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Remember when Russians boasted about their R-37M? What happened to it? 900 days into war and Ukrainian old Soviet airforce can still perform missions
They're basically blind-firing the things into Ukrainian airspace because they don't have the balls to fly their A2A fighters into contested skies. Their onboard radars are shit, their datalinks with ground and airborne sensors are shit, they can't actually achieve locks at max range. They just sling the R37s off on pitbull mode and hope that they achieve a lock somewhere along the line.
The Ukes see these missiles coming and break off, evading them easily, but being suppressed from whatever mission they were doing at the time.
So, there is still SOME benefit, as they're suppressing UAF aircraft, but they're not actually doing any real lasting damage to them either.
apparently they are, contrary to Russia's claims, relatively easy to evade
but Russia also wasted them on regular airstrikes kek

Ukraine is still vary of them
and they intentionally keep their distance

F16 with AIM-120 won't solve the problem as they have similar capabilities
>F16 with AIM-120 won't solve the problem as they have similar capabilities
R-37 is fat cow of a missile, do not compare it to aim-120
900 days of constantly having to fire off missiles once every half hour for just one section of the front just to deter doesn't seem sustainable.
is gesture of goodwill
R-37M is giant missile, it probably costs 3-5 million dollars for each. People say that launching Patriot missiles against Shahed is not sustainable(it isn't) so neither is this.
Which is interesting, Russians were aggressively using those in 22-23 but now Ukrainian airforce performs more missions than ever. Did Ruskies depleted their R-37 stock?
I know it's not directly comparable

but in terms of range and radar capabilities they won't outmatch each other
so there won't happen much after delivery in terms of Airspace control
It can actually catch and kill fighters, not just spook them
>but in terms of range and radar capabilities they won't outmatch each other
R-37M has a range like 2.5x that of the AIM-120, you tard.
That's like comparing PAC2 to S-200 and we know which one -ACKed more Su-35/34
Maybe, could also be that Russia can't perform as many sorties anymore or glide bomb sorties eats into their abbility to do A2A missions.
They are launching R-37 from MiG-31, not S-34, which are used for glide bombs. So either engine resources of MiG-31 or stock of R-37 got seriously depleted
F-16s with AMRAAMs can go toe-to-toe with MiG-31s forcing them to operate deeper inside Russia unless they want to risk being shot at, they effectively just push the AD bubble further
Aerodynamic range is irrelevant because they are stuck with Russian sensors and their lack of datalinks. R-77 is the better missile but those seem to have production issues
> apparently they are, contrary to Russia's claims, relatively easy to evade
That’s basically all BVR missiles though, and the short-range ones are only harder to dodge because you’re also maneuvering like crazy to avoid the enemy’s cannon fire.
source: watched 2 hours of growling sidewinder
> F-16s with AMRAAMs can go toe-to-toe with MiG-31s
Wishful thinking. Ukraine’s falcons aren’t getting anything that can match the range on the R-37
>Ukrainian old Soviet airforce can still perform missions
Yeah and it accomplished basically nothing
Meanwhile the RuAF performs missions frequently, with outcomes ranging from “new FABBED.com” to “LMUR wrecks a command post” to “kiev has rolling blackouts again because 100 cruise missiles wrecked the power grid”
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>kiev has rolling blackouts again because 100 cruise missiles wrecked the power grid
So is Russia
>LMUR wrecks a command post
lmao when was the last lmur ka-52/mi-28 video published?
I just watched one posted to telegram 5 hours ago
Sorry, it was reposted 5 hours ago. The original channel posted it 21 hours ago. My bad.
Still very recent though
>Yeah and it accomplished basically nothing
>Meanwhile the RuAF performs missions frequently
And what are their accomplishments? The front is standing still for two years, and ukies do their sorties anyway.
are you able to webm it?
>“kiev has rolling blackouts again because 100 cruise missiles wrecked the power grid”
It is called Kyyyiiiv currently (extra Ys and Is added for each year russia fails to capture it)
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western glide bombs don't miss
The west tries to downplay this, but many successful strikes have been carried out, most recently on the childrens hospital (banderites) and animal shelters (dog banderites) and the zoo (foreign agent banderites)
Russia has no AWACS left to be able to perform missions effectively.
>From outcomes ranging from "Belgorod bombed" to "Belgorod bombed again"
Truly imпpessive.
>cannon fire
>Anno Domini 2024
Go back, /v/irgin
This, they need to update the target data on real time so they can guide the missile near their target so it can get a lock on, but something happened to their AWACS and before thatl, to some big ass ship with a very long range radar they had stationed in the middle of the black sea so now they are not as effective.

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