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You're kidnapped by aliens and taught the Nahua language. The aliens use a time machine to send you back to the Aztec empire one month before Spanish conquistadors arrive, and order you to help defend to the Aztecs.

You are not allowed to bring any weapons, equipment or tools with you and arrive only with your bare hands and knowledge of weapons and chemistry.

If you fail, the aliens will do experiments on you and transplant your genitals onto your face.

What kind of weapons can you instruct the Aztecs to make?
Nothing, just advise them that those weird men don't engage in Flower Wars bullshit and that they should just bumrush them with sheer numbers.
The Aztecs would not trust you without a show of force, and one month is too little time. The main problem with the Americas is that they were their isolation. The only serious European colony was the Nordic one in Canada that failed. They needed that one or something by the Asians to last long enough to introduce horses and horse technology to the new world. Horses were probably the single biggest advantage they had over the Aztecs.
I'm a dickface then. The aztecs should've genocided the smaller tribes they pissed off but that leaves them without a source for sacrifices. No way they're learning iron work in such a short time and even if they do there's no way they're getting enough to equip their whole army. Also disease wise is just keel over and die no way you're explaining germ theory and some how making gilligans island tier hazmat suits in time to fight.
You don't need iron or even any metal to make rockets or crossbows. You can make croasbows and gunpowder weapons like rockets with stone age technology.
Do I just have to beat Cortez? That should be easy enough because we can just ambush him as he enters the city. Gonna suck to kill Bernal Diaz del Castillo because he was a cool and funny dude, but I'm sure he'd understand my predicament.
That said, if I have to beat back the Spanish Empire as a whole then I give up. That's an impossible task.
That said,
>The only serious European colony was the Nordic one in Canada that failed.
> They needed that one or something by the Asians to last long enough to introduce horses and horse technology to the new world.
>Horses were probably the single biggest advantage they had over the Aztecs.
Horse were a big thing but its not like boats and firearms didn't fucking help.
Cortez didn't have that many guns. It was steel, horses, and allies that defeated the Aztecs.
Cortez didn't have that many horses either. He had 18 cannons which mostly had to be towed by hand, because he lacked horses.
He had guns, arquebuses to be precise, but they weren't decisive because battles weren't ordered. Grapeshots from the cannons were much better.
Cortez additionally brought wardogs, which apparently the Aztecs were fucking terrified of, and crossbows, which were about as useful as the arquebuses.
All of this, plus proper use of allies and European tactics insured he wrecked the Aztecs.
Mainly the allies.
Really, it was just Cortez having enough strength to convince all the tribes that hated the aztecs (all of them). Something that's unjustly glossed over.
>its not like boats and firearms didn't fucking help
Horses are what allows large empires to exist in the first place. They have been the backbone of the entirety of civilization in the Old World's. You take them for granted because your society has always had horses. If horses had been the only advantage the Spaniards had over the Aztecs, they still would have won. Just look at what the Comanche, who were significantly less advanced than the surrounding tribes, were able to accomplish with just horses.
They were savages, and they would almost certainly sacrifice me to their savage gods without heeding my warnings. The world is better off without them; one thing the Spaniards did right.
So I'd spend the month camped out in the forest stealing some of their women and waiting for the Spaniards to arrive and save me
I want my genitals hanging of my chin please.
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About 1k years ago, a viking settlement was founded in newfoundland via settlers from iceland and greenland. If you've ever heard of Vinland, that's america. Yiu should read up about it, it's really interesting. Pic rel, sailing routes around that time.
Step one: Do not be a cult of degenerate blood orgy cannibal furries that pisses off literally every other people you encounter enough that they'll support any invader that can challenge you.
>prophesy to Aztecs that Gods will come from the sea
>Meet Cortez when he lands
>Tell him who he is using Spanish
>Profess the Cross immediately
>Tell him to follow my lead and he will win this whole continent of devil worshipping tobacco growers for Spain
>initiate and participate in Metizo genocide
>destroy every vestige of Metizo presence and history
>french revolution, American independence, British India, opium war
>the great war, the Weimar republic, German weirdos and rentfree jews
>steam engines, trench and chemical warfare, machine guns, atomic bombs
>Marxism, feminism, gangster rap and their outcomes
>tell him to commit everything to writing on lead sheets and to bury it with him
>tell him to say a hundred Masses for me
>St Michael appears and BTFOs the ayys singlehandedly on my behalf
>Jesus my Lord and Saviour says, !¡, noice
>Everybody Halleluias

Now post gun or everyone below me sage

/qst/ fagging larp nigger
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American, am I right? You do realize 90% of them died because of the common flu, and not in battle, right? Good luck teaching a "still-in-the-stone-age" tribe how to make a flu-vaxx in the 1500's.
>a viking settlement was founded in newfoundland via settlers from iceland and greenland.
> Europeans needed a viking settlement to be able to take America.
... But they were able to take America? The French, British and Spanish had other colonies up and running within the same decade in North America.
The fuck are you trying to argue?
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I wouldn't say anything, I'd breed the cute brown girls, and that's what everyone did.
Hit and Run.
KILL foragers.
Christianity is for fucking faggots.

