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red pill me on axe throwing
If you don't understand everything about axe throwing from the name itself you're hopeless
It's a great first date activity, and also a great way to figure out if she has any potential to be your future Amazon warrior breeding queen.
Sauce on the hoe
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for me it's short haired future karens throwing axes and getting hyped
we don't like being called this fyi
look at the size of those arms and hands. haven't they found a hormone modification or surgery that can solve this obvious issue?
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Gay millennial shit as they still try to acquire a personality.

Same category as bearded men discussing craft beer.
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kek, I got that
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"Stressed-out millennials are flocking to bars where they can throw axes at a target"
""People in cities are always hungry for experiences," said Ginger Flesher-Sonnier, founder and CEO of The Ginger Companies, which operates Kick Axe. "Everybody's always looking for a unique night out.""

I'm interpreting this as urban bearded eggs in their 30s attempting to recoup masculinity but "safe masculinity".
Like kitchen knives but even more random.
When you get it, you get it. Judging distance with axes sucks though.
Ask any hot shot that likes throwing shit to NOT use the same-balance items over the same few distances he learned.
Anyone that brags about throwing axes stands at a measured distance and practices until he gets good at putting the spin right.
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how do I get a titty monster gf?
>Pol meme
>As if pol isn't full of trannies
Go back to Facebook faggot
Ngl a Barcade sounds sick as shit.
I wonder if he will invite them to Camp David again.
I see a lot of people go on group "dates" or use it as a first date and I guess its better than other first date ideas
>standing behind a woman about to throw an axe
nigga please
>I see a lot of people go on
Why aren't you invited since you are watching them so intently?
A man of superior taste, I see.
A while back in a bbq restaurant that had an axe throwing range, I saw a girl throw an axe that bounced off the wood target and flew straight back towards the girl's face. She quickly moved her head to the side and barely dodged the axe. If she didn't react as quickly as she did, she'd have an axe in her face in the middle of the restaurant.
Didn't happen and the story went on for too long.
Don't care what you think
apparently you do, since you both took your time to invent, type and comment on your imaginary story, and replied to a criitic. you're pathetic.
Shut up, THOT. Ywnbaw
Then why did you respond to him?
What's so unbelievable about it? Axe bounces happen. There's videos of it happening online. Just look it up.
Cuz it only took a second
it's not unbelievable at all. but you reek of insecurity and attention craving, and i want you to suffer for it.
Trolls like you are pathetic.
why don't you huddle in a corner and cry, bitch?
A local bar where I work remodeled after Covid as a “ Adult arcade” and every weekend without fail we get multiple calls about people hurting themselves or others while doing the axe throwing.
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Whatever. You're boring me.
I'm surprised it hasn't been banned.
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>people hurting themselves
"people", the patrons of these establishments are barely human.
My department has been trying to get it banned or at least regulated for years but no council person wants to even talk about it
Leisure activity. Fun with a drink or two at most in your system.
Just like bowling, my skill and ability peaks at 2 beers and then declines thereafter.
>That photo

