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They can't stop the Ike
>It was in fact bullshit
what do you mean by bullshit?
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why did they name a boat after this guy?
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anon.. that's the Tracy Moran. Not Tracy Morgan.
you don't remember?
Operation wetback obv
nta but
Houthis, russhits and wumao were claiming the the houthis had crippled Ike with a AshM hit about a month ago.
Because it uh.. turned around? I guess? carrier sailing a racetrack pattern is hato space magic I guess.

Anyway they shitposted a LOT and claimed Ike was going to be out of service for years, and shockingly, to everyone great surprise they were totally full of shit.
I didn't know this happened because I'm not american. But thanks
He was killed in Operation: Get behind the Darkies
his death saved at least 3/5 of a white mans life so he was memorialized.
some of the 'shops were hilarious
can't psyche ike
I don't think there was ever a question about that. They literally used Arma 3 footage. The meme returned and it was glorious
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The absolute best part of the Houthi b-plot was the endless streams of bombastic threats from Arabs on twitter and the Eisenhower's captain just kept posting pictures of the ship's mascot
Just here for the marine seething about 6k sailors getting CARs more legit than most of their pineapple sergeants whoops
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Missed this gem where they used an image of the forrestal fire
Ngl I need a Nimitz ship girl.
She'd make you the girl, anon. If you're into that cool, just know what you're getting into.
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that captain is a baller, "full battlestations hyper-sonic inflation warfare outside" but still tweeting about the goddamn bakery
A good chunk of his job there was to reassure shippers and insurance companies that the Houthis weren't a James Bond villain-tier threat and projecting an air of super-normalcy was a good way to do it.
Bad move. He should have posted wide shots of the ship to prove nothing hit it. By posting passive agressive photos like some braindead twitter Karen, he caused doubts to be raised.
He's doing his job (see >>62092640 ) and this has the added effect of putting family who are related to the people on board at ease a bit.

Good. Fuck them weirdos.
Cute dog, would play fetch with
That was the thread where I learned John McCain was apparently an air force pilot, amongst other things
Would these negresses.
Based Aunt Jemima aficionado

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