No mature adult actually believes in an imaginary man in the sky. You have to be completely delusional and deeply mentally ill. And you're proof of that.
I can smell the rancid old fedora.
Greet Cortez by name in Spanish. Tell him that I am a missionary and that I have the alliance of the Aztecs. Tell him that they have converted to Christianity and have offered to mine gold for them. Lead them through the jungle. Have massed Aztec forces ambush them from all sides at close range and slaughter them all. Simultaneously send a party to burn their ships, and meet any of the ones who flee at the burned ships and slaughter them too.
>everyone who disagrees with me must be a fedora

Mental child, as expected of christcucks
Not really. While most regard steel weaponry and cavalry as the reason for the Spaniards' victory it's only half true. As regarded by most historians, the biggest advantages were the other Indians and the pests that were propped up by the conquistadors.

The aztecs would have still died to all the sickens and maybe the other tribes
Tf are you talking about? I was just explaining what the nordic colonization attempt was because i think it's neat.
Equus the genus is from North America. Ideally you'd go way back in time and stop the natives from killing off the megafauna that had serious domestication potential: several species of proboscids, cattle, camels and horses. They had the whole package of Eurasian draught and transport domesticates handed to them on a platter, and they behaved as one does at a buffet.
What you'd have to do is win and then intentionally let everyone get infected. If you could have pushed back colonization of the New World by a few centuries, after having endemicized European diseases, it would have been a lot harder to conquer. Something North of 90% of all deaths of indigenous people occurred from disease.
Post gun with timestamp.
doesn't matter, OP started with ayys and wanted us to join his larp.

I just picked the naturally most triggering larp.
you seem to be maximally triggered by what (YOU) consider to be a Barney the Dinosaur religion.

If enlightenment exists, (YOU) ain't got it.

