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Why do games keep glazing the desert eagle when they suck irl?
its iconic
Because they look fuckin cool, retard.
because it's a fuckhueg boat anchor of a gun that fires a fuckhueg round. same kind of faggots who like pistols chambered in .30carbine
Big gun, big boolet, big damage, big dick gun for big dick protagonist
mines pretty good. retards just don't read the manual and put low power revolver ammo in it that can't run the gas system. Then even dumber retards like you perpetuate that it's unreliable.
because video games are about emphasizing the cool parts of reality without all the shit ones.
How do they “glaze” it? Its depicted as a heavy, high recoil, but heavy hitting gun, just as it is irl.
Because they want a large caliber hand gun for weapon variety and the desert eagle is the most recognizable one. Unless you have a better choice?
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This is the right answer. Though, I'd say a .44 magnum revolver fits the bill better than a desert eagle since it already comes prepackaged with a tradeoff for higher lethality (low ammo capacity).
>we need big hand gun with big dmg and slow rof, but still less dmg than revolver
- type gun
Amt or lar grizzly in 45 winchester magnum would be cool just to do something diffrent for a change. Or a wildey
>The Deagle isn't actually very reliable or well made.
>Hold my stainless-steel crack pipe
It's Jewish
Jews pay big money to make people think their guns are good
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I got to shoot a DE once
it was in .44 Magnum

and it jammed, a lot
It was always American, jews just served as an OEM because magnum research didn't have the equipment to mass manufacture it. I suppose also you think they created it for the IDF to destroy engine blocks at checkpoints?
If irl combat was also spawning into a small 6v6 arena then the deagle would be just as good as ingame.
That was because you weren’t manly enough and limpwristed it every shot.
It is American.
it is strange that you say this because (allegedly) iwi didn't have the manufacturing capacity to make their own steel framed handgun so they asked tanfoglio, which is why the jericho is a tanfoglio clone

well, it's not strange, this is jewish oral history, by definition it's going to be a fog of half-truths and contradictions meant to try and prevent anybody from coming to an individual understanding of the truth. that's what their society and culture is built around
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>big meme gun
>big meme bullet
>in action movies
>in previous games so might as well keep up the meme
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It's either the desert eagle or fuck-off-and-die revolvers.
Maybe this other block of steel will catch on.
Desert Eagle is already going to be lower ammo capacity than any of the other handguns in the game. The choice between it and a magnum revolver is really just up to the tone and setting of the game.
If your shooting “low power revolver ammo” your already shooting the wrong ammo..
Because it's cool.
Whenever I see one at my LGS, I have the urge to buy it despite knowing it's a meme gun.
It is inevitable that I will give in to that urge some day.
The 4 of us who know what those are would appreciate it and everyone else would wonder what the weird 1911 is… everyone would think the wildey magnum is imaginary..

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