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Compilation of the weirdest weapons ever created in history
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The official carry gun of Felix Wankel
Weird system
what a shame that these never took offf
Here a video of Forgotten Weapons about an AK https://youtu.be/1nQzFGe1yMk?si=2iwru_9_vXP3gDFZ AK

I think that a company is now working to use that same technology to launch satellites into space. However, the 19th and 20th century guns suffered from unreliability and poor accuracy, so I wonder how they plan on putting things into space with it.
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I still have no clue how such a gun is supposed to word (with any accuracy at least)
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I love experimental weapons
>shock action
is that like benelli inertia operation or like the remington 51 hesitation locked action?
Based reference
what is this?
Looks like a bunch of SPIW prototypes and 5834 is the Low Maintenance Rifle, basically a cheap 5.56 open bolt machine gun for poorfags.
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I read it hardick...
Well space is a lot larger a target than a person anon...
40mm grenade launching shotgun
>At heart the design utilizes a modified type of gas-trap system, one where a portion of the gas released by the muzzle blast enters and fills (or otherwise produces force within) a large casing almost entirely encapsulating the barrel (rather than simply a small cavity). This gas, or hopefully as is described in the patent, a “shock-wave” is sent bouncing backward after crashing against the end of the barrel casing shroud, exerting pressure upon a tubular piston (in the above rifle patent drawing, part 13, with the pistol, 55) “in the form of an annular disc which is slidably mounted upon the barrel” and filling the gap between the barrel and outer “casing” or shroud wall. This barrel-mounted tube piston is connected to a traditional solid piston rod housed above the barrel, which acts upon the bolt in a more or less standard fashion.
Like nothing at all, to be desu.
The closest thing that is in production today is probably S&W's M&P5.7
love this
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Y'all like chainguns?
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What the fuck is in the water in Germany.
she dar on my dick til i tround
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Blyat, is alien technology!
Wouldn't it have been easier for them to invent a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buckshot loads?
I shudder to imagine what the 1911 would look like today if a time traveler had given John Browning the specs for a Hi Point JHP .45 Gen 2.
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Homemade Nigerian revolver cannon, the most common projectile are spent D-Cell batteries because of how widely they're used and available.
it looks like there would be a lot of stress on the thin walls in the first section if the bullets dont progress quite at the same speed
other than that it doesnt even seem that retarded, more holes is better at stopping someone than bigger holes
what are the dimensiond and stats on the round?
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fixed your faggy, reddit tier meme for you. No compensation or thanks necessary
thank you
I hate that stupid "nobody:" shit, it's so played out
Wasn't it notoriously shit? Constantly jamming or something?
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This quite literally looks like a design out of a videogame.
It's Dieselpunk as fuck.
Would fit right into a retro-futurist setting like old-school Fallout.
The trigger guard is the only part holding the lower assembly in place and apparently it got bent easily in the field and caused the gun to come apart. The whole gun is mostly made out of aluminium.
7 2.9mm projectiles weighing 0.7 grams each at a speed of 300 m/s
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the AA-12 is super wierd, It does for shotguns what the AR did for carbines, kind of suprising its 2024 and the M1014 is still the king
>Aвтoмaт кaлибpa 5.45. Cдeлaнo нa Кyзнeцкoм мocтy. Cтpeляeт кpивo, пepeгpeвaeтcя в двe ceкyндыю Пoэтoмy нaзывaeтcя "Ублюдкoм", хa-хa
the comics that inspired FO1 back in the day were inspired by those guns
they made a kink in the sheet metal for a locking lug
thats amazing
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Soviet shovel mortars.
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Russian VOG shovel.
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Absolutely retarded russian 12.7x108mm "assault rifle".
This thing is fully automatic, and presumably completely useless.
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Triple-barreled bullpup SAW prototype.
I think that lunatic Koborov was responsible for this abomination.
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More Korobov insanity.
Stay away from bakelite fumes kids, that stuff will give you brain damage.
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Weird double barrel AK-thing, where the second barrel shoots short, fat, 50cal rounds.
Why? I have no idea.
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Some mad Italian actually rigged that fucker up as a lever-action.
Spaghetti westerns in general are pretty good for custom guns, same series has a six-barreled Derringer (4 .38, two .22 hidden in the grip), and there are a bunch of cut-up concealed guns and silly takedowns all over the place.
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British perfidy pistol from WWII.
This belt-mounted pistol is fired remotely with a cable-operated trigger.
It's especially constructed to facilitate perfidy, allowing the wearer to open fire while keeping his hands in the air and feigning surrender.
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Here's another funky harmonica gun.
>that anus "stock"
Fallout 4 reference library.
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What are they even fired with?
And then you upgrade that shit and it doesn't overheat anymore, has better accuracy and somehow a silencer, a red dot sight and a laser pointer.

