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The Hughes amendment has finally been repealed, and any post-1934 machine gun is now for sale, but you can only own one. What would you get?
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>but you can only own one
There is only one correct answer.
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Stoner obv
P90 hands down, feels absolutely amazing to shoot
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M16 lower receiver so I can use multiple different cope uppers like this one. Though not preferable at the very least I'd have access multiple of what are practically different firearms, even if more lame than their original counterparts.
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I don't know I'm kind of boring so the Ohio Ordnance REAPR would be cool I guess

Magnum caliber man portable machine gun? Sounds fun
it's like you hate money
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When were the last Maxims/Vickers produced? Would love a big 'ole MG-08 on a heavy tripod or sled. Buy some land and mess around with indirect fire. If I can't have that then I'd settle for a WW2-built 1919
It's off the top of my head really, I wouldn't bother with anything that isn't a GPMG or a handgun if the registry was open again

I mean, I could legally have glock wit da switch in 10mm for memes
>post 1934
You're looking at probably 50% MG-42, 20% M60, and the rest magazine-fed like M16/MP5/etc.
If you allow any MG like a proper Hughes Amendment repeal, you're going to get a lot more interesting responses.
Always wanted a BAR
Did you even read the OP?
While not my original idea, after some thought I have to agree that this would be the best choice.
>any post-1934 machine gun is now for sale
>Produced 1917–1945
Do you even comprehend?
Trigger pack for a scar 20 for the lulz
Yeah under OP's rule your MG, manufactured as early as 1917, would be banned by name or something. If you want to just post any MG you like, this isn't r****t or something so only an unpaid janny can stop you, but OP specifically wants post-1934 MGs.
shut up dumb nigger I can post what I want.
I'm not a janny so I can't stop you.
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>The Hughes amendment has finally been repealed, and any post-1934 machine gun is now for sale, but you can only own one. What would you get?
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i can't wait until you tranny war tourist commit suicide.
The only correct answer is some sort of 5.56 LMG. Knights armaments' LAMG would be my personal choice.

Its the most practical choice and a ton of fun. ITs really the only thing civilians are missing with the hughes amendment. Otherwise Id go with the fightlite MCR

If I was going for something fun? CZ skorpion

A kriss vector could be a ton of fun too, but I love the cz skorpion so much
Fuck are you talking about kiddo
Mp5 with a fixed stock and a flashlight in the foregrip or Israeli uzi.

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