I legitimately thought you just posted a actual picture of the manager because this looks just like him just slap on a punchable smug grin on his face and that’s basically him
actually based.
Drunkenly playing Silent Scope or Time Crisis is never a bad time
Fuckin tube socks by age 30
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fun things are fun
Train for years to be wildly less effective than a basic gun or just using the axe for melee with 0 training
why is the milk maiden attempting to throw her lord's axe
That is clearly a biological woman. You can tell by the shape of her tits.
For me it's getting buzzed with a bro and playing racing games for the drunk driving experience
Meme for mall ninjas, stop playing video toys
t. Real good knife thrower
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The IPA beer of office party activities
This 100%
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If you can avoid the existential crisis sure.
My last experience was half turnt and fully zooted after witnessing a double homicide, I've had a similar experience at a Chinese buffet when I realized we were all just pigs feeding at a trough.
This severely retarded state of adolescence is no good for us, or at least it's not for me.
>zoomers don't realize they can throw axes at a tree for free
I don't understand this shit
A double homicide at the barcade? You can't just say that and not give storytime.
Are you in South America and someone picked the wrong character in King of Fighters or something?
The kinds of people who'd go to these axe throwing places don't live in places with trees to throw an axe at.
One of my coworkers is exactly like this to a T but is a cute blonde woman with a shaved head and a huge ass.
Killing trees is actually illegal without a permit.
Where? I can legally go outside and kick a tree to death on my property right now.
she sounds like a cool guy
No, you can't. That tree is owned by your local council. You cannot legally cut it down.
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Chicago Illinois.
>in town to see show
>show was good
>bar hopping with friends after
>walking down the street
>spend half a minute making sure our buddy who's tapping out is going to make it back to the hotel fine
>see an suv pull up in front of miller's pub(the bar we were heading to)
>10 or 15 yards ahead
>I watch a guy step out and loose him behind some fat bitches
>people screaming and running past us
>did that actually just happen?
>walk up and see guy gasping for air as his friend is freaking out over a guy that's clearly already gone
>we decide to head the other way to the barcade
>while waiting for an Uber in the bar nobody is the slightest but miffed about what just happened
>neither am I
>this bothers me
>go to barcade
>play stupid games
>watch friend pick up land whale
>I've experienced "this coke and booze isn't a good time"
>but never like this
>not having fun
>not feeling anything
>I'm almost 30 years old
>I'm stuck in a fucking playpen where the daycare wardens don't care if I die
>stumble back to hotel
>try to forget
You responded.
It's an ANONYMOUS site, you can just not respond ever
Looks like we're telling anecdotes in this thread.

Well I went to a bar a few months ago where they had one of these axe range things.

One of my female friends, Jenny, grabs an axe and chunks it hard. I guess maybe the blade or handle was shaped like a boomerang. Anyway, the axe flew back at her and cut her head clean off! We didn't know what to do so we tied her head on with a green ribbon. Surprisingly, she lived.
She's now engaged to this guy and he's really curious about the ribbon.

Would I be the asshole if I told him why she wears the ribbon?
Where do you even find stuff like this?
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>used to do martial arts
>had a once a year thing where we'd get bbq and drunk, throw axes and needles, and shoulder throw each other then camp outside
Enjoy what you have, boys
goon discord group
cringe-ass corset and strained facial expressions, absolute autist bait
>I'm interpreting this as urban bearded eggs in their 30s attempting to recoup masculinity but "safe masculinity".
this is the same shit as dude bro brands like black rifle coffee and duke cannon
Jack Donovan is openly gay
Makes you feel like a badass
Then stop acting and looking like one.
Real live native american here, I feel like the ancestor spirits are looking on in approval whenever I get one to stick
I went to an axe throwing bar once, it was pretty fun, but just a single target is probably limited. We had a reservation for the big 3 x 3 grid to play tic-tac-toe with axes, much more fun
it was cool 100 years ago before electric saws made them obsolete. back then almost every kind of tradesmen utilized an axe in their tool bag. they were quicker than saws. they were everywhere. everything was made of wood and you weren't a man if you didn't have one. but these days it's more like you aren't a real man if you don't own a skill saw and a speed square.
Sounds like the major issue was your friend bagging an american, rather than the urban settling of differences outside

>nobody is the slightest but miffed about what just happened
>neither am I

We became so desensitised it's scary. I'm 46 and I can tell generation of my parents is so very different.
I don't even care about visiting the graves of close ones from my family who already passed away.
We're turning into bug people, like the Chinese.
Maybe it's the atheism that does that to us.
Not to out myself as a basedlenial faggot but depending on the range you are throwing at and how hard you throw you can pretty easily get them to bounce back at you, at a closer range even a woman could manage that
They are however not very so it probably would have just rattled her brain rather than split her head
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Damn sounds hot
Well the good thing for you is that we all can see your Adam’s apple and broad shoulders, so you’ll never get called a hoe, just a faggot
I just hate being alone mane.
Waste of time and money. Booze at bars is expensive and diluted. Just buy it on cheap and drink at home.
>axe throwing
It's spelled ax if you're both white and American.
>"safe masculinity"
Was a thing since forever. It doesn't matter if they are selling you a tophat, new car with the shiny wax, gold watch or craft beer.
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Much like my sex with your mom, but I start at 7 anyway.
>green ribbon
Odd detail indicates truthfulness to this tale.
>Real live native american here, I feel like the ancestor spirits are looking on in approval whenever I get one to stick
Have you date raped your passed out drunk sister yet, Tonto?
the duality of man. Im married and prefer to be alone. If I was alone I would have built an expensive armory and would I have a gun in every room in the house. However I simply have a few guns and in only a couple of places. I do however get to see big boobs in person every day, so theres that
>tfw white collar worker who works downtown
You have no idea how painfully accurate that pic related it. I'm surrounded by these retards.

