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What constitutes a "war" and what constitutes the Soviet Union's direct involvement in it?

The Soviet-Afghan War is the only one that I think can be generally agreed upon by all parties. But what about the Korean War, where an entire Soviet Air Corp (64th Fighter Aviation Corp) of 3,271 men saw consistent and direct action against western airmen? If we're to count the Korean War, then what of the Vietnam War, where an estimated 1,100 soldiers and officers served as observers and advisors, but whose actual direct participation is in dispute? (I can find 54 U.S. aircraft kills directly attributable to Soviet operators in Vietnam, compared to the at minimum 139 kills over MiG-alley alone in Korea)
Finally what about the Hungarian Revolution? Operation Whirlwind only lasted 8 days, but according to Valeri Musatov it saw 699 Soviets dead, 1,450 wounded, and 51 missing, as well as the destruction of Nagy's government.

Of the three in dispute, for me personally I'd count Korea and Hungary, but not Vietnam. However I'd be interested to see what the consensus is, as well as if there are people who'd somehow count the War of Attrition of Sino-Soviet border conflict.
Hey man you already made this thread on /his/
>Didn't read/understand OP

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