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/k/ - Weapons

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If disruptors are objectively superior to phasers in both firepower, precision, manufacturing cost, ergonomics and reliability, why did the federation adopt phasers?
A disruptor is a weapon and only a weapon, phasers can be tuned for a variety of purposes including bodying a motherfucker. The multipurpose nature is attracyive to starfleet which is a military organization second and an exploration organization first.
the federation military complex shills phasers because """their"""" technology
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Starfleet Phaser Rifle Type 3A is objectively one of the sexiest rifles ever built, your points are invalid.
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Mostly because it offered everything from a "light stun" to a full disintegrate setting. You have to understand, both the Cardassians and the Klingons were objectively inferior to the Federation in terms of both size and economic output. The Federation could afford to equip both their ships and personnel with whatever the fuck expensive technology that they chose.
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Phasers have a stun setting, which means your squeamish science officers and fresh ensigns won't hesitate to shoot someone if the need arises. See: >>62101066
You can use a Phaser to stun or kill, a disruptor only to kill.

The federation is an advanced society which obviously limits the usage of deadly weapons to the minimum, not uncivilized niggers like the Klingons or 21. century Americans that encourage killing each other.
Look a the stock length. You'd have to elbow that rifle, not shoulder it.
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I don't know why you would post that spoon-head shit instead of the objectively superior Klingon versions.
Sounds like something a Ferengi arms merchant trying to unload a cargo hold full of Nausicaan disruptors would say.W842
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Not every species has human length arms.
Arent starfleet human or at least human-sized humanoids?
Cardies actually use phasers on their ships.
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No, they use spiral wave disruptors.
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>alleged most advanced nation in the alpha quadrant
>can't into polaron/tetryon/antiproton
Feds are a bunch of poseurs skulking the galaxy with their remote shaped glorified swiss knives, no wonder they got their ass beaten up so hard by the dominion, it took a literal deus ex machina to win
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>Denounce the Rules of Acquisition
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The Federation Supreme Court ruled that brutally disintegrating someone counted as cruel and unusual punishment. It's why Starfleet stopped using 'vaporize' as their default kill setting.
Tetryon is for fags that cant even kill picards fake heart properly. Antiproton is literal magic. Polaron is for founder buttbois like the jemmydaqar. And the dominion would have steamrolled the whole quadrant til they hit the borg if the feds didnt get their act together.
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yalls are fucking dum

Even in the future ballistic reigns supreme.
>a fed ship has enough firepower to singehandedly destroy a planet's atmosphere
>bullets that go through walls? that's heckin immoral and racist!
fuck the feds and their holier-than-thou attitude, they deserved to be anally violated by the founders
Wasn't there an episode where a hand phaser disappeared a mountain or a hill or some shit in one shot?

The writing is funny at times.
>Behold! I have created a device that propels a bit of metal at high speeds!
>The same as all those guns in museums? The bullet would be stopped by any deflector shield.
>I have attached a microtransporter to the barrel.
>Transporter beams are also stopped by deflector shields.
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There's a reason they passed on it for regenerative phasers.
Disruptors are theoretically more effective than Phasers in blowing shit up, but very few of them allow you to set it to anything more painful than a handgun out of fear the dumbass warrior using them might cause a hull breach.

It's like saying a Browning .22 LR is better than a Whitworth rifle because it uses a more advanced form of propellant.
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>not having the superior Goa'Uld Zat'ni'katel
>1 shot = stun
>2 shots = kill
>3 shots = disintegrate
>regardless of mass or whatever, always the exact right dose and effect
(yeah, it was dumb)
Seems like something you could very easily screw up
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the micro-transporter was added by that Vulcan, it wasn't a part of the original design. Presumably they were counting on Borg personal shielding being tuned for protecting against energy weapons and not for deflecting physical objects? but it seems like they would adapt to it just like with phasers
they could have so easily handled this but they dropped the ball and took the easy way out of just pretending that never happened
Even the writers did it and had to reconn the zats. Too many plotlines could be resolved with magically disintegrating people/things.
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>Stocks on recoilless weapons
>b-but mr woof looks like an action hero!