And fyi there is nothing wrong with living like that, but its what you're supposed to do from when you graduate to you hit like your mid 20's. You're 23 and you've just passed the bar so you live downtown and enjoy all your disposable income fulfilling your childish desires. But eventually you find a nice girl and you move out to the burbs and buy a house and have kids and evolve into a man, with responsibilities and focus and drive. The problem is that increasing numbers of people fail to grow out of that phase and now you find 35 y/o's living like that.
Post the manly consoomer products one
I desire a chuckle
We had this girl in the squadron, very pretty face, strawberry blonde, freckles, great eyes and a smile you would do anything for . The kind of beautiful girl next door you would proudly take home to meet your parents.
She took her one military funded cosmetic surgery, and got breast enhancement.
We were sitting outside the barracks, at a little concrete picnic table, and she walked up to me wearing a tank top that her sweater puppies were crammed into.
The only thing that came out of my mouth was,”holy shiiiiiit”.
We then started making caveman noises, saying Ah-tah! AH-TAH!
>you move out to the burbs and buy a house
This shit was literally made up by Abraham Levitt in 1940s. People were never designed to live like this. But no, tell me how maintaining your lawn, feeding your wife meth and and buying all the newest garbage advertised on tv is actually peak masculinity.
You genuinely sound too delicate to be an adult if things like buffets and arcades send you into existential dread.
The murder is at least understandable, but the notion of “le getting food is just like being a pig!” is just sad.
People need to live in houses, apartments destroy their souls.
Obviously US suburbs are not perfect, but still better than US cities.
You should have fun by getting blackout drunk and beating your wife.
Where’s the bar and restaurant in the woods, faggot? I’m just trying to have fun and eat a burger.
>people weren't people before mid-century urban planning.
Suburbs created boomers.
We all make compromises, brother. You are ahead in your own game, so take solace.
based and red-pilled
kek underrated post
I'm not in the military yet, one step at a time.
This does sound like a good time. Can I also work in a mindlessly repeatitive job and be replaced by a machine, then die of lung cancer?
It's the opposite, people used to all have houses and live in small communities, now they live in tiny apartments , don't know their neighbours and all have mental health issues.
Your ancestors didn’t cry when their children bumped up the infant mortality rate and then went to watch public executions after church. You’re just romanticizing the past due to dissatisfaction with your life.
Yeah, villages. Not fucking suburbs you wannabe boomer.
I don't give a shit. Dipshit with more clewrance in his forehead than an airstrip shoulda aimed better.l, maybe then I'd give some sympathy.
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CAAAAN DO, my software engineer friend

>Risk of Several Cancers is Higher in Urban Areas
>now they live in tiny apartments
By "now" you mean cities becoming a thing? Vgh, (((Gilgamesh))) ruined western civilisation. We have to return to pastoralism.
>It's the opposite, people used to all have houses and live in small communities, now they live in tiny apartments , don't know their neighbours and all have mental health issues.
stop being such a drama queen. people are merely exhausted and mildly frustrated by boomers just refusing to die. rona unironically couldve cleansed the earth and relieved a lot of tensions worldwide if we just had let it do its thing.
>maintaining your lawn, feeding your wife meth and and buying all the newest garbage advertised on tv
We DO have to return! I want my over the counter meth and I want it now!
>only the landed gentry have souls
Based and lordpilled. You have my sword, my liege.
It mainly killed blacks and browns.
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my life is pretty great now, but I agree with you on the rest.
> public executions after church.
Except they did live in cities and even had sorta appartments. We have census data on Paris going back to the literal 1300s, and it was packed pretty tight even then.
Idk man when i worked on a farm id get blasted and throw axes at hay bales, made bamboo javelins and shot an escaped rabbit with a kiddie bow from walmart. Eventually you get decent enough at it that it becomes somewhat intuitive. I tried a few months ago and i suck again, almost hit my neighbor's goat with an arrow lmao
I won’t be satisfied until I can drop by the Piggly Wiggly and buy a tincture of laudanum.
rona unironically couldve cleansed the earth and relieved a lot of tensions worldwide if we just had let it do its thing.
They are pretty lame after a few times. My kid has fun though so i take her a few times a year, we just have to leave by 10pm
Why is this dumb shit on /k/?

