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Is the Alfa the coolest sub class ever?
>Sanic fast
>Tiny and light
>Stuffed with 70s high tech to reduce crew requirements (31 opposed to something like the Skipjack's 93 according to wikipedia numbers)
>Titanium hull, probably responsible for multiple accountant suicides
>Tiny high powered reactor plant built to live HARD not LONG
>Could outrun torpedoes
>Obscene maintenance hog like everything cool (fighter jets, italian supercars/bikes)
>LOUD so Americans knew whenever one was out there going faster and having more fun than their subs
>Beautiful Fast and Bulbous streamlined hull
>AFAIK never murdered a bunch of crew or dockworkers with nuclear accidents unlike many russian sub designs of the time
>the initially proposed crew number was 14 — all officers, except the cook
If I had a submarine I'd use it to go visit spongebob
it's certainly unique
Its cool in that it goes directly against the submarine meta but it ultimately completely fails at its purpose of being a submarine. These things were so loud you could hear them in an entire theater, and being so loud means you yourself cant hear shit. Outrunning torpedos is all cool when you know where one is but one of these subs going full blast would have multiple lobbed against them from different angles, and going fast it is completely deaf due to the roar of water over the hull.

The fact that russians did so many of these against-the-meta projects is for me indicative of how deficient their design process was - the same ideas were minmaxed to hell and back in the west by autistic engineers and ultimately dropped as not good enough in favor of simpler, cleaner solutions.
could you use one of these to mask other sub movements though?
just have them roar around doing donuts or something stupid
or does that not work
I think it's more their Jewish allies leaked the 4 back to back war games where Nautilus soloed the entire Atlanic Fleet and they had a baby sputnik moment.

If they're close enough to get lost in the noise against digitally processed Western sonar, they're probably deaf as fuck too, and in a shooting war they'd just drop a fuckton of torps on the noise, with everyone going active sonar so the extra sub noise doesn't matter.
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>simpler, cleaner solutions.
they kept building Foxtrots until 1983.
the soviet submarine force didn't really understand how actual submarine warfare worked until the walker spy ring fully clued them in to how dogshit they were and they built the akulas and arguably the sierras as proper attack subs.
before that they were ALL meme boats.
They went on to improve Victors as well. Victor IIs were still shit but Victor IIIs weren't terrible, approaching some decade old US subs in terms of quietness.

Improved Victor IIIs were actually quieter and more reliable than the early Akula, which is why they paused the latter construction after the first unit for a few years and then started making improved Akulas which were kind of comparable to the new Victors a bit later on. This is before the two Akula IIs that sprung up in the 90s and were supposedly as quiet as the improved LA subs.
Imagine the rape he would've had to endure.
>AFAIK never murdered a bunch of crew or dockworkers with nuclear accidents unlike many russian sub designs of the time
That probably makes it the best Russian submarine if not naval vessel. Too bad it was a mediocre nuclear submarine by nuclear submarine standards.
Why do you think he volunteered?
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Talk about having too many chefs in the kitchen!
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>The fact that russians did so many of these against-the-meta projects is for me indicative of how deficient their design process was
Is a design process really deficient if it produces cool unique designs that stand out among a world of boring minmaxed submarines that all try to do the same thing?

Some of their subs that fall within the meta of being quiet and carrying a lot of missiles still do it in a novel way
You just know the designer had a picture of a big booty latina on his wall that he kept from his trip to Cuba.
> liquid-metal cooled nuclear reactor
weird they would even have a cook at that point, just have a stash of gel nutrition packs on board
Nah. Not even top 5 Soviet subs.

It's cool the first time you read up on it though, it gets worse when you start reading what it was supposed to go up against and the technology gap between it and contemporary UK and US subs, the entire idea of it is silly.
>the entire idea of it is silly.
That's why it's cool
What's your top five list?
That was what you took offense to?
Sierra II class
Tango class
Delta IV class
Improved Kilo class
Victor III class

no particular order
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Your sub
>relies on expensive, hard to aim torpedoes
My sub
>shoots you in your stupid fucking face with a battleship caliber gun
The claim I've read is that as-new, Russian submarines are as quiet as western submarines. But they suffer degradation of that performance fast.

Having seen how Russians maintain military equipment, I can now see the logic of that.
>Is a design process really deficient if it produces cool unique designs that stand out among a world of boring minmaxed submarines that all try to do the same thing?
Yes. Because what makes a design successful is how how appealing it is to uneducated autists on the internet, but it's actual efficacy at accomplishing strategic and tactical goals in theatre.
>Because what makes a design successful is how how appealing it is to uneducated autists on the internet
Glad we agree!
Project Sapphire stands by to help clean up.
> imagine not mentioning the Akula class
Overrated poptech garbage, hyped up by fucking hollywood (which you would know if you weren't a movie educated retard)
The Sierra classes were better if you're referring to the attack boat.

If you're referring to the ballistic missile boats, then the Deltas do the same job at a fraction of the cost and better fit with their strategic doctrine.
its afraid
Not mentioning how metal it's reactor is. Fucking weak move.
>everything russia is bad because it was real in my head
>russia isn't bad because it just isn't, okay!
>The claim I've read is that as-new, Russian submarines are as quiet as western submarines.
Nah, that's not true at all. They didn't know you can track the subs via low frequency sonar at long ranges which is why they made them to only evade active sonar using speed and maneuverability. They didn't know they could be heard so they didn't improve their quieting and their decades-inferior sonar didn't allow them to listen to their own subs properly and develop useful quieting methods even after they did find out just in how deep shit they were.

Even after they got US archives of infomration on submarine quieting they didn't have the technological means of reaching US level except approaching decades-old subs. Only after Japanese sold them 5 axis CNC machines and Swedes sold them CNC controllers for them did they manage to build initially less outdated and later comparable subs to the new US ones in terms of noise. In case of the latter this happened only after the fall of soviet union and amounted to two submarines they managed to finish as Akula IIs.
>But they suffer degradation of that performance fast.
That much is true, they do have trouble maintaining them properly.
>Used fucking molten lead as reactor coolant.
Nah it's shit, I mean can't even survive being rammed by a typhoon. Literally unusable
No volunteers. It's gay if he enjoys it.
Incorrect, it's not gay if you're underway
Standard soviet fare for the time
Though I must ask, why? Why lead which if allowed to cool would ruin the engine?
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would be fun to see changs on the same chart compared to those two. From what I understand they are even louder then vatniks ever were
Higher power density for a given size, you can find pictures of an alfa reactor getting scrapped and it's tiny yet put out 155 megawatts thermal
What would a speedmaxxed submarine look like if you designed it with modern technology?
> Kursk never happened
Hitachi and Kongsberg.
I don’t think I’m in the market for anything Kongsberg makes, but I haven’t bought anything Hitachi since I found out in the late 90s.
Maybe he read the advert wrong and thought it saud "ship's cuck" and not "ship's cook"?
M class can be at crush depth at the bow with the stern on the surface.

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