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Its fucking over
>youtube gets streetshitter ceo
>immediately ramps up ads
>now guns are le super bad is now a thing again
i hate these assholes so fucking much it's unreal. that said, there are less lucrative alternatives so it's not like guns are banned off the internet. just from the largest town square available.
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>all firearms and firearms accessory sponcon is a TOS violation
hell yeah. get shitcanned, gunfluencers. if you weren't already using sponsorblock and youtube-dlg religiously, and avoiding sponsored guntubers whenever possible in the first place, you are cancer.

nice eceleb thread btw dipshit.
Fuck you faggot I thought Paul died don’t get my blood pressure up like that
fucking retards. it's not like they're losing money by hosting guntubers
*fucking virtue signaling retards
exactly, they don't give a fuck
cui prodest
Nice, time to spend time grinding and being psycho rather than wasting time on yt
what going to piss me off is some of old video made by old school gunsmiths are going away, alot guys are dead, we are about to lose generations of firearm knowledge
all because of a street shitter?
there are some old guns, that are not well known, you can get them at guns show cheap. There maybe manual online, but you could always find a video about it. I learned so much on blueing from youtube
positive is as long as people archive those videos, and as long as forums exists with giga autistic boomers, the knowledge shouldnt entirely disappear.
remember paladin press, so was archives but alot was lost
It's not about the money. It's about sending the message to Chuds.
when you have fake money its ok to burn it
I had the same exact feeling.
Who cares if this boomer and his retard son don't get money for shilling garbage ammo anymore?
The end goal of any content creator should be to sell merchandise. Get a patreon and off-load as much money out of google's hands.

Sure it sucks, but that's what you get for not having a real job.
>bro come to rumble come use this stuttering piece of shit app and watch me do super cool edits with retro wave music playing so I can show you chest rig #98006734 it's a new product from the guys over at goontacactual you gotta sit through these two ads about curing diabetes with a spoon of powder and the new trump silver toilet paper first though
So this is like their 6th attempt at this point? How quick do yo you think they'll backtrack again on these changes like the little pissies they are
Download and back-up any videos you want to watch, they are going to start mass deleting old videos related to gunsmithing/firearms manufacture thanks to Ree Tardy Oswald wearing a youtube shirt.
>Ree Tardy Oswald
Jesus fucking Christ. Rip my keyboard kek
gravy train is coming to an end. Should have diversified into adjacent hobbies like sootch and his EDC channel.
Soon enough
Nothing will happen
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Damn, this rich old boomer will have to pay for his own ammo once in a while

Crying shame
They are if advertisers don't like it or don't want to be attached to that content.
That's all this comes down to. YouTube's revenue is 100% based on advertising.
Shouldn't have quit your day job huh?
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Lot of manlets seething at Hickok in this thread
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What about Garand Thumb? All his videos start with him mentioning a shit-ton of firearms companies that sponsor him. Is this the moment where Micah finally has to forget about Primary Arms?
all because of a street shitter. those midwit cocksucks shouldn't even be janitors at american companies yet here we are.
I wonder how broad these rules are. Ammo and gun companies are definitely off the table, but what about some accessories. Grips and holsters directly go on guns or hold them, so that's probably definitely a no, however, what about gun care products? Is ballistol off the table, or because it can be a general use product, is that ok?
I fucking hate youtube so much. Your average comment section on any video related to current events is 50% shadow banned. The 18+ shit is ridiculous since there's already a kids app, either the website is 18+ or it isn't.
If there's one thing I wish Elon would do, it's make a youtube alternative via X.
the advertisers need youtube more than youtube needs advertisers. between a woman and a jeet, there's not much hope of someone in the big seat having the balls to tell these people to fuck off from time to time.
>the advertisers need youtube more than youtube needs advertisers
Objectively wrong in everyway. That retard you're responding to is also wrong, as if every company advertising on YT is a monolith. YouTube could just not run some companies ads on certain videos, and there are plenty of advertisers (like sporting goods brands, firearm accessory makers, any brand wanting to appear conservative in advertisements, etc) that would gladly run their ads on those types of videos.
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The internet in general is dead anyways. According to the 2024 Imperva Bad Bot Report, Bots now make up 50% of all internet traffic. And bots now create more content than human users. This means that the dead Internet theorists were right. I'm not saying this to make anyone angry or up in arms, I'm stating this as a fact, it's foolish to take any of this seriously anymore. Why should anyone be invested in e-celebs when their content and jobs are either taken by AIs or scrubbed by bad mods, or worse, ruined by some misinformation campaigns? Touch grass, it's all anyone can do.
>according to [study] which I trust 100%
Nta but I mean he's right, 99.9% of the internet is retards staring at tiktok for 25 hours a day. The internet is dead and should be destroyed.
>my entertainment should be free i must consume
youre a dumb faggot
Part of the dead internet theory is bots are used to control and manipulate and control people. Fortunately(?) the real dead internet is just hucksters looking to make a quick buck
Fucking same.