This should be on sports
Not a thing. History started on January 1 1950. Everything else was made up by the liberals to confuse you.
If anything we are becoming much much more sensitized to death retard. Half the time i share a hunting story or seeing dead bodies people freak and call me a psychopath because i dared my friend to pull the dead guys pants down (he didnt do it unfortunately)
She reminds me that im getting old and hitting on grrls like her would be illegal :(
They are fun. I go with my son when I visit.
Not a great place for a. Date tho unless shelikes vg.
He’s also pretending that living on the land of some asshole lord who calls himself your master isn’t exactly soulful living. Rural life sucked back then too.
*he’s not realizing
Disregard typo, I suck cocks
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But look at the borgor! This is what they took away from you...
I mean, sure, you could pretend I said a whole bunch of shit I didn't say and then deboonk the things (I didnt say). That isa thing you can do. It makes you look like an idiot, but you can do it.
>For most of human history people lived in cities in multi-family buildings
>death retard
stopped reading right there
>software engineer
It must suck even more to be a nerd now tan in the '80's knowing that the computers you always abused and cursed are now writing better Python scripts than you ever did, even when self abusing Adderall.
Romans already had them. They were pretty common in medieval era. You either lived in a village, a large feudal estate or in a city. Suburbs are less old than radio.
I can't deboonk shit because you didn't said anything of substance.
Yeah they need higher levels of vit D and are usually too retarded to eat balanced meals
My feelings are hurt :(
Shut it, Bong..
Post the big booty tiktoker throwing axes.
historically, there are two types of "throwing" axes, ones for throwing, similar to the wurkreuz, and ones that can also be thrown, like the francisca and tomahawk
both were used and thrown one handed and the francisca was used with a shield
the modern competetive axe throwing thing doesnt really interest me but from what i take only beginners use two hands because it just sucks for throwing
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forgot picrel, this a throwing axe primarily meant for throwing
>people are merely exhausted and mildly frustrated by boomers just refusing to die
This will be you, too.
>blonde woman with a shaved head
What are the military uses of caffeine?
Kids here are less old than CDs.
>He hasn't seen blonde bush
/k/ with the most retarded takes as always
So? Does it make 80s TRAD? Are disposable cups EVROPA? Do we need to RETVRN to flappers?
Fat millennials die earlier than boomers


0/10 insult
low effort
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This is the proto-Semitic people's fault.
Bearded cumskin detected.
Goes to show it is a sin to be fat. Just don't eat like a trashcan fatso.
Increase the speed painkillers start to work and keep people awake.
Make morning poo come quicker.
>has a full conversation with himself
You can tell he is Chinese by this fact
Her future is grim. It looks grim already
Mating press and ejaculate inside
This whole fucking thread and nobody has sourced the tiny tittymonster in the OP. 4chan ain't what it used to be.
she's clearly in her 30's
she probably wouldn't mind
it literally takes ~one click to find the source
useless retards like yourself don't deserve to live
sauce pls friend?
Why are all the Plains Indians faggots? None of the other ones are, just the Plains ones. What causes that?
>Ace throwing is bretty gay

I don’t know man corn hole might have it beat in the gayness arena.
its all in the wrist
also works better with specificity made throwing axes
Corn hole is a church activity for old men and women. Axe throwing is treated as a badass man sport.
It’s basically a range trip for people who hate guns or are mortally afraid of them. It’s an engaging activity that doesn’t require the physical or skill commitment that say martial arts does. I’d like to say it’s cringey bugman shit but I haven’t done it and it might be more enjoyable if you look at it outside the socio-political lens you’re seeing it through.
The handle is the most important part, ace hardware camping heads will get the job done.