Really couldn't keep with the setting those devs
Those top two guns on the left look like they are designed for speed running carpal tunnel syndrome
How the fuck does the hammer have enough space to travel in those abortions to the rights ????
It says it's a grenade launcher.
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Commie space magic.
I have to assume black powder, given that it appears to be made of sheet metal instead of any proper steel.
So the bullet just floats there a bit
Most of these locally produced African guns hammered together by the local village black smith, or welded together by the local mechanic, are percussion fired black powder guns.
The two most common varieties are "Dane guns" which are full length percussion muskets, modeled on cheap Danish-made trade guns from the late 19th and early 20th century.
There are also plenty of short barreled, large bore, blunderbuss-type weapons, also muzzle loaded and percussion fired. The name for these guns vary greatly by location, in Nigeria the blunderbusses are called shakaboolah.
They usually use toy pistol caps to fire the percussion guns.

That being said, they do make cartridge guns too. Usually just low pressure smooth bore stuff like shotguns.
That just sounds like direct impingement. (Traditional, not AR-15 style)
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Kinda, it is all within the barrel shroud instead of a gas tube.
I think the other closest ideas was wehn John Garand came up with a similar idea after WW2, but he had to scrap the plan because of too much carbon build up.
Not even close. It has nothing to do with DI, it's a regular gas piston gun.
Only difference is that instead of a regular gas block with a tiny high pressure gas port drilled into the barrel, this thing just has a box attached to the muzzle with a gigantic gas port leading directly into the gas tube.
There were a lot of weird gas trap designs like this at the dawn of the 20th century because it was widely believed that drilling gas ports into the barrel would cause rapid erosion around the gas ports which would destroy the barrels after a few thousand shots.
>magazine all the way in the back
>still no longer barrel
what the fuck why

it just sounds like piston gas operation with a gas trap to me. which isnt really all that exotic, quite a few guns had gas traps instead of ports in the olden days
the design of the piston is exotic though, because it goes around the barrel. that is reminiscent of the jackhammer but that one of course works completely differently and is just a gas seal (like a nagant) self cocking (like a metaba but gas instead of recoil) revolver
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>12.7x108mm "assault rifle".
its a bolt gun. A bolter, if you will.
This is a very incorrect mspaint diagram that has been floating around for over 10 years. It was out for being bullshit in the same thread it was posted (I don't have it archived). Instead of posting the correct diagram I'll just post this video by Max Popenker:

>Max Popenker
I respect that guy's work. Have some of his books.
But I've recently heard rumors that he's a kiddy molester, you know if there's any truth to those rumors?
Don't try and make him sound more based.
Holy shit I just saw two harmonica guns a couple weeks ago! One was in the church museum in downtown SLC and the other was in the John Browning museum in Ogden. The ones I saw were built by Jonathan Browning (John Browning's father) in the mid-1800's. They were only really used by the mormons, which probably explains why everyone hated them. The Browning museum had all kinds of crazy shit, I feel like an idiot because i forgot to take pics. The RIA article about them is really good:
Holy fuck, finally someone recognised it. Yeah once you sink some mgrs into it the bastard goes from being a shitrod to the optimal tool in the game, given that most of the time you're within ~20m of enemies
Its even more busted in Exodus, you basically max it out before the end of the first open area and ammo is cheap as fuck. Used it for half of my ironman run
Never speak to me or bother me for any reason. Restore all back perfectly. Kill them all
Is this a bullpup SKS?
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How are the rounds clocked upon chambering??? Seems like a hundred ways to jam out of battery
>hmm do i want to load my gun today or would i rather fucking kill myself?
>The M1911 but designed by Bethesda
But is it even a good ironman run then ?

