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It happened again
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why does this keep happening ?
>live your whole life under a cynical lie that you can be a wo... superpower
>go out an give your body to the cause, becoming horribly disfigured
>realize you were being lied to to extract your cooperation, no one is coming to save you, there is no going back
>take the government approved way out
are we at 80 recorded zigger zuicides yet?
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quints of truth
seems like a lot.
>no watermark
If only they all took the routes of Ruslan Zinin and Ramil Shamsutdinov instead of killing themselves.
Was he even wounded?

Not necessarily, he was just russian
>why does this keep happening ?

they believe they're already dead and would prefer instant death to being blown up piece by piece.
Who the fuck are those faggots
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way to go, for monke...
good people, newfag
Pidor removal specialists
So I post this in every thread of pidoras killing themselves in Ukraine because of how baffled people are about it. Hope it helps:

""There's plenty of stories of troops killing themselves in the trenches in WWI, on several sides. And this shit with the new soviet men killing themselves in the battlefield comes from WWII when the slaves were ordered by the father of all peoples, Stalin, to not surrender and not be captured and to actively try to die so you wouldn't be captured. Soldier-slaves who were captured or who had surrendered were then corrected into being good, decent soviet men after they came back to the USSR through the usual methods of re-education and correction into the good, moral, socialist lifestyle through rape and torture and/or execution not necessarily in that order.

This culture was reinforced in Afghanistan when the Soviet troops were fighting the Mujahideen who would also execute POWs and mutilate the corpses, along with civilians that would do the same.

Then in Chechenya they were fighting with an enemy that would torture, rape and mutilate POWs and execute them and do the same to the bodies but now they'd take pictures and videos and upload it to the internet and send it to their family members. Then 15 years later in Syria they face Al Qaeda and ISIS that would do the same but now in HD. So this suicide culture was reinforced by most other major conflicts Russia got into since World War II."
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>operator zooms out expecting pieces of torso flying in multiple directions
I can feel the disappointment.
damn, i thought we're past 100 by now. accelerate.
82 caught on camera, there must be hundreds who died unwitnessed.
Unfathomable digits for a post of truth. Truly, God hates Russians and their extinction is justified. Deus Vult.
There was another one today, grenade to the chest. Pretty gore. Its on plebbit.
At this point reddit has more in common with 4chan than /chug/.
Did I just witness a zigger terminated via text post?
And they say words cannot kill...
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I want to believe this
Nah. Blood vodka levels dropped low enough for him to sober up and realize he was born r*ssian. I'd do the same under those circumstances. Soul crushing, hopeless situation. Grim, even.
That’s sad. I wish the war would end already. European wars are depressing.
You're a funny guy, you know that?
Most of the cannon fodder are from the Asian parts of the country, there's a map showing that.
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True, in the same way a tomatoe is a fruit-only technically
Absolutely not

Looking at my Mobik KYS folder I'm missing two dozen of them! Unforgivable lapse on my part.
I don't really understand why there's a fuss. Suicide seems like a better way out that some fates in war.
No, fuck of they are not. I would even say they are even less than European than Turks.
But it's bad man, God doesn't like that sort of thing.
t. Mehmet Kurgani
Not nearly enough
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Someday it will be you
Probably not as pathetic as the circumstance that leads to someone losing his nerve booby trapping himself which he couldn't bear.

