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SKS Edition

Post your totally unique Chink garbage rods and discuss your unicorn surps.

Previous Thread: >>62017368
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>SKS edition
>checks safe
Ive only owned one sks and it was a yugo that I got at a live auction where I couldnt inspect the rifle in 2018 for 300. It was so coated and gunked up with comoline that after an hour of cleaning I gave up and sold it to a boomer who had a tricked out PT cruiser with an israeli flag paintjob
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Still hard to believe that there's only 8000 Nagoya Type 99 long rifles in existence and you can get one cheaper than a typical RC K98k if you shop around.
the sks d is the best one because ak mags
i gave mine away to my friend legally and lawfully.
if im not mistaken this collection is missing the pre 1950 soviet sks that has a spike bayonet, usually called the 1949 sks or first year production sks
Anyone know how to disassemble the rear sight of a carcano? I'm trying to seperate this push button from the bar that goes into it. It isn't threaded in and a punch hasn't budged it.
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I dream of finding a North Vietnamese SKS in a gun shop and gladly paying the $499 they’re asking for an “overpriced beat up Chinese SKS”
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I'm going to take my Chinese shitcannon into the mountains next time I go backpacking, it was way to much fun with the M1 two weeks ago.
Too bad I can’t afford it.
>Made in Germany
>bad eagle markings
>Greek 8MM Mauser ammo, 945rnd case
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Anyone here ever looked into replicating British Suncorite? I’d like to get as close as possible. I have some black cerakote I could slop on I guess
I inherited a Chinese spiker SKS.

It has a dumb composite black stock on it.

What stock do I put on it, and where do I get said stock?

SKS parts are all over the place literally search Ebay
Germanic autism is a hell of a drug.
I caved last night and ordered it. I FOMO'd one from The Mosin Crate when these first showed up last year. I also bought a bayonet separately from Century Arms. Then, a few months later these showed up on Atlantic and Centerfire. I paid a little more for just the rifle than this entire bundle costs.
If anything, I'll regret not just waiting for this bundle. However, the one I got from The Mosin Crate is all matching, immaculate bore, and overall excellent condition. I'm expecting these to be a bit rougher and non-matching.
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You should get one, the M937As are quite uncommon.
While the bore on mine wasn't immaculate, it was still pretty good. Got the bundle from Atlantic, well worth the price.
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I shouldn’t be tempted but I am. Damnit.
Is it possible to fix a shitty muzzle crown without committing crimes against surp?
recrown it? a poor mans method is taking a round screw bolt of some kind, putting it into a hand drill and press it into the muzzle and spin it until it evens out
Oh shit this is my calling. Brb digging them all out.
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>Chinese Type 56 factory 0138
>Chinese Type 56 factory 416 police
>Yugo M59 refurbed like new
>Yugo M59/66a1 Cherry's import unissued
If this is the SKS edition, can I get some advice on SKS purchasing? What are important things to look for outside of the normal gun basics, how much should you pay, any particular things to be wary of?
Why are Mosin Nagant extractors so high-priced ? $20-30 is ridiculous
I wanted to clean mine due to extraction issues and I snapped it in half trying to get it out, turns out it fused itself to the bolt head with rust and cosmoline.
Top $500 for Yugo or Chinese. $400 if it's a best to shit Chinese used in Albania. $800 for Russian. Romanians are harder to come by but they should be $600 tops. All the other Chinese variants are mostly modified military ones. They vary in price and are more niche. The ones that take AK mags run about $800-1000. Albanians are easily over $1000. If it's a Yugo check the barrel isn't a sewer pipe. When you're checking for the cleaning kit, don't get your finger trapped in the trapdoor.
Why not just Japan it or something? Has to be close, if not also way tougher.
Or use high temp black BBQ paint. Or if you just have to get the real deal, pay (what I'm sure is) out the ass.
Man, I want an SKS D/M. Something about the SKS makes it so pleasant to shoot. INB4 heresy but I'd love to put a scope on one as well but options are quite limited. I'd really only consider it if I found a cheap D/M pre-bubba'd or something.