This is star trek. If it devolves into that then the writers have failed.
2265 and 2373 lightweight are the best designs
>recoilless weapons
Light has recoil though
You've never shot a gun
You've never shot a phaser
It's almost like more points of contact help with aiming precisely
Do you aim more precisely with your finger, or with a rifle?
Do you shoot bullets out of your finger?
So we agree the finger is more accurate
No further questions
I honestly have no idea what point you're trying to make.
That you don't need a large device with many points of support to aim accurately when your arm exists
That's why pistols are famously more accurate than rifles
We're talking about a scenario in which recoil does not exist
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>Doesn't know how shooting OR physics works
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A war crime was one thing that definitely helped. Then the Dominion let too many cardassians died while cardassians were soldiers and allies, they were not vat grown clones and did not particularly like so many men dying and of course women weren't going to breed more soldiers for changling boss mommy that'd be insane. So they decidec to coup instead.
Tell me about the recoil of light
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>this post
>Radiation pressure (also known as light pressure) is mechanical pressure exerted upon a surface due to the exchange of momentum between the object and the electromagnetic field. This includes the momentum of light or electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that is absorbed, reflected, or otherwise emitted (e.g. black-body radiation) by matter on any scale (from macroscopic objects to dust particles to gas molecules).
A rifle, because your arm naturally has a degree of swaying and shaking.

Bracing to the shoulder counteracts this and offers you added stability, not just recoil absorbtion.
The most /k scene of all trek desu
Both of them.
even on the lowest settings that thing is going to punch through several layers of ship and kill several brown skinned red shirts in the process.
One of these is chemically propelled balistic, tho.
Okay so if phasers are better at being stun guns and worse otherwise, why the HELL do federation SHIPS use phasers when shipscale disruptors would be dramatically better
Explain why all military breech loaders and muskets ended up with stocks if theyre just for recoil? Its not like rapid follow up shots are possible with a musket, and early models didnt have stocks so the recoil was clearly quite possible to handle stockless.
>G-11 Gods vs AK mouthbreathers be like
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Is this the one?
I bet your flashlight whips around like a firehose.
Recoil is not the reason pistols are inaccurate dumbo.

Yep. Solid concept; snipe someone while out of line of sight.
Cardies were the good guys and were not for the (((obsidian order))) they would've been on the right side of history
Tell us about all your flashlight kills.
That thing is hilariously overkill for 99% of scifi settings. It would probably even make the Culture say whoa hold on who gave the monkey a real weapon.
>more points of contact for better aim
>more space in the frame for additional power cells
>better ergonomics than the electric shaver models and Lego bricks from TNG
Completely useless I’m sure
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Has a ST series ever done a shipwide stun attack using mounted phasers? Like dropping the enemy shields and giving everyone onboard sleepytime? Would be really in line with Fed tactics.
I think they drop a block of gangsters in that one tos episode, but thats the only ome i remember
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She owes me sex
Shipwide no, planetary yes.

But I don't think it would work on a ship. The technobabble behind the stun function translates to "full-body pain shock from burning skin that'll knock you out cold." Not the kind of firepower you can penetrate a hull with.
Funny you mention The Culture. Nihei was inspired to make the weapon based on the first Culture short story, A Gift from the Culture.
Same reason. Phasors power output can be modulated so that when the Feddies come into contact with an ornery sublight civ, they can non lethally disable the podunk alien spaceshuttles. When Feddies get serious, they like to use Quantum Torps anyways.
>recoiled weapon

Everything has recoil genius
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>using both when listing more than two things
The choise for when grey-tanktopping arond.
>The multipurpose nature is attracyive to starfleet which is a military organization second and an exploration organization first
Human lies
>banned by intergalactic treaty

they're trash. Only psychopathic races use them
Man that sounds like an incredible way to save money on your prop budget
The Feds use the phaser as a Swiss Army Knife instead of just for pew pews.
aren't phasers better than disruptors?

at max setting a single blast from a phaser will vaporize a person. while a max setting disruptor takes several shots to kill.
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Why can't Feds into ergonomics
because it's only natural for the ultimate nanny state to have guns shaped like remotes
Firing arcs and weapon size. Disruptors are simpler and more efficient, but don't scale as well and have limited firing arcs compared to phasers. A dorsal and ventral mounted phaser can have full coverage from all approaches while a disruptor armed ship would need to physically change position to keep its weapons on target. You can have disruptors that don't have fixed position emitters, but that increases complexity while having a smaller firing arc than a phaser.