Fuck you OP.
Talk about it, write YouTube, reach out to their representative, write articles. We've already went over this a year ago so hopefully they'll bitch out like the last time.
This. All the great sources of information from 10-20 years ago are now advertising havens that are gatekept and controlled by the highest bidder.
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>bait title
Sudoku yourself OP
>Ree Tardy Oswald
mad at myself for not coming up with this
I have no need for media produced by anyone who tolerates ads as an integral part of their business model. They are consistently low-quality people in all regards. They think poorly, they perform poorly, and their outlets exist predominantly to serve up slop to the mentally impoverished and culturally deprived such as yourself.

Ads are a poor tax. Sponcon is a more elaborate control scheme of the caste system that keeps the cognitive and spiritual incel underclass – again, we're talking about (you) – down. I don't see it in the first place, but that fact has no bearing on whether it is reprehensible as the dominant mode of revenue generation for uploaders on the world's top streaming media website.

In so many words: Don't worry your little head, dumb-dumb. The mass-flagging likely won't even happen, but it could only benefit gun videos on youtube if it does.
This is like the 5th time YouTube has "banned" gun videos. Nothing ever happens.
>This is like the 5th time YouTube has "banned" gun videos.
It's a slippery slope.

>Nothing ever happens.
Thousands of old videos on reloading and gunsmithing are gone irreversibly due to YT policy changes, zoomzoom.
yada yada learn to prompt
People aren't willing to pay for the media they consume ad rev is the only way
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They didn't ban gun videos, they banned any form of sponsorship from firearm companies. It's not just demonetisation or videos being deleted. Channels will be taken down for violating this new rule.

It's basically a double whammy for getting rid of guntubers. They're not just demonitsing them, but stopping them from getting 3rd party sponsors. You know how Garand Thumb usually spends 2 minutes talking about his gun and ammo sponsors? You notice how he didn't do that for his last video?
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So ? Just move to another platform. I was getting tired of watching videos that had to bleep or skip parts of their content (notably disassembly). Stop trying to zig zag around something that doesn't want nor consider your existence. Motherfuck Youtube and get on something that somewhat respects you.
>jUsT MAkE yOUr OwN PlaTfORm

They tried this a million times and the reason you never hear of any of these alternative platforms is because they're either dead or dead AND subscription based.
I didn't said "just make" i said "just use". Alternatives do exist. The reason you don't hear about them is because retards keep sticking to Goytube because it's "so popular and big". Accept the consequences then.
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I would be mad if so many guntubers weren't fucking insane and constantly threaten to shoot /kill people
I hate ecelebs but he's 100% correct here.
>It's not just demonetisation or videos being deleted. Channels will be taken down for violating this new rule.
Again, like the 5th time this has happened. NOTHING. EVER. HAPPENS. Also, if the only thing allowing guntubers to make content is shilling 3rd party crap then maybe their content isn't that good?
there isn't a salesman alive that makes a video worth watching.
Post gun
Wouldn't wanna be homeless these days. They've overtaken prostitutes as the preferred target for serial killers.
and you know this how...?
>They've overtaken prostitutes as the preferred target for serial killers.
Always were (apart from sex things (usually)), it's just a matter of availability.
>Alternative via X

Upload to Bitchute (shit-chute) or Rumble.

Link via X Twitter.

More steps, but will be a stopgap measure.

I still browse Jew-Tube, but it's chiefly for nu-Zoomer music and old classics being covered (Lexington Lab Band for example).
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>sponsors provide free ammo
>sponsors provide free guns
>make a low effort video shooting free ammo and guns
>rake in hundreds of thousands per year
Did this old retard really think his infinite money glitch was going to last forever? Considering the amount of money he's probably made over the years, it's entirely his fault for not diversifying his business over time, and continuing to remain reliant on YouTube and big gun industry sponsors.
I feel bad for smaller gun content creators, like guys doing it as a hobby or a fun side gig, but not this guy. He and his mongoloid son had plenty of chances to unshackle themselves, but instead doubled down on YouTube as a business.

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