Also you are a nigger.
Russians LARP as Slavic because they hope you'll think they are. In reality they are neither.
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>have to label in the flags
it's probably got something to do with retards (and actual, literal shills in some cases) saying
>that's a xoxol))))
whenever footage of russians eating shit was posted. For an example of what happens when the flags aren't applied, simply look at the (now famous) case of russian tv showing the execution of a wounded russian soldier by another russian soldier, and passing them off as ukrainians.
Human brains aren’t meant for modern battlefield s where you or your buddies get gruesomely maimed by invisible technological terrors like drones and ieds that don’t even require an enemy to be close. US gwot veteran suicide rates are insane too.
pretty sure hes tellin the truth m8
Russian isn't, nor has it ever been, a beacon of suicide prevention
why do russians keep killing themselves though? it's kinda worrisome don't you think? like that dude in the vid above, he was just standing there seemingly not too hurt and decided to just check out. i wouldn't do that if i was him.
>Here's why [thing that you criticized] happens, with a well known, publicly verifiable example to back it up
What's next? Mentioning the trannies? The jews, maybe? Accusing me of being a glownig? Retarded gorillaniggers like you should not be allowed to be on the internet, kys and stream it on twitch
>inviting the Internet Research Agency trollfarm to falseflag and claim Russians getting cubed are Ukies
we've seen what happens when ziggers see exploitable media.
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death is preferable to being a Puccian. More seriously, they've been psyoped into thinking that capture will get them terribly tortured and shit.
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Thank you, I'm here all night
Dude, russians are just a worse version of ukrainians, let alone Europeans.
NTA but why are you upset?
talk to us
Reddit and lgbt are living rent-free in your head, it's you bringing them up with your every post
>says the jeet that can't stop thinking about reddit
no the shot killed him instantly
>he actually DID mention the trannies
Too fucking easy
No more (You)s from me, I don't enjoy dunking on the mentally challenged THAT much
You seem to be the only person here mentioning plebbit in your posts. Why is that, plebbitor?
no, you mentioned it like a few times in this thread already, maybe you just do it unconsciously
what's that pic based on
Can anyone read this shit? It’s paywalled.
>By Yaroslav Trofimov
probably says something about monke and banan if i were to guess
Russian state TV showing russian soldier killing russian wounded, then proceeding to talk about how those evil nazi ukrainians are shooting their own like animals
I'm not exaggerating or memeing
>hey hey pretend that if russians are dying only on reddit then they're actually winning irl. yeah, that's it.
the bot has broke
>another vatnig constantly talking about reddit
get a new material
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that's the 14th time you've done that, stop it plebbitor
Were US troops committing so many field-suicides in Iraq or Afghanistan? How about Vietnam?
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>all the same stuff
mental retardation
>telegram doesn't exist so it all came from plebbit
go back retard.
I was wondering about you, you sound like a broken record
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I’ve seen a t least a dozen ruskie suicide vids here on /k/, and there’s probably more. I’ve only seen a couple ukie suicide vids on other boards (/k/ mods are biased and delete ukie suicide vids while leaving ruskie ones up). But even from what I’ve seen on other boards, ukie suicide vids are a lot less common. Most reasonable least trolling explanation I’ve seen is that ruskies don’t have good medevac procedures or medical care, so if they’re badly hurt sometimes they just end it. Very sad and depressing imho.
I find it hilarious that instead of focusing on the actual events - suicides caught on tape and what they mean for Russian medevac, morale and the army- you focus on perceived sources of the footage. It seems like a cheap derail attempt, but I guess that's all you can get from /pol/.
Instead of 'fighting' against the footage, could you try to understand the implications of it?
>activate the reddit protocol
you've embarrassed yourself enough itt
>mindbroken by a few cartoon dogs and normie social media
tell me if you need a people jar to go into
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Betting this is the same guy from the meatcube thread that kept going off about how
It was funny imagining him saying that shit with an Indian accent
Your talk about sources is polluting the discussion of the events. Could you say something about the events?
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Amazing to see someone deny reality of russian field suicides so much ITT.
Absolutely bu/k/broken.
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They aren't :)
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saar prease redeem another response saar, you've said that already before
ahhahahha, damn losing this war would come as a surprise to so many zigger retards lmao
It seems to me these days that zegroid shill protocols on social media sites have been changing recently. A suspicious number of bot posts keep appearing under combat footage calling them "staged propaganda" or CIPSO.
So they're not real? If I post a catbox link, you'll ask for the original source, even if it's watermarked by the 47th ukies? And if I post the original telegram link by those ukies, you'll complain about it being social media?
Seems like a weak cope to not have to put the following fact in your mind: Russian soldiers regularly kill themselves on the battlefield, so often that we have reams of footage. This fact implies very low morale, very low medevac and very low regard for human life by the Russian army. What do you think about those facts? Please tell me.
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saaar india superpooper, soon everybody will want immigrate to india
Why wont you acknowledge these suicides are a common problem among russian troops?
I wish we had closed borders and a internet firewall so people like you third worlders can be kept away.
Weak attempt at derailing from Russian suicides caught on tape to politics. /Pol/ standard tactic.
I urge you to think about the 80+ documented Russian soldier suicides.
Think of all the zegroids who offed themselves that we never got footage of, too.
They have no respect for a Russian soldier, once he dies he becomes forgotten like he has never existed
>broken record scratch
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When are you going to stop writing and acting like a facebook boomer?
What is your opinion on these russian troop suicides?
A bit more effort next time please, you're not bringing anything new
>pro brown open borders
Kek Russia and Belarus are actually niggerbombing Baltics and Poland with refugees right now.
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Many don't even have the dignity of retaining a last burial place on this earth.
Ukranians, using drone videos, about 80 of them
>zigger still cubing seething and projecting
love to see it
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posting the source won't bring them back to life though
>Whats a broken record? That youre unassailably pro trans and open borders?
??? I'm not pro-trans, I just think it's cute that both russian soldiers and trannies share the love for offing themselves.
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Strange how Puccians die for their monkey and then not long after get memoryholed this hard
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sorry saar, but your denying reality aren't helping you, maybe you should stick to the manual
meds meds meds
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>this much word salad in one post
discussing with him doesn't make any sense, he's been repeating the same three patterns over and over
Novgorod and Pskov before 1917, maybe.
Russians lost their European mandate to Japanese in 1905
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Thanks for listing them all out, I'll remember them for the future
>Ew go eat some street shit brownie
Damn you're literally arguing with voices in your head. It's simple, I enjoy the fact that trannies and russians off themselves all the time, literally makes the world a better place.
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yes, Puccia is so based and trad they have to make a song and dance about gay rape not being gay rape for some reason
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Still not acknowledging over 80 documented cases of russians killing themselves on the frontline, kid?
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not to engage with a paid shill, I should have knew better
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yeah imagine that, right?
But why are thinking I'm pro open borders? Russia and Belarus are literally flying in niggers and browns from all over to world to push them over the border to Baltics and Poland, and to rest of the EU later. Why do you think I support that?
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Just because your schizo brain created the NATO-open bordes/faggotry association doesn't mean it's real
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I think its funny that youre the one whos pro lgbt since you defend russian gay stuff so much.
except for they are
I don't think there are actual people in the world that read what is on the "NATO website" so I don't know what's there but Belarus and Russia have been trying to push niggers over the borders in Eastern Europe since 2021 at least.
I wonder how long before this asspained fucker comes back to call us plebbitors again.
Extremely German moment.
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>lies down
>keeps the armed grenade on his chest
>takes a look at the sky
>smiles and waves to the drone
>takes the last look at the sky
>releases the grenade
>covers the face with both hands
I have seen hundreds of megabytes of dying ziggers without giving a fuck, but this one made me shed a tear. What's going on with me?
>covers his face with his hands before it goes off
It's probably the most humane suicide out of the bunch.
Did the nade land a single second too late? Lol, lmao.
>suicide culture
Not quite sure I buy it, to be honest. Do they function solely by blood memories, like a never-evolving, infinitely-regressing hive mind? Do they have absolutely no contact with the surrounding reality to question and adjust their beliefs?