Pro tip:
Please do not adopt personal philosophies, worldviews, or life goals through 4chan. I guarantee you will make yourself more miserable.
Do you want them to be faggots? Is this like a fetish thing? looking for some wild meat up your shitter?
Exhibit A
you mean the majority of americans and people everywhere
retarded faggot
>Bearded cumskin
utter seething
they will hate for that post, foulchannel is full of manbabies.

I grew up when I was like 31.
Hawing kids is great, they are wonderful, owning property and some land fucking rocks, too.

Greetings from Poland, and fuck the jews.

God be with you all.
Yeah, comparing conservatives to taliban is very much unfounded. Taliban won
>Greetings from Poland
Suburbs in Poland were developed way after even the US and were imported from there. You might as well claim you are trad for getting your kids circumcised because americans do it.
Oh cool, another vapid cunt. Just what I needed.
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>Greetings from Poland
>Suburbs in Poland were developed way after even the US and were imported from there.
Jesus Christ it's been a long while since I read something similarly retarded.
Unfuck yourself.

Suburbs in Poland are usually villages who in time ware swallowed by the city, often keeping their village-like structure.

American looking suburbs, I don't think I ever saw something similar. Maybe on a micro scale, where one developed builds several houses, 10 or 20, with some
gardens and lawns, on one piece of land.

God your post is so stupid I have to walk it off. Just go to Google Maps you fool.
>The problem is that increasing numbers of people fail to grow out of that phase and now you find 35 y/o's living like that.
The problem is that they don't balance it with having a wife and kids (kinda like how going to the bowling alley after work was once a much more common thing actually). I know exactly what you mean though. It's just another part of the competency crisis.
Economy is structured in such a way to make having wife and kids as much of a problem as possible. You could have men doing all the trad and based shit people jerk off about, wear 1950s suits and get drunk in front of leave it to beaver reruns but they still wouldn't start famillies. If society was structured like that in the 50s people would just collect precious moments figurines and decorative plates with elvis forever.
That's an axe, retard
how do place like this tolerate the liability from drunk retards throwing axes?
How do YOU avoid niggers? Do you practice astral projection? Have out of body experiences? I don't see it happening with you otherwise.
i certainly dont make it a point to travel to nigger headquarters like OP at the most niggerfied city in the country with the highest crime rate of all nigger cities in the country and top 10 of the world to "see a show and drink some IPAs at the barcade dude, DUDE!"
More like 10% of Americans, with the overwhelming majority of those being boomers.
You literally are the American taliban, my dude
But you would fit right in! They are YOUR people.
One does not discuss the origin of the Universe and the Face of God with a girl like that. You compliment her nipples and tell her how cute her ears are until she sucks your cock for approval in gratitude. It is not rocket surgery. And you give her "taxi money" to leave.
>collect precious moments figurines and decorative plates with elvis forever.
Life was better.
This is what they took away from you.
If you want people to have kids and start families, you need to actually pay workers, make housing available and affordable, and improve access and affordability of education. Two adults working full time of child-bearing age are most likely not able to buy a home or bear the costs of raising a kid, let alone two kids.
They just need to stop being lazy and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.
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youre right theyre just like us!
Facebook had a lot of these, I used to download videos of chicks walking in booty shores in stores.
Who's the hoe? Are her boobs even real?
You gonna post the other 4 labelled files, obviously paid shill?
>"see a show and drink some IPAs at the barcade dude, DUDE!"

so are you just against fun or does the anon tulpa in your head prevent you from having fun?
Source and guns, reddit nigger
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im not a paid shill you retard and of course ive got an entire folder of nigger crime saved what do you want to see?
Burbs are not much different from a village, except you drive to work instead of walking there.
Basically the GOP platform.

Two things can be true at once. On one hand the economy can be a shit show that nukes the ability of people to have kids. While on the other, millennials and Gen Z can be completely fucking useless.

