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>houthis hit another ship in the red aea

how can shitass rebels keep dunking on NATO's navies?
Isn't that ship transporting oil between Russia and China?
well in that case it clearly missed, Russia strong, NAFO weak
>Amazon: your item will be arriving 3 days late
Isn't that a Russian tanker from yesterday?
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>tfw turdies friendly fire
What did they expect from Saracens honestly.
OP is a 'Dutch' /pol/tard btw
That's not a vessel under NATO protection Ramesh but you need the rupees so whatever.
I'm Floridian, you paranoid shit
Chinese oil tankers are in NATO's navies?
>doesn't deny being a /pol/tard
kek you are brown
Go back to Cuba, monkey
What the fuck? I thought the Chinese paid the Houthis to stop them hitting their ships.
I strongly encourage them to continue hitting oil tankers off their coast, especially while suffering from a famine.
Come and say that on Calle Ocho and see what happens.
>Jihadist durkas
>Keeping their word
Pick one and only one. There is not a single shred of decency or honor among Jihadists, t hey're all too drunk on Islamic revanchistim to possibly treat a promise as anything remotely sacred.
And you want to turn the USA into Afghanistan, so fuck off.
You tried to claim a cargo vessel was a NATO vessel. Who the fuck did you expect to believe that?
The best part is you're probably a Russian sympathizer fifth columnist traitor fuck and the ship in your OP was on its way to or coming from Russia, with the singular purpose of serving Russian interests, which include raping themselves and children, and general wholesale civilian slaughter.
There's not a single part of your brain that's functioning correctly. Seek help before a neurodegenerative condition literally breaks your ability to be happy or feel love.
nta but you sound pretty unhinged and psycho
you're def not an american, probably a hysterical germ or something
cool those heels buddy, we're not gonna leave you out to dry, promise
>You tried to claim a cargo vessel was a NATO vessel

No, I didn't you illiterate fuck. NATO took it upon itself to safeguard the Red Sea for all vessels, not just NATO aligned vessels since most ships use a flag of convenience through fucking Liberia.
thanks for the highlighted missile but could I get a red circle and perhaps some arrows pointing at the impact, I'm not 100% sure
>keep dunking on NATO's navies
Holy shit, you're completely cooked.
NATO has no obligation to protect Russian oil
they tried to attack an Israeli tanker, got shot down, and turned to this Greek-owned tanker carrying Russian oil because... let's not go home with full racks?

the mind of a durka
Worse, the mind of a Floridian, according to OP.
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>le based anti-imperialist multipolar thirdies friendly fire on one of their benefactors
>/pol/: ACTUALLY this is a win against the evil HATO fascists
>doesn't deny being brown
.. nigga what the fuck you have to be trump fan
You just..

Nigga we can read your words. Its recorded. You aren't trump. We aren't your fans. You fucking idiot.
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>This is a huge win for us, because our enemies failed to protect our asset from ourselves!
nigga what
>This is a huge win for us, because our enemies failed to protect our asset from ourselves!
hah! I am bleeding, thus making me the victor!
lolin' at shiskins friendly fire tbqh
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Holy kek this is some grade A copium, you should work for the russian MoD
>Houthis fucking up trade for Russia and China
Is BRICS really willing to hemorrhage money letting their minions blow their shit up just to (arguably) mildly embarrass America by proxy?
I fucken laffed
NATO assets?
>we're reaching copium levels that shouldn't be possible.jpg
Wait, when did this happen? Is this recent?

Is there a source?
it's a ship transporting iranian drones to russia
well they are slowly winning this game. america has to send a carrier over from the pacific that was supposed to guard taiwan and is now cruising the red sea costing awful amounts of money to guard freighers while cheap houthi drones get through to the ships anyway.
>mildly embarrass
a lot of shipping has been diverted, increasing shipping costs a lot which drives up inflation for everyone.
>cheap houthi drones get through to the ships anyway.
less than a handful, even counting self-pwns like this one
>america has to send a carrier over from the pacific that was supposed to guard taiwan
nobody's "guarding Taiwan", those carriers are on exercise and showing the flag, and America has enough carriers to cover the Middle East and China at the same time because the Europeans have enough carrier assets to lock down Atlantic and Northern Flank

fuck off
Considering it's a russian ship I think it might be intentional to let them attack it, now russia might consider asking iran to tell the houtis to back off
What's up with turdies and their obsession with money?
>you spend millions. You are losing!!1
Literally pocket change for US.
That’s a different ship. The Bentley I is carrying vegetable oil from Russia to China.

>The vessel, MT Bentley I, is flagged in Panama, operated in Monaco and Israel-owned, according to CENTCOM. Houthis attacked it with an anti-ship ballistic missile, drones, three “surface vessels” and two small boats, CENTCOM added. “No damage or injuries have been reported at this time.”
Chios Lion is carrying Russian petroleum and is currently spreading an oil slick across the Red Sea
Sadly is only mildly damaged
The Houthis launched a naval attack drone targeting the Marshall Islands-owned, Liberia-flagged MT Chios Lion crude oil tanker in the Red Sea.[57] US CENTCOM said that the attack caused minor damage to the tanker.[58] The Houthis launched naval attack drones, one-way aerial attack drones, and ballistic missiles targeting the Israeli-owned, Panama-flagged tanker MT Bentley I in the Red Sea.[59] The tanker was carrying vegetable oil from Russia to China.[60] The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations reported two attacks on vessels in the Red Sea on July 15, and US CENTCOM confirmed both attacks on July 15.[61] CTP previously reported these two attacks. The Houthis also claimed a joint attack with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) targeting the Cyprus-flagged tanker Olvia[62][63] The ship's owner Island Oil denied that the attack occurred[64][65] The Houthis and IRI have claimed conducting 12 joint attacks targeting Israeli territory and ships in the Mediterranee
Basically there’s no legit sea freight happening in the Red Sea. All legit traffic is being diverted because the insurance premiums and risk isn’t worth it. Pretty much everything going through that route should theoretically be safe — ie, Russian, Chinese carriers. But the Russian seaborn oil trade does a lot of evasion of sanctions so those ships will often not be easily understood for what they are considering the shoddy state of Iranian naval intel. NATO doesn’t discriminate against airborne threats but apparently they will let surface-based attacks go through?
>flag your ship under dungabungachunga to not pay fees to nato countries
>transport russian oil
>oh my multipolar world order! i'm getting attacked by some durkas i thought we were supposed to be wholesome chungus fighters on the same side against ebil amerikkka DDDD:
>aaaah save me natoman bitch bastard suka blyat ching chong ooga booga
Increase in hours at sea offsets cost of the Suez canal. The added time is the bigger pain in the ass
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Even if you actually find one who intends to uphold a promise he'll get stabbed in the back at one of his dancing boy parties by someone who believes Mohammed was born on a Tuesday instead of a Wednesday and the whole thing's up in smoke. That's why I can't blame the Hebruloids for not accepting a ceasefire. Ideally Iran would nuke Israel then the US would nuke Iran but unfortunately that probably won't happen, instead the world appears to be headed into a WW3 that's going to be mostly cybergayness and the next actually cool conflict will be the American water wars that I'll be too old for.
You have my deepest condolences.
>America has enough carriers to cover the Middle East and China at the same time b
thats literally wrong. the carrier that is guarding the red sea is from the pacific fleet, that is now down to just 2 carriers, when it was the stated goal just a few years ago to have 3 carriers in the pacific at all times. the fleet responsible for the red sea has no carrier ready right now. the old one had to go home for repairs and the supposed replacement is not yet ready to set sail again.
Crazy how all these claims never come with the names of the actual carriers

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