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>Your power has suddenly shut off. Your phone doesn't work, your stove doesn't turn on, your heat and AC are not working.
>In the distance you can hear loud blaring noises and what sounds like an electrical discharge or crackling noise with the screams of mass amounts of people like it was from a stadium.
>Outside people are running, lots of people, in groups. Some have the hoods to their cars open in a vain attempt to fix whatever is wrong with the power. Others are using bicycles to circumvent this, but they are few and far between.
>You have no context as to what is happening. You know you need to make a decision, but aren't sure as to what. All you know for certain is that people are evacuating the immediate area and are only taking who and what they can with them.
This scenario has always fascinated me.
Unironically what would you do here? You have very little time to react if at all, and all you know for certain is that something unnatural is happening that is causing mass panic and making people flee their homes. What is your game plan in this?
Grab SKS and go innawoods probably
Isn't there a sci/fi fantasy forum for such stupid shit? It's not even about weapons. Go be a faggot somewhere else. You should be ashamed to be so childish.
>jeet butthurt that he doesn't even understand what is going on
>his manual not explaining it just makes him more upset
Weirdly enough the initial attack in the Spielberg version would be easier to survive than in the original Well's novel, so long as you're not in the martian's line of sight you'd survive the weird body dusting beam that doesn't seem to effect non-biological matter, the Well's heat ray on the other hand would just light half the city on fire in a matter of minutes.
Yeah it seemed like they could set vehicles on fire and stuff in the movie but in the book they could melt battle cruisers in seconds
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Red planet shitheads fucked around in the wrong hood…
I go and bang dozens of the cheapest and seediest prostitutes, then give the ayys advanced super AIDS thus saving humanity.
it's really funny how some people think they will die if the AC stops working
being so detached from reality is mindblowing
Of you need an example of wasted potential and a story being butchered for Hollywood, Spielbergs war of the worlds is perfect
>Tell my wife to switch on the battery system attached to our solar (probably wouldn't work but I wouldn't know that at the time
>Grab our baofeng from the pantry, try to get a signal
>Grab a gun, walk out to the front gate and fruitlessly ask people what the fuck they're running from

Based on the info available I wouldn't be running anywhere, that might be what everyone else is doing but my house is pretty sturdy and we've got more than enough shit stored in the basement to get us through most realistic emergencies. There are very few scenarios where blindly fleeing into the street would be a good idea for me.
I'd assume some sort of nuclear strike, solar flare, terrorist attack or industrial accident before fucking aliens. Only one of those is likely to involve both an EMP and people running. SHTF plan for nuclear war essentially involves sheltering in the basement until it's safe to roam the post-fallout wasteland trading bottlecaps for bullets but I'd probably stand around trying to confirm whether it was nukes or something else long enough to see the big tripod-y cunts.

I can't remember what they were armed with though.
My basement is 3' below grade and has no windows. Would hiding down there be enough to ride out a laser beam or whatever to the house above?
I'd probably just shelter in place if I had no idea what I was running from or why. Aliums wouldn't be a reasonable assumption or believable if anyone told me that was the cause, right? Hoofing it I'd still be as hot/cold whatever as at home but I'd have fewer resources available so I may as well gear up and hide in the batjtub. The attitude might get me killed, but running around could do the same. I guess I'd prepare my bike just in case though.
If it’s Martians sheltering in place underground if you have a bomb shelter or deep basement might be good enough. They’re just clearing a swamp, not trying to exterminate humanity at all costs. If you can stay out of sight they may be happy to leave you alone.
>Unironically what would you do here
Try and clear some of my game backlog and get in a gooning session before dying.
what does this have to do with weapons?
I don't have a spare torpedo-ram in my backyard, so they are irrelevant to the discussion and irrelevant to this board.
In the movie the heatrays tear through buildings too. You can literally see the beams tear houses apart behind cruise as he runs away.
Rape the aliens when they descend into my dungeons. And maybe kill some martians if they also come in, maybe.
board games?
I do have a boardgame backlog, but probably won't be able to find people to play with during an alien invasion. So video game backlog.
But there's no power and electrical things aren't moving the electrons anymore, what are you going to play?
Oh yeah, OP did say the power was off. I'd probably just goon in the dark then.
>your heat and AC are not working.
Just kill me now. I don't want to be outside my comfort zone.
In the book the aliens use “heat rays” to start massive fires, burning down cities and starting huge forest fires. Then they use a lethal heavy gas released from canisters to kill or flush out people hiding in basements and ruins. Only the largest caliber artillery and naval guns have any effect on them, and only if they come at a low angle and hit below the tripod’s armored “hood”. It’s an absolute nightmare scenario. It was published in 1898, so of course there’s no indication that the tripods could handle modern weapons, and certainly not nukes. But it still does a great job of creating a sense of hopelessness where the invasion feels less like a war, and more like an extinction event.
That’s just euros for you, anything over 75 degrees freedom units and they die in the streets
Surrender myself to the Martians and have tentacle sex with them.
>Would hiding down there be enough to ride out a laser beam or whatever to the house above?
Yes, my calculations show you will be fine. But much like Lot in the Bible, you will have to impregnate both your own daughters, so...
The Martians (book) were not at war with humans and the tripods weren’t war machines. They were forestry workers clearing a bog and fumigating for pests — hence the environmentally friendly human-cide gas that can be harmlessly cleaned up with steam. Humanity to them were basically just vermin. Like, would you declare war on a swamp? Any danger to them was at the level of an occupational hazard.
But the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they said!
In that case it sounds like I'm pretty fucked.
My house is brick-clad concrete on the outside and pretty fireproof as far as modern homes go but there are still enough wooden fittings for it to burn if it gets hit by some sort of ship-melting heat ray, and even if I survive that down in the basement (might do, part of it was designed to be relatively unaffected by a housefire) I'd be flushed out by the gas.
My pocket of the suburbs is kinda tucked away in in some woods though, maybe they'd just fucking miss it.