tl;dr: disruptors are great if you want a large amount of "fuck you" pointed in a specific direction and have the space for them

I'm not a huge fan of what we've gotten about the Cardies from post-DS9 canon because there should be a massively revanchist and absolvement movement in Cardassian society. From the viewpoint of the average Cardie the last 3 seasons of DS9 were:
>finally overthrow Central Command and the Obsidian Order and restore civilian control
>Klingons immediately launch a war of aggression using Changelings as a pretext
>Federation mostly fights the Klingons by itself and doesn't ally or coordinate with you
>turns out the Klingons were the Changelings all along
>Feddies and Klinks make peace
>Klinks try to keep your territory and the Feddies let them
>some ex-Gul shows up, overthrows the government, and declares the Cardassian Union is now a part of something called The Dominion
>The Dominion proceeds to start a war with every other major power in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants
>oh, and they're run by the Changelings who just got finished making the Klingons declare war on you
>uses your civilization as cannon fodder for two years straight while handing over your territory to the Breen
>reduces your government to a rubber stamp quisling
>tries to genocide your species when you tell them to fuck off
>Federation, Klingons, and Romulans basically say they run your civilization now
"Cardassia did nothing" wrong should be the majority sentiment of its population.
What is that? A FAMAS?
>Federation, Klingons, and Romulans basically say they run your civilization now
They should divide them into West and East Cardassia under supervision of other powers until they rebuild and can be trusted with autonomy again. Surely nothing bad will come of this.
Well they got Morgenthau´d by the Dominion.
Can you shills fuck off and let us have our space pew pew talks in peace?
>Federation Admiralty meeting filled with:
>Section 31 plant
>Maquis sympathizer
>Dominion Founder
>A Romulan impersonating a Vulcan
>A deep cover Klingon operative named Hugh Mann
>Cardassian sleeper agent
>Bluegill Parasite thrall
>An admiral in deep debt to the Ferengi Alliance
>A displaced Terran Empire counterpart
How fucked is Starfleet?
Jellico is in it for bodying fuckers, itll be fine
Sex with Vulcan women
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Not as /k/ as MACO
Really Janeway is the only concerning presence in that room
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Its a really wonky camo pattern but im kinda diggin it
Considering that 60% of away missions take place in dark, completely non-descript caves it makes a lot of sense.
You don't talk shit about Jellicoe, he's based
Pellet rifles have functionally no recoil and still have stocks because more points of contact on a weapon means better and easier aim, retard.
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>Shanks actually being cool
When was this recorded? I thought he went back to his romcoms real quick after wrapping up SG.
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Me Grug, Me Like Roast Beef with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes with Gravy and Space Guns that look like Space Guns
Remember that episode where Miles gets 30 years of prison time burned into his brain even though he'd only be out for 3hrs and he decides to go top himself... He goes into a cargo bay and sets the phaser to the highest setting on WIDE BEAM. Had he fired he would have vaporised a section of the habitation ring and possibly vented the entire station.

Irish amirite? lol.
I mean yeah but who else are you going to sell surplus ARs to in the 80s and 90s?
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always wondered if they modelled underwear on this model...
Remove Janeway and you'll be fine.
i checked a review video, the answer is... maybe? she has tights on all the way up, panty-hose I mean, but there is a slightly darker bit that may be underwear. It isn't white or clear.

More you know.
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Thanks. I suspect this is the same then.
>Sex with Vulcan women
Back in the day /b/ had a very hot vulcan cosplaying cam whore.
The Enterprise docking manoeuvre pics were legendary.
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>sex with Keiko
Because the Federation is fucking gay.
>Irish amirite? lol.
I would of done the same, what Miles went through in that episode is one of the most fucked up things to happen in ST
>sex with keiko
>sex with pa-wraith keiko
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>I kneel Shanks-Sama

While based I prefer Andorian’s
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Just eat one of them Romulan MRE's from 300 years ago
I bet Gowron has an ASMR channel
The increase in the presence of exceptionally dumb noguns since 2022 is tragic
I wonder what Ferengi rations are like.
Depends on what youre willing to spend
nice hiss
Taste like you got scammed usually, unless you know a guy who can hook you up
Bugs? That´s the base of their diet IIRC.
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Betazoid butthole
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>disruptor vs phaser

