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i am starting to wonder if all russian guns just meme, and are actually terrible. the great ak47 that was used in vam was type 56 chinese version, in iraq something.
The distinctions between AKM variants are insignificant. Its not like a Type 56 is going to be more reliable or accurate or powerful because of a hooded front sight and heavier receiver. What separates an intelligent person from a retard is how they respond to new information, the intelligent person will integrate the new detail into his existing worldview making his perspective more nuanced and comprehensive; while the retard will rubberband to the opposite extreme; and be equally as wrong as he was before. AKs not being as amazing as the fuddlore suggests doesn't automatically make them terrible, it just makes them not as good as previously asserted.
or maybe the russians lie alot about everything
russian guns are garbage rods worshiped by contrarians and tankies
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