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Wood you?
No. Go find a pawn shop special Marlin in 30-30 or 35
Lever guns are tempting but in practice I actually hate guns that are annoying to disassemble and clean
If somebody gave me one, absolutely. Spending my own money on a new gun, though, I'd probably get a Winchester instead.
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Who's disassembling it? I just open the action and scrub everything I can reach
Yeah, they're great
It’s really easy to disassemble though
>Who's disassembling it? I just open the action and scrub everything I can reach
Too triggering for my autism
Screws and a bunch of clockwork parts in a closed receiver just isn't for me.
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already did
I can take a Winchester apart and put it back together in less than 10 mins. marlin derivatives are even easier
I want the .357 Magnum one so I can plink with .38 Special.
Good for you. It's still a bunch of tiny clockwork parts in an enclosed receiver. You'll never get that thing completely clean without an hour of work. I can disassemble most shotguns in 30 seconds and have it wiped down and spotless in like 15 minutes. A bolt action rifle would take me 5.
Zoomer attention span. Sad
it’s ok, committing to maintenance isn’t for everyone
Disassembly is one screw.
Even a Winchester 1892 has a whopping 3 screws to remove.(6 if you want cartridge guides and the loading gate out)
wtf are you my dad, We were just talking about buying this an hour ago
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Even .38 special isn't cheap anymore.
Brother if you're gonna get into revolver cartridges you're gonna wanna get into reloading
I probably will. I just recently got my hands on an old Model 10 in good shape, and I've started saving the brass in case I ever do get into it.
Getting a 357/38 carbine levergun as soon as I save the cash.
My rossi 92 in 357 is easily my fav for plinking and it will do anything in North America in a pinch. Easily so if you reload. I enjoy making mouse fart loads and grizz defense rounds. Both are fun.
I’m trying to sell my browning b92 (44mag) atm. it’s laser accurate and pretty, but I just don’t have the time and money to shoot all of them.
Have you ever read Paco Kelly's article on 357 Magnum?
He has some 92-only loads you might like.
>My rossi 92 in 357 is easily my fav for plinking
How is the quality of Rossi 92? I was just looking at it like two days ago and had a feeling someone said it's rubbish.
They're fine especially when you can get 44 Mag and 357 Mag models for $700 tax/shipping included.
Easy to slick up too if you know where to take material off.
Strong guns by Browning's design.
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Good to hear that because Marlins and Henrys are way too expensive here. Marlins can cost the double the price of a Rossi. Still don't know if .357 or .44. I know for sure I won't be hunting, it's mostly a fun rifle I guess.
You could probably do everything you need to on a Rossi with a single fine file and a good sear stone. if you aren’t hunting just get whatever the cheapest rifle is. Hell, you could even get a 22LR
>if you aren’t hunting just get whatever the cheapest rifle is
Only thing I am probably gonna hunt are ziggers walking around my apartment if they ever try to go further than Ukraine lol. So .357 mag it is, because I also wanted some nice revolver and it would be nice to get it in the same caliber as the lever rifle. Thanks a lot, I wasn't really sure about Rossis and had my feelings mixed.
>Only thing I am probably gonna hunt are ziggers walking around my apartment if they ever try to go further than Ukraine lol.
Please fuckoff back to one of the 29 Ukraine threads currently on the board
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Thanks grandpa, I miss you.
I have a .38 as my only gun and I keep all the brass
I have like 500 cases now
I'll get into reloading at some point
I keep telling myself the same thing. Meanwhile I'm about to dump all my saved brass into a 5 gallon bucket from home depot because the original boxes are piling up around my house. But yeah, "someday."
there are plenty of "someday" things I never did and probably will never do, but there are also many "someday" things I actually ended up doing, so I'll just see what I do lol
Stainless steel guns don't need cleaning.
>there are plenty of "someday" things I never did and probably will never do,
>There is no fate, but what you make...
>Kyle Reese
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Wood I!
Are you trying to make a joke rn
Anon, it's stainLESS, not stainNEVER
Nah, the queen of my gun set is going to be a bolt action.

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