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AR's in 5.56mm is such a boring gun to shoot that people have to resort to decking them out in a fuckton of dumb shit in order to have a modicum of fun with them. Just look at /arg/.

No one has ever had a need to decorate a levergat beyond some faux Americana shit and perhaps a peep sight.
Shooting guns in general is boring
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If you feel shooting as boring it's you shooting at boring targets. Step up your targets game.
even knockdown plates are more fun with a 357 when compared to 5.56. it's the most boring cartridge in the most boring rifle. my 5.56 AR is so boring its in long term storage in the attic. my 458 Socom gets to stay in circulation.
Shooting is fun with fun guns.
Try shooting targets that you can hit only 1/3 of the time, not every time.
The only thing fun about shooting an AR is if you've drank several tall boys and are proceeding to mag dump into a lake killing armored catfish in the process.
Only explosives and big guns are fun.
Then you are not shooting fast enough, far enough, or while under stress.
what if you learned to shoot?

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