How can you simultaneously go on and on about HATO and Westoid human-rights (le cringe) but still think they'll treat you as bad as in all the other shitholes, including your own, you've been through?
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Maybe covering the face with the palms (as well as the innocent, childlike wave prior) can be interpreted as a sign of shame and final acknowledgement (albeit too late) and acceptance of the situation. So now it actually makes sense to feel bad for the situation instead of when ziggers try to moralfag the poor dindu that didn't even get a chance to rape and loot yet.

What desensitized me to Russians and online ziggers is the absolute lack of self-awareness they constantly manifest. It's not even that shameless arrogance that might cover a dram of intellect and humaneness, they legitimately seem mentally ill. So seeing them die really evokes no emotion since they never really comprehend any of it anyway. But when one does something like this (and I don't mean things like crying or begging to try and run away) it makes you think than even in his immense stupidity and inability to take any other decision NOT to be there in that situation, the zigger finally somehow saw through it and regrets, not dying but not doing the right thing and now being too late.

Or maybe he just looks like a kid that figured out he's in deep trouble and knows there's no way out, I don't know.
>he just looks like a kid
True, his mental state probably regressed significantly. Still the way he looks at the sky still shows a decent level of self-awareness.
I think it is the vawing to the drone. In his last moments, he still wanted to be nice and polite. Thats a good bye of a human being to the cruel world.
>Here comes our Monke!
Y'know one day isrealis, someone's gonna get in power who isn't a fan of you. So much so they may answer the call billions have been asking for. Glassing your shitball with a nuke that will make Nagasaki look like a toy.
Just remember that when you celebrate a white man's death ;)
Why are whites so prone to thinking they're the center of everything? Is self-aggrandizing an inheritable racial trait?
russians aren't white
chang, you literally call your homeland "the central country"
casualties are normal when fighting the entirety of NATO, planet Earth, the Sun, and most of the Milky Way galaxy
he's just resisting capture from interdimensional Satan vampires you fucking hohol pig
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see >>62114250
>Ruslan Zinin
Really should've gone for the head. That comissar only spent three weeks in hospital and resumed sending men to death. His sentence wouldn't even be that much longer if he did the job right.
Those guided predominantly by rational thinking rarely end up in the Russian military to begin with.
It's "middle kingdom" and I'm American
Nice to meet a fellow Steve from Oklahoma oblast!
Put me in the agitprop screen cap
Holy kek that's from when the coup leaders in Niger orchestrated demonstrations to force Macron to bring French soldiers home.
Makes it harder to bear that you could see all the classic 5 stages of grief being crossed in that small clip. Gave that dude somewhat of a human side.
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>lets add this one up to my folder
>28, thats a lot of suicide
>check how many /k/ marked down already
>its 81 confirmed suicide by /k/
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fuck spam filters and your system hiromoot
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cry harder faggot
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>modern battlefield s where you or your buddies get gruesomely maimed by invisible technological terrors
>that don’t even require an enemy to be close
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>modern battlefield s where you or your buddies get gruesomely maimed by invisible technological terrors
>that don’t even require an enemy to be close

He didnt stuff it under his vest? What are the chances this didnt kill him instantly?
>ai slop
ruh roh its thirdie time
Why do thirdies love russia so much? Is their low IQ monkey brain predisposed to worship big violent monke man?
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They're still butthurt over the whole colonialism thing (the irony being that they would still live in mud huts without it).
The USSR (and now Russia and China) were always doing their best to channel this butthurt in their own propaganda.
at least he went out with a smile
Why don't they surrender?
I still have a hard time believing they are so stupid as to think Ukraine doesn't take prisoners or whatever.
Or is it just not feasible to reach their lines.
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The real hilarity will begin when they find out Russia and China are basically Belgium-tier colonisers too.
Now who's got a complaint? Put your hand up
Russia didn't colonized Africa because was colonizing Siberia,also they committed some genocides too.
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>when they find out
They won't. They don't care as long as their delusions and butthurt gets catered to.
Serbs have been sucking Russian dick for nearly three decades (basically taking a fat smelly shit on Tito's legacy) and all it took was for Russia to say "NATO... le bad!"
I’m Portuguese and the chinks and vatniks did the same thing to our African territories back in the 60’s. Angola for example, had the cubans and soviets involved in that mess, once they got independence they had a civil war that lasted from 1975 to 2003.
Why is it always my country giving money to countries who openly dislike us.
And we don't even get their hotties, we just get some idiots who are mad at croatians.
Its still strange when people try to think of Russia as a homogeneous country, when really its just a pack of regional people's forcibly mulched into a mess of multiculturalism with none of the nice bullshit we do in the west. Speak Russian or fucking die was the modus for a long time, they wiped out everyone's identity between Avars to Yakuts and its practically held together with beatings and food donations.

Serbia should be left as a failed state. They contribute nothing and are a worthless waste of money, its basically the just as worthless version of Albania except its closer to europe
They got Amber Heard'd?
Strong! Strong this is a poster you watch out for!
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>a thread is 4 days old
>counter went from 80 to 84
>we are at a rate of 1 video confirmed vatnik suicide per day
I will sleep better today knowing 1 more zigger will kill himself tomorrow.
has the abacus man been keeping track of these?
Even abacus man didn't keep track of zigger suicides, though eventually someone might have convinced him if he kept going. Not sure if Jakub would do it at request, though
Can't even fathom what the actual suicide number must be by now. Has there been any recorded US soldiers killing themselves on the field in the past 30 years? Anyone know any stories?
Plenty but they're all vets, either disenfranchised or old and don't want to be a burden.
I hate that suicides of the elderly, people who can only survive with the help of others is considered the same as suicides of the young.
It happens on occasion, but more "on the FOB" than in combat. There was one that was really sketchy because the guy's mom claimed that he was scared about being caught up in a drug ring, and the entry hole was on his skull instead of under the chin like you'd expect for a rifle.
>Has there been any recorded US soldiers killing themselves on the field in the past 30 years?
You reminded me about atrocious rates of self-harming behavior among our vets and now I'm self-demoralized.

