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edc thread
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Posting my usual. Mostly carrying LCP now.
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Can't wait for that autist who thinks concealing a full size is impossible to show up
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Not an autist but you daily carry a 10mm? You expecting to shoot some boars on your daily commute?
Based. Why not throw a light& a dot on it? It's already big I doubt that'll add much
>no optic or light
>ambi safety 1911
>anime keychain
Kill yourself
No light because it made finding an iwb holser considerably more difficult. No optic because the irons have been sufficient enough for me to not really have a desire to buy and mount one. Also Glock's mounts upset me greatly.
>You expecting to shoot some boars on your daily commute?
Nah, I'm more likely to encounter great apes. In all seriousness though I started carrying it as a "lol wouldn't it be funny?". But it turned out it was relatively easy to conceal, not much worse than my Beretta 92. So I figured "why the hell not" and stayed with it.
>ambi safety 1911
>anime keychain
live yourself

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