Try Type 99 Arisaka firing pins. $100-150. I paid that much for the Arisaka to fix it up. Fuck my life.
ive never seen a scoped sks that wasnt clapped out in some way so i wouldnt bother going down that route
im on the fence if i want an arisaka or not, just seems like another mauser 95 variant
I found a few on ebay, they don't look excellent though.

Thoughts on the Jungle stocks? From what I understand those were never actually issued or used in a military context though right?
Are they lighter than the wood stocks?

How hard/easy is it to convert one to taking AK mags?

Was an AK mag SKS ever issued or used in a military context?
converting one to take ak mags isnt a thing for the average person
the ak mag sks was only developed for commercial markets, militaries would rather just get an ak
m1917 supremacy
>How hard/easy is it to convert one to taking AK mags?
You need to mill the bolt, open msg well, add lip for mag to catch, and add mag lever
>Was an AK mag SKS ever issued or used in a military context?
No. They suck donkey dongs. Msg switches on it are pain in the ass to catch the lip at front of receiver. Source this is me >>62115825
Yeah the bottom SKS-M in that pic was a bubba to shit special for $600 during peak COVID. I got the rear sight swapped out for a rail sight. I'm putting a sig red dot on it later when I got spare $125
hello fellow 1917 enjoyer.
weird my sks-d works fine and i prefer it to the standard version. racking the bolt during every reload is awesome
They run fine. My complaint are mag changes. Have to be very careful to engage all the tiny bits. Try to change a mag on the SKS-d or SKS-M as fast and easily as an AK mag change. AK is way ahead. Hence they suck donkey dongs on mag changes imo. It does feel right shooting thirty rounds from a SKS before msg reloads though.
Does anyone know any information on Webley's MK IV chambered in .32, the only info I can find on are the Indians one and the British.
i found that some ak mags were a little rough to lock in but i filed the tabs a little and they fit in without a hitch now
Thanks I’ll look into it
For now I’m just gonna buy a can of semi gloss engine enamel and try it out
>Canada just gets to buy cheap shit from norinco
it's bullshit
I bought a minty unfired arsenal 26 SKS for $330 USD a year ago at a Black Friday sale
Mind you SKSs used to be $200 CAD pre covid
It helps that Canada is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NORINCO.
pleb, I cleaned up two cosmolined yugos, it wasn't that hard. On one of them though, I broke the ear off the firing pin retainer pin and had to get a new one.
trudeau banned a lot of if unfortunately, by some miracle he didn’t ban type 81 or sks at least
Just picked up a 1911. WW1 colt frame WW2 Ithaca slide and then a mix of WW1-WW2 pieces here and there.

anything of note in terms of ammo or spring wear n tear I need to know with these things?
I have a '44 toyo kogyo arsenal type 99.
Anyone know a good place to find a chines type 24 stock or a stock that would match it? I'm building out a type 24 from parts and all I'm missing is the stock.
wow bro, you're not even gonna post pics?
recoil spring maybe
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You can still get nice Arisakas for $400 or less. Don't buy trash to "fix up."

