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File: TheMythical50cal.webm (2.2 MB, 1652x1080)
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This guy is a green beret, so he must know what he is talking about.
No, he's dumb as fuck.
But, but he is a special forces sniper. He is the best of the best in his job. Surely, he cannot be wrong.
no, he's famously dull, probably due to getting punched in the head a lot + years of being surrounded by cops and cop wannabes
No, he is retarded. Being a green beret doesn’t mean anything.
I forget what youtube debunked this. They shot 50s next to gel body targets and even slowmo showed no disruption
So funny watching Tim get knocked out while legit running away with his back turned when he fought Gay Jesus
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>appeal to authority
LMAO, get a load of this braindead faggot, maybe try getting your own opinion some time.
Step aside kiddo, real warriors are talking
"special forces" guy
Mythbusters debunked it 15 years ago.
What's the odd's that Gerwich was this tard's NCO in Afghanistan and he had to wrangle him?
>Verification not required
>but he is a special forces sniper
Guy sure is "special"

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