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Their leader tried to offer up 10 million of their women as sex slaves for the west. His mistake was proposing women (female).
Not great considering their NCO corps is untested and haven't seen a war since the 50s
Apparently they have a marine corps with zero historical achievements that I can think of. They’re good at copying Western surfaces/appearances and essentially look like the bargain bin version of what we have in the states.
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>Not great considering their NCO corps is untested and haven't seen a war since the 50s
>not a real test
The marines bullied Vietnam off of some 9-dash line islands in the 80s, but aside from that is just as irrelavant as the rest of the PLA. Naval landing drills come secondary to parades and Xi Thought (tm) study groups.
>women (female).
women (female)(xx) or women (female)(xy)?
Chromosomes are transphobic.
>bullied Vietnam off some islands
>anti-piracy operations in the gulf of Aden
Yea this isn’t reminiscent of Okinawa, Pusan, or Fallujah in any way.
Pretty effing powerful.
Consider that 80% of their shit works 70% of the time. They have ~2 million soldiers and the ability to call world war 2 numbers of additional soldiers. NATO would be able to defeat them on total war footing if the Geneva Convention is thrown out the window which it likely will be because the Chinese don't give a shit about any laws but theirs.
>bargain bin copies
They just aren’t a creative people.
bout tree fiddy
The honest answer is "we don't know".


Pound for pound, the US would fuck them up but it would probably be a "C" grade performance. PLA would likely still give them a bloody nose.
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Probably similar to Russia. Fucking massive but impotent. Technologically more sophisticated than Russia with an actually active and diverse manufacturing base, so at least a bit more threatening.
Their biggest weakness is obviously the gommunizm. To retain power, head monke(made in china) keeps all branches of the military at each other's throats. 'Member that one incident when China had a full submarine crew gas themselves? Yeah, that wasn't an accident. A full scale war will be a gargantuan clusterfuck for them.
They're only good at intimidating non-militaries like the Philippines.

Against a foe who can fight back like Vietnam or Taiwan they're all bluster and bark.
who cares
they have numbers and love horde attacks
i can't believe people buy ars when chinese hordes are a thing
arfags ngmi
If they try something against the US, it's gonna be Russia all over again.
>Flaunts about having strong army
>Attacks another nation
>Army crumbles like the paper tiger it really is
China is a weakling in chad's clothing.
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implessively powelful
They cannot project their power outside of the China sea. This makes any involvement on the planet outside their immediate sphere of influence a far stretched pipedream. See Russia for example. They barely operate on their sphere of influence, they operated in Syria with, majorly, Su-25s and a mercenary force and they let foreign powers bomb their allies whenever said foreigners wanted. China is the same shit albeit with more numbers. They have never tested their logistics chain over the blue sea etc.

>but muh siberian railroad
Shit and easy to counter plus it doesn't even move that much quantity as they'd need.

All in all they are untested as offenders to the other corner of the planet, they are even bad players around their border. Their achilles heel was and is logistics. Same shit with Russians.
That's actually training? I thought it's some kind of punishment, like mopping the sidewalk in the rain
>like mopping the sidewalk in the rain
That doesn't sound so bad, a few minutes to yourself right?
>t. Neverserve
after that
>why are your clothes dirty and wet???
>Go fight the rain!
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Isn’t this their most recent military experience?
Another honest answer is that it's several times more powerful than I am.
big but green
t. xiao burgerstien of idaho province
>80% works
>70% of the time
So 56% reliability? Pretty shit
>didnt feel like green texting your yellow ass
Fuck off back to your gutter oil fried bat, chang
Paper tiger
The media reporting that other dems are telling him to drop out? Because if the script youre using is still on the debates its a couple weeks out of date or you cant read it because of eyes so slanty
>deffo wasnt just some loony incel
>had to be the international cabal
sure chang, sure. if you weren't deliberately trying to drive a further wedge into american politics i'd say you were a schizo, but youre just a standard shill. How's tienemen square look today? Less pretty than in 89 i bet.
Warriortards mass reporting gave me a break. Agree with you on the second bit, fuck xi, fuck the ccp.