If you really do need a firing pin I could sell you one cheaper than $100 lmao. I'm not sure why, but Arisaka parts prices are insane considering that complete rifles are so cheap. But again, complete rifles are cheap; don't buy trash!
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I love my navy arms cowboy companion
very short very fun very based
It wasn't trash, it was a later Type 99 with pretty woodgrain, great condition stock, and minimal rust I could boil away in an hour. For somewhere around $100-120 it wasn't a bad buy. I need to chase some threads, put in my repro screw, and get a firing pin/get mine repaired. Pretty short list for a surplus gun that cheap IMO. I mainly bought it as I didn't have a Type 99 yet and despite my annoyance at needing a firing pin, I'm fine with waiting until I find one or finding someone to repair mine; I have the tip that snapped off so I know exactly how long it needs to be, no adjusting required (theoretically). I'll wait until I find one at a price I'm willing to pay and snap it up; there is a local parts guy and he may not charge me the retarded prices online collectors sites want, so I do have options. Either way it doesn't matter as I don't intend on shooting it until I'm much further into reloading. I'm sure I said it somewhere online before but it's nice to have projects like that I can work on during times where ammo and popular guns are scarce or expensive due to panic buying. I have a bunch of vintage scopes, gun parts, and quick projects in need of one or two parts for entertainment in those times.
>If you really do need a firing pin I could sell you one cheaper than $100 lmao.
I may end up taking you up on that lol.
>I'm not sure why, but Arisaka parts prices are insane considering that complete rifles are so cheap. But again, complete rifles are cheap; don't buy trash!
That's the thing that confuses the hell out of me. You could buy 50 beater/sporter arisakas for not too much and part 'em out. In fact, a couple sites seem to do that exact thing. However, they probably buy these arisakas for $50-100 (or less) a piece and then have the gall to charge $125-175/ea for 3 or more parts on that arisaka (from memory, the bolt, the firing pin, the stock). I understand profit but wow. The upper handguards are something else too.
Those had scopes and mounts right?
Yeah but the clip on mine is busted
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All that work tho and you could have just bought a complete one still lol.

And no lol, sporters always seem to go for $200 now. Which again, I don't get because $100 more will get you a complete rifle.

If you do need a firing pin, you can email me. The spare one I have doesn't have a spring tho.
Can ya post photo of the busted part? I might have idea how to fix it
Eh, sometimes I think some stupid part in the back of my head likes a challenge lol.
>no lol sporter prices
You'd be surprised at the lowball prices a lot of gun stores, major or minor, pay for guns people bring in or ones they buy at auction locally. I mean next to nothing. I've seen it. I saw a LGS pay $14, yes FOURTEEN dollars for a gun at a local auction and then mark it up to IIRC $800-900. If the auction has the right crowd, guns that aren't the main focus of the collection that's being auctioned go for nothing. Ditto another rare-ish gun that went for $30-50 and another of the same I paid like $20 for. All during the height of Covid panic buying.
>if you do need a firing pin, email me
I'll keep your email written down. If I email you I should be emailing you with a pic of the busted tip of the Type 99 firing pin I have. Might be months down the road.
is that alaska?
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Similar to mine. WW1 Colt frame but a Remington-Rand slide.

I’d only shoot 230 grain FMJ ammo through it. Don’t shoot hot self defense rounds through it.

I’d get a new recoil spring and a recoil buffer. You will probably have to trim edges in the little rubber recoil buffer. I know I had to.

Supposedly the WW2 and earlier slides are capable of cracking with age or if they’re fired with too many hot rounds. So a new recoil spring and buffer definitely help prevent that.
Just recently did this to an M95 (Sporter) that desperately needed a new crown. It worked incredibly well. Just grab a smooth-round-headed bolt (like a carriage bolt) that matches the size of your barrel close enough, valve-grinding compound (found at auto-parts stores), and drill it in random circular motions at random varying speeds. Was done in less than 15mins.
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Forgive, I am retard.
Also came with belt, mag pouch with extra mag and an Enger Kress leather holster my best guess is WW2 make too.
Good to know. Im starting the break into sem-auto pistol surp and it isnt my strong suit, so Im applying most of what I know from rifle world here but it always helps to ask the well versed morons on /msg/ for their take.
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The price for these is otrageous.
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Good deal? I know I’d have to replace some parts, including the barrel, but it’s just so cheap it’s hard to pass up.
If you're too lazy to do the minimal amount of CMP paperwork you deserve to get RTI'd.
I'm gonna buy it mahahahaha
Isn’t CMP out of the cheap rack and field grade garands, though? All they have that I’ve seen are the expert grades with new barrels.
Update when you do get it as I have some morbid curiosity about what the inside of that thing looks like. Also if the barrel a shit there is a company making barrels.
Looks like someone bought it before me, should of not took a shit and shower lol.
shoulda took a shit in the shower, wouldve saved you time and you coudlve had a beat to shit M1 for $600
eh whatever don't really need another project anyways
I remember when yooperj was posting on forums he was liquidating his collection and taking requests before it all went to gunbroker. Too poor to buy anything then
You're right. Looks like they just ran out over the last few months. I'd still suggest waiting for a restock or searching locally (despite the boomer tax).
Considering the time & cost to hunt for a replacement op-rod, rebarreling, etc... An Expert Grade from the CMP seems like the better option. There's just no good reason to choose RTI for an M1 when the CMP exists, unless you're trying to enter the next Pain Olympics.
The outside of my M39's stock is beautiful, but the inside is kind of rough and gritty. Is this normal, or something to worry about?
as far as I know Criterion is the go to barrel replacement for garands, they're about $300
Yeah that's who I was thinking of.
>he doesnt order surp while taking a shit
>not pressing checkout right when the shit hits the water
You're missing out
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fuck your right maybe next time.....
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CMP uses Criterion barrels too.
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Alright, how bad do you guys think this is?
hop on the toilet and give it a go!
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Dear God they've done it.
That absolute mad men have done it!
A tier that's EVEN WORSE than C-Grade.