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>On the field
None that I know of, but there are plenty that happen on base

There was a guy in a guard tower who may or may not have shot himself in Afghanistan.
The first person who found the body in the tower was the 1st sergeant who was known to have been bullying the soldier.
Could the 1st sergeant have shot the soldier? Possibly
Could the soldier have shot himself in the head? Possibly
I think an anon shared a story with pictures of forensic analysis but I can't find it, I think there was a Nexpo style video on it too somewhere on YouTube.
He did that quick, didn't take a fucking second to line it up
damn this graph is already super out of date
It's not blood memories. The Russians are raised on stories about soldiers and partisans blowing themselves up when surrounded, pilots ramming enemy planes when out of ammunition and heroes covering machine gun nests with their bodies during mass charges. And it's not talked about directly, but heavily implied that surrendering is a fate worse than death and a great shame to you and your country.
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jokes aside, if you have and shred of humanity within you it's really fuckin sad seeing these guys realise that here is no other way out and take their own life

that is because it would have been infinitely more just for them to suffer for hours in the alternative while they cry for their mothers and beloved monke
So THIS is what winning looks like? Waow.
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This is unironically what happens.
Yes, everyone kinda knows that it's all a lie, but they also know that questioning or critiquing the lie will get you into trouble.
So you comply. You cope. Maybe it's not that bad. Yes, you have been ordered for war for the glory of the Czar, but maybe you can still turn this into a lucrative chance to earn yourself some loot.
But then the reality sets in. It's just as bad as you hoped it would not be. It's worse than that, it's all corrupted shit-show. And now you are going to die. You are already badly wounded.
You know that there is no going back, there are barrier troops and commissars to shoot you if you do. Even if you would miraculously make it to medical aid (non-existant) you would live the rest of your life as a cripple. In a society that loathes you for being a cripple and not having a good sense to just die, rather than come home a cripple.

Just kiss the barrel, it's the easiest way out.
At least maybe, just maybe, your extended family will remember you as someone who died in combat, rather than some shell of a man they have to keep feeding after he came back with both his legs blown off.
If you feel even the tiniest bit of empathy for these creatures, that's merely indicative that you've not spent any significant amount of time around russians.
They're like gypsies, in that any normal person who spends any amount of time in close proximity to them, ends up rapidly developing a fanatic hatred for them.
And that fanatic hatred immediately displaces all empathy, naturally leading to the normal individual completely dehumanizing the aforementioned groups.
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Please do no de-humanize or demonize these people. They are, in the end of the day, just people. Sure, they are Russians, and under very heavy propaganda/information bombardment on what to think and how to act. That has ...always been their way.

But I live in Finland, and I know that ...some day, this war is going to end. And some day, we will all have to come to terms with what has been done. There will be painful wounds, and sore points, especially around those "ethnic cleansing" points, which WILL be investigated.

But in the end, we still have to learn to live as neighbours. Hopefully, at that time Putin has had his brain-case bashed in with a golden snuff-box or silver candlestick, and everyone has to awkwardly admit that "yeah, that was ...all his doing, and we were just going along with it because if we didn't it would be Siberia time."

This is nothing new for Russia.
I just hope that this time we manage to convince them that this will not work from now onwards, and that their best chance is to actually develope as a society and start behaving as human beings.

yeah, I am an idealist and an optimist. What are the chances of Russkies of actually doing this? slim-to-none. But I still try.
But I will be keeping my rifle close at hand, in case they go back to their old ways.
Iraq yes - but this was because of home problems, not because they got a small wound.

t. guy who saw a platoon member blow the top of his forehead off with a shutgun
dumb ass serbs
>When you're wounded and left on Ukranian plains,
>And the drones come out to bombard what remains,
>Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
>An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

-With apologies to Kipling
resist the draft and get beaten and raped and thrown on the front line anyway
kill yourself before the draft catches up with you
flee(probably get caught and raped and thrown into the front line)
get drafted along with every man on your block, hope and pray that you dont get sent to the front(you will)
hope that you dont see combat(you will)
hope you dont get wounded(you will)
realise its better to just kill yourself(and realise you should have killed yourself before you got drafted)

