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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous: >>62077336
Does your indoor range allow chink surplus ammo?
go listen to closer to the heart RIGHT NOW
Nope but they do allow .50cal funny enough. They say the surplus steel core can wreck their backstop.
Damn I really wanted government gibs to buy more ammo and surplus.
Can I shoot a fal at calgary shooting center? I fucking hate going into the city but would for a fal.
I’m gonna shoot a full auto one next month while I’m down in the states. Trying to decide what other’s I want to rent. Might have to try the MAC-11 and RPD too.
Are there any laws about how much ammo, powder or primers you can possess without a permit? Of course assuming you have a PAL as needed
yo anons is brasso gonna scratch my brass henry .44? is it too abrasive?
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Call a day or two in advance to reserve.
It's covered in the Regulations of the Explosives Act:


>280 No more than 225 kg of small arms cartridges may be stored at any one time.
>297 (2) A user must not store propellant powder and percussion caps in the same magazine.
>299 (1) Percussion caps must be stored in their original packaging.
>(2) Smokeless powder must be stored in its original container or in small arms cartridges.
>302 (1) (a) 20 kg, if all the smokeless powder is in containers that hold no more than 1 kg; or
>(b) 5 kg, if any of the smokeless powder is in a container that holds more than 1 kg.

That applies to ordinary people without explosive magazine licenses. I don't see an explicit limit on primers but it might be lumped into the explosive propellant limits.
Thanks, I think I’m in the clear, not that I’d be that concerned anyway. I’d probably just drop some off with some buddies if I had too.
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my outdoor range doesn't even allow it, kek.
it's in the middle of the city and bullets have left the range before (police did it while training) so they're afraid of ricochets
lol just don't get caught
We did it reddit! The caf is saved!
Id suck her dick
Peel Regional Police seizes 71 guns, all but 2 of them smuggled from the U.S.
im going to guess that revolver wasnt smuggled
Ive heard from frens still trapped in that they've halted medical releases. The new policy is basically you've got a pulse well put you to work.
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Yes you can, they also have chink AKs and more. They have a wide selection of full autos. I shot a full auto UMP-40 when I was there this week. It’s about $60 for 20 rounds.
Have fun anon. Full auto is pretty fun.
Thanks Ill have to make a trip in before I go back home for good
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sorry to hear that, fren
Im going home to nova scotia to live comfy on my oil field monies and go to school.
we need to bump up those numbers
If it's less than 100% it's too low
inb4 its 0.001%
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You can still try, its just a fair amount of work to convince them you need it.
I believe you need a note from 2 doctors (one can be your family doctor, the other needs to be a specialist?) testifying to your condition. and you yourself need to write a few pages explaining your condition and how it handicaps you.
Baste, try not to shoot rangemaster by accident tho.
kek, reminds me of the 'Magic Bullet' episode of forensic files. Where they acted all mind-blown by the fact a bullet could go over the berm then ricochet to kill someone in the building on the other side.
'shes the first woman, because i made it so'
yeh, real implessive.
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Just wanted to say thanks for all your encouragement guys, I'm no longer no guns. Ive been here for about 3 or 4 months and you guys have talked me through the whole process of getting my PAL while providing entertainment and filling me with anticipation. I take my range course next week and will immediately start shooting money out the end of this barrel. I also picked up a Maverick 88. And will be geting a ruger 10/22 in the next month. Thanks again! Look forward to meeting some of you guys on the range!
Dont know why this is upside down. Forgive me I'm a Newfie
Looks cool anon
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great choices of first guns. what sort of 88?
Please tell me the justification for importing over a million people a year into a country with a collapsing medical industry, service industry, and housing crisis
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>SKS and Maverick 88
At this point this is the quintessential Canadian load out.
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Thanks, this one lol
Honestly wanted the 500 Retrograde but they didnt have it in stock and didnt know when it was coming in. I had already waited long enough and didn't want to wait any longer so kind of settled on this. >>62102188
From what I heard the wood on the retrogrades is really bad, might be better off just tracking down some old wood furniture and slapping it on the maverick
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Nothing wrong with an 88 at all. But in the future, never settle for something other than what you want. You will always compare what you have to what you wanted, and probably end up selling it or buying what you wanted.
truth, that's what I did on my 590A1
Mav88 forend is different than a regular 500/590 so he will need the entire assembly or else the wood alone won’t fit
Off to STFX? I have a couple friends from school down there.
Almost every hockey kid I grew up with ended up at STFX or random US schools lmao
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>never settle for something other than what you want
Baset and patrician take.
