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i've been playing alot of il2 again recently and will post some pics/webms
post about /k/ games
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closure rate of almost 550 mph
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gunner heat pc is stresskino
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the P38 is a wonderful plane to fly in il2, its deceptively maneuverable
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such a great game in VR. Shooting down Allied bombers over Kuban is really relaxing and therapeutic after a long day at work
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i've recently found out about the Pat Wilson Campaign Generator and have been doing a coop dynamic campaign with a friend over Moscow 1941, its load of fun
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Dump complete, I would have a lot more webms but i always forget to record
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Does being a dictator of a banana republic during Cold War count as /k/?
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here's some door kickers 2, its a lot more arcade like than I had anticipated but its still pretty fun
How does GHPC compare to SB?
II havent played SB so I dont know, but my guess is GHPC would probably sit between war thunder and sb
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Way gamier in terms of controls.
I tried a couple of German campaigns in "Battle of Moscow". Died every single time on day three because a soviet pilot crashed his plane in mine lol
wondering if i should refund bannerlord & get this instead.
I know Metal Gear isn't completely realistic but it's what fully pushed me into learning more about weapons and how the military works; still hasn't changed my opinion on it much but I appreciate it gave me something to sate my curiosity for a bit as well as giving me the drive to make my own military-stealth game
Check out nuclear option. It's like 20 bucks on steam. DCS world meets Ace Combat. I currently play with a PS5 controller and it feels great. Very accessible.
I've only played Bannerlord, not the other game, and I'd say go for it
>DCS world meets Ace Combat.
does it have kinda realistic flight physics or something?
>does it have kinda realistic flight physics or something?

Yes, also a more detailed damage model when compared to Ace Combat for aircraft.
Yea the game is grounded. Realistic flight models, realistic weapons and payload sizes etc.

The arcade feel comes from the controls and accessibility. There is instant automatic data link, everything is one click, from turning radar on and off, locking, firing. Everything is intuitive. No lengthy startups or shutdowns. The game comes ready with a controller mapping and you don't need any more buttons than that.
I need games that let me fuck shit up with a helicopter gunship. Preferably accessible ones.
Why are the particle effects in BoS original Il-2 tier when the rest of the modeling is so much superior?
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>look up the devs
>based in Brisbane, not russia like one would expect
ok I'm sold
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Logistics win wars innit
Madman had complete trust in his battlesight, didn't even relase once.
refund bannerlord and get warband
Good turn based or real time with pause strategy games?
Prefer hex or grid.
real time pause hex grid? i can't off the top of my head name such a game
Make a good modern Airwolf without changing the classic look.
Pat's based, his WW1 campaigns are excellent too
Back in 1, the AI would instagib the hostages the moment they heard a gunshot. Not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed to see that go.
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men of war assualt squad 2 with the 1992 a dying world mod
I play War Thunder tanks arcade. Just started, being at about rank 2.0. It's fun and funny.
Panzer General obv
You're still in the marginally fun zone. Get out while you still can
Gary Grigsby’s War in the East 2 is the king of all hex based games. It’s really incredible, but I can only play it in the fall/winter.
war of rights is fun
Old Novalogic Comanche games
I'll have to reinstall it now that I've rebuilt my computer. Woods skirmishes and ambushes are top-tier, though watching your squadmates get blasted as you drum away is hilarious.
This. I've never had a game go from this is great to this is shit so quickly.
What's il2?
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I will go slow and take my time working on the trees. Be a completionist and unlock everything before I move on.
What is the threshold rank of fun? IV and above is grindy shit?
>He's never heard of IL2: Sturmovik
You're either a turbo zoomer or simply haven't played many flight sims (which is fine)
Il2 is a flight Sim franchise that's been around since almost time immemorial. IL 2: Great Battles is the most recent one but if you want to get into it and have almost infinite mods, you can pick up Il2 1946 on steam for super cheap.
The only reason I don't recommend Great Battles is because everything is so fucking expensive, the base game is still 50 bucks and most planes are either locked behind "battles" that you can buy. Eg, you want to fly P51Ds/P47s and late war spits and 109s? That'll be 30 bucks because you have to buy Bodenplatte DLC.
Wait until it goes on sale again before buying.
Rank 5 is when grind goes into high gear, but if you're having fun, you can just mill along. That's fine.
But you really need premium if you strive to play higher tiers.
But rank 6 is the sweet spot, and rank 7 is the point of no return, after which the balance between ground and CAS gets fucked and it's not fun to play anymore.
As the meme goes, catch Vikhr.
i play il2 1946 with BAT a lot these days
is this game actually fun or is it just one of those games where there is nothing to actually do except blow up stationary tanks and download mod that do nothing
3.x is already garbage at least in RB because of the uptiers
Doesn't matter if you're Russia or Germany but the minor nations experience is fucked, if you're Sweden you at least have the very realistic and not at all wanky APDS ammo with insane pen
How you deal with the yawing when shooting your guns? Wing-mounted ones like Spits in particular yaw too much for me to get a proper shot off. Also I understand pitching up too much when turning is bad so do you fight the urge to be aggressive with the stick? IL-2 CoD and a total flightsimbab btw.
I would say set your convergence to something like 250m and get right up close to the enemy. A lot of pilots did that irl because irl aerial gunnery is very difficult.
I don't really fly fighters that turn well, I stick to planes like P47s and 190s. Keep your speed and energy up and try not to get sucked into protracted turnfights because I find that the AI LOVES to turn in IL2 GB. Can't speak for CoD, maybe the AI is better there.
>set your convergence to something like 250m and get right up close to the enemy
I'll give it a spin later hopefully I'll get better results.
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it's ok, he'll get into 4.0 and see that it is ALL SHERMANS then switch to planes.