No plasma weapons? It’s the preferred energy type of both the Romulans and Borg. It’s obvious superiority is why both civilizations use it
>no isomagnetic disintegrator posted

This thread has no honor.
its green and obviously evil
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green > red > orange > yellow

The only thing that can compete is blue
Are they both nadion based?
How is it cruel and unusual? If anything it seems very quick and relatively painless considering all of your nerve endings that would feel pain are vaporized. The only negative I can see is that no body is left behind to perform funeral rites upon.
>"It would be a mistake to refuse..."
You see, THIS right here is why everyone on the ship needs a phaser. You never know when some alien is going to threaten you into going with them to the observation lounge.
T'pussy got me wildin over here boys, i guess im off to the observation lounge
In the third movie when the Klingon leader disintegrates his crewman, it doesn't look to be painless at all.
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I fucking love this picture SO MUCH
It was a Klingon, those savages probably have a setting dedicated entirely to making it as painful a process as possible.
I want an angry Vulcan woman to urinate on me.
Yeah, they call them "Romulans".
Is the urine still yellow? I know their blood is green so id assume if they peed green they would need to get their kidneys looked at.
Remember that Vulcans are more emotional than humans, anon. Their autism is culturally enforced to keep them from destroying themselves. Piss off your Vulcan gf enough and you will have your balls crushed with extreme impunity
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I guess not, apparently urine is yellow due to hemoglobin breaking down
Maybe they have blue piss
Windex piss, nice
Not fucked at all. Jellico is present, he'll stabilize the situation single-handedly.
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>mfw she gives me a sapphire shower
Based on real world analogues in the form of Wilson's Disease and copper-based invertebrates, the urine would likely be brown
So... cola shower?
It's my personal brand of Romulan ale
I can't believe I'm only getting one more season of my wife.
They're stoic space Italians.
>My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts, on this, your daughter's wedding day
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>Rick and Morty Trek
The Excelsior is on block 21 and they're still using it lmao
>Alien cope from getting outgunned by explorers
Sorry i dont speak nutrek
Prodigy is pretty good if you hate nutrek
Would be a good way to introduce younger audiences to star trek stories and because of that kids show limitation they can't fall into the worst tropes of nutrek with all the misery and faggot shit
Well if some anon says its good who am i to argue, ill give it a shot sometime. I couldnt do disco, it was just faggotry after faggotry. Snw is... pretty ok, i like the return to formula and i can tolerate a bit of faggotry.
>be SG-1
>oh boy time to disintegrate a body!
The loss of SG-1 was a crippling blow to the SGC and put a permanent hold on the use of Zat'ni'katel "Zats" as a weapon as the "disintegration" functionality was found out to be a matter/antimatter conversion device. A average Jaffa in equipment weighs around 140kg and the resulting detonation was estimated over 9000 megatons of TNT, which caused the additional loss of the Stargate and the destruction of a valuable Free Jaffa world.
Eh, the writers are competent and clearly care. If a charcter or elemet shows up, it´s usually for a story reason, not just a Family Guy segway.
It wasn't poloron, it was phased poloron get it right.
>Let's vaporise half the ship with me why not
Don’t forget the stun was also conductive. Later enemies did have shielding against it though.
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the terran empire has phasers specifically made to cause an unbearable amount of pain, as well as being lethal. in STO they even have ship sized agony weaponry, don't tell me how they're supposed to work. they have a penchant for pain, being edgy little shits.
The thing about lasguns is that you need 20 of your buddy's going full rapid fire on one ork just to bring it down. And fuck your self if you think you bastards can bring anything bigger than a greenskin down with your flashlights. After all the lasgun was made in the first place to kill rebels and protesters on troublesome human worlds. Its not realty meant to take down zenos kill beasts. Even tho far to many poor bastards are forced and gun point to try to use them in that manner. With predictable results.

