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What would space-bound warships look like? Would they follow bowed naval designs we use in the oceans of earth or would they be totally abstract to take advantage of the 0G environment with 360 degree coverage? What kinds of weapons would they use?

Is there a setting that has the most 'realistic' space warships?
Probably the tomorrow war. Major carriers with superliminal capability that catapult attack/fighters with strategic attack capability controlling an AI network
*Forever war
The haldeman one
The Expanse, as those ships were realistic enough to withstand a couple years of filming in space.
Why the fuck would you catapult a fighter that spends literally four times the Delta V (acceleration, stop, reverse, stop) over a one way missile? I stg you American gun retards should stop shitting up the board with not understanding basic physics that space isn't air and let human being euros discussing the military topics.
Not to mention all that additional mass necessary to accelerate something with 4 times the Delta V budget. Making it more bloated than the average American. Imbeciles cannot into space, no wonder your space shuttles blow up.
If you have FTL, it makes a lot of sense.
If you don't have FTL, it's a waste of mass on top of what you sad.
Entirely depends on technological direction things go in. If they develop 'inviisble' deflector fields, you'll basically have giant office buildings strapped to a propulsion unit. If they don't, you'll either see ships with a massive forward facing armored 'shield' for protection or a 'constellation' form where the warship's components (especially weapons) can detatch and move around during battle to avoid incoming unguided fire and create various configurations based on the situation.
You'll never see bullshit like OP's pic or star trek (anything put out on booms or struts creates unneccessary torque forces on the structure and external stylizing/shaping would be useless unless the ships can go planetside).
projectrho (website) has plenty of examples of 'realistic' space ships and is a goldmine if you're a nerd. There's a few things to consider.

The general consensus is that war ships would be long to present as little a target as possible, have engines on the back, tons of armor on the front, and radiators that could take the form of plain old flat radiators or fancy liquid metal droplet stuff.

If you really want to go on a 'tism bender, here you go: https://projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacewarshipart.php
yeah you have a point. we have icbms and all sorts of missiles to choose from. why do we even have aircraft these day? a missle is just such a better use of resources. why waste so much time and resources on maintaining fleets and airfields when martinez and juan can turn a key and launch a missile from the US. you're a real genius anon. you euros are so smart with your understanding of physics.
In that book there's just giant war ships that people strap into in liquid pods that help when the AI pilot pulls 40Gs. They don't use missiles because you can't transport people on missiles. The entire point of the ship is to transport people. Missiles are fired at the ship from across the solar system which is why it has to pull 40G maneuvers for hours on end
One of my favorite books. Good taste
Great point, it's crazy that CVNs don't just ram their targets since the air wing has to accelerate to take off and decelerate to land.

Sad thing is you are probably less retarded than the RN Admiralty
that big frontal shield that covers the entire profile is going to be a necessity for any ship, even just for navigation, because hitting little specs of dust and micrometeoroids going several hundred thousand km/h repeatedly during orbital transfers is going to cause a lot of damage to unshielded components
so yeah, everything is gonna look like a big tube

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