At least the pastafarians had a sense of humor.
Tarascans who lived next to Aztecs were copper and bronze age.
Incas were also copper and bronze age.
You could have the Aztecs kidnap Tarascan bronzesmiths to make cannons and handgonnes.
And >>62103311, you can make rockets out of paper, wood and bamboo or even wooden cannons or leather cannons.
All wooden crossbows are used in Southeast Asia.
>wardogs, which apparently the Aztecs were fucking terrified of
In all fairness, that is a very understandable reaction to one. Of all the new weapons the Spaniards brought with them, that is the one that would produce the most visceral reaction of fear. Dogs are more of a psychological weapon than a physical one, in the sense that they aren't really more dangerous than a man, but they are super intimidating.
They never came into contact with the wheel like the rest of the world did (the wheel was invented once and everyone else just copied it).
The Aztecs were HATED by the neighboring tribes for their slavery and arrogance, and their empire came crumbling down once the Spaniards came. More like a trigger event, but it was going to happen no matter what.
People like you are brainwashed into thinking white people le bad, natives good, but a handful of explorers cannot trigger a national collapse.
Mesoamericans had wheels on toys.
Mesoamericans lived in the jungle where wheels would be impractical. I assumed we were talking about North Americans.
welcome the Spanish to new Flanders and ask for a single ship so I can make my way back to Europe and take part in the religious wars
the dutch, germans, french, swedes and english need to be genocided (harder for the germans)
based bloodthirsty psycho cynically using religion as an excuse to kill
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Yes, they deserve it for what they are going to do
Why not just be honest and say you want to kill to satisfy the demons that control you? Is it because those demons also cause you to lie all the time?
I did not lie nor am I possessed
By pretending that your desire for death has anything to do with morality or religion, you are lying about your motivations. You are driven purely by hatred.
No, if you know history you'd know that the religious wars are on in the same time period.
It's going back to the old world to take part in the wars going on there, those wars being called the religious wars
This anon was apprehended by the Spanish Inquisition mid-post, wasn’t he?
No one expects The Spanish Inquisition!
I get some dumbass to make me a deck of cards, then I do cool sleight of hand tricks to various government functionaries until I impress them enough to work my way up to Moctezuma II. I do even cooler tricks for that guy until he thinks i'm all-powerful and then I convince him to exterminate the Tlaxcalans *IMMEDIATELY*. Fuck the Flower Wars. Fuck capturing people for sacrifice. The only reason the Spanish won was because the Tlaxcalans hated the Mexica with every fibre of their being after decades upon decades of oppression. Makes Cortez easy to defeat in detail because he's enough of a dumbass to burn his own fleet at Veracruz long before making any headway in to the Mexica Empire proper.
I do everything posible to make them lose, fuck the aztecs.
This. Also tell the Aztec king to have his emissary lie about the gold and maybe see if they could be directed north to wander around the south west for way too long. Oh, and maybe try to teach them germ theory because boy howdy are they gonna need that.
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I would never help them, those fuckers were sick cannibals. It's suppressed history and retards actually believe they were just "sacrificing" hundreds of people a day just for the fun of it and threw away all that meat. It was just a damn daily lunch feast where they tortured people and fed the masses to keep them content in the fact that tribal leadership was too stupid to figure out animal domestication.
Average Christian white genocide supporter.
The Spanish ended mass cannibalism in Central America and the Caribbean Islands, they were fucking saints. Goes to show what history revisionism is capable of, everyone believes they were the evil ones.
defect to tlaxcala
implement social distancing, quarantine measures
tactically disengage from the flower war, pull the armies back and let cortez and moctezuma duke it out
once most of the aztecs are dead of flu and most spanish are dead of attriction/fighting besiege tenochtitlan
send captured cortez troops to hispaniola, offer the spanish crown silver/gold mines in exchange for guns + independence guarantee + alliance
Based Sneering Imperialist
>civilisation consisting of millions of people vs about 300 retards from europe
just go to the biggest tribal leader who has the most clout and tell him to kill these idiots. if we're talking a main spanish force, same shit bigger mass grave
The tabascans and the tlaxcalasn/otomies tried that, they were either shamefully routed (tabascans) or ended allying with them (otomies/tlaxcalans and then all the other tribes).
killing the french is the moral obligation of any sentient being who wishes to walk this planet. The worlds most true and profound conflict is to wipe out the plague that grips western central Europe with a savagery not seen in even the most triablistic of peoples. There is no god who dictates this, no religious text or doctrine, the death of the french is a feeling that should come to a man as naturally as he breathes. If you don't feel this way then you are french, and you will join the wall of skulls.
> Least violent Algerian
Leverage my DnD playing days to convince them I am a for real oracle of the gods. Teach them to make face masks and put them on the sick to prevent spread of disease, tell them their human sacrifices are appreciated but right now a new age is coming, and they must patch up relationships with surrounding tribes to push back the coming barbarians. Teach them basic asymmetrical warfare, then dip for Perú.
The Incas are my real target.
I will save you, Huayna Cápac.
Anyways it's not that difficult to survive spanish occupation, the Mapuche could do it, they more or less survive to this day.
You are seriously underestimating south American indigenous cultures anon, they had trade networks extending from the south of Argentina all the way up to the Mississippi River with Romanesque rest stops and supply depots along the way. It's important to note that when the Spainoids arrived their culture was in a low point already, and if they hadn't arrived there almost certainly would have been an uprising from all those other tribes regardless. This combined with the basic metalworking found in North America being given the time to mature into full iron exploitation and I think we would have seen a massive change in native American/south American culture within the next hundred years or less, if they had time to get a new government under control I don't doubt that they could have repelled the initial Spanish conquistadors, making it seem like too much effort to send their entire military all the way there to conquer and thus found themselves in a favorable position to enter trade with Europe and accelerate their own development by a ton akin to how Japan managed to avoid colonization by being juuust enough of a tough meal to chew on for the Euros to be worth the effort.
>You are seriously underestimating south American indigenous cultures anon
They didn't have wheels or domesticated livestock
buttmad slavnigger
The main problem for the Aztecs is that they expected to have some kind of trade relationship with Spain, and that's what they thought the Spaniards came to do. At worst, they might be required to pay a tribute. They had no idea that the goal of the conquistadors was to essentially end their way of life. The only way to win is to convey this not just to the Aztecs, but to their other two adversaries/cooperators. Introducing the concept of total war to them would certainly turn the tide.

>quarantining, masking and social distancing

We all know that none of that shit doesn't work, what makes you think that would do anything against the diseases brought over?
of course it does retard how do you think the disease spreads
why were there 1316 cases of the flu during the 2020 flu season and nearly 130,000 during the season before that?
>What kind of weapons can you instruct the Aztecs to make?
I am a history nerd and once made a geology map of south/latin American natural resources.
I also make early modern guns and slings as a hobby. If I had a few decades maybe I could teach them to make matchlocks, basic cannons, or some metallurgy in making alloys. If inspire infrastructure around making that shit that might help but I doubt they would.
I never made iron/steel from scratch. Only blackpowder, lead shot, and bronze. Bronze guns, ceramic grenades, use of lime powder to bind people, maybe even the principals of citadel forts.
The more I think, the more I believe that citadel forts, long term food storage, germ theory (or avoidance of westerners) and unification under common defense are what they need, not weapons since as the first anon said, they have the numbers.
This guy >>62104335 has the beginning of a right idea, but you can go more martial: longbows and scorpios with burning arrows and clay pots full of naphta. Burn the ships down half a klick off the coast, sacrifice whomever survives.
They got classified as COVID
You must be 18 to post on 4chan
ambush them with what you nigger they would get shot and their obsidian weapons probably wouldnt even penetrate steel armour
Smallpox was already running wild - best case would be to let the Spanish in and try to kill them as quickly as possible via subterfuge