So a guardsman would sell his own mother to the dark gods of chaos to get his hands on even a handheld phaser and all the kit and manuals to care for it. Hell if he is lucky and vapes enough ork without getting chopped up in close combat he may even get promoted out of the front lines of battle.
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A phaser would be Xeno tech in 40k and the guardsman using it would get blam’d
Noguns fag tryna sound smart
>A phaser would be Xeno tech in 40k and the guardsman using it would get blam’d
Xeno tech that helps win is usually found to be tentatively free if heracy.
All digital weapons are xeno tech and those are super popular
>every ship carries hundreds of nuclear weapons
>phasers can take out entire mountains
>it's about exploration bro.
You are wrong.
Those are matter/antimatter weapons.
They only carry a few nuclear ones.
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Digi weapons, while made by space orangutans, are supplied by the Admech which makes them sanctioned tech. They’re also only going to nobles and other important members of the Imperium. A common guardsman using even a bolt pistol is going to raise eyebrows
How many Enterprise Ds would you need to realistically take on the Galactica?
I think you have it the other way around
One? Direct energy weapons and matter/antimatter warheads vs. WW2-style flak (40mm and 5 in) isn´t much of a fight, and even those D-class things the Battlestar can carry won´t do anything to the shields.
The Galactica survived a nuclear stroke with relatively little damage, the Enterprise has mortar sized weaponry
Nigger, are you serious? Star Trek ships are consistently shown destroying entire planets with torpedo salvos that can be counted on the hand. And their shields constantly tank such hits. A fucking armed runabout could turn the Galactica into slag
From a completely bullshit standpoint, a startrek vessel could transport explosive directly inside a Galactica, they don't even really need to use their bullshit weapons (2 torpedoes vaporizing a whole planet).
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I lewded my Vulcan Sciencefu just for you anon.
That's Star Wars. Star Trek ships don't blow up planets, and we've seen their torpedoes many times including on the surface, they're glorified RPGs. There's an episode where Jack Sisko and the doctor are getting bombarded and it's literally like a hand grenade going off, they can run away on foot.

Transporters are usually blocked by bad weather and rock, now imagine a metal so strong it can survive a nuclear explosion. They might be able to beam into the landing bay because it's open to space, but they wouldn't be able to get into anything else.
>Star Trek ships don't blow up planets
So you haven't watched the shows, then. Torpedos have variable wields. At maximum power they can, and have, destroy planets. Two examples that come to mind are Sisko destroying a Maquis planet and the Romulans destroying the Founder's homeworld
>1.5 Kg antimatter/1.5 Kg matter reaction.
>300km blast radius.
>Glorified RPGs
Man, the soviets had something much, MUCH spicer than the David Crockett.
lmao you're straight up lying, we see them detonate repeatedly in the show and it's a basic missile at best, Galactica carries literal nuclear warheads
NTA but you cannot in2 reading
One fucking unsafe Swiss Army knife right there.
I don't need to read what you're saying, you need to accept what I'm saying. Watch the show, the Enterprise is outgunned by a modern fighter
a phaser obviously contains a potent battery or whatever. They can be set to explosive self destruct. What’s funny is they also have a suicide mode that disintegrates the device without causing a release of energy
>what is a diallable yield
Something never seen or mentioned that you made up so you can pretend the Enterprise's torpedo grenades are comparable to Galactica's nukes.
You were given a literal screenshot of a photon torpedo's in-universe specs. At max yield they're, if I did the math right, a 62 megaton warhead.
>>62138652 straight up shows you the retarded amounts off boom a photon torp has. Romulans and Cardies scorch the crust off a planet in ds9. Nukes arent even in the same order of magnitude as a photon.
Did you miss DS9? But skipping torpedos we've seen phasers vaporize kilometers of rock in seconds in TNG.
They aren't comparable, the standard photon torpedo outclasses any nuke ever used by a significant amount.
semantics. They have like a 65MT yield.
The planet was a fake so we have no idea what it's even made of, but one scene of alien weapons doesn't override a hundred scenes of federation weapons which is what we're talking about
>NCC-2000 obr. 2375
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The hole isn't even as wide as a car lmao
It's implied that during the DAoT phasers existed, but they all broke down by the time of the setting and nobody except for these guys >>62138432 knows how to build any more.
1.6 kilometers deep my illiterate friend.
>"Photonic torpedoes. Their range is over fifty times greater than our conventional torpedoes, and they have a variable yield. They can knock the comm. array off a shuttlepod without scratching the hull or they can put a three kilometre crater into an asteroid"
>– Malcolm Reed, 2153 ("The Expanse")
>the expanse
Nigger are you serious
Well the thing with the bolt pistol and the guardsman not supposed to have it is that he probably looted it off the body of his commander who he had just shot in the back to steal said bolt pistol.