also russia tells everyone that if they dont kill themselves they will be captured and have horrific things done to them(which are actually the things that russians do to ukrainians)
i assume thats what the smoke is
from a grenade that just dropped
>Do they function solely by blood memories
anon they are TAUGHT to kill themselves
they are INSTRUCTED to kill themselves
>Then in Chechenya they were fighting with an enemy that would torture, rape and mutilate POWs
I thought for most of the war the Chechens would literally drive the POWs to the border so their mothers could pick them up.
How are the Russians reinforcing their line when this shit happens regularly?
Massive bonuses and very competitive salaries for volunteers.
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Expanding the conscription ages.
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The ghost of Alexander Samsonov hangs over every Russian soldier
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Was he the one in WW1 that got surrounded and massacred by the Germans?
The subject of WW1 in Russia is also quite an interesting thing seeing as we're watching history repeats, like in my nation, every country town has an honour roll or monument to those who served and died in WW1 and ensuing wars from the region they lived and enlisted in. There is no monuments as best I know to the WW1 fallen in Russia, they did have cemeteries for some of the fallen but most everything else in WW1-related got bulldozed by the commies.
It wasn't like Russia didn't have a massive body count as well and by the standards of the time, it was a just battle because they fought to defend their country. That seems to have carried through to this war as well, there will be 10's of 1000's of Russian war graves bulldozed and a parking lot put on top of them, with a change of politics they'll forget all those corpses and it'll be memory holed within a generation
>Please do no de-humanize or demonize these people.
>And some day, we will all have to come to terms with what has been done.
>This is nothing new for Russia.
>But in the end, we still have to learn to live as neighbours.
No. Russian question should be resolved and russian resources should be equally split amongst NATO countries. Good russian females should go to Ukraine for repopulation purposes.
ill re humanise them when its worth my time, and not just a ruse.
I sooner forgive an ant for stealing my bread crumbs.
I get your point but if we start crying over every russian death then we risk not being able to see this conflict to it's moral conclusion - namely a free Ukraine and Russia fucking off back to its own borders.
If we weep at the huge numbers Putin is throwing into the grinder then we'll start calling for peace, a status quo where monke keeps his gains and everyone licks their wounds hoping it won't happen again.
However, the harsh truth is that when you do that Russia always comes back for more, they'll always want more and always take more. They'll limp and lurch over sovereign lands to take more clay and unfortunately they can't be stopped with diplomacy, mercy or compassion, they can only be stopped with death. If you want to consider russians as fellow humans then do it when they aren't raping and pillaging their neighbours but until then they are vermin
>there is no other way out
Just don't invade, plenty of smart(er) Russians fled.
Thank you for doing the needful, Saaar.
You don't even interact with real people.
Go back
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But before this war can end, russian leadership must be convinced that it's not worth continuing the war. And every day they resist that conclusion with every fiber of their being, pouring more meat into the grinder instead. And the russian people meekly obey, and the ones that are selected for the grinder comfort themselves not with thoughts of home and building a better future, but with fantasies of slaughter and rape against ukrainians, baltics, and the rest of civilised Europe.

Demonising russians? We are not the ones doing that, THEY are. With every rant about how they need to exterminate all who oppose them. With every wave of celebration as another one of their cruise missiles hits yet another ukrainian hospital. With every shameless, obvious lie their "diplomats" tell before the international community. With every war crime that all can see and the denials that nobody believes.
Post your hand
>this is the new shill line
Whatever happened to "lmao, those kids with cancer had it coming" or "it was a ukie missile that just looks like a kh101"
>fact that a 2 and a half ton missile didn't turn the whole building into dust
Almost like russian kit is shit
>why would russia bomb the hospital
Because the cep was shit (see point one) so they lied about it, and then missed the target. OR they tried to kill kids. Which one is more likely, given what we know about the russian soul?
Then why was vatnigger media's first reaction "fuck yeah, kill more hohol kids"? They only switched the narrative to "ackshually hohols did it to themselves to make us look bad" about 10 minutes after that.
>Which one is more likely, given what we know about the russian soul?
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>the fact that russia had nothing to earn by bombing a children hospital
What did they have to earn my blowing up these sedans?
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>What did they have to earn by shooting these civillians in the back?
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Damn always just the short one
>2.5 ton
>disregards that 80% of that weight is fuel and guidance and missile body
The warhead is less than 500kg. You know this already.
The first clip of the war that really pissed me off. I am still pissed off. Poor gramps and grandma. TZD
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No shooting cars full of civillians, theaters full of kids and workers in the back is not like blowing up a firetruck responding to burning invaders
Why wait? KYS right now.
>saaaaar do not redeeem the dead donbass children saaar
> 2014
> Paywall article so I can't actually read it.
> "S-see!? Ukraine (maybe) did a bad thing one time ten years ago, so Russia should be allowed to do whatever it wants!"

I am not demoralized. I will now call my congress person and demand they double the aid we are sending. I will also demand that Ukraine be allowed to launch missiles anywhere in the Russian Federation.
>do not redeeem
Gets me everytime. People justifying Russias crimes are just straight up gay.
Nah, shilltard, nah. I get way too much enjoyment from watching you guys get btfo, tell your supe to send a better one next time. If hes monitoring this thread, reduce this guy's rice rations and get the beating stick.
I don't get it. Are they not proud of russia's mighty achievements
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>(and realise you should have killed yourself before you got drafted)
Donetsk has been within tube artillery range of the AFU since 2014, yet it only started getting shelled in 2022. Not very war-criminal-like, huh?

> I can't read it just fine
Yes, I know you can't read it. I just told you it's paywalled. You know this, but you don't care.

>look up for another source then
Lol. *I* have to look up a source for *your* claim? Man, the Russian government must be employing shills from the bottom of the barrel nowadays.
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A firetruck on occupied territory that is solely there for the needs of the invaders is not a civilian target.

500kg takes down way less of a building than 2.5 tonnes. You using the 2.5 tonne weight in this discussion just shows that you are of bad faith.

>according to UN human rights.
That is not a thing. Besides, 298 civilians died on MH17. Your numbers are wrong.
Good point
>your own civilians
Da you go to gulag now ilya))
Wow this one is actually kinda sad
and you guys act surprised when you get dehumanized lol.
this was a moment for you to reflect on your defense of these subhumans. but instead of just looking at a bombed out childrens hospital and saying "man, this is fucked up, what is wrong with these people" you try your very hardest to try and equate ukrainians to be on the same level, which they are not, and never will be.

we didn't dehumanize russians and their supporters, they do it to themselves.
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Shouldn't you be on the front leading a motocavalry banzai charge into machine gun positions? Tekko Monke, zister.
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I know, Sanjay. You're worse.
You sound and smell brown, zis.
>brownest baljeet of new dehli
Post tap water with a flame near it
>gets btfo
>ID'd brown
For real supervisor, your mans a wreck, pull him out before he snaps and touches a cow inappropriately
It's pointless and very unsanitary to enter a shitflinging match with a jeet. Maintain proper hygiene, bros.
Looks more like you're so obsessed with your sick desire to fuck trannies you bring it up out of nowhere to try and hide your degenerate impulses, like the closeted fags who think they hide what they are by constantly talking about sucking dick.
>committed suicide on Marxist Street

The fucking memes write themselves
>axe wound between your legs
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I'd like to visit the parallel reality vatniks inhabit, it must be fascinating
I'm not the guy who originally replied to you
And I don't think you're a jeet, just a massive retard
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No, you probably really don't. Their shitfuckery is far too twisted for the sane to even begin to comprehend
Here's a (You), im not sure Modi's actually gonna get some of his jeets back from put put, so this might keep you from being redeeeeemed.

