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Do I win?
This fat fella here flew higher and certainly faster.
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nothing personnel...
redpill me on this
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As of 2023, the UK Ministry of Defence believes that Russia is working to return the one flyable M-55 aircraft to military service for use in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
>one flyable M-55
how's the hangar doing these days? still ok to visit?
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Ju 388, further development of the Ju 88/Ju 188 with pressurized cabin and different engines to allow high-altitude operations
developed to conduct recon beyond the reach of enemy AA and intercept high-altitude bombers such as the B-29, although the B-29 never saw action in Europe
pic related is the recon variant Ju 388 J, the only variant that was actually built in limited numbers
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Mirage III + SEPR 844 = Lockheed U-2 interceptor

>In June 1967, a rocket-powered Mirage IIIE piloted by Roger Pessidous intercepted an American Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane on a special mission to photograph French nuclear sites at 67,000 feet (20,400 meters).

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