I'm a millenial, and it is rough and the boomer dream is beyond reach for most, however, most of my peers make the most ludicrous financial decisions and act like children.
>gop platform
Yeah, corporate bailouts footed by us and having my income tax steadily increased until 2027 sure is helping me out.
the Taliban are unironically based and I'm tired of pretending that they aren't
>Yeah, corporate bailouts footed by us and having my income tax steadily increased until 2027 sure is helping me out.
Neither of those things are part of the platform.
It's what trump did in his term.
Also if we wanna look at gop platform, I think proj 2025 is more than enough to conclude that the gop are fucking retards.
>bachi bazi hands typed this posy
ok Mamoud
no you see its totally gonna trickle down Anon. for real this time
the permanent melty
nigga saw an episode of an 80s sitcom and thinks that's how people lived up till the west fell
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Millennials aren't doing axe throwing anymore lol Most of those gimmicky barcades that offered it died out during covid. Beer companies also shot themselves in the foot by giving IPAs all the quirky fun packages, so naturally younger people try those and think all beer tastes like shit because IPAs are so disgusting. That's why most zoomers don't drink beer.
"Safe masculinity" AKA something stupid you do with a chick on a first date so she can feel "badass." They're basically a safer alternative to taking her to the gun range, since women are retarded and will do shit like pic related if you aren't watching them like a hawk. After you take her axe thowing or go-karting to demonstrate that she's not a complete idiot, you can take her to an archery range, and then finally to the big boy gun range. All of these dumb little social activities exist to drain men with bored girlfriends of money. Femoids are the primary drivers of the economy, since they never stop trying to spend money that (You) earned on stupid pointless shit. Single anons won't get it.
>there are still people angry about and still thinking about hipsters and metrosexuals from the 00s

fucking weird, but at least it's better than the retards who say that TODAY is finally the day everyone who got the covid vax will die for super real this time
Project 2025 is just Qanon for liberals. One of the biggest detriments to the housing market right now is AirBnB, which is a woke California company that only exists to extract money from local economies by skimming it off the top of every transaction, and then siphon that money to Silicon Valley just like all those other little convenience apps like Uber, Doordash, Grubhub, etc.
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>ewwww icky taaaaaaaste
true mark of the big alpha male
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You do realize that the talibs put an end to bachca bazi right?
The guys putting boys in dresses and raping them were the ones we (the U.S.) supported.
I saw a video of someone throwing an axe and it rebounded, bounced off the floor, and almost hit him.
Supposedly they're supposed to have sand on the bottom to catch an axe to prevent that.
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Russia spent time doing gay shit like axe throwing and not warfare. That's why they're stuck in Ukraine.
cool it with the racism m8
>proj 2025
Opinion instantly disregarded.
Jazlyn Skyy, screenshot and imgops next time retard.
T.Ipa drinker
Sorry you got shit taste in booze bud.
>inb4 abv!
High ABV is just the excuse used to buy it by alcoholics who can't stop themselves and want to get shitwrecked in as few beers as possible. like my brother..
Hey Jon stop talking shit about me on the Internet, I stopped drinking in November.
God, I love women
Lol, not my brother but I see it's not an isolated issue, though my brother mostly prefers brown liquor over beer anyway. But when beer is on the table it's usually an IPA.
I know, I'm surprised my brother can even sign his name, so I knew it wasn't him.

But that is why I used to drink IPAs and cheap whiskey, certainly not for the taste. . .
I remember this
only a retard would abuse drugs just to do their job
only business owners and people with big stock options should drug themselves for their work
What is with the lighting? Her legs look some sort of off yellow because of it.
she's wearing stockings or tights you moron.
>hasn't seen blonde bush
Correct. If they're growing hair down there I'm not interested.
Incorrect. What happens in Cambodia stays in Cambodia.
>t. Weak wrists
Throwing axes is fucking fun, fag
sauce is itsamandaa73, prosthetics though
Sounds about right, good on you for quitting though, it's the right decision, despite how hard I'm sure it has been.
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I love axe throwing and themed bars. This is me. Yes my child will be viciously autistic and his nightmare care will put me in the poor house.
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There's nothing special in native American axes, everyone used to throw them at some point in time. I get they get more entertained when you shot clays or do 3-guns.
Quitting was fairly easy once I removed the sources of stress that I used alcohol to cope with. Drinking was fun and made me more social, but hangovers aren't worth it. Now that I have been sober for awhile I cherish the clarity that comes along with it. Now I am just lonely and bored, but isn't everyone?
why do others' lives you distress?
*cause you distress
Jazlyn Skyy, frens
These hoes on some hivemind shit now
You jerk off to those, don't you?
why does she look so artificial
did you have sex or no

