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>A Russian SU-34 launches a satellite guided FAB-3000 from space altitude at Ukrainian positions below.
What's the service ceiling of the Su-34s?
My condolences to the people of the BNR.
>space altitude
I'm fucking sick of this. It's not even half way to space.
If I'm only a third of a way in a pussy I'm not hitting her cervix.
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>from space altitude
kek. Sure they did. puccia stronk and not need some faggy rockets of western homos

Anyway those cockhols in belgorod will never know what hit em
Maybe that was a MiG-31 and not a Su-34?
what is AA doing? patriot bros?
What Patriot doing?
im pretty sure theyre just bombing belgorod again
FAB-9000 with UMPK when?
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Russians successfully dropping a bomb is worth a thread by now? Man, this special dumbasss operation must surrely run well, huh?
Praying for Belgorod
Hey Simeon how is it going?
The guy called me about that thing, he tells you to go fuck yourself
/k/ told me that Russian VKS was flying extremely low due to the threat of Ukranian western SAM's greatly hindering their effective range, yet here we got a Su-34 dropping Its load from Its maximum service ceiling...
> m-muh Belgorod
is this the latest cope?
things blow in the middle of Kyiv and even regular missiles can't be stopped by ukie AA but if we say "Belgorod" everything is fine?
They’re mad that Houthis attacked a Russian oil tanker.
it was a greek tanker.
Last time I checked Greece is a NATO country.
Think about the civilians from Belgorod
I wonder why Su-34 is operating 40km behind Belgorod despite the fact that Russia already destroyed all Ukranian air defense 3 times over
I don't know at what altitude they actually dropped that, but the su-34 has a stated service ceiling of 14,4km, well above the lower limit of space
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Loaded with russian oil and working for a russian company...
I don't care about how inefficient/impotent Russia's air force is, I just think the idea of launching munitions from so high up that you can see the curvature of the earth and the blackness of space is really fucking cool. Would like to see moar.
LMAO, the Karman line is 100km Anon.
>Unironic "It was [other country]" posting
>well above the lower limit of space
lmao where does space start for thirdies, one meter above the peak of Everest? The internationally recognized line is 62mi/100km
The Greek Navy has oil tankers?
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Brelgorod is fine!!!
you just can't go there anymore for some reason.
Yep. Like I said, they’re really seething over it.
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they are mad about a lot of things.
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Just you wait
Surely, all of the Panamanian registered ships actually belong to Panamanian companies, right?.. right?
You can't fly in space with air breathing engines, so it wasn't in space. End of story.
Probably had to climb so high to give the bomb best possible range while giving the plane a fighting chance to escape air defenses.
You mean to tell me that Concorde was a spaceship???
>from space altitude
ofc the vatnik has never been on a plane himself.
>absolutely sizzling
love to see it
what does trump have to do with belgorod?
>space altitude
But they have hard time hitting target when launching them few km above ground. What's the point of this?
Its a fucking board meme how new are you fucking retard?
>little to no catastrophe
Yikes. Anyway, does anyone remember the radioactive flood that made its way across Siberia? Somehow you don't hear about it anymore. How strange.
You are now aware that by climbing high you actually increase slant range.
motherfucker most of the merchant fleet belongs to a greek shipping company or just a Greek person that doesn't base his company in Greece. In fact a smol percentage is based in Greece because Greece taxes them to all hell.
Russia drops garbage bomb from helicopters
Russia drops bigger garbage bomb FROM SPESS

Russian MIC, everyone
I can now firmly say, that, because of this one video of Russia dropping a bomb from a plane, that Russia is not pathetic, but actually very strong.
Israel does it all the time, go check them out
Ass will be in the ass and Belgorod will know everything
>mom I scored a 100% on my test!
>only scored 14.4%

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