I pray that Readiness Reviews was able to get an advance on his allowance so we can catch a glimpse of such horrors.
I missed out on this. Oh well.
Dammit I went to go buy this too just now, oh well. It would be absolutely worth wasting 150 just to see how low it can go. I hope some youtuber got one.
I actually have a friend bought this hours before me. I missed out obviously by simply wage-slaving. He doesn't really mind since he has 2 enfields (not I.O stamped). He wants to give it a try.
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>have a decent surplus collection
>friends ask "which one is your favorite?"
>visions of my true love flash within my mind
>"Why, the M1 Garand of course. Gotta love that *ping* amirite?"
>friends nod approvingly and agree. it's easily everyone's favorite I bring to the range.

They could never understand my love for my Chinese SKS.
>chrome-lined barrel
>integrated magazine
>easy to load with (optional) stripper clips
>built-in bayonet
>dead simple short-stroke tilt-bolt design
>still sitting on a stockpile of cheap golden tiger
>rifle was only tree-fiddy (9 years ago)
Its okay to come out here, Anon. We're an open group that accepts all.

Except boomers.
id say the integrated magazine holds it back the most but everything else about it is solid
I understand the arguments, but I appreciate the security of a fixed mag. No chance of losing it or forgetting to bring it when heading innawoods. Supposedly Stalin knew peasant-brains like me would exist and that's why the SKS didn't have detachable mags.
maybe because the svt-40 had to have its magazines fit to each gun and they didnt want to do that again with the sks
Just checking this thread again. Did you buy cause of me? (Pic rel) Glad I could help if I did.
Ah, I couldn’t afford it. I mean I could but I’d be broke, so I’m good.
That’s a pretty SKS anon.
lol, nice.
Its kinda funny how long it took gun designers to create magazine designs that work consistently.
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The only problems I’ve ever had with SKS rifles were very simple. First was a Yugo that had issues short stroking. Discovered the gas valve was very pitted. Bought a new gas valve for like $12 and that solved the issue. 2nd was a Chinese SKS that had the same problem. There was cosmoline in the gas block where the rear sight is. I cleaned that out and it was good to go. That issue is probably why I got that gun for cheap.

Also don’t bother with the cool looking Chinese 20 round fixed mag. It didn’t function properly in my rifles and I could only get like 17 or 18 rounds in it. Just stick to the factory 10 round mag.

