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File: Hiller VZ-1 Pawnee.png (173 KB, 530x535)
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Why wouldn't it work?
It works just fine, nobody wants it.
Meant "work" as effectiveness. So more specifically, why wouldn't a flying platform (for example the Hiller) be effective?
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The Soviets did it better. Didn't help them much during Operation Snake Eater in '64 though. Tselinoyarsk still feels eerie.
>Loud as fuck
>Kicks up a ton of dust/spray
To say nothing of possible training requirements and maintenance needs each machine would have
Unstable and fuel intensive. Modern uavs do the same job now.
Didn't some of the US’s best soldiers defect to the ussr?
The best soldier, practically invented special forces as they exist today
The two big problems are they were much harder to fly than expected and loud as fuck.
There is also the issue of how are they better than choppers? They are shorter range, slower, more vulnerable to small arms and would require a bigger LZ for 36 of these than a single Chinook.
It's large and heavy for a single-person platform. It has a short range and carries a light load. Using a chopper to carry a dozen guys at ten times the speed and forty times the range just makes more sense.
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>she needs safety housings over her rotors
Because its a big slow moving target where the operator is extremely vulnerable. If you armor it up you're just building a worse helicopter.
because they didn't have miniaturized electronics, wireless control, or AI software to make a self stabilizing quad drone in the 60's. why send a man when you can send a mortar shell. nothing besides will says you can't have a flying ATV... and battery life.

you aren't going to see exoskeletons or darpa dogs because they're fucking retarded trucks exist, but every first world military is already buying and fielding expensive military versions of the Alibaba package drones hoholhols and vatniks are killing each other with.
If you fell off that platform, would you die?
>Why wouldn't it work?
For what? what do you think its being used for? you need to actually think about these things
Quite clearly a Darwin award generator.
It would be extremely painful
I'm a big guy
Too big and noisy to be sneaky. Not big enough to be dangerous. I'm kinda surprised they never used it for utilities or construction, tho.
wow shes so hot i sure wouldnt want her to forcefully pin me down and cowgirl fuck me

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