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File: 20240717rusleaks.jpg (515 KB, 1444x1020)
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Tor training textbook. 68 pages.

Pantsir-S operating manual. 204 pages.
Beware malware in the files. PDFs have been tagged with trackers that ping foreign servers when opened. A virus scan may not be able to detect unfamiliar malware. Access these from a library or burner laptop and block port scans.
>oh no the fsb is gonna find out that johnny burger in ohio read the pantsir leak
nigga who cares? If you’re super paranoid, you can run the pdf through an online virus scanner
>If you’re super paranoid, you can run the pdf through an online virus scanner
>A virus scan may not be able to detect unfamiliar malware
I'm just telling people not to risk a possible trap. Be careful about what you download. I don't want my laptop (that I use for work) to be compromised with ransomware because an anon on 4chan told me not to worry about a random file from catbox.
just open em in a offline sandbox then
Tor-M1 is fine:

Someone with their API key onhand, run it please so the concern trolls will fuck off. It's larger than 32mb so no web GUI upload. Result will subsequently be at
nice find OP, here's Eltsin textbook about Buk I found a while ago
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Some information about these leaks:
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If there are no more cuck chairs left, then that must make you...
webgui worked with no problem?
Checked and blessed. Thanks. It was giving me random whiney error box. Assumed it was the filesize. So: both virustotal links in >>62093233 show clean scans, for anyone concerned about the PDFs.
nice find, but are training manuals really of any value if they don't go into the details of the electronics and other sensitive shit?
Well the last leak revealed T-80BVM can only carry 14 rounds of APFSDS, so yeah they can be good for a laugh
btw most of these leaks, while intresting, don't reveal much, think that the supposed reader is your vodka addict vatnik, hence they only show you how to use them, still a cool addiction
Looks good to me
I opened this from my highly secure public library and print 20 spiralbound copies from the library printer.
Currently listed on eBay. Will be shipped by fedex
>nice find, but are training manuals really of any value
Ebay says they have value
you guys should know that Russia attacked Ukrainian infrastructure using malware disguised, amongst other means, within emailed PDF catalogues of computer gear
>Prior compromise of corporate networks using spear-phishing emails with BlackEnergy malware


>an online virus scanner
you're fucking retarded
we're talking about exploits that people don't know about yet

one possible way is to open the file in a disposable computer or VM, screenshot each page, and make the photos a new PDF
and I'm not sure even that is worm proof

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