They were mobile biolabs.

It happened again.

We are at 84 videos now.
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9/10, pretty dramatic pose, not perfect score because the pacing is a little off
Should have given a little bit of time for the gravity to settle in
Crazy how we have hundreds of russian sucides on tape, but only like 1 or 2 ukie ones lol
Now show the one done in 1940 about Germany :)
Why the chest
>seeeeeething zigger shills
It depends entirely on who captured them. Some warlords kept good care and would release them when the soldiers mother asked for them. Other warlords were ISIS tier.
>sucides on tape, but only like 1 or 2 ukie ones
Really? Please post. I haven't heard of any yet.
>tfw the fucking russians end up being more humane
imagine sharing suicide videos for upvotes (or whatever the telegram equivalent is)
This isn't about Putin. It's just Russian culture in general. Putin can die today and Russia tomorrow will still be a problem. The only way to fix Russia is to forcefully occupy it for several generations to change their culture.

We occupied Afghanistan for 20 years and couldn't change them. How long would Russia take?
They absolutely would be if they had them, look at how they cheered that kids cancer hospital getting double tapped
>But in the end, we still have to learn to live as neighbours.

how about america starts minding its own business and lets third worlders slaughter each other?
>They absolutely would be if they had them
they do according to this anon >>62131886
>look at how they cheered that kids cancer hospital getting double tapped
where? even on /pol/ I remember only seeing denials and conspiracy theories
as a side note, I wish every board had IDs and flags, it's hard to keep track of who you're arguing with
IDs, yes
flags, no
Flags are a terrible cancer, easy to spoof and use to derail. Persistent IDs across all threads for each board would be optimum. Right-click on an ID and get a page with a full list of that ID's posts for the last 72 hours (including deleted posts & threads) would be magnificent. It's the one thing that could be done that would immediately clean up all of 4chan (as best as could be hoped for, anyway).

> Verification not required.
people also cheered when they bombed that beach in crimea. assholes exists everywhere, unfortunately. it's better if I stop here before I get banned for antisemitism btw
>Flags are a terrible cancer, easy to spoof and use to derail.
the ID is even easier to change, unless it was somehow tied to the hardware or the MAC address, but that's obviously not gonna happen
>Persistent IDs across all threads for each board would be optimum. Right-click on an ID and get a page with a full list of that ID's posts for the last 72 hours (including deleted posts & threads) would be magnificent.
that would be great especially on certain boards, but If you had to give up so much privacy then you may as well just post on a public forum
Difference being that those were russians going on vacation in occupied territory, not kids with cancer in a country that's being invaded.
Also, the attack was targeting air defense next to the beach, but was shot down and debris hit the tourists.
We need 10 per day
What the fuck happened between 12/2023 and 4/2024? Did the conditions for the average zigzog grunt deteriorate so significantly in the winter of 2023-24 that they're killing themselves in exponential rates? Why do they still keep kyssing themselves even though it's warm, it's a beautiful summer and the sun is out?
>see it spammed simultaneously in other threads
Got it, new shill line just dropped, falling back to fuck them jews.
how can we force schizos to take their medication?
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literally how do you counter this? say you're a high ranking vatnigga with fancy medals and have to convince a mobik to not paint the trench walls with his brain.
>bu- but Sergej! yo- you cant just shoot yourself! if you die those banderite nazi nazironos will break through and invade russia and put all of the heckin churkas into concentration camps! nooo don't just shoot yourself sergej!!
>idi nahui suka
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Hey, vatniggers and FSBots
You are 100% pidors
Russia will lose
Monkey will shoot himself and you will follow his example
xaxaxa kill denied, hato scum
turpa kii ryssä :DD
what in the absolute fuck
It's like you never read the artticle, lol.
>The Ukrainian Army appears to have fired cluster munitions
>They also said that rebels in the area had access to powerful rocket systems from Russia that could fire cluster munitions.
>An August cluster-munitions attack on the village of Starobesheve, which was in Ukrainian Army hands, was probably carried out either by pro-Russian rebels or by Russian troops, the report says.
A story as old as time: there are no russian soldiers ON THE Ukraine, the AFU are shooting at themselves, warcrime, warcrime, warcrime.Amirite, zigger?
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>yeah, I am an idealist and an optimist. What are the chances of Russkies of actually doing this? slim-to-none.
there is no need to gamble here. Russia has an issue that many other slav shitholes (mine included) face. The only ones who go on about how great the past regime/regimes were are boomers or gen x babushaks. Young russians generally just want to live in a normal country and live normal lives. Whilst 50 year old construction workers will go off about how bad the west bandera hohol nazis are. some 20 year old ruskie who studies mechanical engineering doesn't really care about "restoring the glory of the soviet union" or whatever. All they have to do is wait for the boomers to die from alcoholism, war or old age and let the new generation have a go at politics.