More would eventually come, though. Their destiny was already doom
One month isn't nearly enough time to build weapons that matter, so a change in doctrine is all that can be done. In any case, basic OPSEC would ensure that one of the numerous traps the Aztecs set would actually happen, guaranteeing the capture and probable execution of the conquistador force.
That probably won't stop the second or third or fourth expedition though, so if the initial victory over Cortez gives me any political influence, I would use it to ensure as many as possible of the captives are recruited, probably through the application of lotsa gold, to become technical experts, troop trainers, and shock infantry. Gradually, this foreign force would create a blended Castillian-Nahua culture that would contest the Gulf of Mexico with the European empires
There were 20 million people in Mesoamerica and 95% of them died within 100 years of Cortez. The interesting part is that the population didn't recover to that level until the 1900s, when industrial agriculture became possible. Therefore, if the Aztec infrastructure (social and otherwise) was intact instead of ripped apart, then their population would have recovered very rapidly, taking perhaps 4 generations instead of 20
The Europeans were the wrath of God, and nothing could have possibly stopped them. If I was in that situation, the best I could do is teach them germ theory and maybe do some Judge Holden shit and try to make gunpowder.
Mesoamericans had wheels; what they didn't have was a draft animal that would make a wheeled cart viable.
Weird tech development like this happens all the time, like Romans never inventing wheelbarrows
just poison the food the spanish need
they were reliant on food from natives and were more or less starving and were completely reliant on food gifts from the aztecs for several months
>he thinks quarantining is viable
Nigger what's going to happen the second you leave your quarantined village?
I'll answer because you're clearly too dumb to figure it out: someone is going to sneeze and the quarantine is invalidated
The Tabascans/Cholulans were outfoxed by Cortez and the Tlaxcalans were outfought in a series of slugging matches between sharp rocks and steel armor
That isn't how smallpox spread
>iron-working would have occurred in NA
Where? Iron smelting requires a TON of lumber and iron, which necessarily means a big population that is either centralized in a city or integrated through extensive trade routes. North America had neither of these, as the geography of the continent meant one of two things:
1. The good land was geographically indefensible from migration waves or
2. The defensible land was extremely vulnerable to climate shifts and drought
Ergo, no long-term stability that allows for urbanization or intensive trade infrastructure
The Aztecs were such monstrous overlords that the Tlaxcala and other Spanish allies were fully willing to accept any deal with the Spanish if it meant the Aztecs die
Quarantining only works because everyone in the quarantine dies and therefore can't spread the illness
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Because everyone was masking and social distancing.
The technologies that lead to the Aztec conquest were doctrinal and biological; Aztec militaries didn't fight to kill, didn't understand conquest, and had low tolerance for casualties/attrition. A change in strategic and operational thinking would guarantee an (initial) Aztec victory using their traditional armaments
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>If you fail, the aliens will do experiments on you and transplant your genitals onto your face.

Don't make promises you can't keep
Alvarado was some kind of McCarthy esque gnostic demon (I don't know why nobody is weirded out that apparently the same guy was with both Pizarro and Cortez) and completely indestructible and insane. Like an actual khorne bloodletter or something.
changes nothing still implement quarantine
>Aztecs is that they expected to have some kind of trade relationship with Spain, and that's what they thought the Spaniards came to do.

Wrong, ending the Aztecs was what all the tribes that allied with Spain wanted to do.
Bantus like Zulus smelted iron when they neither had cities or lived in trade routes. Bantu Haya people even made steel.
Bantus entirely skipped the entire copper and bronze ages and directly went to the iron age.
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warn them of the upcoming apocalypses and teach them how to make bio weapons
>Saving the Aztec