Don’t mind the scope. That’s how this rifle was when I bought it. I think either the Chinese or the importer put the scope and mount on. Surprisingly it holds zero well enough.
Nice shorty
t. artist of the daki art
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SKS postin. Probably the surp I shoot the most, it's just so much fun. Even if the surplus propellant in the ammo smells like ass.
Just got a lithgow smle but someone put a rail on it for a scope. Not against scopes, so what scope could I get to keep with the aesthetic but still be modern?
No, I ordered it the night before you posted. It actually arrived today. It's definitely rougher than my Mosin Crate one, but should clean up fine. Cursory glance:
>barrel bands, bolt, floor plate, all match
>didn't get a good look at the screws
>stock feels a bit dry
>bluing is gone on the bands, receiver and bolt are about ~60%
>judging from the sheath, the bayonet is MUCH rougher than the one I ordered from Century separately
I feel a bit better about buying the bayonet last year. No pics right now. I'll take some when I clean it this weekend.
The box of ammo is massive. I'm never gonna get through all this 8mm.
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Sup /msg/. See any good obscurium lately?
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Finest rifle in the world.
Also missing the East German SKS, but who knows how many of those ended up over here.
IMA has a couple of those Uruguay 1871 Mausers that were converted to that inductee French caliber. 6.5x53.5 I think. Thought about grabbing one but I don’t need any more obsolete calibers in my collection.
Right now I’m really wanting a Danish service M1 Garand, just to knock Denmark off my list, but basically the only way to get one is to pay an obscenely high price, since for some reason people like to seek these things at 2 or 3x what they bought the CMP sells them for.
I had multiple failures to fire with the Greek 40 dated 8mm I do need to replace my firing pin spring though so take this with a grain of salt
>those Uruguay 1871 Mausers that were converted to that inductee French caliber. 6.5x53.5 I think
The Daudeteau? I had the unexpected opportunity to handle one at a local gun show. I actually really liked it, but it wasn't the rifle I was lusting after at the time and the ammo is unobtainable. The guy was only selling it for $800 though. Pretty good deal compared to what IMA is trying to sell it for.
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There’s a North Vietnamese SKS on Gunbroker
>Seven thousand dollars
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Well good thing this stuff is from 1939 then.
Anyone got experience with Snider rifles? I absolutely love my trapdoor and martini, and I am told you can just "cheat" the reloads for a Snider with cut down 24ga hulls and a lead ball as the projectile.
If you say "gee, those Nepalese villagers sure are getting uppity" while sipping tea and twirling your mustache you might summon the snider anon who lurks around here and the reloading general.
>Slaps rotten wood and rust rod
>No low ball offers
>I know what I got
You should offer him $800 and tell him that's a really high offer
literally wait till all vietnam vets (boomers) die and itll go back down
Britishmuzzleloaders has a pretty comprehensive video on reloading the Snider.

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Nice, I’m happy for you, man. That’s a really cool piece.
Well it is pretty old ammo. lol Could absolutely be the firing pin though.
Whew, that’s rough. I have no idea how people think what they’ve got is gold. You could get like 4, maybe 5 WW2 German Mausers for that paying top dollar, and those are definitely a bigger part of history.
I just bought their warehouse clearance on the mk1 no4 rifles. Same price thing. Now they are selling the Mannlicher carbines for $129. The carbines aren't worth the price since they had sold them between 50-100$ as c grades/parts rifles almost a year ago during Christmas season.
Beside RTI crap, I am looking at a mosin right now.
>Mannlicher carbines for $129
I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money I need to save money
DO NOT BUY THAT. It isn't worth it.
trapdoor, martini, and snider are the trifecta
sorry rolling block hoes
Is the receiver drilled and tapped or is it just a clamp? Haven't seen that mount before IIRC.
your spirit is broken and someone viewing the thread scalped you anon. it's okay, it happens to the best of us. go get yourself another project and don't put a picture of an open product on /k/ for people to see. you could have asked "are those beat to shit m1s from rti any good?" and anons would have chimed in or maybe they wouldn't have.
Any SVT owners looking for AVT furniture, there's some Polak on eBay making new production replicas that are great. Needed a good deal of fitting and you'll have to varnish it, but it's pretty swanky once everything comes together.
>Sorry Rolling block hoes
You shut your whore mouth.
I didn't even know there was a difference between SVT and AVT furniture ngl.
AVT is substantially thicker.
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So the mount is actually welded to the receiver cover, and it has those little screws in the side that you can screw right against the receiver for added stability. Very odd. I can’t remember off the top of my head what the scope says, but when I got it I researched it and it was installed by the Chinese or the importer. I took it apart and cleaned it when I first got it but haven’t since. I’d probably have to re-zero the thing if I did.