Anything i didn't love, got liquidated. (except for a handgun, need to wait until that can be replaced)
Anybody have an ATT and wants a Jericho 941 RPL? I'll sell you mine cheap as I'm moving to the states and dont want to turn it over to the RCMP for destruction.
0/10 bait
Literally asked for an ATT which is one of the exemptions for handgun transfers. Retard.
Can i have att plz?
i dont know what it is.
Authorizations to carry. Its for cops, armed security, loggers in the north can apply for wildlife defense, Olympic shooters, etc. If you have a job where you need a gun, thats the exception.
No Im going to nscc for machinist. Pretty excited its something Ive wanted to do for a while.
>Authorizations to carry
You'd think they would call it ATC, then.
You're right my bad. Too many abbreviations. Its ATC. Not ATT.
just stash it somewhere it's not like they'll come and get you in the states
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just post it on gunpost, someone will buy it
Call SFRC, see if they'll buy it off you.
Actually have had it on Gunpost for a few months now. I have gotten like 20 messages since I posted it asking me what the exemptions are. NIGGER if you dont fucking know, then you arent exempt. Gunpost makes me genuinely hate Canadians.
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I have only bought shit off of gunpost and they were nice old dudes.
But having sold some tools and knick knack shit on FB market place selling online you will deal with so many retards
4K for the jewvor?
Not mine, its a buddy who wants me to sell it. The rail is mine so I need it to sell so I can skim $200 off the top. The stupid bastard painted it and that makes it even harder to sell.
Nice dude. Good luck, be ambitious and work hard.
Please don't become an alcoholic or drug addict, it's never worth your money, body, mind.
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anyone here gotten their rhineland fg-9?
I held a real one once, felt the spirit of 88 run through my veins.
How much does 22 mag go for? Bulk wise. Might pick up a CMR30.
Based newfie, good for you
T. Another maritime chad
I'm pretty sure I've seen two dead guys guarding the ammo.
Any chance TI convinces Norinco to pump out a not shit Type 81 side folder? They were so close with the latest batch but again overestimated the popularity of a variant (under folder).
Hulk Hogan is an absolute BEAST
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Yeh, thats a silly price for a bumfucked jewvor.. it was originally black im guessing?
Around as much as 9mm, may aswell get a real pcc seeing as the cmr mags are pinned to 10, just like any other pcc is, but maybe youll actuallyt be able to get something that isnt a P.o.s.
Bargain hunting for bulk shitty boolits you can find it starting around 30cents. but most ammo youll see on shelves will be closer to 50cents.
Yeh, he's like 6'7", too. Makes other big men look like smoll men. (mr.t is standing on a box or somthing in this pic, poor little niggers only 5'10")
Same effect you get when you see dwayne johnson stand next to vin diesel. (except dwaynes only 6'5")
They did try and charge a dead guy with awol a few years ago in gagetown. They sent mps to his house to get him. They hurrassed his widow demanding to know where he was. They accused her of lieing to them because theyd know if hed died.
Its all good I quit drinking over 10 years ago now. Not gonna take up drugs I got surplus and ammo to buy.
Should i put a 4x scope on my squires bingham or should i keep the read dot on it? I like the 4x just because it gives me that extra accuracy
Aslong as your objective lens diameter does not exceed 30mm, then you shall remain straight, and not gay.
Qrd on the squires bingham?
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What caliber pistol round makes jeet meet their whore vishnu this fast?
Working the night shift there officer?
People sometimes drop, the second they are hit with a bullet of any caliber, no matter where the hit was.
Getting shot is a shock to the mind.
Working late night pumping gas/drywall tonight pooboy?
could've caused immediate blood pressure loss. looked to be very centre chest shot
Looks like a neck shot to me, may have hit the spine?
Too much curry will do that to your heart
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ah you may be right
Hoppes9 confirmed for best chemical ever
Anyway to remove the paint? I love acetone, take a sniff everytime I use it. Dunno if it might effect the polymer, I’ve ruined some plastic parts with acetone
Retards ruining guns with paint will never not make me laugh
Like spray paint shit right?
I’ve only ever done cerakote
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it's fucking ruined. this $500 mossberg 835 will never be the same
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How will ballistolfags ever recover?
That said, i do see a small amount of rust on the hoppes9. personally, i use breakfree, and it looks about the same there, but there are other tests other people have done, with different results.
You did a good job, not everyone does.
Sorry bud but I read your reviews on your gunpost profile, one left by Steve8
How was he? He’s got some shit on gunpost and eBay I’m interested in but his prices are fucked, and I have literally seen the exact same items he won at Switzers auction with prices marked up 4x what he paid
molesissy lost
AusCHAD won
Considering the current demographics of police officers you're one to talk, offiSAAR
You spelled g96 wrong. Also doesn't smell like literal cancer either
Cancer has never smelled this good.
I always have used Eezox because my dad always used it
It’s hilariously carcinogenic
I can’t make out the text on the two top right but they look the best
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It’s Friday you fuc/k/ers better have a plan to go shooting this weekend.