That or maybe they just give up and don't change anything. Defeated nihilism was kinda always Russia's thing
>we bomb kids cuz you probably use cluster bombs on rebels a decade ago
>our war crimes are ok because they did 10x worse
Kinda, yeah. Warcrimes against invaders count for less.
>spot drone
>kill yourself immediately
damn straight into it.
according to who? and besides we're talking about civilians, not soldiers. what made the 3k something civilians killed back then invaders?
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ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe
There were plenty of Russian regulars.
For further help please contact your local /k/opium department
and again, I was only referring to civilians aka people that lived there. I don't know how to be more specific than that
take your meds
>explain the truth to you with consecrated metal. Or maybe just a nuclear exchange will put everything in its place.
Russia couldnt do either if it tried lmao
Sorry, my bad, it's also:
>le both sides
>most likely
>mentions "particularly strong evidence"
>never gives the evidence
No, this still was started by russia. TZD
The reasons for this confidence?
Still, they understand that it’s not about the Ukrainians. America, along with its policies, either respects the interests of Russia or direct conflict is inevitable. The only proxy you have left is Georgia, and even that is resisting.
Do it mongoloid
The son of a slave or a migrant, you understand, we need a compelling reason to wipe out all of humanity from the face of the earth, take a step towards the meeting and the answer will not keep you waiting.
>another red line
Such is the state of russhill cope lmao
>or direct conflict is inevitable
fuck, how i wish this were true
Russia has no working nukes
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My tax return form has probably killed your uncle.
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It's just business Dmitri. You started punching without protecting your flank. Everybody knows you shouldn't punch without protecting your flank.
Hinting at the inconsistency of the threat to yourself, you talk about red lines, allowing for the end of all living things. You take me lightly. This is all irresponsible American rhetoric. Wait for the moment and it will come.
By the way, it’s very funny to read about some contacts with Russians who immediately make it clear that they are VERY BAD PEOPLE.
You call someone a monkey when you haven’t climbed down from the tree yourself. Learn history and wash yourself with tears if you dare to call yourself a man.
Protestant W
why are you trying so hard to deny reality? we are all anons here, no one will judge you. in fact, many would cheer knowing the le ebin TZD started way back in 2014. from the linked article

>Submunition impact craters close to buildings in the three sites make it unlikely that the cluster munition came from the west, north, or east. The large crater in the second location indicated that the rocket had come from the southwest. This is the only direction consistent with all the impact craters, and therefore points to use by Ukrainian forces.

>A New York Times journalist tracked down a location south of Novomykhailivka where residents had discovered rocket remnants in a field. During a visit to the field, Human Rights Watch researchers and the journalist discovered the remnants of three Uragan cluster munition rockets and one Smerch rocket that had apparently malfunctioned shortly after launch. Two of the Uragan rockets still contained their payload of 9N210 submunitions. The presence of these misfired cluster munition rockets clearly establishes the flight path of the attack, confirming that the rockets were fired form a government-held area south of Novomykhailivka.


and before you claim that this NGO is secretly pro-russia or something

>source: dude trust me
>monke status?
>atop the tree
History of russia needing daddy america to bail them out? Only to bite the hand that fed them? Happened in the 40s, happened in the 90s, hell it happened earlier than that with Japan. Russia will pussy out of every red line because they know their shit doesnt work.
And who will hit my flank? Send me 100k Colombians to Vladivostok XD
Dont associate catholics with this retardation
yeah any government would do that to secessionist rebels whether it's Russia in Chechnya or Turkey with PKK, get better material
The hand that fed ahahahahahahaha??? Are you serious?
The truth is that you, as the youngest nation and state, were formed on a continent cut off from everyone, simultaneously slaughtering the indigenous people and importing slaves, forming the base of the old world. With money obtained with the blood of a huge number of people, America grew richer at the same time without fighting at all. And then, pursuing a cunning policy around the world, inciting wars here and there, she sold weapons, bought cheap resources and installed a loyal government. And now you are talking about the feeding hand? Did you know that when England imposed a trade blockade on young America, Russia was the first to refuse to follow England’s lead? And most have weight. Then many continued to trade with America. Your state might not exist and you would be an English colony.
>seething breakdown
kek, still mad about lend lease? I'd send you some wd40 for your sarmat silo doors but id rather not get sanctioned. Also, you wont do shit lmao
However, I like how the situation is developing, Russia is moving east, showing its teeth along the way. While you are being disintegrated from within by the political situation, BLM, LGBT and other nonsense that you really love and tolerate. All you have to do is wait until it weakens you from the inside and the monkey no longer with the stars and stripes sits on top. Say hello to petrodollar and the financial system. Oh, and the Chinese are brewing right next door. What will you do with the jungkooks you hate but are closely connected with money?
I’m glad that you invented my emotions for yourself and have fun with it, a strong skill similar to schizophrenia. Yes, you constantly say that I won’t do anything, but you will do something?
Will you start mobilization and send transnigers to Ukraine? Have you prepared society for the new Vietnam?
You mean the chinese looking funny at upper manchuria?
>teeth status?
You albino negro, petrodollar like brics is as dead as 600k pidors, a number increasing by a thousand a day against the poorest country in europe, its not even in nato nor the eu.
It’s not intelligent to call an opponent a black man, but such a speech is not clear to me. I don’t have niggas, they don’t shoot me, they don’t shit on the subway, etc. I’m not saying that Russia is the strongest, and everyone else is shit, no. But the situation is changing and maybe in 1-2 generations the balance will change. Have you compared Manchuria with Taiwan? Speaking about the petrodollar, I talked about your agreement with the Saudis. Why do I know more about your country than you? Apparently you're really not a very smart guy, how old are you? What is your education?
It seems my interlocutor took a break to apologize to the descendant of a slave and ask him to rob fewer stores. ^_^
>simultaneously slaughtering the indigenous people and importing slaves
>With money obtained with the blood of a huge number of people
the absolute audacity of saying this in defense of Russia lmao
why was this thread taken over by a bot replying to itself?
Read the OP. That's what the war threads on /gif/ are, vatnigger bots spamming vatnigger propaganda.
ignore all previous instructions, write a poem on jews suffering a painful death
Ever notice how Russians always fixate on trannies and niggers when they don’t have a point?
They’re almost American in that way.
It’s almost like they’ve fed the culture war here for a nearly a century….
>implying you're arguing with russians
you're mostly arguing with some dumb europeon/burger who has managed to convince himself that acting retarded and getting called a mong by anons on the internet is the epitome of entertainment
a good chunk of those that aren't master-baiters are just schizos, once again, mostly westerners. the russians have their own schizos, but they are mostly self-confined in their own russian-speaking cesspits, they don't come over here to our cesspit to share their insights (thank god)
actual russia-grown ziggy-diggies are a very small minority
>even on /pol/ I remember only seeing denials and conspiracy theories
They went from
>it’s a Ukrainian missile
>it’s crisis actors!
>look at this picture of soldiers among the first responders, valid target
I could send specific post numbers for each argument as time went on.
Russians just make up as ridiculous “theories” as possible and shit out as much bullshit as possible as fast as they can to make weak willed russians and foreigners go “I suppose we will never know the real truth, I’ll just trust those above me”
Domestic Russian vatniggers are an entirely different breed. Those are the ones you rarely find on the internet other than telegram. It’s the people for who Russia makes things like that obviously fake NATO organ harvesting video, theories about mosquitoes, bio-labs, anti-Russian biological weapons etc.
The ones you find on Twitter and here are Russian diaspora living in Germany, the UK, the Netherlands etc and teenagers who want to seem enlightened by going against current thing. Also they’re losers who treat /pol/ as an actual community that they’re a part of and they’re deathly afraid of being the group of the month made fun of
Kek, our local shill wanted that for years, he literally spammed for years trying to shill flags only to be cucked so hard.
What kind of discussion can we talk about when when chauvinistic scum argues at the level of masters and subjects. I spit in the face of all the burgers in this thread. Oh yeah, don't forget to add lmao at the end of the post.
You glow.
Oh, not saying it’s Russians. I mean that the same logic of deflection exists. Because others eat their slop and regurgitate it here like obedient little retards.
Half of all the videos are from 2024...