Then he'll have fun until 5.0ish but still keep playing until early jets.

Then he'll eat a low-tier missile and HOPEFULLY ragequit.

Sorry, just describing my own experience.
Aren't they all 75mm shermans as well because I remember the earliest 76 is at 4.7 or something?
You will play like 90% uptiers so everything from 3.3 to 3.7 is also all 4.x Shermans every time
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the AI is actually capable of playing the "Escalation" game mode by itself, which is basically the entire map split in half with 2 factions fighting in a full scale conflict with tactical nukes allowed after a delay

it also has workshop access on steam now so getting custom missions is easier
Erich Hartmann the german ace would almost always fire from that range or actually even closer

it would minimize wasted ammo, ensure accurate shots, reveal him at the last second to the enemy, and prevented them from evading since they're already dead by the time he's booming by

he also used 109s and 190s so they didn't exactly have the biggest ammo pools like you see on some of the US planes
gunner heat pc is great and made me realize how shit soviet tanks are
playing Nato is easy mode in the campaign
and playing Warsaw Pact is hard mode
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Been flying a lot of DCS the past year.
The Kola map winter update is fucking nice, it even has midnight sun during summer and hardly any sunlight during winter.
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its stops being fun after you hit rank 3
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No. I disagree.
Something like Age of Wonders 4?
3 is where it starts to become annoying with the extent dependent on which nation, 4 everyone pretty much gets shat on, 5 is back to either stomping everyone or getting stomped by everyone, 6 is hoping you get allied with the "better" major nation
It became more fun after they downgraded standard US ammo to M774. But the M60A3 and M1 are still eazy modo.