Also half the country is under fire bans so don’t use any exploding targets if your innawoods.
Squires bingham 16 is a retarded rifle one anon keeps posting. To be fair. I haven't seen a squires bingham posted on gunpost since
Anyone got any pics of that rifle saved?
Is this the new normal? They sold out instantly too.

yep, people are going fucking ravenous for the rugerlins, and levers in general cause they think they are ban proof, plus the whole industry shift to the "tactical levergun", people selling dressed up .357 leverguns with rangerpoint shit on them for 4000 dollars.
In my opinion the tactical lever guns are kinda dumb, i fucking love the wood stocks and classic wood of them. Just throw a different stock on it and maybe a optic, who needs a Mlock rail for the lever gun? Thats just my opinion though, do whatever you think is cool.
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Haven't had this gun out in a very long time
Looks very nice anon
some guy let me shoot his 357 lever when i went shooting and i let him shoot my cooey 60 in exchange. It was very cool and fun. I need one but first i need a shotgun. Not going to go for a Maverick 88, but a 590A1. Just not sure if i should get the 18 inch or 20.
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sometimes I wish I went 18"
how come?
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it's mostly a grass-is-always greener situation. with 8+1 shells this gun is fuckheavy, so if you don't lift you'll get tired. i should weight this gun.
there's nothing wrong with the 20" though
Yeah ima get the 20 inch. Im sure i could always swap the barrel and mag if i wanted a shorter shotgun for the day. Ur shotgun is very sexy. Ive seen some barrels online with porting on the top of the barrel for recoil control, are there barrels that come with it or is that after market?
There's no way of reducing the recoil of 12g 1oz slugs. You just have to adapt to it. The slugs in the previous picture are just less FPS which is dumb. I got them because they were cheap.
Nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck ur shoulder up. I use whatever i got from target load to cheap bird shot. If im at the range it doesnt matter. But if im in the woods, i like to load my own stuff with non-plastic wads, mostly make my own low recoil buckshot. But if im on my ATV, factory slugs or buckshot for bear defence
>handloading shotshells
incredibly based
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you guys dont shoot plastic into the environment right anons? RIGHT ANONS
>it's mostly a grass-is-always greener situation
Funny, I got the 6+1 18.5" barrel version and kinda want the 8+1 instead because it looks cooler, but at the end of the day I've never had an issue with the weight of mine so from a practicality stand point it's probably better. He'll, I've heard even the heat shield isn't great in practice because if a little moisture gets trapped under it it can fuck up the barrel
i clean it up, I always collect my shells when I'm done and even pick up others if some bum has left them lying around. found a whole pile of .308 casings last week, someone must've had an expensive day because there was like 60 of them
he's talking about plastic wads. of course you always pick up your shells
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no i dig through the soil for about 15 hours to collect the wads too
Casings are fine when they are brass, but im thinking of the plastic wads and plastic shotgun shells that get left behind. Its easy to clean up the shells but the wads is my main concerns
Glad to see another anon worried about this shit. I posted this like a year or so ago of what i usually bring home from people blowing up stuff at this little spot near me.
I always pick up my shotgun wads and shells but never my brass. I know brass can quickly rust but how fast until it dissolves back in the environment? 100 years?
My philosophy, and I’m not the anon who was posting ITT earlier, is that anything natural that will eventually replenish the earth is welcome to stay - brass, metal, paper etc.
but nothing is ever enriched by plastic - just killed and choked out. Plastics are evil.
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i still tend to clean up my brass too, after a while it'll build up and make the place look dumpy. plus others will take that as a sign they don't have to clean up anything and before you know it the place is a pig sty with all kinds of trash everywhere. if it's on public lands it's only a matter of time before someone complains and then the gov't comes in to close the area off so no more fun free land to shoot on.

people who litter should be subjected to public caning.
Based trash cleaner anon.
The racoons look to you with admiration
I was gonna shoot some rocks but I guess you're right
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>tfw have to work nonstop for the next week because of all the flooding bullshit in southern ontario
>no shooting for at least 1-2 weeks
I remember posting the spot i got to and said if anyone cleaned up trash and posted it here i would leave a box or two of ammo as a incentive
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I pick up all my brass casings but if they're steel, I put in less effort because I figure they'll disintegrate within a reasonable amount of time. also sometimes there's hundreds scattered over a large area
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Better use that OT to stack some ammo, get some gear or buy another gun.
Serious question though. How do you resist the urge to just pick up your guns and pump the forend or pull the charging handle.
That’s the neat part, you don’t. I fingerfuck my guns constantly while watching TV, waiting for games to load etc
I don't understand the question
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using it to pay for my new $2500 tires...
I love seeing one of my guns in a movie and playing with it while watching it. (And pretending I'm in the movie shooting bad guys)
>$2500 tires
Negro, do you commute in a Caterpillar front end loader or something?
Stop being financially retarded.
is yours a 590 or 590A1?
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All Terrain tires are expensive as fuck now. I didn't even go with the same size this time, I just went with the stock ratio and they still cost me $2500. Granted that was for 5 tires, had to get the spare done. I wanted BFG KO2s again but they were too much, got Toyo AT3s instead.
I do actually beat on my tires so I can't get away with all seasons.
ive bought and passed on guns purely on how many hits it got on imfdb
Man the cheapest Chinabrand truck snow tires are like 1500$ now, do you even drive?
Alright lol! I thought it was frowned upon. Thank you, I will stop treating my guns like Im on a first date with a girl I really like. I never thought about chillin on a couch and fingering my guns.
The important part is making sure the gun is unloaded before fucking around with it, ND's are the frowned upon part (ie, the part that gets your guns taken away when the neighbour's report it). But anyone who claims they don't finger fuck and play with their guns at home is lying or is one of those joyless "muh tools" boomers
Not him but yeah AT tires are a joke right now. I just keep buying shitty sets off kijiji with a couple seasons left instead of buying a full brand new set lol
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not sure how you're getting that price unless you're driving a dually? they're $1400-1600
my suspicions were correct then
regular 590 has a standard profile barrel, 590A1 have heavy barrels. thats why its obnoxious to carry around
if you follow the conversation, we were talking about A1s lo l>>62106821
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u wot m9
>Got attacked by shitbull last christmas
>See more and more shitbull pups being adopted by immigrants in neighborhood
Some days I don't even want to jog.
I know I can carry dog spray but is that really going to deter a shitbull out for blood?
I'd rather have a different type of .. Tool to carry in case someone needs me to cut rope.
Fuck off noguns. Pitbulls suck but do you really need us to justify carrying a knife? What the fuck kinda summerfag ass post is that
aren't you tired of shitposting noguns to every person that posts here
stinky sand nigger
Yeah anon you’re getting Jew. For my truck size 275/60/20 I paid 1,800 for 4 FIRESTONE
DESTINATION X/T with the winter peak, that includes installation fee.
Not really, you paid $1,800 for 4 tires but I had to get 5. At 450/tire you would've paid $2,250, AT3s are a more expensive tire too. Basically $500/tire mounted/balanced.
I won't order tires online anymore. Guy at work ordered Wrangler Duratracs and when he brought them to the shop for install they told him they were counterfeit. He had to spend almost a month dealing with Goodyear to get the issue resolved, turns out they were fakes and the online store had received a bunch of fake shit from one of their wholesalers. Took him another month to get the whole return processed because he had to get the tires shipped back and they wouldn't give him his money back until they received and verified that the tires were fake at their warehouse.
Not worth the PITA as far as I'm concerned. Plus some places, like Canadian Tire, will sell a version of the KO2 or Duratrac but it's not an OG tire. It's made using old/retired tire forms from those companies and sold under license. You're not actually getting the same tire, which means tolerances are off and people have reported issues getting them balanced/uneven wear. Sometimes 3-4 trips back to the shop to get them road-force balanced. Again, not worth the PITA.