Shit. I don't have kids yet and I definitely don't have enough rice and beans to stay down there long enough for my wife to go through pregnancy, never mind twice plus letting them go through puberty.
Do you calculations say whether adoptive daughters will count? I've got some zip-ties.
Yeah that’s almost the impression it gives. Humans are considered vermin that are simply in the way.
No thunderchild, therefore not perfect
>what would you do
Fuck your sister.
>many don't realize Lot was a victim of rape at the hands of his daughters, not the other way around
Just like my doujins…
Hunker down at home. I can't survive in the woods for long, and I wouldn't want to. It'll either be resolved in a way that I'm safe at home, or I'll die in my home.
Wait for the microorganisms to cuck the ayyy lmaos out of world conquest.
the 1950s War of the worlds aliums were nuke proof
Is the book a good read?
Didn't Spielberg's martians also not use black smoke? Did they just plan on being so scary that everyone hiding would refuse to come out and starve to death?
>It's not even about weapons.

Just imagine it's unrelated pro israel/nato. That seems fine.
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>Unironically what would you do here?
>What is your game plan in this?
It’s great. It’s quite short though. Like most of Wells’ stories, it doesn’t try to convey a normal character arc. Instead it explores an idea by using the character as a vessel for the reader to see events through. In this case getting British people living at the height of the empire to imagine what it might be like to encounter something much more advanced and powerful than themselves. So it’s probably different than a lot of other stories you’ve read. But it’s very good.
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>Hunker down at home.

Indeed, urban areas provide more cover and concealment as well as access to resources like food and water, ammo, etc plus you already know the area. Also, get a bike to quickly move around town.
I become THE deer hunter and chop some extra firewood for the winter.
I take my bike to the harbour and start firing up my ironclad torpedo ram. We have work to do.
I get turned into dust most likely
This is the the case for most people unfortunate enough to run into one of those things
>so long as you're not in the martian's line of sight you'd survive the weird body dusting beam that doesn't seem to effect non-biological matter
So how you explain all these smokes and fires in movie? Detroit?
In the original Wells's novel the Martians were sitting in their holes assemblying tripods for weeks while humans did fuckall about them.
>Aliens shut down the power, AC, pornography and internet in a major city
>And probably trample on all the mosques and cat cafes

I figure shit wouldn't last long.
No, not my cat cafes!
But still, they come!

By the way, there is a new War of the Worlds game in alpha. The atmosphere is absolutely terrifying so far, their original tripods look rad AND there’s a store brand Alex Jones on the radio during one of the gameplay trailers.
>you and one thousand other rednecks think they will be able to survive off the local deer population
Good luck with that.
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>Tripods accidentally suck up some cat blood
>Get toxoplasmosis
>The age of man is a long forgotten memory, feline overlords now roam the planet in their mighty three legged machines demanding tributes of catnip and warm milk from scattered tribes of primitive human nomads
I feel like I've been getting recommended videos for this on youtube for years. I think there was some controversy with it like the dev was just like "sorry it's shit" and started again or something.
The opening is pretty kino, the panic and the bodies in the streams and the crab-bucket fighting to get away on the ferry were all well done. The second half is a shame.

They could have given us an aircraft carrier ramming an alieum and they didn't.

In the novel they start using the smoke when the humans score a kill: in the movie we never managed to do that.
>They could have given us an aircraft carrier ramming an alieum and they didn't
That would involve actual creative effort and not trying to squeeze the maximum nostalgia bucks from a very dead IP with the minimum amount of expenditure possible
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>he isnt planning to hunt and eat all the other rednecks
Damn it does look cool, thanks for letting me know this is a thing. Hopefully it actually gets released
i want to live in that timeline
you see the heat rays cutting bridges in half dumb ass
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picrel: when I clicked this thread.
Got solar for well pump and refrigerator.
Got ammo.
Got a pack of dogs.
Already innawoods-adjacent.
Some sort of guided munition seems ideal, if that is unavailable then some kind of launcher, rocket, or IED.
Munitions from jets, helicopters, tanks. Mortars, artillery, large aircraft guns. Guided missiles. Rocket launchers, improvised rockets and mortars, improvised mines and small drone IEDs. Any sort of firepower beyond small arms.
We have the home advantage and from we've seen of them in the book and movie, they aren't so much more advanced than us that they can claim victory immediately. They need to compete with an entire planet's industry. And even if it's the movie ones, honestly mines would probably work fine, the shield can't be around their feet or they wouldn't be able to walk. Depending on how the shield works, FPVs might be ok as well if they only react to fast moving munitions. So since they'd fail their invasion, power and internet would be restored and I'd probably come here and watch cool footage of tripods cooking off and martians on fire falling out of them.
Good luck
Cruise hucks a grenade at one and it just explodes on the shield
Just IEDs would probably be fine then. Even if we lose a conventional war with them, we have a whole planet to operate Gorilla warfare in. The red weed could be a problem though if it's invasive and can survive our planet. They could potentially terraform us to death.
Nuclear artillery would handle one of these.
Sure people would die but people are already die.
I make for the public library. Time enough at last!
don't forget your glasses
>in the movie we never managed to do that
It's implied that the Japs managed to score at least one kill in suicide attacks. They probably let themselves get captured while carrying explosive and shoved it up into the tripod. The MC of the movie actually does that to score a kill. Honestly, I think the red weed was the replacement for the black smoke which is why we never saw it in that rendition.

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