratio
>Basically you need to create a drone ground-attack miniature plane built around a machine gun
It could be done and could possibly be really effective strafing enemy trenches. But you're not going to realize this without returning to fixed wing drones or tilting rotor designs.
You could pair it with a Redeye MANPADS (8.3 kg) and start hunting russian aircraft
could probably shave a kilo or more off removing the human ergonomicd
I said it already a year ago
Ukraine is gonna surpass China 2025 or 2026 as the biggest small drone manufacturer
They will have a multiple billion big drone industry after the war

the company i work for (also) makes a small electronic part needed drones
deliveries were like ~90% China pre '22
we ramped up production to like 11x since
ALL additional capacity goes to Ukraine

in total a small part of business with just a few million revenue
but other than 1 smaller Chinese company (and in house development / production of big names), no competition
It is very possible. Also it could be just isolated professionals that have experience within the MIC. I'd wager it is very appealing market to work in.
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>9kg payload
How much of the drones used right now are completely built/manufactured in the country? Are the PCBs and larger components (motors etc.) also manufactured in Ukraine or imported? Interesting topic.
Dang, I misread your post as to say you were working in Ukraine and not delivering to Ukraine.
t. >>62093045
sorry anon but not every good thing Ukraine does is due to the very intelligent and competent West that can't even produce artillery in volume after 3 fucking years of full scale war, stop with your stolen valor shit
Individual westoids.
Anon no, a lot of those chipsets are not Ukrainian or off the shelf, the boards either, half of the stuff is 3d printed from western donated printers, and there are likely components within that come right from western and chinese electronics manufacturers, most of which are designed by western military minds even if the programming and base design is ultimately Ukrainian, the EU was and is actively trying to integrate its MIC into the Ukrianian war effort.

Also you complaining about shell production hesitancy and risk aversion, the west is not at war but merely funding it, it absolutely could produce more, but it's unwilling to hurt itself and its economy just to do that.
You get the production upgraded capacity you pay for, during and afterwards it will be money sink for the west. More political capital = more money = faster production time, and the west hasn't gone all in on Ukraine because it doesn't actually care that much, its not williing to pay for short term expensive and skilled temp workers just so a few less Ukrainians die, its willing to give a lot but not everything, its a slow gradual process that has funding that will near fruit, but they're still not even at wartime footing because THEY ARE NOT AT WAR.
So shut the fuck up retard.
In the civilian world, thats like a trip and a half to the grocery store, it would be perfect for aerial deliveries
>65% Ukrainian components
I wonder what components they prioritized on-shoring? I'm sure they make their own PCBs, but maybe some of the sub components like the MEMs accelerometers are still imported and other surface mount electronics.
yeah I work in Germany not Ukraine
and part of the production is spread over other EU countries

>Are the PCBs and larger components (motors etc.) also manufactured in Ukraine or imported?
electronics and motors almost all imported
granted most of them are pretty standard parts

there aren't many countries with large scale PCB production except China (+ SK, Taiwan, JP)
my company only survives there because niche specializations and insanely good quality assurance

I heard Ukraine has a few Startups there though
but machines are expensive and you need a very high degree of automation to compete

Ukraine mostly did end assembly, software and of course engineering / design itself
and gradually added production capacity for 3d printing and now Injection moulding
i'm always confused by these videos as this type of production is probably from late '22 or '23
but for electronics you need a very solid supply chain - it's not self contained like an injection moulding machine

an interesting thing is their distributed production
I really would like to visit one day and see their logistics
apparently they rotate teams and locations in non synchronized cycles - though (obviously) they don't tell us many details either
What the fuck is the point? Russia is at least making useful stuff like lancets
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>I'm sure they make their own PCBs
most of the electronic is imported
mainly from Europe, but also a lot from China

>MEMs accelerometers
there aren't many manufacturers for these components
and European companies like Bosch have absolutely no problem exporting to Ukraine

>what components they prioritized on-shoring?
probably everything they couldn't replace if one company stops delivering

PCB production and mounting is a really fragmented market with lots of options but high requirements for supply chains, capital and automation
so far from ideal as entry point
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>Russia is at least making useful stuff like lancets
Lol lmao
They are the only decent drone Russia has, along with Zala surveillance. And Ukies started making their own version, and with their expertise in drones, it's gonna be better.

>What the fuck is the point?
Every single point on the front, Russians are bitching and moaning with a hollowed out look in their eyes about Ukie drones. And it's mostly just basic bitch alibaba maviks. Shit's gonna get a lot more spooky for Russia when Ukies ramp up their domestic drones.
>so far from ideal as entry point
that's an answer id expect from an 8 year old.
this isn't about cost savings, it's about security. they want to secure the critical manufactured components to limit their supply risk. making something like a single layer PCB is far less complicated than you are letting on, but likely you are conflating multi-layer with single layer. the balance that Ukrainian engineers will be striking is between performance, manufacturability AND on-shoring. if they have to import multi-layer PCB, but can on-shore single layer, they'll probably opt for single layer. In reality they aren't making that many main boards for drones. they might say
>100,000 drones a month!!1!1!!1
which is a lot, until you work in any kind of manufacturing. 100,000/month is ~2 per minute on average. assuming a 17x8cm PCB (which is probably bigger than median), that's less than 2m^2 of PCB processing per hour to supply 100k drones per month. A few small facilities doing hand photo-etch could supply that. which is desirable because it makes them discrete targets, but gives them a lot of flexibility if they want to update designs.
Probably got some electronic designers/engineers from western countries, but I doubt they have THAT much involvement in the design decisions.
Western glowies are more interested in overhead, autonomous surveillance swarm drones, or at least they were in 2016:
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Nearly 10kg payload... sheeeit!
If Kyrylo Veres commissioned it, you better fucking believe it's useful

>Also, my god, do you notice how this drone and it's capabilities line up with the ideology/methodology of K-2? "Build me a drone that specializes in *everything* and make sure it can KILL so no matter what happens we'll have something that can work"
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>It is used in a variety of roles
We all know what it actually does.
>mother ship, repeater,
The drone carrier role is very cool but making repeater drones official is big.
Ukraine should make the big snibby-snab drone
Like if word got out that someone got a big fucking drone land on them with a pair of claws, just starts lopping off ears, noses and pulling out eyeballs- fuck that, I'm just 100miles and running any other fucking way than dealing with that kind of bullshit!
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that's my only relationship to this particular thing.
>making repeater drones official is big
Is it? We've known Ukies use repeater chains to extend drone range for over a year now.
if you completely ignore drone survivability, this could be carried by a single use commercial drone
>We've known Ukies use repeater chains to extend drone range for over a year now.
This is the first example on camera that I've seen.
We've seen what we assume is the result (e.g. pipe fpv chase) but not the actual repeater drone.
Or at least I haven't.
nah, 20mm rockets maybe, but it's still a bit of waste
everything on this is off the shelf parts

you can get a foxeer/iflight/axisflying 13 inch frame really cheap
Dude it's literally just a drone with big motors, motor controllers, and batteries. All off the shelf parts from amazon.
Bro all these drones are assembled from parts Made in China.
Is there a point to this if it can only carry one drone? Is the point here that the smaller drone has a big payload and a small battery?

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