Some shops won't warranty/guarantee balancing if you bring an outside tire too because they can't verify where exactly it came from, and people could bring them chinkshit and then blame their shop for the tire's performance later on. Again, not worth the hassle.
I got 6.5 years out of my last set of A/T tires, if I get 5-6 years out of these ones that's basically $42/month for tires over their lifetime. I am a WFM chad so I used to spend $300-500 a month on gas alone, now I spend maybe $50 a month. This is my elaborate way of coping I'm going to stick with it.

On a personal level I don't trust Firestone since the Ford Exploder murder spree in the early 2000s.

Damn bro time to move, in the meantime you should carry a machete.
I wouldn't want to fight a shitbull with a knife, and they would probably just shrug off dog spray, assuming you could even land a hit with that shit.
If theyre in kill mode they can even tank handgun bullets like a ripped junkie on pcp.
Shotgun would be a good pick, or, imo shitbulls in the neighbourhood should render you eligible for ATC a SMG loaded with explosive rounds.
>Damn bro time to move, in the meantime you should carry a machete.
Thought about it
A machete? That's not that practical if it's already on your arm/leg

I kinda figured they'd shrug off spray if they're already in it to kill, but I think any sharp edge that you can stab with at their neck would do wonders, go for the stab and punch method of shredding their neck open
>Shotgun would be a good pick, or, imo shitbulls in the neighbourhood should render you eligible for ATC a SMG loaded with explosive rounds.
Fucking how I wish, at the very least I'd carry 9mm with JHP rounds, those hit in the body and they'll shred internal organs at least and bleed out quickly
A slug or buckshot would be nice and quick though
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Maybe get an Ovcharka, these things chomp fuckin wolves and bears, pretty sure they could make mincemeat of a shitbull.
>A machete? That's not that practical if it's already on your arm/leg

No I mean just walk around with a machete in your hand like a complete menace 2 society. No one is going to fuck with a guy who just has a machete in his hand, not ever.
Bear spray would be better, its twice as strong, and sprays like a cloud, rather than a narrow stream, so its easier to hit with. But, not supposed to use it on dogs or carry it for them, which is a little silly imo, bears noses are twice as sensitive as dogs why would they need the stronger spray but not dogs?
But even bear spray only has like a ?95%? success rate on bears, if they want to kill you bad enough they can ignore the pain.
bruh Goodyear Duratracs (better than KO2s) are on sale at Canadian Tire, you can get a set for $930 you got fucked, kek
So on my SKS There is a littlu circle on the butt of the stock I pushed it in and something in there pinched my thumb and shot out. Its all greasy. I pushed it back in without really seeing what it was cuz I didn't want to fuck anything up. What is that?
you cannot get a Wrangler Duratrac RT for $230

also i don't think some people know that tires come in different series like P and LT, and with different weight and speed ratings too
if something greasy pops out of your butt, you shouldn't push it back in
i agree with this anon
it's just the SKS kit that most of them have in the buttstock to kinda help with maintenance
they made it for russian soldiers, they wanted to make it very simplistic
It's a cleaning kit, very based design. It's a tube with 2 halves that twist open to reveal a brush, handle, and swab holder thing. Attaches to the cleaning rod that runs under your barrel and above your bayonet (the thing that probably rattles around).

Probably one of the most ingenuous designs, it even functions to protect the crown of the barrel when you slide the cleaning rod through the end of one half of the case (half with the hole in it), as it slips over the barrel perfectly.
anon I think the horse riders might have a word
bear spray in the suburbs would probably get high brow with police and they'll probably charge you if you used it
hell who am I kidding, no matter what you carry you're gonna get charged for defending your life lmao
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Everyone should know how to use this kit as it's multifunctional.
Why do you need a half-ton? i agree tires are expensive as fuck. they used to be a simple maintenance item but now they're a luxury which has the effect of reducing the safety of everyone on the road
makes me want to buy one with how useful that shit is
are they even in stock anywhere?
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SKS? Yeah Cabela’s always has them.

If you want to support a Canadian gun store bullseye North also has some in stock

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I think the problem stems from too many brotruckers buying BFGs and Wranglers and such for the aggressive look. It's driven demand up and thus price. They used to be fairly reasonable (I paid $1400 for 4 KO2s in 2018).
If you run a lot of weight on your vehicle the LT/ 10 ply really makes a difference. You don't get nearly the same wobble with them under heavy loads, plus they have far more durable sidewalls and the puncture resistance goes way up. I drove over a buried, rusted truck frame buried in leaves once and I'm 100% sure a regular all season would've blown the fuck out on me, possibly even a P-series.
LTs are tougher at higher pressures, you can't always just "air down" off road if you have a lot of weight on the vehicle or you're towing a trailer, you'll squat and pop a bead which is worse than a puncture.
I've run my tires everywhere from 55PSI down to 15PSI, the LTs seem to be more forgiving with these huge variances too as the sidewalls don't deflect/warp nearly as much. Just my experience, everyone's got their own opinions and preferences too.
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Word of advice on Cabela's SKS: read the reviews.