Shame they made the cut off for Tanks 85, would've been cool to get the T-55AM2B with it's very strange firing control system.
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What's the skinny on the Kladivo FCS?
I've been playing it for the last week and change and here's what I've generally thought.
Yeah, it's fun, very fun and easily one of the most accessible flight simcade games on the market controls-wise outside of Warthunder (rank 5 and below anyway, since beyond that you have to map another 20+ buttons it feels like) and its fly-by-mouse scheme. The AI is reasonably competent in the air, and will do its best to outmaneuver and CM your launches, using notching, jamming, and flares to its advantage whereever needed so it won't be a guaranteed kill every time you launch, thay being said players are still better at it generally. On the ground it's a bit different; the AI in vehicles isn't what I'd call stationary and brainless, but more... Russian? Which is to say they advance in a column or convoy towards the nearsst enemy base or objective and take out the targets on the way or get stuck trying. Anti-aircraft will prioritize things somewhat smartly, and will generally prioritize relatively well; first targetting munitions inbound at it if it can target them, then ones inbound at nearly allies, then aircraft locked on them, then aircraft that are just in range. SPAAGs like the skyguard and the Anvil are supercomputing demon-machines from hell and their aim is cracked. Ships are dumbasses and will gladly beach themselves, but are just as lethal as SPAAGs with their firepower. All in all it's good fun, though there aren't any mods yet there's a fair few good missions and great liveries for aircraft, including a Fedex Nuclear Bomber, so... i'd grab it
those are Yak's
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shitpost, or retarded?
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he's right dumbass, that's a Yak-7
The Strike series. Jungle Strike and Urban Strike are the best ones. Also, Red Zone.
Canopy cage is wrong and, tail is more rounded, no oil cooler scoop under the nose, that is indeed a hurricane.
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It's not a Yak
goddamn you're retarded
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Stupid ass nigger alert

That cockpit looks NOTHING like a YAK-1
Nigga yappin knowing full well he's full of shit
>Stupid ass nigger alert
>can't differentiate 1 and 7
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I dont think you could differentiate between 1 and 7 dicks in your ass, even if you tried really hard to stay sober, you fucking niggerfaggot
not the plane guy but that other guy clearly fucked up with the 1 and 7
too bad it sucks when diving
Haven't played bore blunder in years but the early sidewinders were easy enough to throw off. A skilled player could do it without wasting energy by performing very subtle manouvers, but even your garden-variety chimp would instinctively bank hard after hearing the tard alarm chirp.
Kola and the 'Ghan are both better than I feared now they've brought winter to the Barents.
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this plus guns of '93 mod
nuclear option is awesome and I hope it can grow in playerbase
>fire six amraam missiles at helicopter
>tanks all six
>fires four heat seekers at me
>helicopter still manages to blow up friendly convoy

It's an abstract kind of rage.
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Vtol Vr is great, shame i dont have any good recordings of myself playing it, its a much better entry than going straight to DCS if you like air to air multiplayer or running campaigns.
Also World In Conflict and Iron Harvest and pretty /k/omfy strategy games
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>all 80s/90s games and a reboot of that type of game
Why were helicopter games popular back then and why did they die off?
Computer games had a higher barrier to entry back then, you were generally a trainspotting autist if you had a personal desktop so games were catered to their interests. Similar reason why the internet turned to shit with the release of the smartphone.
For 6 bucks absolutely. It's pretty good in general, and the soundtrack kicks ass.
VTOL VR has a Apache module. It's pretty in depth as far as the controls and stuff but it's not as in-depth as something like DCS
Stop embarrassing yourself by supporting Russian studio games.
Just bought another copy of tarkov ;^)
looks cool
Panzer Corps is kinda cool
me too, the MiG-15bis and F-86F in Flamming Cliffs are a very nice addition
>inb4 rage
I really like War Thunder air sim. I can just jump in and sortie with my HOTAS without needing to study flight manuals for every plane. I can fly in IL-2 for hours without getting a single fight.
>peak consumer behaviour
I hope your just joking
can't pirate IL2 GB sadly
Tiny Combat Arena is like the old Silent Thunder series but just with a Harrier instead of an A10. There are mods so maybe an A10 was added.
Because people were starting to get introduced by the news to videos of the AH-64 blowing shit up during the invasion of Panama and Gulf War I. The hype continued with news about the Comanche, which looked so badass and high-tech. The hype died because F-22 became the new hype shit and got featured in Ace Combat all the time
Haven't played in a long time. Still waiting for that next update that has been in development for ages. Is that a custom map?
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>how it feels to chew 5 gum

