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Does anyone have videos or resources of how blacksmiths/gunsmiths made firearms by hand? Specifically, damascus shotgun barrels would be cool.

File: 1505894668663.webm (2.9 MB, 854x480)
2.9 MB
>Gunsmith of Williamsburg (1969)

Cool series relevant to your interests
You wouldn't use Damascus steel for a gun barrel, its too soft
twist-forged steel was used to built gun barrels for hundreds of years...
Black powder produces relatively low pressures and pattern welded steel can tank those pretty easily. Those barrels can also be pretty thin by modern standards and they still worked without issue. Would still be susceptible to tons of corrosion from black powder residue, but that would apply to any carbon steel.
Several hundred years of arquebuses with banded forged damascus barrels disagree with you.
No, they don't
It's shit for barrels
Yeah sure it can shoot one round every five minutes no problem, fuck you
You don't know anything if you think it can handle modern gun fire rates
This is some Katana slicing a tank in half bullshit
>Ye olde gonnesmith is wearing programming socks
Doth thine services includeth the infamous range trap and boiled crustaceans?
YouTube is going to start deleting those videos soon, new rule changes, so download those you want to keep.

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