Sucks because the receiver cover obviously matches the rest of the rifle, but if I wanted to ditch it I’d have to get a new receiver cover.
That's actually pretty neat. Kinda wish I had a scope for my SKS but I'd feel bad doing any modifications. I'll probably wait for a real bubba'd example or something, which I have actually come across, but of course, when I shouldn't be buying shit as well as a weird factory number I haven't seen before (and may actually not be recorded) lol.
Actually nevermind it seems that the /016\ stamp I saw is actually likely /416\ after the little tail of the 4 broke off. Real crude hand stamped s/n though!
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heres my avt stock svt-40
why are they like this?
any word on the carcano influx?
Damn those Yugo M59 are awesome but hard to find. I've seen more Albanians for sale than those Yugo m59
What Carcano influx? Is there something other than the Ethiopian/Carabinieri shipments coming?
Carcanos tend to be either coming from Ethiopia or Italian warehouse storage soaked in cosmoline. DKfirearms had sold them, j&g sales, RTI (obviously), and few others.
>find really nice looking Gras online
>brass is hyper expensive and sold out unobtanium
Baguette bros...
Find an 8mm conversion?
I'm kinda curious did the Ethiopians ever received Mosin Nagants?
Rare case of a gunbroker boomer actually knowing what he’s got for once.
I love my rolling blocks.
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Based Yugo enjoyer
I love 8mm, but if it's a Gras then I want to shoot 11mm out of it. Apparently some specialty French stores sell them online. Might pull the trigger if I can get the rifle on the cheap.
Thats fair. And its not like 11x59r isnt complete unobtaniom. Theres always some somehwere, just price will be the factor your willing to pay to shoot it
Be a man and buy a Chassepot with the original needle fire. Then all you have to do is put your cigarette rolling skills to work with paper cartridges.
I don't think so but I recall RTI had sold mosin rifles on the old website way back in 2020 or before that. But I wasn't talking about them. I am looking at another site. Problem is: the mosin is $500 and the last one.
>did the Ethiopians ever received Mosin Nagants?
Some. Note the Carcano M91 bayonets fitted to these M38s.
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imma post my carcano
Ethiopia had literally everything at some point.
Is this nigger holding a P-14 or Enfield 1917? Very hard to tell because of the distance.
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Nice. I found some 1930's 6.5 ammo in clips at my local gunshow recently. Excited to try them out.
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Assuming it's the rifle's original stock, it's a M1917; the finger rests on a P.14 stock are shorter and further aft on the stock (and Eddystone P.14 stocks don't have them at all). There's also no cross-bolt for the dial sight visible. Seems like a lot more M1917s in the RTI horde than P.14s
I wished I bought one of their B grades 1917 a year ago for $500.
I want to buy a SKS and a nugget. Anything in particular I should be looking for? Any deal breakers to watch out for?
I assume that if you want both of those, you're looking for a Russian SKS?
Chinese and Russian are available. The Russians are a bit more expensive and I assume there is a reason for that.
avoid mid ww2 era mosins, like 1941 to 1944. while it sounds cool to have a mosin dated to that era, the soviets ran their machines hard to shit out as many as they could as quickly as possible so they often are very grindy and sticky to operate.
millions were made that time which is why the majority of people say that mosins are shit today, but they obviously obtained one of these war date ones.
anything made in the post war or pre war or refurbished by finland are usually smooth as silk to use.
>the soviets ran their machines hard to shit out as many as they could as quickly as possible so they often are very grindy and sticky to operate.
Laughs in Finnish
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Nice white bolt SVT anon.
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>tfw you bought your SVT ages ago for a normal price
>tfw they run for like $3000 now
What the fuck happened?
I checked recently as well because I was curious what they sell for. $3000 is crazy but that seems to be the average over there. There only seems to be a few anyway so maybe that is why
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Russian tula 51 with a modern Russian PU scope for 700, was this a good deal
Mainly a loss of Russian imports plus Russian stuff getting a bad guy tax because of current slavic shenanigans.
Loss of ukrainian imports in 2014 too
why did someone do this to a fn49 and why is it $3200

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