Shooting down DDR Mi-24s with the Bradley TOW too
Did you want to join FnF tonight
it clearly worked out extremely well for him
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goodbye yakrat
he couldn't handle the finnish windmill of peace
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offtopic, but can anons recommend a good HOTAS that i can buy without robbing a bank or eating instant ramen for the rest of the month?
>inb4 picrel
had one years ago, it was awful and one day it just broke
It stops being fun at 6.3.
VKB gladiator, it does everything you need from a desktop flight stick
thrustmaster TWCS if you're really broke like me, VKB STECS if you have a bit more cash
meant for >>62108578
300yds (280m) is the actual convergence of a Battle o Britain spitfire. For yawing are you talking about putting yourself in a death roll because you pulled too much elevator and not enough rudder and stalled a wing? In those cases you need to coordinate your turn better and not use full deflection on the elevator
Ace combat is an arcade game where you're dumping missiles and getting 100+ kills every mission. It is more like playing an arcade shoot-them-up in 3d. Which is to say you might enjoy it.
No the yawing and the thing with turning and pitching up too much are completely different things. For the yawing I think I've kinda figured it out? I played for a while yesterday and I think it's got to do with me jamming the guns on one wing plus the fact that I zoom into the gunsight often which makes the yaw look and feel even worse.
>In those cases you need to coordinate your turn better and not use full deflection on the elevator
So this is something that I just need to get a hang of huh.
Based TZD enthusiast.
What game lets me play as jeets?
battlefield 2042 (which sucks but whatever) has a pajeet who is literally a hacker
I do boycott them alright
But someone else ought to make sims again so I can actually play
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I am finding Reforger a lot more fun than I thought it would be
>tfw m249 life on the insurgency server
god i love machine guns
The Arma 4 prototype is shaping up to be pretty good, yeah.
I'll wait for it to actually release and the modding scene to mature, but it'd be pretty much the only reason for me to replace my old laptop.
lmao I saw that shit displayed once at a store
touched it once and it felt like it was falling apart
I don't have some sekrit dokuments or similar.
But what I read from some weird NVA tanker forums was that the gunner lased the target, gave the range to the commander who set the options for ammo, range and wind, which gave those informations back to the FCS computer and set the gun to appropriate elevation.
Also it was apparently on of the first FCS in the pact.
Of course is he joking. Tarkov devs already made it public they just want to fleece their audience till the fatso can make his dream game.
M249 is no machine gun, it is just a big rifle.
Machine gun starts at 7.62x51mm. Everything below that is just loud kiddy toy.
The decisive campaings games are excellent
Man I was playing IL-2 like.... 20 years ago. How is it these days?
It's fun still but extremely Jewish business practices by the developers
If you want to buy all DLC for IL GB, it'll cost you over $1,300
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similar thing happened to me today
I do wonder what exactly happens when a apfsds projectile directly hits a man
fine red mist probably, all the water and blood rapidly expanding due to the incredible friction heat and pressure wave from that dart.
Body just goes poof.
For tanks yeah, rank 6 and below is where you wanna be. For planes.... just don't be above 12.0 to start catching ARHs and you'll probably have fun. The J7E is seeing a goddamn rennaisance thanks to it not going up when everything else did. It's sooo fucking beautiful and I say this as someone who normally hates the chinks, they did good with that Super-Fishcan, made me grind the whole Chinese air tree for that bitch and it performs beautifully
amortized over two decades, probably hardly noticeably. makes it nigh impossible for newbies to join... or for oldheads to get back up to speed.
I got a G X-52 Pro for like $110. The non-pro was $90. It was from B&H. Just wait for sales.
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Is mud and blood /k/
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I was there anon, 24 years ago, we thought it coiuldn't get better.
We had dynamic campaigns anon, we coud chose our unit.
I remember dogfighting ME 262 in my P 51 and shooting bombers with my Focke Wulf.
It started there anon.
Based oldfuck
The only game I've played that had the 'jeets play a role was Jane's Fleet Command, but I don't know if you ever got to play as them outside of multiplayer (though I do think you can add bots to an mp lobby).
Depending on which country you play
Us is pain all the way through but tanks are fast and fun
Germany hits the wall at around 6.7 when they no longer have heavies, except maus, picks back up at top tier
Russia is handheld entire game, russian players are literal braindead but their vehicles will outclass you in everyway
Any minor nation is just memes
Italy is pain
France has some of the most busted shit in the game, will insist their vehicles are overtiered when its the opposite for half their tree (im 90% sure some french main will reply to this with something along chaffee)
Sweden irl had shitty vehicles, sweden in game has shitty vehicles, to make it balanced swedish vehicles that were made in 1975 will face vehicles that were made in 1946
China and israel are literally copy paste trees
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This was satisfying.
You forgot the UK
>minor nation
They're more relevant than Italy, France, China, Sweden. Which is pretty poor until 6.7+ because no APHE. But 17pdr is pretty decent.
>Russia is handheld entire game
just stop right there
Don't play crap made by vodka niggers (Oleg Maddox). kys vatnik
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>early 2000's kino
>cutting edge technology and tactics, such as OICW, satellite imagery and target acquisition
>mowing down russian separatists, regulars and specnaz all over eastern europe
T16000M, not great not bad, you just have to grease the throttle
The pic, Ghost Recon.
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Brigador is /k/ as fuck. Not realistic in any sense, but the in-game snippets about hardware procurement and the stupid and unusual design choices of each mech/tank/agrav sound like a /k/ommando wrote them.
Anyone know a co-op tank game I could play with a few friends where each player has a different role in the tank? GHPC looks kino but it's single-player.
Steel Beasts.
first for VR posting

