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>target close
>use normal rear aperture
>target far away
>flip to L for long distance aperture
It's so perfect, nothing to fuck up, nothing to mess with, works every time, subliminally simple, much better than unnecessarily complicated tangent sights like on the AK.
And the marines had to go fuck it up because they wanted a target rifle, what a fucking joke.
Doesn’t matter, obsolete in modern times grandpa. Magnified optics will always be better than your dogshit irons. Might want to hurry down to the cafeteria they’re about to stop serving breakfast.
it wasn't the fault of the iron sights, the AR is very unergonomic and mounting a sight that high doesn't work very well
great target sights for camp perry or bisley shooting matches, not ideal combat sights.
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Yeah. A1 irons are great. Only thing better are the M1 irons.
something like only 10% of soldiers in Korea say they used their iron sights on the garand. I made a thread with pics from a report on the matter some years ago
>op is buttmad his last thread didn't go how he wanted
>makes a new one
tale as old as time
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M1 irons are too complicated. Target rifle sights.
Complicated steel geometries made on manual machines, rack and pinion system.
The rifle itself was complicated at the time. Complexities of manufacture for the rifle and sight where readily met by American manufacturing dominance at the time. The average GI was going 8 clicks up and forgetting before he spent the rest of the war point shooting. And when he did make an aimed shot he was given an excellent peep aperture and perfectly sized front post.
No one with red dots on their rifle has ever won a war.
>no one mentioned red dots
You are fucking stupid and have never shot 300y with iron sights, let alone 500y or in a half value wind call. The fact that the colt AR15 never came with adjustable rear elevation is absolutely braindead, literally every rifle ever mass fielded in the 20th century had some sort of adjustable elevation so the soldier is not just kentucky windaging off into arbitrary space above the target.

The A2 did not actually need fast adjustable windage but it did need the elevation, I don't even know why anyone would argue against this when every US Service rifle had it. Every service rifle before and after had adjustable rear elevation, 1873 Springfield, Krag, 1903, garand, m14, a2, m4, a4. The A1 is the only break in the pattern so complaining about the marines wanting to return to the established status quo is just retarded.
this might be the most boomer retard post I've ever seen in over 15 years on this website.
>absolutely braindead
Said the pot to the kettle
That's okay, you don't shoot enough to know why the A1 sights are garbage
The elevation adjustment is built into the apertures, you'd know that if you weren't a mentally deficient dipshit
you sound like a fat fuck High-Power shooter. Go pull some more targets in a pit idiot, and maybe read up on how infantry actually use small arms.
5.56 is such a flat shooting cartridge that two positions, normal and long range are literally all you need.

Obsolete means not in production any longer.
You don't have a grasp on the words you are using.
a1 sights are fine for combat sights, you are thinking of a2 sights
I was getting confused as fuck about the aperture before I realized those were NM sights
>You are fucking stupid and have never shot 300y with iron sights,
I have
> let alone 500y
people aren't shooting a man sized target at 500 yards, retard
>The fact that the colt AR15 never came with adjustable rear elevation is absolutely braindead, literally every rifle ever mass fielded in the 20th century had some sort of adjustable elevation so the soldier is not just kentucky windaging off into arbitrary space above the target.
it has a 2 position flip. the long range goes to 350 yards. how often are troops firing at man sized targets past 350 yards with irons?
It's actually incredible how complicated to manufacture the M1 Garand was. I can't imagine having to make the engineering drawings for it with a pencil and a ruler.
You zero the weapon on the L sight at 25m which corresponds to POA at 375m with a 55gr projectile out of a 1:12 barrel. The other peep sight is then automatically zero'd at 42m and 250m. That's it. At 500m you are aiming significantly above the target in dead space with zero reference, not even accounting for wind. Obviously this is a problem which is why the garand had adjustable windage and elevation. But you and nobody else would say the garand sights should have been fixed elevation and tool-required windage

It's not even flat shooting at all, look at 6.5creed or 6mm arc or even 6.5 swiss to see what a real BC is