If you see a lot of positive reviews that are quite RECENT, like 1-2 months old, order one as they got a good batch. If you see lots of recent negative ones, hold off or go somewhere you can inspect the gun in person. Cabela's has gotten shit batches in the past complete with moldy and cracked stocks, rusted barrels with blown out rifling, and even bits missing like the piston.
I got mine at Cabela's last year and it was nearly mint condition, sometimes you get very lucky.
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Sorry also 2nd with anon you should always check an SKS or any surplus rifle in person first before buying.
Thank you sirs!
I think yours looks better without the bayonet. Mine has the spike bayonet.
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Now just need some of these things, as seen in favourite video game stalker series franchise.
I have like 4 of those things, one still in cosmoline and paper.
and the frekin holders i think
blade bayonet is maximum kino but only the Yugos and Russian ones came with that AFAIK. there's far more chink ones out there and nearly all of them have a spiker, if you find one with a blade it's probably not the original bayo OR you found a super duper mega rare one like the handful that the Vietcong made before their factory asploded
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gold bayo is best bayo.
is the chinese sks cleaning kit the same as the type 81?
if u wanna buy it i can give u a email. 10 bucks? idk seems fair. plus ship
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I thought the blade bayonet was way more common. Every SKS I've seen (including mine) has one.
really early chinese sks had the blade and then they switched to spike while really early soviet ones had the spike and then they switched to blade
hmm mine's Soviet and from 1952 based off the serial #.
Nay I already got an SKS already, came with everything but the fucking cleaning kit
I popped that backdoor open and was disappointed but way she goes, got it for cheap and the barrel is fucking sparkling clean ready to be fed shit ammo and flooded with nitro solvent
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Yeah I went in person to a gun shop and inspected a few Russian ones and Chinese ones. The Russian models had rust on the barrels and the wood was not in very good condition, but they had bayonets. The Gun shop employee knew a lot about the model I bought and was able to tell me it was made in 1973 and ended up in Vietnam and then found its way here. It even has a little bottle with chinese writing that says 'Serves 4' and then has Mao's signature. The model I have is plastic but I'm okay with that I still like the look and feel of it and I wont have to worry about taking care of the wood.
holy shit my sentence is shit
don't start drinking early in the day lads
Made perfect sense to me, have another one bud! Happy Friday!
>ended up in Vietnam and then found its way here
No, they were produced for the Sino-Vietnam conflict (wood doesn't do too well in the jungle) but were never used which is why they're in pristine condition.
The liquor's calling the shots now Randy
This put a smile on my face. I like the posters on /CFG/. They're like proper Canadians.
gdi I miss John, even doing his little youtube videos he had a charm
Oh my... Just.. My fauci
These people are shameless.
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Kek this turd person having a mukbang while john loses his job and his destitute family starve
One thing to keep in mind is the whole idea that you can claim you were just carrying a "tool" that just happened to be useful for self defense at that particular moment works IN THEORY, basically there's no way to really prove you were carrying a knives with absolutely zero intention of using it for protection and whether that excuse works or not entirely depends on how much of a faggot the judge is.
Not saying this to demoralize, obviously it's better to take that risk than to get killed by the niggers of the dog world, just wanted to point that out.
Our laws are really fucking retarded that way.
>constantly hear ads about food banks drying up, pls donate :(
>Most people aware that like 50% of donations go to diploma mill leeches and don't even bother anymore
It's frankly amazing nothing has completely collapsed yet, the pipe that is the Canadian economy is like 90% duct tape at this point
There was few guys who lost their jobs who where doing that. It was a TD employee
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>Better to be tried by twelve, than carried by six.
We still have a long way to go before we really hit rock bottom...
Are you one of those fags that goes “camping” by towing a 6000lb RV with propane hookup and air conditioning?
Oh yeah I fully realize that it may or may not work, but I definitely am not going to not at least fight back with all I got if a shitbull tries to clamp down on me again

It doesn't help that Shitario has most of the breed banned but does nothing to enforce it
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You've watched the original too, right anon?
>Are you one of those fags that goes “camping” by towing a 6000lb RV with propane hookup and air conditioning?
Not him, but funny you should say that cause I recently had an aggressive argument with a colleague who insisted that going out in a mobile apartment is still "real" camping. I tried telling him you can't really be at one with the natural world if you have fucking electricity and running water, but it just went in one ear and out the other.
Surely if we bring in 2 million a year Canada will become a super power by 2100
The snowbirds call it boondocking; when you park your rv somewhere without hookups.
Thats about as hardcore as most of em' will go.
Typically, an rv will have a few days worth of power and water to run without hookups.
I tried looking for that video on YouTube and couldn’t find it. However holy fuck I found an endless list of jeets posting about free food in Canada. It just goes on and on, in the comments they attack Canadians for telling them to fuck off. Holy shit no longer food banks are in crisis. All these bachelors of economics and commerce are fucking robbing the poor dry.
yeah they would've had blade by then, lots of variation between the Soviet ones even though they didn't make them as long as the chinks did.