The other thing is the Imperium runs on lies, hypocrisy, and mass murder. If an imperial noble wants to play with Zenos tech all he has to do is buy it off a rouge trader ship and nobody will care. As the noble is rich and powerful so most laws do not apply to him and his kind. This goes the same for all of the rest of the Imperiums higher ups as well. Its not strange at all for even high raking priests to use zenos tech or have forbidden books on hand if they think they need it for something. As long as you are not a threat to the rest of the higher ups you may even play around with small bits of warp tech as long as you are careful about it.

The Imperiums human made tech is so degraded and damaged at this point they have to rely on rouge traders to replace most of it with zenos tech just to keep things working. As well as kill and lie to any of there countless slaves if they ask anything about it just to keep things running.
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you made it too obvious
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Notice the different name denoting a different device. Regardless, it doesn't matter, Galactica has every advantage. Jump drive is obviously faster, it's more agile, it has wider gun coverage, it's far, far more sturdy, it has fighters, etc. Even when falling apart it was able to ram straight into another vessel with very little actual structural damage, Enterprise was destroyed by something tapping it's engine.
The Expanse actually has much better weapons than Star Trek too, their torpedoes are able to scatter the mass of an entire moon.
Is this some new kind of shitposting? I simply cannot fathom a human being so dense
No, it's probably real, people are conditioned to think laser beams = high tech = better and so they just ignore what they actually see on screen in favor of head canon. They'd prefer an Apple BB gun to a howitzer.
Being a pedantic nigger is one of the oldest forms of shitposting.
Thank you anon.
Achtually the term is 'Socratic irony'.
Ackchyually, that's a synonym.
Fuck's sake, I want one. Someone talk me out of it.
Vulcans are significantly stronger than humans, indicating far greater strength per same volume of muscle. Therefore the orgasmic contractions of Vulcan pussy muscles would have a non-zero chance of breaking your dick.
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The Ancient Greeks invented many forms of trolling.
>Being a pedantic nigger is one of the oldest forms of shitposting
Trolling is a art
i dont care about any of that. just came to say that the closer the weapon is to looking like a stick the cooler it objectively is
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another one
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this one is also acceptable
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this one would be cooler without the empty space in the middle
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>multiple target acquisition
Do they ever use those functions, it sounds ridiculously op?
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That's just shadowheart
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Do it anon, she's too much of a QT to let someone else have her. And they're making a Command girl too.
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Please anon, I can't just spend like $400 on figurines I have bills to pay.
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Ori puss > Vulcan puss
This goes past noguns and heads into the fabled "negative guns" territory
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>nukes your starship
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Enough to power a solar sail

vulcan science officer is several cuts above the average nerd desk thot in theme and execution. I'm not a modelfag as a rule but this one hits different.
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wtf is a disruptor
it disrupts peace
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>that one nu-Trek actress that got fatter and fatter every season
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Im perfect!
>ruins herself
Many such cases
At what point does medical step in and just restrict her use of the food synthesizers
Worth it, muh boy trip turned out okay feeling things no man had felt before.
They made >>62128697 too and working on another one iirc.
It costs money. It takes up space. She doesn't wear white panties. You need a proper storage place or it gets dusty.
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NTA, but sort of.
They also have touch telepathy, sharing minds, thoughts, sensations...
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There's also a limited edition reskin of the Vulcan.
>At maximum power they can, and have, destroy planets. Two examples that come to mind are Sisko destroying a Maquis planet
While I'm just here to enjoy the shit-slinging, please refresh your memory. He didn't destroy that planet, he turned it uninhabitable to humans by lacing two torps with some special poison and dirty bombing it.