But i think if the glowies were gonna do it they wouldve given the kid an optic and pick one that didnt get booted from the local marksmanship club.
I mean, they badly lost that war. Then again, they lost Korea, too. The question, I suppose, is if they gained any institutional knowledge from those wars. Certainly nothing to be gained from stick fights with street shitters.
Most of these regimes are way more scared of their own general couping them than enemy armies invading them so their military policies often deliberately undermine the army itself.
So weak they cant set a kid up with a fucking $300 optic? Come on now
China fights in an interesting way. They have guns, but they don't fire them. They fight with shovels and throw rocks and use riot shields and clubs against Indian troops in the mountains, they crash ships into other boats and shoot water cannon and board like pirates slashing sabres in the phillippines, they fly hundreds of jets in circles around Taiwan then land back home. They don't even deploy troops to protect their own economic projects overseas afaik. Does anyone have examples of the PLA firing guns in anger lately?
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Robert Bales went on an incel style rampage and deserves levenworth
There has never been a time in American history where this behavior would’ve been celebrated by society. The western way of war does not involve drunkenly murdering women and children.
Looks to me like you were the degenerate, anon-san
>fuck up
Color me shocked that youre a mouth breathing retard
>comedian doing comedian things confuses the schizo
I get that you idolize bales being able to do the incel shooting that you wished you couldve done before they picked up on your retardation, but you really only have yourself to blame
>degenerates can get anywhere while the non-degenerates get punished into becoming degenerates.
It just sounds like a lot of cope to me desu, sorry
>For the US/a Coalition lead by the US: Hahaha, no.
>For a first world nation: They have the numbers to make it a nightmare and potentially to win the same way Vietnam beat the USA (i.e. keep throwing grunts into machinegun fire until politics in the other country changes and people start bawling about 'MuH bRuTaLiTy!!!!")
>For a second world nation: Ouch, welcome to the sort of meatgrinder war everyone hoped we'd left behind in WWI
>For Chinese civilians/protestors: They are death incarnate.
>Against Sparrows: Already begging for mercy and offering them Chairman Xi's balls in a box if that's what it takes to guarantee peace
Cool story.
Outlet with a timestamp, now.
>discharged retard getting uppity
only degenerate is the one pretending to be discharged from US military for owning the libs
That may be true, but what I said is also so. Those men who mutilated Indians and kept body parts as trophies were reviled by decent society in their time just as they would be now. Also you sound like a sadist so I’m glad you’re no longer in the Army. Killing can be moral in war but murder and torture are not. Please submit to Christ
Could China invade and conquer Siberia now if it wanted? (assuming all preparations for an invasion are taken beforehand) (also assume no nuclear bombs will be used).
I mean, yeah, their logistics are shit, but the Russian army is basically nothing now, Ukraine has degraded Russia to the point that I doubt they'd be able to mount a functional defense against China, Russia is running out of vehicles, artillery, air defense, you name it, whatever it is, Russia is running out of it.
Which leads me to the question, Why doesn't China do it? It's literally free for the taking, the western powers won't intervene, not even complain about it, they'll just shrug and say that Putin brought it upon himself.
Yes, but its more because russia is shit than china being good
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>No plate carriers
>No plates in their plate carriers
Yes. They seem to be trying to turn Russia into a puppet instead, though. If this fails, they'll probably invade the undefended far east.
Being completely untested for 50 years while having massive known systemic problems is enough to tell us that it's not a competent fighting force.
russia beat hitler. chinks cant even fight indians with sticks in the himalayas.
No, the ussr with a logistics system handed to the by the us beat the nazis in conjunction with britain and the us. Russia has none of those things.
Ah yes when China invaded post-war vietnam and somehow managed to lose more men in a month than America did in the entire war fighting an actual military.
Numba won!!
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It's killing me, but I remember seeing something here and can't find it again.
It was some boomer meme Comparing China's "we're the toughest take the abuse!" Training where they do stuff like whip everyone's feet and train to the point of injury, vs the US where troops are in a classroom being taught tactics.
The next panel is of all the chinks getting bombed while the US are in planes

I remember seeing an edit where that last panel is scribbled out and replaced with one where the US immediately loses all munitions and gets steamrolled by "based chinks" with the US troops all being trans wojack shit like that
I've heard that they're quite impressive.
Powerful enough not to fuck with them. Not powerful enough to fuck with you.
Wouldn’t this actually be really effective at building the endurance to hold a rifle steady for extended periods of time?

Like you could probably eliminate 50% of sway and increase steady time by another 50% by doing this, by /fit/ logic and the power of strength conditioning.
Just wear a trashbag? No wonder people make fun of hazserved, yall some brainlets
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early 2000s PLA was a sight to behold, i miss their shitty gear. xi ruining pla with his modernisation reform

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