if yes, get her to at least get a little hair on her head. bob cuts are cute so thats an easy convincer.
Well they look like shit
>babby discovers filters for the first time
people look fucking artificial in real life as well
what is this hellscape
>babby discovers plastic surgery for the first time
Fake tits. And I don't mean implants, I mean like literally prosthetic tits. Sorry to disappoint, anons. Other anon already posted sauce.
they suck
i'm from jew york and the barcades over the years have picked up a much more ghetto clientele and they always seems kinda empty nowadays
idt people care about that shit anymore
also all of the games at an actual Barcade are old ass 1980s shit that no one actually likes except elder millenials/gen X types
really what the fuck is going on there. are they supposed to be a mustard yellow but washed out by the lighting, or are those supposed to be nude dance tights but way too yellow? the cheap amazon dress lends more credence to the thought that this is some chinese approximation of "beige" but idk. where's beretta anon, we need our best nylon fetishist on the case
bro, you have a DUTY to nut onto her bald head, then massage it in like the Looney Tunes bit with Bugs and Elmer
>move out to the burbs
Not gonna lie I would rather be homeless than live in an American suburb.
>noo you can't live how you want
>you must live the life I think is best for you
>the life I think you should live happens to be what social media told me is best
Get fucked retard.
The internet made you angry today. You're too old for this.
Fight me faggot
faggot shit for white people who drink overpriced hoppy beer that tastes like ass with ironic edgy names like todd the axeman
>Wyt ppl shiiiiit amirite muh niggggaaaa
>howling in rage at some 1s and 0s on a screen
Peak alpha male activities
If you consider it relative to your own age, the age of consent actually goes down as you get older. At 20, you can hit on 16*-year-olds. At 60, you can still hit on 16*-year-olds. That's 4/5 of your age to 4/15.

*18 in Central Africa, Turkey and some US states
You are Chinese
I find it ridiculous how "tomahawks" in most peoples minds have become some special native american thing, when they didn't even have steel axes until europeans started trading with them. Most "native american" steel axes you see are just european made trade axes, maybe decorated by natives.
goddamn she's hot
Shut up fag
I got into axe throwing way back when Academy had those 88 cent axes from China. I got pretty good at it and it was a lot of fun but I wouldn't call it particularly practical. Throwing weapons in general aren't particularly practical outside of mass volleys or a momentary distraction.
>Beer companies also shot themselves in the foot by giving IPAs all the quirky fun packages, so naturally younger people try those and think all beer tastes like shit because IPAs are so disgusting.

i think it was old millenials took up the boomer's culture of drinking where they valued stout and robust beer and whiskey as some kind of masculine outlet because i haven't seen anybody talk about ipa's in recent years that didn't look like chuck wendig

Redd's apple cider came out in 2012 and before that you couldn't walk into a liquor store and buy something that wasn't beer or liquor or some shitty 4% wine cooler that would instantly make people think you're buying for minors, the culture of drinking has changed quite a bit for millenials.
isnt the underage go to the cheapest 30 pack of beer and the cheapest handles of vodka?
Holy fuck you are so Reddit, it hurts.
Project 2025 is a democrat conspiracy
They are deliberately yellow.
for some of my friends it was soda, Minute Maid, and the cheapest vodka, yes
The axes bounce so regularly because they use rubber handles and plywood targets.

Traditional wooden targets for weapons were made from sections of logs, or odds and ends of wood glued together with the grain direction TOWARDS the person throwing so the impact is less elastic and there's a better chance of sticking.
Dave & Busters is pretty fun.
>I find it ridiculous that a weapon/tool used by every tribe on the continent could somehow be special

you're the ridiculous one bro
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While affecting manliness by performatively taking part in things that have an image of masculinity is insanely cringe, seething about the types of men who do it all the time is also insanely cringe and a waste of your time. Be better, not just another flavour of bitch.
A lot of them were made by Cherokee. They were pretty westernized, had modern metal working of the time and flooded the market with arms when they were part of Iroquois confederation.
Id imagine you sign a waiver

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