>zero caliber
can make the most abominable shit ever and run it. it's fun, plays almost like halo except you get to climb instead of jump.

sweaty as fuck but really good weapons handling, the devs knew what they were doing. gameplay loop is more or less standard competitive FPS fare.

>contractors, contractors showdown
both good, but showdown is better. if you can forgive the fortslop battle royale nature of it, the weapons handling is very good.

going to try H3VR next because someone on here told me to try it. looks pretty cool as a range toy
World in Conflict was my favorite and no other Cold War gone hot game will ever come close

I've been wanting to get into Wargame Red Dragon or Warno but those games look too hard for me. I loved WiC cause it was pretty arcadey for an RTS game and you can see your units up close
WGRD is WIC with no unit abilities no artillery calldowns and anywhere from 3x to 20x greater number of units controlled, that's all
in its own way it's just as arcadey, ranges and capabilities (especially of Soviet shit) is nowhere near reality
but boy does it scratch the Cold War Gone Hot itch
Warno is essentially Wargame on a new engine with some superficial gameplay tweaks
They should've just made WiC with tad more realism and with no/less offmap. CoH is probably the closest analogue I can think of but needs to be on a larger scale.
I miss the days of Total War, Total Annihilation, Hearts of Iron. Bonus is Galactic Civilizations II for space game
>Hearts of Iron
Hoi2 Doomsday and DH are the only HoI games that exist in my mind. Hoi3 was less a game and more a reserve staff office simulator, and HoI4 is just a clownshow at this point.
Or RobZ mod.
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Vigilante missions in San Andreas while in a Hunter. Perps get no shot at you and cannot destroy your vehicle by ramming, so reaching high levels is not that big of a deal.
>WiC with tad more realism and with no/less offmap
that's exactly what a low income WGRD game is
I'm a big fan of the first game, none of the sequels had the same feel to them.
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Imo there's still no game that compares to Steel Panthers 3. I think it's the redheaded stepchild of the series because it takes the complexity up to a whole new level and the learning curve is truly a bear; however, that also means it has absolutely unmatched depth and replayability. There isn't a single variable on the tactical level that isn't accounted for. The command and control system alone is an amazing feature that elevates the gameplay high above other strategy games. I strongly recommend trying it out - but only after thoroughly reading the manual.
If I ever find myself with a lot of money to play with, I'm going to hire a small dev team to expand the game to include the strategic, operational level, complete with logistics and everything (there is minor logistics involved already, such as transports and ammo trucks/dumps on the map).
As it stands now I don't foresee any strategy game exceeding it. Even a graphics improvement would be counterproductive, as it would probably just get in the way of all the information one needs to see.
If you want to put your tactics knowledge to the ultimate test, try it out.
Something with less autism. I can't be assed to bother with logis and wait for 15 minutes for my info to cross the map after their transports inevitably dies.
>more realism
>not autistic
Anon, you're being too picky. Your goldilocks zone is not the same as anyone else's. It's not reasonable to expect someone to make a game that caters to the extremely specific preferences you have.