No, Aztecs suck balls. I'm going to fuck brown women, then hop on the first Spanish boat to Europe so I can plant the seeds to will destroy Commies in the future.
All this proves is that the Romans were in the right to persecute Christians.
Gather a proper Aztec army, march out of Tenochtitlan and catch Cortez in the field. He's dead, gg.
Betray them, rape the ayys.
Deus Vult, muthafuckas.
As soon as I arrive I find civilization and demand an audience with King Moctezuma II. The fact that I speak perfect Nahuatl despite my peculiar appearance and very large penis of North European descent (I did arrive naked, after all) guarantees them to at least humor me. Once in contact with their king I do a well-timed performance in accordance with an eclipse that I have looked up the times of prior to arriving, convincing him that I am a divine being with godlike powers. I tell him of the coming invasion and that they stand no chance without my help.
During the week that follows I show basic metallurgy to the best of my ability to their blacksmiths; I took AP chem in high school, and while it may not be much it's certainly better than their obsidian rock weapons. I also start building structure within their military ranks by teaching how to move as a phalanx unit and fight in formations.
Once production of weapons is properly established and training is underway we start building fortifications around Tenochtitlan. Making firearms may require a bit more than a month, but stationary bombs detonated in the field is a lot easier. We place these at key points and devise strategies to lure invaders close to choke points.
Women and children are taught to weave body armor from finely cut mahogany strips. Nothing in comparison to proper steel armor, but it does give the Jaguar warriors a fighting chance to survive grapeshot and other round projectiles.
When the Spaniards arrive the battle is on. Seeing how I have no clue about any of this the Aztecs get utterly steamrolled due to their subpar and misguided battle preparations, and I quickly disappear in the midst of the chaos. Once again kidnapped by aliens my penis is removed and re-attached to my face, and I return to spend the rest of my life as an absolute baller with a massive schlong for a nose, banging Aztec bitches and conquistador whores alike while living like a king.
Use my modern knowledge and language skills to be worshipped as a God, demand constant human sacrifices while I engage in a nonstop coca fueled orgy with brown skin qts atop a pyramid while bathed in warm blood, immediately betray them to the Spaniards since I speak mexican.
>Implying I don't want to be probed
>Laughs in Duetsche financial hegemony of Europe.
Fuck the french though.
I switch sides to the Spanish and help them genocide the Triple Alliance and also kill the aliens and steal their shit.

Not going to work to help demon-worshiping beaners.
I said something along the line of the Azteks deserved it in high-school history and they acted like I was the bad guy
>What kind of weapons can you instruct the Aztecs to make?
it doesn't matter if you can't bring them horses/other pack animals they are gonna get wiped out because:
1. the aztecs never had an "empire" since they couldn't excert governance over vast territories only some limited forms of control
2. the indigenous people would never develop the necessary defenses against european diceseases unless they where in contact with the animals of the old world
>I would never help them, those fuckers were sick cannibals. It's suppressed history and retards actually believe they were just "sacrificing" hundreds of people a day just for the fun of it and threw away all that meat. It was just a damn daily lunch feast where they tortured people and fed the masses to keep them content in

Got any more info on that? I would like to know more on this widespread cannibalism among the Aztecs stuff, I do know that the tribes the Portuguese encountered engage largely in cannibalism, but the were way more primitive, a side note, cannibalism is still found in tribes in Brazil, the former president himself is an eyewitness of that in a funeral ritual.

Your pic reminds me of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfHY8mkhT8
>They had no idea that the goal of the conquistadors was to essentially end their way of life
The Aztecs were absolutely evil.
literally stop genociding all your neighbors and you can catch up and kill off the spaniards or make them withdraw. The spanish had 2000 lads.
They should not have incurred God's wrath. The only way is to convert them to catholicism first.
how will you defeat invisible diseases faggot, also you can tell them they have thunder guns,but they will still shit themselves. 1 month will do nothing.
>one month before Spanish conquistadors arrive

I would just tell them to wait for them in coatepec before they form an alliance with the tlaxcaltecans
sabotage them because the aztecs were savages and deserved to be eradicated
mainly the european intelligence which allowed for superior tactics and manipulation
thats not true at all. influenza wasnt even a think in the time of cortez. you are a fucking retard zoomer and probably never read a book in your life. in fact i guarantee you get your news from NPC sources like your iphone or reddit and dont know how to think for yourself. probably dont even have the attention span to read this single paragraph post.
finally some non-brianwashed people. i can only assume you are millennial generation or older
What's the deal with the nips
Nice reading comprehension anon
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That's the battle of otumba, but it didn't work.
So apparently some faggots in this thread never read the actual accounts. Originally Cortez's original force defeated 20000 men from a local polity called a "republic city state" by them due to their lack of familiarity with there systems. They proceeded to defeat army after army totaling over 100000. Indeed auxiliaries seem to fight very little, instead acting as a screening force which prevented the Spanish from being encircled for flanked. But even when encircled for flanked they slaughtered the injuns? Why is this? The tercio and disciplined warfare in general combined with a slightly larger stature and the local's total unfamiliarity with anything they were up against. It wasn't even steel, after fleeing the capital they lost their pikes and replaced them with local replicas shod in copper and still slaughtered, though by that time they had a core of auxiliaries they had trained in the European style. Whites are just better at war man, always have been. Japs are ok, but everybody else is kinda shit, yes that includes the Turks and Mongols.

The redman was lucky he was facing Spaniards, they wanted to conquer and convert him. They took the king hostage rather than just marching in with 10,000 pyschos and sacking the city. If this was an army of English or Landsknecht mercenaries rather than just any Iberian with functioning hands who Cortez could get to come along from Hispaniola most of whom often tried to desert before he started delivering victories(and because he was technically disobeying orders), they would have fared far worse.