If you're not willing to test your own position, nobody has to accept your painfully flawed vision either. Doubly so when you build it on handpicked examples and ignore all evidence to the contrary. You are not shitslinging, you are just shitty.
no, its just technobabble
>Explain why all military breech loaders and muskets ended up with stocks if theyre just for recoil?
So your body can absorb the fucking recoil and the gun doesn't fly out of your hands?
Stupid noguns tourist
>he turned it uninhabitable to humans by lacing two torps with some special poison and dirty bombing it.
In Sisko's defense, Eddington lied to him.
shit bait
>She doesn't wear white panties
Black panties are for dates where she intends for someone to see them.
see that's what always bothered me in star trek. the federation is effectively a culture-tier nanny state where all the basic needs are provided for free. there's no economy and you don't need to work, which means starfleet and to an extent all of the jobs in the federation are done by volunteers. roddenberry never specified how such a system works, but he wanted his socialist utopia so much so there's no point in arguing with him (also cause he's dead).
what i'm getting at is, how didn't the federation just fall into the pits of the most depraved, boredom fueled decadence? if such a post scarcity organization were ever to exist, i'd imagine its citizens to be first of all morbidly obese to the point where they can't walk. not to mention develop raunchy fetishes and engage in morbid activities of any kind. people really tend to forget how destructive and self destructive humans can be when bored.
The fact that they hit anything at all with that ergonomics nightmare is tacit proof that they have at least some level of aimbot stuffed away in there.
It's never been clear to me if Vulcans are naturally stronger than humans and not just able to consciously use recruit more muscle activation due to their super-duper mental conditioning. I mean, Romulans are supposedly a related species and they don't seem to display any enhanced strength.
Like any long running franchise written by many people, things get forgotten.
>how didn't the federation just fall into the pits of the most depraved, boredom fueled decadence?
Child rearing, education and social cohesion are also technologies.
Not all future magic tech is replicators and phasers.

Or to put it another way, you don't worry about how dilithium crystals work so what's the concern about their fap habits?
To put it yet another way, teaching children to be perfect citizens wasn't the story he wanted to tell. His story is about people who already are (nearly) perfect citizens in a (nearly) perfect society.
You have a pessimistic view but startrek has always been rooted in optimisation.
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Vulcans are 3x stronger than humans. Romulans haven’t separated long enough for their biology to deviate much, but their philosophy/lifestyle mean they are usually softer than their Vulcan cousins. Humans and Klingons have similar strength, but Klingons should be more robust.
I think what anon was getting at is the fact that humans typically can only use between 30-60% of their full strength depending on physical training, only accessing the rest in times of danger in order to avoid injury. It would make sense that Vulcans aren’t naturally stronger, rather their mental conditioning allows them to consciously activate more muscle. That would explain why Romulans, who don’t have a culture of extreme discipline, are never even implied to have similar strength to their genetic cousins.
A true nerd, right here.
>Two examples
>orgasmic contractions
Implying I give a shit about their illogical ograsims.
>mind rape
Nah, pass.
That's not pessimism, that's realism. Humans in trek are the same humans of today, they haven't changed their nature. And human nature is of violence and fight for survival, just like any other species. As quark said, take them away their commodities and they'll immediatly revert to savage, bloodthirsty beasts killing for scraps.
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That... actually makes a lot of sense. It always bothered me that the warlike and hostile Romulans, despite being an offshoot of the Vulcans, never displayed the same chimp-out strength. I guess they weighed the benefits of a literal lifetime of stoicism and meditation in order to exploit their bodies better against, say, having a disruptor set to 'delete' and went with latter.
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Quark says as much in the Siege of AR-558. Humans in Trek have been allowed to be good and civilized by the Federation's post-scarcity society, but are just as vicious and brutal as any Klingon when shtf.

I think that's actually really optimistic and inspiring, all told. Even when all their needs are met, Trek Humans still strive for greater creative and scientific pursuits, maintain and uphold moral virtues and dignity, but they never lost that caveman edge and will throw down and clown on any species that steps to them when they have to.

Star Trek is low-key HFY, the best kind of HFY
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In Nutrek old Trek Romulans dominated the humans they fought in hand to hand. The main difference between the Vulcans and Romulans is the later generally lack mental powers because emotions.
good news for romulan pussy enjoyers
>In Nutrek old Trek Romulans dominated the humans they fought in hand to hand.

