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Moskva was sunk, Kuznetsov is out of commission, the last 2 victory day parades have had a single T-34, the turtle tank was bombed. What else of note do the Russians have left? What will they still have if this conflict ends?
A nuclear arsenal (for show only)
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>What else of note do the Russians have left?
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We can only hope
Subs maybe
>What else of note do the Russians have left?
Captured territory and an air force larger than anything the Ukrainians can muster, even with the F-16s they're getting, Russia hasn't been able to get complete air superiority because AD is a bitch, but they are operating entirely inside Ukraine and can trade land for lives and equipment.

This won't be a popular answer but it is the correct one.
Tigers with Aids no doubt.
>Captured territory
>it is the correct one.
Yes, but not in the way you think.
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It's like you don't want to be taken seriously
Next year the victory parade will return to tradition with naked men armed with spears and bows (swords got stolen).

Oh wow russia has more planes than ukraine, I am shocked and demoralized
What about what I said was not correct? These things are objectively correct:
>Russia took land in the invasion
>Russian military doctrine has historically been based on the idea of trading land for time, lives, equipment, and resources (Napoleon's invasion, Hitler's invasion, etc.)
>they still have more planes but can't use them to their full effect because of AD
>Russia is wrecking occupied territory while Ukraine has been confined to repelling Russia and surgical strikes on oil refineries
Russia is not in a good position. They can't make any serious advances, but that doesn't mean that Ukraine is in a good position. The Russians have wrecked a lot of infrastructure, destroyed several cities, and severely depleted Ukraine's pre-war population. I don't see it ending any time soon because Putin is willing to throw everything and everyone he has into a meat grinder to "win" his current holdings.

I'm not even Russian or on their side. Denying reality and laughing at memes doesn't end the war on favorable terms for Ukraine.
Go get him Poland!
>trying to argue with a cult
That said, the russian air force is only big because large parts of it isn't really involved in the fighting. All the frontline squadrons suffer heavy casualties either when their bases get bombed or they fly anywhere near a manpad. The second russia tries to commit more air power those losses will climb proportionally. Even lobbing PGM's from across the border is resulting is losses, there's no real hiding
>The Russians have wrecked a lot of infrastructure, destroyed several cities, and severely depleted Ukraine's pre-war population
And russia has lost the vast majority of it's pre-invasion forces, their stockpiles are running lower than ever and their economy is being held together by sheer denial of reality.
Compared to russia Ukraine is absolutely in a good position.

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