>army slaughtered, no prisoners, repeat this 200 times
>oh they beheaded our messenger did they? spike out 500 Vlad Tepees style to show them we means business
>kill all those who surrender anyway because fuck'em
>burn every city, what work what slaves you take to death carrying loot
>get bored and go home
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The only demographic in any industrialized nation which is breeding at above replacement rates are right wing whites in rural America. Their birthrate of 2.7 has not changed in 100 years. Meanwhile every other demographic whether liberal whites or assorted darkies becomes sterilized the instance they have access to even the barest fruits of modernity. The Bread and Circuses are so distracting that they effectively sterilize them. Whether you like it or not the only people fit for this world despise it, are racists, filled with hate in general, and yes are Christians albeit a very cruel kind. https://gss.norc.org/get-the-data

Don't worry the won't force you to go to Sunday School or spew moral diatribes, they'll just murder everyone else in the world and replace them with their own relations. It's interesting that supposed materialists don't seem to pursue their biologic interests but these people do. You can even listen to libtards turned nazi larpers like TheRightStuff.biz faggots bitching that these people are "materialistic" because they don't love art and faggy culture. TRSfags are atheist for context, and they come on here and bitch so yes this is relevant.
>If they just had this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and this thing go in their favor, and if all these happened in a favorable amount of time, they would have *easily* beat the Spaniards

If fell you all read a bunch of Jared Diamon/Zeihan level geographic determinism shit, which is non-predictive and I must remind you that racism is a predictive model if it is based on actual data.
>The whites who have above replacement TFR practice massively deviant forms of Christanity like Amish and Mormonism which have nothing to do with original Catholic Christianity.
Conservative White Catholics IIRC have a tfr of 3.5. Either way abrahamic religions are not good and anti-human. islam, judaism, and christianity are empty spiritually and theologically
Oh that's easy. I just stop them from acquiring that one slave girl who managed to learn spanish and serve as an interpreter.
>Explain how Cambodians and Moros in Mindanao defeated Spanish conquistadors, subhuman. ect ect ect
You don't seem to understand what statistical averages are, perhaps you could look it up. It is possible to get lucky you know, or the enemy could have an incompetent commander who puts in men in a compromised position, or they could be seeking some objective which puts them at higher risk. I'll give you a more recent example, a group of SF in Afghanistan suffered significant casualties to a group of Afghani paramilitary. The irregulars had elevated positions with good visibility and open fire lanes but more importantly they had several DShK, thus against a team of highly skilled men they were successful even though the ambush was not pre-prepared and they were likely far less capable in general. Even the loadout of the SF team was inappropriate for this engagement, basically zero crew served weapons. When your men are of higher quality and your doctrine is superior you usually win, when you add a technological advantage to that you usually slaughter. Part of that higher quality is having a population which relatively higher IQ(ie more capable of being instructed) individuals to draw from. You have a larger talent pool as a CEO would say.
>>On the birthrates.
Hassidim do not have above replace birthrates intergenerationally, lose are great many of the kids in the US who upon secularization suffer a drop in birthrates as in near 0. In Israel they do have a sustainable birthrate over 3 generations however I do find it amusing you bitch about unusual Christianity when the Ultra Orthodox in Israel are actual welfare leeches who are completely non-productive in any capacity.

Also Mormons no longer have above replacement fertility and if you actually checked the GSS survey you'd find that Amish are not surveyed, they do not reply to non-governmental surveys and the governmental ones are answered in a collective manner. I live were the buggy nogs have moved in, they get little exemptions to the rules you see. The majority of the whites with those high birhrates do have what you would consider deviant Christianity, a cruel clannish type of low church religion which doesn't even have a name.

I suspect you are a TRS fag since you regurgitate their talking points. They got another bunch of morons doxxed if you hadn't heard.
Non-orthodox Jews in Israel also have above replacement TFR, it's just that ultra Orthodox TFR is even higher than theirs.
2.0 is just below replacement you mongoloid, and that's from the Israeli Policy Institute. The various smaller surveys Haaretz uses can be aggregated to a general fertility of 3.0 and 1.88 for secular ones specifically. Whether either is manipulating the data or the assessment methodology for political reasons isn't clear since it is a bit of a discrepancy. Chinks were lying for decades who knows, are they overcounting to appear strong or undercounting because they think they can whine at the jews around enough to make them crap out more kids. Also Mike Enoch was marriage to a jews involved with drag shows and is probably 1/8 to 1/4 jew himself from his mother's side.
It only started dropping this year. Secular Jews had above replacement TFR up to 2022 while all western TFR collapsed long before.
Gypsies have higher TFR than whites in the countries they live in.


>The fertility of Romanian and Hungarian women was virtually identical (1.2 and 1.3 births per woman) while the TFR for women of Roma ethnicity was twice as high (2.6 births per woman).
If conquistadors were superhumans then why were all their conquests in the stone age Americas you retard and they failed to conquer a single African country and got raped in Cambodia.