Just play WGRD. It's not like we're sitting here pushing Command Ops or CMANO on you.
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I fucking love Il2 BoS even though the devs are jewish rusniggers, the engine is outdated, the game has the single worst optimization known to man and the servers are dead.
Sadly, I tried it in VR and I can never go back to flat screen + homemade nigger rigged head tracking, but the performance in VR is so abysmal that you can't have 5+ planes on screen at a time OR go below 2 km if you don't want it to start shitting itself so bad you actually get physically sick due to the lag.

I wish I could RETVRN to simpler times...
I have played WG even back since EE so it's not like I hate it completely but that doesn't I can't hope for something a little more to my tastes.
>Jewish russniggers
Incredibly true
My friend bought some of the dlc during the summer sale recently and a few days ago he couldn't access anything he bought on steam except for Bodenplatte which he bought on the il2 website.
He contacts support, shows his proof of purchase from steam, and support tells him "well not all planes are available in all missions, sorry"
It's something he's still trying to get fixed, but goes to show how fucking DOGSHIT Slavic game support is
>mixing and matching stuff bought off Steam and their website

It's theoretically supposed to work but taking slavjank devs on their word alone is like playing Russian roulette with a half-full cylinder.
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Enigma's Cold War Server?
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There's nothing quite like dabbing on retards who just got their hands on a supersonic jet but have no fucking idea how to maintain energy and bleed it all in sharp turns trying to keep a prop plane in their sights.
>t. fond memories of hunting monkey brains who got the MiG-21PFM free as an event reward
To clarify: not saying this was the case, just brought up the memory.
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neato, been there a few times flying the F-4E, but I tend to be blind as bat and get clapped by miggers flying flow.
don't forget Heroes Unleashed mod, especially if you want to play single player
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>hmmm today I'll pull some really high AoAs
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This, but WinSPMBT.
Personally I find the scale for the other games in the series to be way too simplistic, the format just doesn't work as well with such small units, you'd be far better off with Combat Mission or even Close Combat. It also doesn't even have the command and control system!
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Anybody here playing WARNO?
It doesn't need to be completely realistic, Kojima's autistic obsession with having characters specify which weapons, gear and vehicles they are using is peak entry level /k/ino.
I'd bet there are probably thousands of gen z military aviation enthusiasts out in the world that got their interest's first peak with Kojima's incessant use of the MI-24D name in MGS1.
>the format just doesn't work as well with such small units
Brigade level is too small for you?
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Carlos Hathcock would have been proud of me.
Been playing Fallout 4 with some weapon mods and I really like it so far. The rifle mod I'm using is simply called "Service Rifle" and it adds like a gazillion AR parts to the game. Current setup is just some weird M16A2 carbine type thing. Might upgrade it to a 20" proper M16A4 later on. You can make anything from something that has metal garbage as a grip all the way up to a modern tacticool gun.
I like Fallout as an open world fuck-around simulator.
Honestly no, in my current North Africa 1941 campaign in SP3 my core units are four armor battalions and two motorized infantry battalions, that's a (smaller) division. Along with the command and control system and on-map artillery, the large scale maneuvers over desert terrain are amazing. Each battle turns into a series of simultaneous brigade size engagements.
On and off. Currently trying out the Reforger 1993 mod in mp. Hope they get the campain AI a bit less braindead.
I did for a while and then dropped it its Okay I guess
Hate the fact that they are already releasing dlc even though it only came out may of this year
all just a money grab
Honestly yes* rather.
To add, the command and control system is so good because you have to maintain cohesion, you can't just deploy all the platoons in a battalion willy nilly because they'll run out of orders which are needed for movement, attack, calling fire missions, etc. It enforces or at least strongly encourages more realistic gameplay. And with multiple huge engagements on an 11 mile x 11 mile map it all amounts to much bigger implications and concerns.
Is there any Simulation on PC that I can practice long range shooting like setting your scope for elevation and windage using realistic 1/4 moa or milrad settings? Realistic ballistics based off bullet types? Was surprised to look into hunting games and none of them have this.
>rust on plastic
bothers me more than the rest of that fucked model.
They gotta make money somehow, this isn't a AAA publisher and the game isn't full price either. It was all planned out in advance.