Are we talking about the Abrams-verse? Because that gets so fast and loose with Trek lore it might as well be a different setting.
Mike > Joe
>are never even implied to have similar strength to their genetic cousins
Yes they are. They aren't cousins, they're the same species, to the point that they're able to pass themselves off as Vulcan officers for years at a time, transporters and all.
>Romulans haven’t separated long enough for their biology to deviate much
2000 years is nothing. The idea that they've changed at all is ludicrous.
Worse than Voyager.
>This is the last dimension I wanted to visit.
The 3rd dimension? I'm with him on that. Spherinders can't even exist there.
I know this isn't a problem unique to trek comics but that is too many words. A panel in a comic is supposed to be a single moment. If someone or something moves you draw a new panel. Filling them with words is just an excuse to cover the background and (usually incomplete) art. Also, psychic powers from a lack of emotions is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read. It's right up there with the Vulcan colonoscopy from the first movie. Emotion isn't the antithesis of reason, it's what happens when a biological computer tries to reason with incomplete information. Gut feelings can be wrong, but those extrapolations had and still have value in survival. Ignoring them is ignoring them or lobotomizing yourself to not feel anything ever again is a guaranteed path to a Darwin award.

I like the space adventurism but sometimes Gene was dense.
I always wondered as a young 'un; If you get shot with a Zat once, how long before the effect dissipates and you reset back to zero? What if it took several weeks for the effect of the first zat blast to completely go away?
>Abrams-verse? Because that gets so fast and loose
All flash, no splash.
Picard wasn't all bad.
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>retire from starfleet as a flag officer
>have literal romulan spy as your maid
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Yeah, but that honey pot smile!
I only watched the first season, but I found Lower Decks way more tolerable than Rick and Morty. Having to stick to ST canon and content standards means they can't get as obnoxiously "lol so random XD" as R&M does.
>Lower Decks way more tolerable
But how does it compare to The Orville?
I've never known a girl who wore white panties on any kind of regular basis, they're way too high maintenance and get discolored and gross looking way too easily.
Cold brunette battle maid MILFs are literally my fetish. If she were a Vulcan I would have been diamonds.
Phaser rifles were the dumbest addition to trek.
There isn’t even more power with phaser rifles.
>human nature is of violence
That sounds pretty pessimistic.
Startrek is about humanity being its best self.
DS9 was explicitly a more morally ambiguous show, one reason for it being many people's favourite trek.
It started with the aftermath genocide and went from there.
>that gets so fast and loose with Trek lore
That's like spilling a tea cup in a typhoon.
Trek lore and canon has always been a fast moving target
>how long before the effect dissipates and you reset back to zero?
Depends on your credits ranking.
Guest stars recover in a few minutes, extras in an hour or two.
>way more tolerable than Rick and Morty
I couldn't get through the end sequence of the first episode of R&M. It's cringe humour intended to take every joke two minutes longer than it's funny. That whole rickandmorty.com spiel for minutes on end, turned me off the whole show.
>I've never known a girl who wore white panties on any kind of regular basis
Me neither though I was referencing "10 things" where it's used to imply that a girl fucks.
Phaser rifles were a thing in Kirk trek
>bashir bars
my sides
>Kirk trek
In the first episode, Where No Man...
>Bashir profile pic
>while a max setting disruptor takes several shots to kill.
No? Just rewatched ST6 and the prison warden vaporizes the shapeshifter with a single disruptor blast.
Not on a shot by shot base, but there's more power in the pack - a lot more shots.
Depends on what you mean by 'better'. If you want something that can stun, kill, vaporize, start fires, heat rocks, excavate a cave, sweep for shapeshifters, cook a souffle, and reenact scenes from the HMS Pinafore, a phaser is your tool.

If you want something that gets dirty deeds done dirt cheap, you can't go wrong with a disruptor.
Lasguns arent that bad
Orks are just that much a problem
Dont forget that these are creatures that when shishamied still try and fight, wether by biting or ever the autonamous nerves they have
Even bolters have issues versus them
The only reliable stuff are bioweapons like the hellfire series of weapons or doom weavers or mass conflagration weapons from the phosphor and volkite lines
even meltas and plasmas have issues vs orks cause the surviving tissues still function as orks lack a shock response
And bigger orks are fully in the antivehicle side of things where you have to start cosndiering meltabomb to the forehead as the only viable strategy
Even the Emporer had issues and had to go around Ullanor with plenty of "zombie" or chunks despite hitting them with literal spirit fire

Also the lasguns were defined as readiuly scouring the galaxy, all that is left is what didnt die in the first pass, which was listed int he thousands of races erased
Basically, 40k has so few factions cause the imperial army killed the rest off

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