Conquistador Hernan Cortez was mauled in North Africa when attacking Algiers in 1541.

Conquistadors were defeated when trying to conquer all of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Cambodia, Mindanao.

How cone their superhuman powers magically evaporate when facing enemies with gunpowder and steel?

The guerrillas in your scenario have initiative which makes all the difference. They can identify their targets and even aim before the fight begins. They have to react to a surprise attack, identify multiple threats, and maybe even lay down fire before spotting the enemy.

All guerrilla attacks are planned to be conducted with iniative. This goes hand-in-hand with economy of ammunition, encirclement, snipers, IEDs. No matter your "quality of men" or their gear, being caught with your pants down in a disadvantageous ambush is the guerrilla's goal, only fighting battles with severe advantage.

As for "quality of men" this is very abstract. Give me one humble man of God who believes in eternal salvation over ten psychos in Gucci gear with drug problems and a complex. A man who fights without holding back anything, knowing Heaven waits on the other side.

To answer OP's question, I'd bring them the Gospel so they can establish themselves as a Christian nation/kingdom to entreat/contend with Spain like King Phillip.

Would give them a chance of at least establishing trade, or to retain some sovereignty, but that is just to answer your fictional alt history scenario.
Based and genocide pilled
The Aztecs got what they fucking deserved
How fat are you?
I like your answer. It will stall Spanish expansion for several years.

What I don't like about OP is, under what condition is our mission considered successful?
>death of Cortez
But his survivors will bear tales, and in a couple years a war force will show up.
>100% death of the Cortes expedition
That will not stop the colonials indefinitely, or even the Spanish.

Win condition poorly defined. QM sucks. Shit /qst/.
I’m letting the spaniards win so that I can start a lucrative career doing niche porn. I could fuck a girl and eat her out at the same time. I’d be a literal unicorn
A good answer, assuming the boatless 'Tecs can capsize or capture all the harbored ships, even with sailors watching the shore. Cortez had 11 ships; if even one returns to spain the boogaloo will restart on war footing, and OP's ayys will repeat their threat to you. How will you deal with the ships?

>intentionally get everyone infected
not possible for syph, typhus, and unless you got some way to extract cowpox, not chicken pox either, or influenza without penicillin. Sound theory; how can it be practiced?

>fuck capturing people for sacrifice
but it's a cornerstone of the civ. Per Iain Gately's [Tobacco], the Spaniards found gore collecting chambers inside the temples with a foot of rotting scab sludge on every surface. Asking the Aztecs to just stop would be like asking Saudi Arabia to quit being Muslim. Just asking after card tricks won't cut it, because badly losing several modern wars to Jews, and having the successful modern Christian (or "Christian") West rent free for decades did not crack Islam; how will you convince the Aztecs to abandon something as foundational as religion?

>send BTFOd captives back to spain demanding independence
The colonials of whatever nationality never keep their word to subhuman heathen. No international court, no war tribunal. The false peace will not last even a year before the Spanish crown starts avenging its wounded honor. We're back at square 3.

I like the details in your plan. Are you confident of doing all of that in 28-31 days, per OP? If you had a nice 3 years to account for fuckups and wastage, you'd have a better than 50% chance, especially with that intimidating schmeat. But OP wanted an immediate defense, prepped in a month. OP just angling for total war with those shit conditions.
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Cortex burned his own ships to stop the men leaving lmao
If that were true they’d have done it before he arrived

Why is she making that face?
Lmao you will forever be under protestant heel, Catholic subhuman
>>The colonials of whatever nationality never keep their word to subhuman heathen. No international court, no war tribunal. The false peace will not last even a year before the Spanish crown starts avenging its wounded honor. We're back at square 3.
keep in mind that i go there with all my knowledge meaning i know cortez's expedition is illegal and i know all the sketchy shit he did. i also know where in mexico the gold is roughly speaking and we might not be assembling RTX4080s the next day but i do know some basic science/tech which might allow me to push the place into an early industrial revolution with steam engines.

the spanish arent gonna invade some inhospitable jungle when an offer of easy gold is on the table and missionaries are allowed just because one murdered that defied the crown says so. read some about cortez's expedition his success is 90% luck/timing. i suspect that even if you delayed him a little bit or threw anything off the whole thing would not have happened.
Because her tall gringo papi just bought a .38 Super for her.
Hernando Cortez
so so so, the big plan is to tell the Aztecs to hide all the gold, move inland asap, and leave the sick and dying at beachfront villages to tell the Spaniards that the Black Plague is the true King over these lands?

How elegant!
You beat OP's victory conditions!