I mean it's supposed to suck ass. That's what makes the setting.
But then you just turn it into the best gun in the game.....
it uses a grooved flywheel to spin a ball and fling it with centrifugal force. this was thought up during the civil war, before smokeless powder or repeating arms were invented. they never figured out how to aim it.

later, about 20 years after smokless powder and repeating arms were invented, during world war 1, they really had issues with guns overheating and cartridge quality control, and this is a magic solution to both of them if you can figure out how to aim it. which they never did.
designed by a human shaped pervitin bottle
it's not a magic solution to anything because spheres have absolutely terrible ballistic coefficients, so even if you could fire it accurately it necessarily has a very short range.
The thing I love about the accuracy is that if you look at the trial pics in >>62118426 there's a ~30-degree spread canted hard to the left in front of the car on a target two yards away, but the magazine is still chugging its cock like a locomotive on an uphill grade.
There's a weapon which shows up in some Mixtec (a Mesoamerican civilization in Southern Mexico, mostly Oaxaca and Guerrero) codices which is some weird boomerang or L shaped club with stone studs or blades or some other sort of protrusion on them.

Your guess is as good as mine for what these actually were. Notice also how one of them has triangular sawtooth style blades and what looks like a blade that's perpendicular to the middle of the shaft/club portion
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>Whoops I left my AUG in the sun!
>someone has a laugh
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>Be filthy stinking rich Indian prince
>How do you prove you're cooler than the other stinking rich Indian princes?
>By buying cooler guns than them, of course.
So you send someone to London to order yourself a fancy-ass rifle. One with 4 barrels. Sights to 1000 yards. And since you couldn't figure out whether you wanted a straight stock or a pistol-grip stock you just went ahead and ordered two actions so you could have both.
>L shaped club
It's probably no more complicated than that. I'm imagining a variant of a macuahuitl or the classic stone axe but that's curved instead of straight.
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im impressed they figured that thing could be fired fast and long enough to require a heat shield
Just because its in the picture doesn't mean it's necessary, or that the gun even works in the first place.
>everything is bomb
I have to imagine this was the result of someone hearing about a wacky program like SPIW and saying
>DON'T size down the rounds. just size UP the gun.
>What could possibly go wrong
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Sunngard, made in 1909, with 50 rounds ready to go in two 25 round mags at once. Chonky grip.
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I don't know what the hell the engineers at Winchester were smoking in the 1950s, but I want some.
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Also, the triple threat hunting revolver
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In WWI the krauts made extensive use of massive low pressure mortars with gun tubes made out of wood.
They used black powder as propellant to lob large bombs known as "flying dust bins" or "flying coal scuttles" by the Brits.

Was this peak fuddism?
It takes the large-bore low-pressure fetish of fudds to the extreme.
It takes "muh wood" to the extreme.
It's black powder.
Holy shit. Do any of these still exist? Surprised I haven't seen any advertised in the back of some old magazine offered as is ships freight only, only $39.99. And If any are in the US in private hands, I'm surprised I haven't seen a FW video on it. What would that even legally be? Is it a DD? How does one even register a wood tube as a DD? Lol.
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Scavenger 6 and it's 21 caliber capability is neat
>I hate ducks so much it's unreal
Maybe it's meant to protect against the shrapnel from the exploding barrel
>I'm you, but sillier
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The Sarak 99
A Serbian conversion of a 20mm Hispano cannon action into a 'man portable' anti-material rifle.
Possibly the coolest and strangest looking anti-material rifle ever made.
For the San Lorenzo monument relief ones, and the version seen in the Codex Columbino, sure: There the blades or studs are placed in a position you could easily strike with.

But how the hell would the Codex Selden and Zouche-Nuttal ones work? The studs, blades, or whatever the hell the bits are are on a part of the weapon that you couldn't even easily strike with.
that looks fucking awesome. Does it work, and how?
maybe they are where they are to keep an enemy from grabbing that part of the weapon? One thing to grapple a club in your enemy's hands to try and wrassle with them. It's another entirely to grab a club lined with razor blades. So as the attacker you don't have to worry about having an enemy grab your weapon out of your hands. As a defender you have to get in closer to grab the attacker's arm if you're going for the grapple and disarm.

If it isn't obvious : pure speculation on my part here.
>drum spins
>dakka occurs
>damage ensues
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Guys what kind of gun is This?

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