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/k/ - Weapons

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Why do we shoot copper? Isn't that a bit expensive to be shooting? Why not aluminum?
Aluminum isn't very ductile and has a poor friction coefficient. It would weld itself inside your barrel.
Oh and when it oxidizes, it will wear the fuck out of your barrel. There's a reason why aluminum oxide is used as an abrasive.
is there no cheaper option?
Brass (technically copper jacketed bullets are a high-copper brass but you know what I mean) or steel. They're hard and put more wear and tear on the barrel. There's not a cheaper option that comes without these drawbacks.
yeah. plastic. BIG CU doesnt wants to bury it though
I thought it was due to it having worse ballistic properties to all other options while being more expensive. Not as soft as lead or copper, not as heavy as tungsten or steel, not cheap like lead or steel, and if you want some stupid light projectile we have 223 sabots for 30 caliber and all the 10mm lego heads
How do you not know the basic differences between metals?

Lead balls. You sound poor.
there's plastic in your ball sack
copper isn't really that expensive as metals go
Aluminum isn't dense either, which matters because you want to cram as much mass as you can into the small size of the bullet as the sectional density is directly proportional to the mass of the projectile.

That's why lead is so popular for bullets.
Because aluminium always forms aluminium oxide on it surface to stop reaction with oxygen.
Now if a jacket rubs of very quickly within a barrel and gets hot the raw exposed aluminium will most likely do a funny with the barrel and the ball.
Yes but we are talking about jackets.
Lead is perfect. Well, gold would be perfect too but we don’t have enough of that.
Copper has a high mass and a high ductility. Along with lead, which we also shoot.
If you copper jacket thicc enough you can shoot with whatever.
aluminum would just weld itself inside the barrel and also eat it up, and as it fouled the barrel there's a potential for it to explode (aluminum powder is extremely dangerous).

better question: why no polymer cladding?
everyone has, he aint special!
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Funnily enough the low density also fucked with the gyroscopic stabilization. CETME tried a light recoiling but accurate at range cartridge by using aluminum but they had to use a copper sleeve like a driving band as the added mass would restore the spin stabilization effect.
why do crackheads hunt for copper then?
>but the moneyyyyyy, beautiful money

why don't they make the barrel out of a harder metal like diamond?
Too heavy. A pound of diamonds weighs like five kilograms.
Imagine the costs of forging diamond. It's simply too hard of a metal, it'd break almost any equipment. Things would cost too much.
but what if we made the equipment out of diamond and crashed it into an iron wall
We don't shoot copper dipshit, we shoot targets.
They make synthetic diamonds now
Because it's too light.
Real question, why aren't we shooting galvinized steel?
>cheap(er than copper at least)
>good ballistic properties
>resistant to corrosion
>lubes up the barrel with zink on every shot.
Has it ever been tried?
Should I kek or is you normie?
This is also why we don't use diamond in body armor
Because they're crackheads.
they recycle it and get a check from the recycling plant. takes a lot of copper to buy an 8 ball though
did all these threads land at the same time? this a question you should Google, you stupid ape.
>nooooo discussion is bad we need more /pol/ Ukraine threads!
How are going to make that equipment???

