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I have made this thread before, but I will do it again to gauge if I get different answers.
You will now have to travel to the far corners of the world. The siberian wilderness, the African jungles, the south-american mountains, deserts and rainforests.

Question: what is your sidearm? And I mean sidearm, the pistol on your side. Not your main big rifle or other shooter. What is the piece you keep under your pillow while your sleep? What kind of gun hangs from your waist when you negotiate with columbian mechanics about the fixing of your car, or with Russian villagers about safe passages on the Road of Bones.

On your journey you may encounter: Bears, lions (and other large wild cats), robbers, wolf packs, wild dogs, highwaymen, maddened moose, possible uncategorized humanoid cryptids of himalayan range, and many, many more. You are going to the far corners of the world. What kind of sidearm/pistol will you trust for this task?
Smith and Wesson 2.0 full size in 9.
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9mm is what you think will keep you safe from a charging moose?
Don't get me wrong, I too trust in my CZ-75 in 9mm to get me through most of concievable troubles.

But when going to some African hell-hole with seriously big wilderbeasts... I might want to resort to my .357 mag Ruger instead. It might not have the quick-loading ability of my 9mm, but if will have the UUMPFH to stop a charging wild beast on one shot.

Again, not shitting on your choise of 9mm, I use it too. But that's kinda "human-range" bullet. What if you are up against a BISON?
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Great thread. Out of the guns I own, I think I'd go with my 686+. .357 is versatile and I can shoot it better than any of my other handguns. I can use JHP for self defense and bear rounds for bear or other large animal defense. I could also use soft points for deer or other medium sized game to feed myself if necessary. Maybe even rat shot rounds for squirrel or small birds.
Plus, I'm the main character, so I need to have a gun that is more unique than something like a glock
Yeah, it will kill a charging Moose. I have Bears, Moose, Wolves, Cougars, and more where I live and I still take 9. Then either my 590 or my AR 10.
Mauser c96 for esthetics.
In reality, any well proven 9mm. 10mm would be nice for dangerous game encounters, but good luck finding 10mm in Durka-durkastan or Ooga-boogaland.
9mm is essentially ubiquitous around the globe. At least enough so that you could replenish your supply of ammo in most regions of the world at any given time. Of course, ideally it wouldn't come to that, but ideally you wouldn't ever have need to use it in the first place.
If a pistol-sized .300 memeout or 7.62x39 aren't options, then probably something chambered in 9.25 Dillon with the lightest Lehigh screwdrivers at the highest safe load.
Colt 1860 with conical ratshot and round ball and a snider with buckshot and solids. That covers everything that moves
Glock 20
S&W Model 29, 4" barrel.
Barring that, MkVI Webley
a 9mm hard cast buffalo meme rounds might penetrate 40" in flesh while the same in 357 mag might penetrate 60" in flesh
is that extra penetration ever going to matter? it could, but anything you're shooting where that extra 20 inches matters, you probably shouldn't be shooting at it with a handgun at all
sounds like i'm about to go on an adventure from a pulp story. in that case, i wanna go with the colt gi .45 that i carried as a captain in the french foreign legion
Hardcast will also wreck havoc on bones, which helps a lot when dealing with larger animals.
Can I get the Webley from anderson wheeler in .357? I’d still take it in .455 or .45 of course. I think many of the uncivilized savages will have a generic memory of it and it will serve as totemically fearsome.
HK USP .45 with 4 magazines loaded with .45 Supers and 6 magazines of regular pressure defensive ammo.
I would read the first half of the first paragraph and then I would reenact the bear scene from baldur's gate to lull the bear into a false sense of security when'st I would'st shoot him with my sniper caliber rifle from about point blank range.
This is a weird question. In one scenario, I'm having to deal with questionable people in populated areas where concealment is high priority. But on the other hand, I have a 600lb grizzly charging, or worse, a pride of lions hunting me while being in the middle of nowhere.
Not feasible to only carry one sidearm and expect for it to handle every single environment and situation you put out
I think that's the point of the thread. You have to compromise between all possible situations and settle on one single weapon that you would trust to do the job well enough. Think as if you are a modern Lewis and Clark. They didn't get to swap out guns mid-journey. They took what was available at the time and what they believed to be the most useful for the broad range of situations that they expected to encounter
They brought fucking giradoni air rifles which were like a phaser for their time period, they 20 shots on semi auto when 99% of people had muskets you fucking crackhead, with that analogy everyone here should be able to pick the sig spear or whatever other ludicrous tactical gucci shit they want
This thread sucks and the constraints for choice of weapon blow.

A pistol at best, will slow anything bigger than game that walks on 2 legs.

And heres a piece of advice for your stupid fucking book you're trying to outsource the writing of. Nobody fucking cares what your protagonist fucking carries or shoots or the fucking loading of whatever wonderdick cartridge they have hand loaded down to the exact fucking grain of projectile.


Read Doc Savage. Read Dirk Pitt. Phillip Mercer. Robert Landon. Fuck, read fucking Conan and Solomon Kane because Robert Howard was a fucking genius who reinvented the entire genre you seek to imitate.

Then, when you're done, go take a fucking hike. Camp out in the woods for a week straight, with barely any food. Become the all American boyscout.

Then, get the gun shaped dick out of your ass, OD on risperdal, and stop making these stupid fucking threads when everybody has already given you the right answer.
My nigga

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