I also play WARNO but took a break recently because of how monotonous the Army General for NATO is. Just defend and defend and defend, waiting until additional Battalions are trickling in while constantly outnumbered and outgunned.

Also I don't care if this song is made with AI it fucking slaps.
In Steel Panthers I just click a button and go unit by unit, they go in chain of command order down.
The cohesion maintains itself, since you keep the units together.
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Does fictional /k/ count? I wanna know if there are other anons here who have played Highfleet
I like messing in the shipyard though I'm not very good at it
Arma 3 with ACE
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>when you're riding the pressure wave from the Mach 4 dart entering your abdominal cavity, but then you get the fins
Gotcha. With the c and c system even while they're together a unit may lose command link due to radio problems, becoming too suppressed, etc, and it becomes necessary to get a command unit in physical contact.
I played this as a child. I didn't truly appreciate it then, much less understand it.
I remember thinking during the Georgian War and later now in Ukraine how prescient it all was.
I had the exact same experience. I liked to just make super basic scenarios and get a few tank platoons and then wonder why they'd often stop moving, didn't read the manual or anything lol. Very glad I revisited it later on and got to fully appreciate it!
Yeah, it's kinda dumb. I guess a way to cope would be by saying the mod is "lore-friendly" and the parts are actually made of metal because polymer stuff (at least for weapons) didn't exist in the Fallout universe.
This was the least terrible mod I could find, mind you. It's good enough for me.
All the 'eck ugv threads have made me get a deck.
What are some good /k/ games that work in handheld mode?
Any turn based war game, or real time with a pause.
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This is criminally underrated
I played this on my PSP.
I want to get into it but I keep crashing my shit when landing.
Sold. That looks exactly like the middle ground of flight sims for me. DCS is a bit too much and Ace Combat is a bit too fluff.
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Very, grew up on that shit. Played it on my POS laptop.
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thank you for the recommendation, it's pretty entertaining. can't wait for vr support, but until then it really does work well with a controller on a normal screen
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Does /tg/ stuff count? Cause Firelock 198X is a very /k/ war-game. I especially like the Werewolves with AK's and HIWS's.
>Does /tg/ stuff count?
a game is a game
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thanks. here's a comfy pic for you.
Minesweeper is like a k/game, right? Minefield clearing sim?
Duck hunter is more of a /k/ game.
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For me, it's Phoenix Command. Can't beat 100ms sub-turn resolution.
Been playing Terminator: Dark Fate Defiance

It's like an XCOM campaign played on rails with a few branching paths, but you're leading a rag-tag band of US Army remnants against not!SkyNet. And it's brutally difficult first time through.

But it's pretty damn kino setting up an ambush with the fellas armed with RPG7s and SMAWs to blow up those Goddamn machine motherfuckers
WinSPMBT is fun but only against human players
There's no AI to speak of
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campaign mode seems pretty undercooked and basic but I'm having fun, just like back in the day with Mulle

wait are all those damage tables?
graviteam tactics mius front
tank warfare Tunisia
combat mission serie

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