>off brand diamond barrels
>no, we more intentionally retarded spam threads!!111!1!1!1
so here's the thing, I'm just gonna point out every one of your fucking spam threads. I'm never going to abandon my board, so you can fuck off and kill yourself.
>why no polymer cladding?
Polymer coatings are a thing, look up powdercoating bullets.
Because it's easy to find. Other metals can be worth much more to the scrapyard but your average crackhead has no idea where to find them.
>so here's the thing, I'm just gonna point out every one of your fucking spam threads. I'm never going to abandon my board, so you can fuck off and kill yourself.
did you take your medicine today?
Ball SAC.
Yes they do, who do you think is stealing all the catalytic converters?
That's fair, they certainly know where to find those. But stuff like tungsten, nickel, titanium, high alloy stainless...nah.
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>A pound of diamonds weighs like five kilograms
By volume, anon
the word you're looking for is "density", ESL-kun.
Back in 2010, in my country a kilogram of copper was worth of 6 USD equivalent.
It might be worth more now, and worth more in US. But again, not much.
And you will have to steal a lot of wire to get that kilogram.
>harder metal
>like diamonds
i thought those were made of like, carbon
Wasted trips on an esl retard.
Federal Syntech
Density to keep spin stablization and energy, soft and ductile to seal the gas and sit&engages the rifiling, low friction enough to not embed itself to the barrel/feed ramp as much. Formable from tubings and punched sheets with die and press.
Aluminum worked as sabots before. Larger tank gun now uses lighter materials like carbon fiber and 50 cal SLAP uses polycarbonate
Aluminium very ductile. Has an long strain value of 17,2%. Copper has a long strain value of 11,6%.
Problem is Aluminium oxidises naturally and this oxide is a ceramic and is very rigid. When shot you'd most like get the oxide into the grooves of your barrel or a jet of aluminium oxide blasted out of your gun.
If the welding into the barrel happens first, like you said.
polymer coated lead shouldn't wear the barrel and i think it might eventually get cheap enough. its still pretty new
ranges will ban it. Imagine your range being polluted by thousands of colorful specks
Maybe graphene polymers that self lubricates.
Gold would make a fucking awesome bullet but it's too expensive. We wasted it on shiny metal bands and jingly neck bullshit.
Isn't aluminium a non-rusting metal?
It is, but it can still oxidize. The surface layer oxidizes almost immediately after being exposed to air, and that thin layer of aluminum oxide is extremely tough and is actually what protects and keeps aluminum from rusting.
Aluminium doesn't rust because it immediately forms a thin layer of rust inside atmosphere preventing it from further rusting.
So if aluminium was in a vacuum, it wouldn't rust?
Yep, same is true for (nearly?) all metals.
And extra fun fact for you, if you take 2 pieces of metal w/o oxide layers in a vacuum and touch them together they'll weld, this is called cold welding.
correct. If you ever do a real fine pass on something like a fly-cutter when machining aluminum you can actually watch it oxidize in real time.
Cool. That might be a problem for guns operating in a vacuum.
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Copper is easy. Simple as that.
Who cares what the backstop looks like?
>it might eventually get cheap enough
My dude what do you think powder coated bullets are.
Well played
If you think plastics are toxic, then graphene will blow your mind with how biology wreckingly poisonous it is.
it's going to get all over the floor too
it would cheaaper to make the equipment out of wall and crash it into a diamond iron.
most things on the periodic table are metals, carbon isnt one of them though
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well then, how about just making whole bullets out of a crystallized aluminum oxide that can be polished, aka sapphire/ruby. checkmate
>Man with the golden bullets.
>9 on the Mohs scale
I'm thinking this is a Bad Idea.
There's polymer coated bullets available, but getting the coating exactly perfect to not interfere with accuracy is very difficult. They're fine for duty pistols that are shot inside 20 yards or so, but long range shooting becomes a problem.
Surprised no guntubers have tried it yet. Demoranch had a big chunk of synthetic sapphire he shot at to see how bulletproof it was and it held up well (though it was fucking thick), so it'd be interesting to see what calibers the bullets could survive.
Again, who cares. Just hire a retard to scrub it.
>Just hire a retard to scrub it.
Ok. Are you free to scrub the ranges on wednesday and sunday nights?
This is true, but it's also possible for the oxidative corrosion to proceed further in the presence of a suitable electron channel. Moisture, salt, and/or contact with incompatible metals can cause aluminum to disintegrate completely into a fine white powder. It's important to apply extra protection measures to aluminum if it is expected for it to be exposed to these conditions
>laughs in copper-jacketed 27gr 5.7mm
It would absolutely annihilate the rifling. Generally, you want your projectile to be softer than your barrel.
Nah copper is still 3 and change a pound
what does the aluminum core at the tip do? why not just have a solid lead core?
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UV bullets when?
Yeah, way heavier than a pound of steel or a pound of feathers for that matter.
How about a non-rifled shotgun slug?
It tastes better than lead
probably to alter weight distribution and make bullet less nose heavy
Kansas state law bans plastic coated bullets.
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They aren't made of lead?
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It's been a thing for ages.

It's been a thing for ages.
Have you today discovered jacketed bullets, a technology introduced into military service 100 years ago?
Only if it's armor piercing and pistol calibers.

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