The general suspicion is that it is a New World disease.
>the rest
Like you say, I don't think any vaccination campaign is possible. If you could sink the ships and consign the Spanish to believe the land is haunted or not worth investigating for a good century, ripping the bandaid off early by intentionally spreading disease as much as possible and letting selection do its job is probably your best bet for long term stability. The value of steel, horses and gunpowder was far from nil. That said, disease did a very large part of the work. Innoculating the continents early, and staving off the invasions for long enough that populations could recover somewhat, hoping that the resulting disruption, a la Bronze Age Collapse or Yamnaya invasions or co-occuring late Uruk period collapse, may make room for some upstarts to iterate on prior developments. iirc the Tarascans (?) or a similarly named people Southern Mexico had just starter pioneering iron metallurgy. A few hundred more years for writing to disseminate from the Maya, iron metallurgy to further develop, and they'd likely fare more like the SEAmonkeys against European invasion. Another thought: endemicizing Eurasian diseases followed by isolation would also open the potential for the development of alien strains that could backwash onto invaders.
Really I think you'd need to go back further, and start in North America. Lots of turning points, like preventing them from killing off the large draught and vehicle domestication candidates (horse, camel, large caprids, mammoths and mastodons), or propping up the continued development of the Eastern Agricultural Complex, which was more suited to mid-latitude, North American climes than corn and beans. A couple tweaks here and there could have made North America just as densely populated and productive as Mesoamerica, which would have allowed greater iteration on technological innovation, and through larger populations, human evolution itself. A thoroughly Neolithic New World would then possibly start to select for the kinds of intelligence that uphold complex empires. They had rice, for fuck's sake.
Have to add for the ignorant;
Cotez was so based that he beat not only the Aztecs and other tribes, but the Spanish.
He pissed off the local Governor and his expedition was recalled, He said;
>Chinga tu madre
And went of, then detached a small force and repelled his numerically superior Spanish pursuers all while advancIng on a vastly numerically superior enemy on completely foreign ground.
And won.
>Never underestimate your enemy
Whooping the original Continentals made them lax in the face of the South Meds.
They have Hannibal to study.
which is extra fuckign funny considering every other tribe/civ at the time would have agreed, but that's virtue signaling for you, nasty bad conquistadors etc.
could have just told him it was measles, smallpox and typhus you ass blasted moron
Also; tech gap and numbers? I was not until now aware that Cortez died in Africa.
¡Adiós, Jefe!
Based actual informative anon.
Sad, few such cases.
He didnt the expedition just failed Not his fault
being an aggressive asshole and screaming WRONG while not providing WHY they are is some of the stupidest behavior I see here, just fuckign correct them especially if its easily googlable
>defend to the Aztecs.
impossible. The reason why the Aztecs well was because litterally every tribe around them joined the spanish. what should be the question is how to mitigate the destruction of the Aztecs
What is your first language?
is this sarcasm?
Bumping this so I can reply to stuff later or tomorrow, there's a lot of misconceptions and misinformation in the thread.

t. Mesoamerican history and archeology nerd.

Just to get it out of the way to conserve character limit space for my replies, the OP's image is also terrible, some sort of bizarre combination of Mongols and Romans with barely any Mesoamerican much less Aztec elements. Their feather Tassel skirts actually do sorta resemble Ehuatl half decently though, particularly as seen in the depiction of Nezahualcoyotl in the Codex Ixtlilxochitl

Pic related is a useful reference collage I like to post showing how pop culture depictions of Mesoamerican stuff contrasts vs how it actually looked, not that the right side doesn't also take some liberties (EX showing the tassels on the Ehuatl skirt and shield trim on the Codex Black Ahuizotl art as pleated strips rather then tassels, tho that's because some codices do stylize the tassels as pleats)
Also, double checking it, I guess "pleats" isn't the right word, since I meant separate strips or flaps like Greek or Roman skirt armor.

I guess it's possible that Ehuatl tunic skirts and the fringe on shields could EITHER be feather tassels or flaps/strips of leather etc, since in some depictions it is ambiguous, but the Codex Ixtlilxochitl II page I mentioned (pic) has a more realistic art style then almost any other depiction, so I'm compelled to assume that the other instances are stylization rather then actual variation.
no, I'm serious.

I hate OP's time limit, vague victory conditions, and the threat of omnipotent ayys. In my mind there is no way to do everything in a month; OP's just watching us fuming and sweating and touching himself at each fail-post, like a little god. I'm happy you thought of something. Not sarcasm.

OP can go suck his own /qst/ larping dick.
Mexico can't even get it's shit together despite all the outside money and technology it's been receiving since the Spaniards came
What a bad ass. When true hardcore (Cortez) meets bullies (Aztecs), it can only go one way. Full CONQUISTA
they had no ships nigga, they intentionally destroyed them before even meeting the aztecs
Gorilla warfare
your mom is sarcasm
I tell them that invaders will come from the sea pretending to be gods but are actually demons, so they should use their numbers to Then I rush to tell the Spaniards that I'm an envoy of God sent to warn them to not carry their weapons as the inhabitants of these lands already totally have heard the word of the lord and are definitely peaceful.
good thinking anon

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