Literally all the time on area targets, why do internet infantry guys always just assume you would never take shots as a fire team or squad on a target that far? Three guys massing fire on a 500y target is very easy, even easier if they are all dialed on the same windage and not shitting away half their shots because they are kentucky windaging
>At 500m you are aiming significantly above the target in dead space with zero reference
Which doesn't make any difference because infantry isn't shooting at targets 500m away, and certainly not point targets.
>At 500m you are aiming significantly above the target in dead space with zero reference,
you aren't fucking shooting man sized targets at 500 yards, retard
>Literally all the time on area targets, why do internet infantry guys always just assume you would never take shots as a fire team or squad on a target that far? Three guys massing fire on a 500y target is very easy, even easier if they are all dialed on the same windage and not shitting away half their shots because they are kentucky windaging
how big do you think a person looks in your sights at 500 yards?
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For once OP is 100% correct.
>Three guys massing fire on a 500y target is very easy
No it isn't and they never did that.
I mean they might have but I doubt it was that often when 500m is very much a
>have the 240B/M2HB/Mortar/loitering CAS handle it
range and they sure as shit wouldn't be using 5.56 weapons at that distance
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Yeah I was kinda going off the assumption we were discussing M4s/M16s slinging 5.56.
Unnecessarily complicated bullshit made mandatory by the outdated rainbow trajectory 7.62x39
>Obsolete means not in production any longer.

That is not its primary usage with respect to machinery including weapons. The use of obsolete meaning "outdated" is the primary use in all things mechanical including weapons and with respect to machinery context matters.

For example a T Model Ford is thoroughly obsolete as motor transport but many parts are still manufactured.
>much better than unnecessarily complicated tangent sights like on the AK.
Lol what?
You are comparing a retarded two apertures system that is supposed to be zeroed for 225 and 335 yards, and you have to learn by heart how to hold your aim depending on the distance ; with a superior sight system that is zeroed at 100 meters and can be moved up to 1000 meters in increments of 100 meters. All you do is litterally choose the distance at which you'll shoot, and you can always aim at the same point.
>hurr complicated
So the other 90% just didn't aim? That makes no sense.
Still seething so hard that you had to make a thread about this? Kek
correct. trying to find the thread now....
Tangent sights are shit.
>All you do is litterally choose the distance at which you'll shoot, and you can always aim at the same point.
Which is exactly the same with the A1
Is the target further away than three football fields? yes? Use the long range aperture. Is the target closer than that? Use the normal aperture and it hits the target.
Yeah that's bullshit noguns notserved retards parrot
just made a thread
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>two apertures system that is supposed to be zeroed for 225 and 335 yards, and you have to learn by heart how to hold your aim depending on the distance
Anon you're not going to believe this but 5.56 out of a 20" barrel has negligible practical POI shift from 0-300m. You put your sights on an enemy's center mass anywhere in between, you watch his take a bullet to the chest or gut. That's one of the best things about the round, it's flat-shooting in the ranges it's meant to be used.
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he's just not used to the concept of other rifles shooting a round that doesn't have a trajectory that mimics a fucking mortar round
little peep is the normal sight
larger hole is the NIGHT sight

hope this clears it up for you guys
i can't stand fuckin peep sights. i have astigmatism, i don't know if that's why it doesn't work for me, but i can never get my eyes to focus right and it takes a lot of time and concentration to get it to work.

if i had to choose between an AK style sight, a peep sight, and buckhorn sights i would take the AK style. it's just fucking normal. no floating hole.
peep sights help astigmatism...they naturally make the eye focus because they make light entering the retinal less diffused. it's why people with astigmatism cowitness their red dots, which would normally be an imprecise cluster, with backup peep irons to make them more like a circle.
Completely irrelevant to the thread topic dude. Do you burst into a conversation about nice pens, shit yourself and screech "BUY A KEYBOARD?*

AK leaf sights are superior at night and so fucking easier to index. This is where i think the AK shines like a mother fucker bare bones over an AR pattern.
>they naturally make the eye focus because they make light entering the retinal less diffused.
okay, then i guess my eyes are fucked additionally. i can never make that work properly. i just get front sight and it obscures my target. maybe i just never used good peep sights.
> it's why people with astigmatism cowitness their red dots, which would normally be an imprecise cluster
yeah... i like red dots, i'm quite accurate with them, but i have always had a bit of starburst. i just line up the brightest spot with what i want to shoot and it works good.