russian ones are all older production so they've been kicking around at least 10-15 years longer than most of the chinese ones. the chinese famously over produced them and a fuckload just ended up going straight into crates slathered in cosmoline. i'm 99% sure mine was never used for training or combat, the barrel chrome lining is immaculate and there was no wear on the bolt face, plus it's all matching numbers. you can get better condition chink ones. most of the soviet ones have already been uncrated, sold, owned, resold, used, sold again, etc.
idk what the fuck they're saying but I'm sure I'd be enraged if I could understand their nonsense
if he's running his tires at 55psi innawoods, he's 100% towing an apartment with him
My tires are bald as fuck but, fuck paying 2 grand for new rubber. Just gunna run em till they splode on me.
>t. Dicey during the winter
The liquid Jew got me again bros. Shits IMPOSSIBLE to quit forever. Is it because I’m Irish? I feel like a stereotypical trope. I even have the urge to get into some fisticuffs.
Based, get em' in ya boyo.
>t. 8 beer deep
You’ll be alright b’y
>I'm irish
it's made for retarded people so yea probably
and it's possible and easy to quit you just need hobbies and a family instead of getting drunk alone while you post on 4chan
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Nigger it’s friday night chill out gah dang
I fucking hated my KO2’s when I had them
>getting drunk alone while you post on 4chan
That is a hobby.
I have a rooftop tent and bring enough gear for a week, so my total weight for gear + vehicle is around 5,300-5,400lbs. I don't run my tires at 55PSI on trails, but I do tow a trailer with my vehicle sometimes and on the highway, with a trailer and payload, 55PSI is a good pressure to keep fuel economy up and reduce sway.
I CAN NOT wait to see caFAGGOTS and other assorted gaytoes getting diced up against Russians lol

Anyone have experience with a Benelli Nova? I already have a Mav 88 and I’m looking to pick up another decent pump shotty without burning too much dough
>>Most people aware that like 50% of donations go to diploma mill leeches and don't even bother anymore
This is exactly why I stopped donating to anything but like animal shelters when I'm getting dog food and they ask for a few bucks
too plasticy and the forend is kinda weird. if you want a second shotgun get something like an 870 wingmaster, winchester m12, ithaca 37
please die in a drive-by
>gay furry is a wannabe gangbanger
Didn't you get rolled and cower like a bitch?
stop associating with people who live in garbage cans my guy
How much should I sell UTAS-15 for?
my condolences
Anything East of Manitoba is a different nation.
Yes. It was a bad experience that taught me a lot. Namely that I should carry a concealed weapon (retaliation weapon(one of those subcompact hipoints(to shoot at a scene-fleeing robber)))

also the importance of intelligence networks -- for all the LOL HAs GON GET EM shit i heard the nigga(white) never got got. back in quebec we had rules -- don't do no shit aint gon be no shit, and when shit happens everyone hears about it and if you attack civilian targets there is no sympathy or protection, you just don't do that. and as much as people don't snitch, SPVM have P90s and air support for "nez rouge" operations let alone for chasing niggas knocking over drugstores
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>also the importance of intelligence networks -- for all the LOL HAs GON GET EM shit i heard the nigga(white) never got got. back in quebec we had rules -- don't do no shit aint gon be no shit, and when shit happens everyone hears about it and if you attack civilian targets there is no sympathy or protection, you just don't do that. and as much as people don't snitch, SPVM have P90s and air support for "nez rouge" operations let alone for chasing niggas knocking over drugstores
I can't find stinky chinky on tendas. Has China stopped selling it to Canada? Is the great Chinkening happening?
basically, where I am from, police and organized crime have inordinate power. because it's against both the public interest and organized crime's interest to have routine violent crime against people not themselves involved in organized crime, violent crime doesn't happen much because either some black-clad giga niggas are going to come delete you by saturating your house in 5.7x28mm fire in retaliation/punishment as a tactic to prevent others doing the same in the future, or the police will get you first
Tendies is shite anyways, fuck'em.
Here you go, fren;
Anyone got the fren/non-fren camo chart?
it just had all digi-camo as nonfren anyways
here is the current one when i added sharpie cam and moldtarn
Theres no such thing anymore anon. The battle lines have broken and fren is non-fren just as much as you WNBAW
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>tfw I just completed a full on m81 kit so I could be fren shaped
you guys are maritimer’s and/or newfies too aren’t ye?