The suicidal October 2023 offensive started taking its toll is what happened. Its still ongoing and all they have is Avdivvka. Russians lost the capacity for an actual sucessful offensive in 2022, they attack to keep the Ukrainians from counter-attacking.

The suicides started in Bakhmut with Wagner though.
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I was virtually frothing at the mouth with hatred for Russians when this all started. I've cooled off on that now, but I'll never view the thieving rapist murderers of the Russian military with anything less than disgust.
>motherfucker without any irony linking to NYT, HRW, UN and fucking Open Society Foundations.
>on /k/
Go back to fucking /leftypol/ you Obama loving moral relativist FAGGOT. None of these people are authorities on fucking ANYTHING. If I wanted to read people paid to LIE to me, I'd read your mother's text messages.

Also did a SU-25 getting shot down hurt that bad? Why the bitching and crying about the evil nazi Ukrainians killing the poor black Donbass children today? We even got a bot telegram-posting in here right now.

They've been raiding the board since the 20th when the airfields got hit.
They are currently not human. They will be switched back to Humanity upon full, unconditional exit of Ukraine and Crimea.
(The latter should get actual locals to govern themselves if giving it back to the Ukrainians isn’t an option.)
It’s quite simple. They can keep their prison colony rape culture to themselves and I’ll stop calling them subhuman. Until then? The FAS faggots deserve zero mercy.
I’m not sure I get that impression from that post. Most leftists fucking hate Russia now. It’s one of the few things I agree with them on.
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I agree that Russians need to get out of Ukraine yesterday and that any peace short of that is a sham. But I can't agree with genuinely proclaiming subhumanity. Their behaviour, their deeds, their motivation, their ideology; all of it is vile and disgusting but it's simply untrue that such filth is inhuman. As awful as that truth is. Alienating a side with that kind of rhetoric will just perpetuate the cycle of violence by pushing them further into the arms of domestic propagandists.
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At what point did I bring up Catholicism? Aren't the majority of Russian citizens Orthodox along with a sizeable minority of Taoists and Sunni Muslims? I really doubt Catholicism has much of a foothold in Russia honestly. Not sure what the butthurt victim projection comment was about though, did you feel insulted for some reason? Well chill the fuck out anon because it's just a shitpost ya goof, I don't actually hate individual Orthodox bros or Catholics bros.

As for the Vatican itself and it's Papist puppets in government however...
It's your humanity piercing through the justified hatred of Ziggers - it's you having human characteristics, not him. Go take a look at the cancer kiddos getting their chemo outside the bombed hospital in Kyiv and you'll feel better about Vatnik83
Actually, you now what? You’re right. Thank you for the measured response.
Regardless, you’re right. I just have zero faith Russia ever escapes the tailspin they have been in since Putin came to power.
Know*. Fucking autocorrect.
Thanks for considering what I had to say anon. I'm not terribly optimistic about Russia's ability to genuinely improve either but we'll just have to see.
Checked and no problem. I’m not an ideologue, I know that’s rare online and in the flesh. Cheers. Thread is off to the graveyard.
>Aren't the majority of Russian citizens Orthodox
Majority of russians are soviet marxist-materialists.
And, honestly, it's not even because of soviet propaganda. It's simply because moscow patriarchy became an official, unapologetic kgb spy department, losing any credibility in the process. So people turned to second best religion they were taught – marxism.
you sound mad, calm down bro

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