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File: Its prime day.jpg (477 KB, 1080x1148)
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Are there any good deals on gun accessories or gear on amazon prime day right now?
Idk why don't you go fucking check amazon and report back to us
Be wary of buying gun stuff on Amazon. There are a lot of fakes there, but Amazon customer service has been great refunding me while letting me keep the knockoff. They even refunded me for a sight I didn't catch was a knockoff.

Still, I prefer to buy in person when possible even if it's more expensive
Don't buy any optics but holosun off them bro
got a makita chainsaw and 100 squarefeet of thick plastic foil.
as well as a light hazmat suit and rubber gloves. and 10 litres of ammoniac.
im ready.
scamazon is more like it. i got a fake acog sent to me by the trijicon stores official amazon account. someone was swapping boxes in the warehouse. made a big stink about returning it but finally took it back and refunded me.

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