>re-read post and tried it with airsoft gun
actually kinda works. even with the large peep, it does whittle down the starburst quite a bit. it's weird seeing it that way after years of big spiky sea urchin reticle
just put it to 6/3 (8/3) on yer a2 sight and forget about it, the difference is like 5 inches up or down or something
A2>faggot A1
A1 is the better combat sight, A2 was designed by muhreen POGs around target shooting.
Not like you own either.
>AK leaf sights are vastly inferior in every condition on Earth or beyond it possible
No large aperture.
>with a superior sight system that is zeroed at 100 meters and can be moved up to 1000 meters in increments of 100 meters

That's cool, now all you need is to know what distance a target sits at without a point of reference in the middle of a battle, god forbid you're 200m off or your shitty rainbow ballistics round is completely off target.
Meanwhile with the A1 you can just point and shoot and be on target at 0-250, or if the target is "far" you flip the sight and are STILL on target at 250-500.
Well that's cool and all bro, but you realize AKs don't just use 7,62x39, but most nowadays use 5,45x39 and some even use 5,56. And that there is a П setting at the lowest setting of the sight which is a 300 meters battle zero. It allows shots up to 300 meters with minimal POI shift.
The ladder sight is still a superior system, and no one in this thread has given a single good argument.
minor point of correction, the П is not a 300m setting, that already exists on the tangent. П is approximately 250m, and represents a compromise where POI will be +/- 17cm from POA
>300 meters battle zero
then you're 4 inches off at 150 meters, a very typical combat distance. this is for 5.45, it gets much worse for the 7.62 btw.
>The ladder sight is still a superior system, and no one in this thread has given a single good argument.
You haven't provided any argument to counter besides "muh adjustment" retardation. Start with providing an extensive way of range estimation that an average infantryman would do to use those first, or blow your brains out with your ak like all your fellow trannies eventually do.
you're just not intelligent enough to understand a sight system with windage and elevation adjustment at the front and rear.
>The Taliban lost
>Russia is losing
Nice narrative cope
You're not inelligent enough to understand the utter worthlessness of such a system in a combat rifle.
light machine gun, those are RPK sights.
You posted them in a thread about rifle sights. Do you have brain damage or is it your vatnik blood making you behave like a slimy kike?
I didn't post them, I merely responded to you.
I merely implied that you lack the intellectual capacity to understand the inherent utility in sights that go beyond a simple close/far setting. That implication carries with it no relation to my interpretation of geopolitics, my values, or my ancestry. Can we discuss the sights now?
You didn't provide any reason for that implication and seem to be incapable of doing so. Is this because your fetal alcohol syndrome mom fucked your churka dad or because your kike grandpa taught you to behave like that?
>I didn't post them
Ok, so you're another aktranny that lives in fantasies and shills for antiquated russian crap here. What does this change and why should anyone enable your behavior and play along with your empty shit-flinging statements?
Unnecessary complication for no good reason other than rainbow trajectory round.
They should have gone for a two setting flip sight on the 74
Can iron sight compete with red-dots?
>The Taliban lost
shitty bait
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>anything on the AK
>unnecessarily complicated
Not in poor lit conditions or for speed but irons are far lighter, smaller, cheaper and require no maintenance so you can use both and will probably replace the red dot first by going with something more substantial.
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I'd have agreed 5 years ago, but it turns out tangent sights are literally UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGY for Russians.
>muh churka russian tranny
you guys are fucking mad kek. adjustable windage on an lmg makes perfect sense, since it avoids having to kentucky windage your beaten zone at several hundred meters. remember, suppressing fire must be accurate to suppress. not all shooting takes place on a flat range in fair weather. I'm not "shilling antiquated russian crap," merely acknowledging that adjustable windage has its uses. A better mg, such as the FN MAG, wouldn't be made worse by having adjustable windage on the rear sight. If you were smart enough to comprehend this, you wouldn't be arguing in the first place.
this is probably some 70iq retard who was dragged out of his home and given a rifle. tangent sights are not complicated.
Yes you fucking retard.
In fact the whole gas tube arrangement is also unnecessarily complicated in addition to the rear sight.
>faggot needs iron sights to hit anything under 20 yards
>muh LMG
Off topic pidor, go sit on a bottle and break it instead of shitting up the thread.
>A1 sights
The normal aperture is too fucking small and the L is too fucking big, the A2 sights mog the shit out of it in every way.
Large, easy to acquire targets even in darkness.
Just the right size for focus and so good most BUIS copy it.
Bruh I don't think you've looked through A1 sights...
you and every A1 faggot including larry vickers is a faggot retard who needs a cuck cage on his iron sights because theyre so retarded they sipmlt can NOT touch the adjustment on their sights
This is a fucking phenomenal bait thread. Well done OP.
this has to be bait
What makes it so good is that it's all true.
A2 fags need to admit that what they've got is a pansy ass TARGET RIFLE and not a fighting rifle.

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