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Vietnam recently unveiled and put into service their new VCM-01 anti-ship cruise missile. It’s the reverse engineered version of the Russian KH-35 (not sure which variant though).

> Range: 80-130 km
> Warhead: Approx. 145 kg
> Can be launched from ground and ship

If the specs are true. This would make it one of the worst anti-ship cruise missile ever created. But I’m surprised that Vietnam even has the R&D and industrial capabilities to produce missiles in the first place
Pure burning hate for china probably fueled its development.
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Kek, this is the piece of shit Neptune ripoff that Vietcunts on /k/ have been boasting about?
The People's Liberation Front was destroyed in detail in 1968 by the USMC with a supporting actor appearance by Navy Air and Special Warfare. So I think you are referring to a different force
Also forgot to mention but they’re working on an air launch version too apparently (according to Wikipedia)
That’s a ship. I’m talking about the anti-ship cruise missile
>reverse-engineered slavshit

I sleep
Give them some slack. Ukraine before the war, had a higher GDP and capital GDP than most SEA nations and Ukraine is considered to be the poorest European nation. It’s impressive that Vietnam can develop and manufacture their own anti-ship missile given how poor they are, even more than Ukraine. Also, it cool that they’re first SEA nation to develop their own cruise missile (Singapore doesn’t count because they’re basically Chinese).
Tetanus probably
You guys don’t really seem that impressed. Developing missile tech is tough for any nation, even if it’s slavshit :(

Plus, not even Vietnamese. Just someone that’s been looking in SEA and the China situation

Kek, questionable hygiene aside that's not the BRP Sierra Madre
Nothing happened. Those are fake plastic missile tubes. You put them on for propaganda shot or diplomatic port visit. Notice the lack of connector cables
Not really. Poojeets and Best Korea can do it, it's not exactly rocket science
I heard a interview a few days ago about how Vietnam has gotten over the Vietnam War and loves America, but hates China.
anon Putin just visited them last month
oh and they invited him btw
Peter Zeihan, the most respected thinker on /k/, had this to say about it

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I would be shocked if the Vietnamese don't understand detente or at least, the concept of playing your enemies against each other to get yourself the best possible deal.
> Poojeets and Best Korea can do it
Not a fair comparison. India’s economy is bigger than most European countries and SK had their defense industry jumpstarted by the US and they’re been developing their defense industry for decades. SK’s economy is also gigantic for their size
they are trying to play both side, kinda like India
No shit.
Vietnam only wants to have good relations with Russia as their the counter weight to China. Vietnam isn’t even associated with NK anymore due to differences. Their goal and ideals are obviously more in tune with the West but they’re stranglehold into supporting due to their proximity to China
He said best korea, not worst korea.
Man this thread fucking glows.
>good relations with Russia as their the counter weight to China
which is absolutely idiotic because at this point Russia pretty much depends on China to exist as a nation
This is how domestic production starts, you're not going to churn a world beater immediately and you will start with dogshit that you will eventually improve upon.

Unlike other SEA shitholes, Vietnam has it's own comprehensive ammo manufacturing.

At some point Puccia will become so desperate that Vietnam will reverse engineer the Kinzhal becoming the first SEA country to own hypersonics.
Russia doesn’t need to be an absolutely on par with China. They just need to be a big enough threat to be a deterrent and make China think twice about attacking one of their partner/allies
they are burning their Soviet stockpile at an insane rate. when the shitshow in Ukraine is over, no matter if Russia win or lose, they will have nothing left to deter anyone. look at Armenia and Azerbaijan, Putin pretty much abaddon Armenian to the wolf
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>Unlike other SEA shitholes, Vietnam has it's own comprehensive ammo manufacturing

Why do Vietshits constantly lie through their teeth?
Unlike Vietnam, Indonesia manufactures not just ammunition locally but also:
>aircraft (CN-235)
>armored vehicles (Harimau, Anoa)
>submarines (Nagapasa)
>LPDs (Makassar)

Virtually every other Southeast Asian country with a functioning defense industry is more developed than Vietnam, why are they acting like its so implessive that they make ammo in-house, a capability which even Myanmar has?
>becoming the first SEA country to own hypersonics.

Sorry, even the fucking Philippines already has Brahmos
Brahmos is not hypersonic
You’re forgetting the fact that they have the ultimate deterrent, nukes. I highly doubt they would use them but Russia having a couple of these things in their arsenal already makes them a thorn to china. Nonetheless, Vietnam has no choice but to be partners with Russia. Vietnam not being partners with Russia is like the Philippines not being allies with the US, it’s practically lethal with how China is acting
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Best Korea refers to the country of 24 million starving manlets next door, and even they manged to come up with a cruise missile with better performance than OP
When you spend 33% of your GDP on military development for more than half a century you’re bound to make something good
>Best Korea
Every SEA threads just ends up like this. Everyone arguing against each other
Monkey model version that the Indian Armed Forces do not use

They're also not hypersonic but a jeet version of the Russian P-800
No one buys Indog arms but Indogs themselves
It's easy when you trade one million shells for Russian production of such missiles
that's because SEA is like the balkans. they all hate each other, pretend to be white, and have an oddly large presence on 4chan. they are the worst not paid shill posters on the site and you can find them on every board if you look for them
I'm not sure about love, but I'm sure there's some mutual respect.
You seems...unwell. Forgot your daily canine meat ration ?
And so it begins. The SEAs found each other
Brahmos sucks
Makassar LPD has been exported to Peru, Philippines and Myanmar. The statement is accurate for Vietshit though
That's a nuclear delivery system, ofc it's going to mog an AShM which is designed to be cheaper and deployable in larger numbers
The US hasn't darken their doorstep since the Vietnam war.
Meanwhile, China hasn't STOPPED darkening it since the fucking Han Dynasty. The fuckers got beef that's positively ancient.
Because it doesn't, their new rifle are just a piece of Galil and AK mismatched together with a bunch of Picatinny rail on top despite 95% of the soldier does not have access to. Not to mention their fucking army is using the same stockpile of gun since Vietnam War
Kek, even literal subhuman indogs are able to produce a functioning FNC copy. So much for Vietnam Numbah Wan in SEA
Everyone knows that the Vietnamese military is hilarious corrupt. This is why they’re having such a hard time modernizing. All the money is being pocket and whatever is left is given to the military. They’re only starting to get serious about their modernization after seeing what’s happening to the Philippines
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post moskva sergei from glavset oblast


so what? nobody wants to associate themselves with impotent losers
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>Everyone knows that the chinese military is hilarious corrupt. This is why they’re having such a hard time modernizing. All the money is being pocket and whatever is left is given to the military. They’re only starting to get serious about their modernization after seeing what’s happening to the Puccia
Indonesia steals military technology, not even actual Indians do this.

First they'll pledge billions in payment, payment they'll never conjure or pay and then they'll steal top secret tech and leave you out in the dust.
>loves America, but hates China.
>anon Putin just visited them last month
kek are chinks already claiming ownership over russia?
What is going on in South Korea?
At this stage it's basically a Sino-Korean puppet state.
Thailand should have been an elephant

Also why is Japan the only human?
It's not human.
It's a sun.
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>gotten over the Vietnam War
I mean, they won. That's like saying america has gotten over iraqi freedom
>This would make it one of the worst anti-ship cruise missile ever created
Hey, you need to start somewhere
Korea does a lot of business with China. They're very economically entangled. Politically and militarily however, they're firmly allied with the US. I guess the Chinese see them as two faced.

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