>have wife and kids
It didn’t help, if anything it made it worse
If you see any fursuits...
>you guys are maritimer’s and/or newfies too aren’t ye?
FUCK no. Cariboo country, the last real part of canada
>Go camping 100km from the city
>Bring every possible creature comfort you could ask for, suffering nothing at all
Now that's soldering.
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Hows your Friday going?
>Drinkin' (vodka+coke)
>Watcihn' LotR
>Playn' with my gun (Winchester Model 70)
I had a very long, shitty week, so it's nice to relax.
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I just (as in "recently" not "only") threw up pretty violently and continued drinking and am now defending my husbando in another thread because i identify with him slightly
>drinking after puking
based. Also, I wonder if my husbando and waifu would get along.
>waifu AND husbando
What are you, bi?
90% straight. Depends on my mood.
bitch nigga and likely a furfaggot
>muh reddit gta justlikeme husbando exdee
you people need jesus
we keep screaming because god doesn't hear us
How did you know?
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anyone seen the Canadian film Shoot (1976)? worth watching?
What garbage canucks line do you have up on your wall like a shrine? Absolutely disgraceful
this nigga really playing gta not online
Do they call it the Iron Pipeline up there too?
What a weird thing to get upset about
Upset? No I am just curious >>62110427
>influenced by a board
>can't post pictures correctly
It's over
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It's such a shame that they could have produced so many movies in that particular time frame that would have been based as fuck, but only produced a few. Because muh niggers, I guess
BC bro?
Bought a red Ryder to try and kill squirrels with in my backyard and the trigger group seems to have busted after about 20 shots, anyone ever strip one of these things before? Is this a common malfunction?
Nah it's technically relevant because it can be used to train small children to use real guns and it can be used for hunting which unfortunately seems to be dying in /k/ as well as here
>can be used for hunting
It's one of the least powerful bb guns on the market (they lie about the fps, advertising 350, but its actually well below 300, and only has maybe 1ft/lb of muzzle energy), its also terribly inaccurate. plz don't try to hunt with it.
holy shit lmao 350 fps you cant even kill a moos with that
It's a 5gr projectile, traveling at like 285fps max. You'd be lucky to kill a chipmunk with it.
if thats your Gun just kill yourself
My buddy claims to have killed several magpies and squirrels with one so I was gonna try. It didn't even penetrate a Wendy's cup so it seems dubious at best. He might be lying to cover for the fact that he's actually using a full powered pellet rifle in his backyard instead. Either way I'd like to repair it so I can train my toddler up
you couldnd even do that
you dont even own a real gun
just kys right now noguns
So have you stripped a damn red Ryder or not ffs I just wanna fix the piece of shit. If I could shoot my 10/22 in my backyard & get away with it believe me I would
kill yourself noguns
You are one gay & retarded fella that's for sure
kill yourself noguns
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>If I could shoot my 10/22 in my backyard & get away with it believe me I would
Aguila colibris or super colibris, can be as quiet as a pellet gun.
Super colibirs fired from this short barreled rifle are around as loud as this <495fps break action pellet gun.
Normal colibris would be quieter but come with a risk of squibs. I hear the best option is the supers fired from a 20+" barrel, which could potentially be as quiet as an air canister powered bbgun.
The real question is whether or not I'm brave enough for that and the answer is probably no, I kinda meant I'd do it if I had an acerage or something.
kill yourself noguns
Stop being gay.
Isn't firing guns off in the city classified as pajeet/nigger behavior
only if youre a pajeet/nigger

stop being a pajeet/nigger
Furfag really did a number on you fragile little homos didn't he? Lmao
Why not carry a screw driver instead then?
My brand new Maverick 88 has light strikes
2 rounds of 25 didn't go off
Apologies for the mass reply, but I wanted to mention that I hope you guys are getting your fill of this while it's still possible.
If these people are so shameless as to abuse the system, stop pretending like this game of 'rugged western individualism' is still worth playing when everyone else is a collectivist cheat. Fuck them and get yours, that's thousands of dollars in grocery savings staring you in the face. Plus you deprive them by taking it for yourself.

To keep it on topic, how many of you ppl own over-under shotguns, especially bespoke? I was thinking of buying one, mostly wondering if anyone has specific recommendations, warnings, etc. Have a good one.
Idk how you guys do it, alcohol always tastes like horseshit to me. Doesn't matter if it's bottom of the barrel vodka, or the lightest Whiteclaw available. Just sickening.
Try a different brand or batch of ammos.
Have been on the foodbank gibbs for awhile neow, fucking grocery prices have gotten ridiculous.
Alcohol of many varieties, is an aquired tast, your brain teaches you to like because it likes the feelgood chems. beer, dry wine, straight spirits, are all things that taste like ass the first time anyone tries them. Some people just learn to love them faster then others.
For a brief moment, i was concerned that my diesel jerry cans may explode, due the heat wave, and me storing them in a poorly ventilated location with potential spark ignition sources.
But then i remembered, how much safer diesel fuel is than conventional gasoline;
Diesel fuel has a flash point between 52-96c (depending on the mixture) below these temperatures diesel fuel does not produce enough vapours to be readily ignited, even in a poorly ventilated place.
Compare to gasoline, which has a flashpoint of -43c (yup, that negative 43!!) is virtually always a potential fire and explosive hazard.

Diesel fuel originated from experiments conducted by German scientist and inventor Rudolf Diesel for his compression-ignition engine which he invented around 1892.
Originally, Diesel did not consider using any specific type of fuel. Instead, he claimed that the operating principle of his rational heat motor would work with any kind of fuel in any state of matter.
In 1899, he even made a prototype diesel engine that could run on coal dust, though it suffered from piston ring failure after a few minutes due to coal dust deposition.
n 1900, the French Otto society built a Diesel engine for the use with crude oil, which was exhibited at the 1900 Paris Exposition and the 1911 World's Fair in Paris. The engine actually ran on peanut oil instead of crude oil, and no modifications were necessary for peanut oil operation.

