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What will NATO do once the armatas start rolling into ukraine and conquer it? Putin is just waiting for NATO to send the latest aid package before he annexes everything
What happened now?
Look I hate Russia too but shit threads are still shit.
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>armatas start rolling
Using pulleys, volga boatmen or a tractor?
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ayyo is that my nigga pavel from /int/, is he still moderating /rus/?

When was the last armata sighting btw? They haven’t been even near the frontlines so far.
NATO should just start bombing Russia and end this farce.
Hang Putin and Girkin
I don't know how to tell you this, but if we look at the timeline of this conflict then the time when Ukraine was at its weakest and Russia at its strongest was at the start. So if Putin has some secret thing to throw in that wins the war, he should have used it then. So the two options are either that you are coping and full of shit or Putin is a low IQ retard for holding back war winning gear for years.
Is that Amelia Watson?
No, give them permission to use storm shadows inside Russia proper. Rostov Don and other airfields will be hit. Stealth cruise missiles hitting inside Russia will make me so happy.
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bros, they mobilized powder??
Its this guy
If the point is to just end the farce why would they bomb Russia and escalate rather than say fuck off to Zelenski and let him deal with it?
NATO is packing already, Ukraine is on life support for 6 months, then its over.
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Lmao, puccia won't do shit, how many red lines have been broken now? Monke is a pussy
>just 6 more months
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Rolling as in flipping in a ditch sideways
a lakhta pidor is getting mobilised?
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>armatas start rolling
Hundreds of Su-57 would be more believable
I think he got hired by one of the gas companies to guard their refinery in siberia somewhere, its a coveted position after mandatory military service since theres a low chance you will die. There are rumours he got recruited by the FSB to keep posting on /int/ under their supervision and thanks to this he didnt have to go to vovchansk
The Nork who was leading the training team that was going to be training Russian troops, Kim Geum Chol, was found drowned in a pond earlier today whilst on a tour around Moscow after going missing for several hours.


> pond inflicted wounds incompatible with life
Maybe he could just not swim.
I'm yet to see a credible proof of armatas existence.
>Hundreds of Su-57 would be more believable
That is the only felon not involved with invading Ukraine
>What will NATO do once the armatas start rolling into ukraine and conquer it?
Can't speak for NATO, but I'd die of shock.
How on earth did they drive that far without breaking down?!?
Well, good thing he wasn't going to train the VDV then!

Why? They could use diving lessons.
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>armatas start rolling
Will there be a tractor to help them do that, because the Armata got shitcanned a few months ago because it was incapable of rolling under its own power despite someone throwing 300bil roubles at it over the last 10 years.
Apparently he jumped into the lake to cool off because it was really hot that day. It happened in a lake in Zelnograd according to the Russian who broke the story.

Not much use if they drown in ponds before even making it to the sea.
Kim no can swim. Yet him was dim and on a whim went to skim the water and lost life and limb
idk, sexo with marichka
>got drunk
>hopped in russian lake
Maybe he was just used to clean and pure best korean waters and the polluted ruskie lake just ate him alive, explaining the weird toxins in his system
Russian military kicked out civilians from 14 settlements in Bilhorod with the purpose of occupying their homes for use in the SMO.

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