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>The U.S. Navy’s Next Generation Fighter program could see its budget, which was already set to be truncated, slashed much further in the next fiscal year. Members of the Senate are proposing to give the service nearly 90 percent less funding than it asked for to support continued work on what is more commonly referred to as F/A-XX. This comes amid growing uncertainty about the future of a similar U.S. Air Force program to develop a new crewed sixth-generation stealth combat jet as part of that service’s Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) modernization initiative.
>A new draft of the annual defense policy bill, or National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), for the 2025 Fiscal Year that the Senate Armed Services Committee released last week would authorize $53.828 million for the Next Generation Fighter program. The Navy had requested $453.828 million for F/A-XX in the upcoming fiscal cycle, which starts on October 1 of this year. Aviation Week was among the first to spot the massive proposed reduction in funding.
Why does It keep happening navybros?:
because 1.4 TRILLION USD was poured into making the F35 and for what result? a so-called stealth jet that has barely the edge over a Rafale 4.5 or a Sukhoi Su-57
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>a so-called stealth jet that has barely the edge over a Rafale 4.5 or a Sukhoi Su-57
It really isn't and samefagging is frowned on.
NTA (honest) but if samefagging were truly frowned upon then why did hiromoot gut the unique IP count?
>first NGAD
>now F/A-XX
no...my future sci fi planes...
The political climate is changing against intervention which hits the expeditionary forces of the Navy and Marine Corps on their high tier line items. Also radical underperformance of the Russian aerospace forces in a tight budget environment makes it difficult. Anyone could look at a map and realize we need to move basically the entire army besides rapid deployable divisions into a guard and reserve status and the same with all fighter attack wings of the USAF ACC. But giving the Navy a super aggressive and effective penetrating counter air capability is not directly and obviously a net benefit to the Republic since squids are supposed to squash small problems or hold up big problems until the giant wakes up. I want hypersonic son of tomcat more than anyone but it's not really in the spirit of why we have a Navy
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>Sukhoi Su-57
>still pretending Russian vaporware is worth anything
Ukraine war pretty much kicks all the future us manned fighter programs in the ball. The B-21 escapes because it's on time and a bomber
God I hate dronefags
What's happening is scope for both 6th-generation programs has become better defined (read: Congress is stopping mission creep, possibly influenced by Ukraine). Consequently, R&D is winding down ahead of design selection. It's a good thing.
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Nothing personal amerifag
That's a SU-34 not a SU-57. If you don't know a shit about Russian planes don't `post.

Fucking retard

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