Diesel engines are noted for their high efficiency, high reliability, and low fire risk. Characteristics that have made them a popular choice for use in military vehicles, since WW2, to the modern day.
Infact Rudolf Diesels mysterious disappearance and death aboard steamer SS Dresden in 1913, occurred while he was on his way to meeting with representatives of the British Royal Navy to discuss the possibility of powering British submarines by diesel engine
How much did a relatively "plain" ATRS modern sporter cost in 2020? Say, 18.6", standard trigger etc. etc.
>high reliability
diesel engines haven't been simple or reliable since the 90s
like 2.5k
what's a good gun case that doesn't look like a gun case?
You could get one of those Pelican cases with wheels so that it looks more like sound equipment or something.
duffel bag
Right around 2k depending on optic and how many magazines you added to the budget
A blanket
Don't get too cute when it comes to discreet containers for your guns. Transporting a gun in a container that conceals the fact that it is a gun is illegal.
big facts, i just bought like 20 gun socks off aliexpress for like 2.50 each and just throw them in the back of my car. No need for anything fancy. But its really just to my car and into the range.
Try using non pajeet ammo
any good options for a scope for a 22lr? Real shit i wanna put a decent one on my squires bingham 16 and be decently comfortable looking threw it rather then using the shitty ass bushnell one i got on there already. Pics so u guys dont think im being retarded. Its dovetail mount, need it to be at least an inch raised off the receiver
I just wanna get the full stock not the shitty ass collapsible stock for it so i can bench shoot it better.
Khals, Nightforce, Schmitt&Bender, tangent Thea, ZCO.
lubricate the trigger/hammer assembly
Is Richmond Hill a nice, white area of Toront Ho?
lolno there are a shitload of Chinese there (mix of Hong Kongers and mainlanders). If you go pretty far north or west it gets considerably whiter though. Housing is horribly expensive there these days.
there's rich men north of there
>Housing is horribly expensive there these days.
In urban bugman shitholes filled with jeets, sure. There are still decently priced houses in the prairies.
stop using challenger you cheap fuck!
this is why ill always buy higher quality firearms, so i can run whatever junk ammo i want
t. born and raised here
why is finnish camo "neutral"?
So like....what 'level' of crimes would preclude you from owning firearms? Asking for a friend
More serious kinds of assault, robbery, domestic violence, etc. would preclude you. Dumb teenager stuff is generally fine.
Is autism considered a medical condition worthy of being banned from owning guns?
No. They're usually looking for things like psychosis, schizophrenia, severe depression, etc.
Shit, really?
Only if you've been diagnosed.
No im a full blown diagnosed aspie
Sure, because it's fucking empty and no one (sane) wants to live there
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>Wow, so your saying, that even if i left my diesel jerry can out in a hot car, until the whole can heated up to 50c, and then shot a bunch of sparks directly into the can. That the vapours INSIDE of the can still would not be dense enough to catch the sparks and start a fire?
You are absolutely correct good sir, and in fact that would be very similar to the "closed cup" testing method, commonly used to test the flammability/flash point of various substances.
Frankly, anybody still using gasline to power their cars or trucks or other equipment, are about as fucking retarded as the like 5 people still left driving propane powered vehicles.

Leupold VX-Freedom 2-7x33 Rimfire MOA.
Its a bit larger than i would like a 22 scope to be, but it has a nice reticle and leupolds are sexy, and robust.
Everyone knows Ontario is the best province
Yeah no
cause it looks like CADPAT from a distance
>heat wave
Oh no prariesisters, how ever will we survive slightly over 30
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If you want somthing with a more vintage look, then how about one of malcolm's repros?
Saxy as all fuck.
IT has exceeded 40 here (bc) according to my thermometers outside.
Do you get neetbux?
No lol, not a neet, I go to school and do research for a university.
So I get paid by a bunch of liberals money that i use on ammo. Shit’s pretty cash
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i used a Burris 22LR scope
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Thanks anon ill see if i can get a good deal somewhere
ill nice 22 btw
>CCI Velocitor
>6 grain
Surely thats a misprint right?
>doesn't know about 6 grain 22lr
But anon, that scope has a 40(35?)mm objective lens diameter.
Placing that onto a 22lr will render you irredeemably homosexual, and also not straight.
Interesting. If that's the case is there any real reason not to get a Modern Sporter in 2025 over an AR-15? Essentially the same thing except NR, and barely more expensive than mid level ARs
looks crappy
Not really, unless you live off grid and there really no reason for you to worry about NR or R for plinking or hunting (in minecraft). Remember that the receiver set for an ATRS is about 1200 but 2025+ or so i can see them being 1400 brand new. could buy a decent complete rifle for that much for buy 3-4 registered AR15 receivers for that much. NR tax is a real thing. Plus theres maccabee defence SLR ones but its up to what you want, i had both but i sold my ATRS receiver for 3400 in 2022
The last cangen…
Literally looks like a normal AR
Yeah I clocked that, but I figured ARs would be proportionally more expensive as well.
How Much cosmoline can I ingest before its an issue. I feel like my tongue is burning after having chicken wings and licking my fingers forgetting they were covered in the stuff.
Due to pressure from the government and concerned watchdog groups, Cangen will be officially going off the air permanently at 5:00 British Columbia time today. So, in about fifteen minutes.

If anyone would like to say a few final words, now's the time.
>ARs would be proportionally more expensive as well.
gotta think of inflation as well as panic, and sheer numbers of people buying these rifles when the come back onto the market. Everyone will get theirs, just matter of time. I want me a SA20
Will be called names for this but Fed timelines unironically have been pretty consistent in claiming that they will be confiscating the banned guns from businesses this year. Before they collect from individuals. So it's also possible that all our retailers will literally have 0 inventory and it will take years for supply to normalize.
fine with me, as long as rifles are getting into peoples hands.
Glad to see the resellers die from the unban
Luckily the feds are too retarded to do any confiscating.
I'm not actually gay youguyz..
I just wanted you to think i was gay, so that you would have sex with me.
Remember in the 90s when they promised to disband after gun control was passed? It’ll never be enough for them, they will keep getting money from Feds until all guns are banned. However fear not anons, for we are winning and their own incompetence is our strength.
These old poly roasties will die off eventually, they gotta be 55+ already.
how do you know what's gay or not? you would have to be gay to know that. fag.
A new
You don't have to be a faggit, to know that puttin it another guys (or your own) ass is gay as hell. and thats exactly what guys who put large objective diameter scopes on 22lr's do, they put them in ass, right next to their 22 calibre bull barrels, right up[ the poop chute.

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