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>west could figure out number of German tanks by the serial numbers

I'm too lazy to find the video/articles but the west during WW2 could figure out the number of german tanks they had (and producing?) by the serial numbers, and math.

1. Why couldn't germany be a little creative with serial numbers?
2. Is anything like that being used in Ukraine now?
1. no and it didn't matter
2. OSINT using sat photos/SAR and social network videos/photos
>Why couldn't germany be a little creative with serial numbers?
Because then they would not be serial numbers.
In WW1, the Allies were able to estimate German losses by looking at POWs pay books because regiments assigned ID numbers to their recruits sequentially. With a reasonable sample size, you could tell how many replacements they had gone through.
In many places the local lord forbade making of maps under pain of death due to the fear that the enemy could make use of the map when they invade. Making fake serial numbers to put on your tanks feels a little like that.
Being interested in national security and the military/intelligence apparatus is no longer fashionable. It hasn't been for 10+ years now. Hell, in most areas it is a threat marker for "future school shooter". It's been the case for over a decade now, reinforced by all the actual fucking shooters that fit this profile. So these kids either directed their interest towards something else, or got rekt so hard by the police and court system that they dropped out of life, whether due to actual homicide by cop, psychological trauma, or having a legal record disqualifying them from working in the field, perhaps all of the above. Perhaps this was the security field's method to ensure job security: by literally murdering off their entire recruiting pool. We're starting to see the effects of those short-sighted boomers dying off with nobody competent to replace them. lol, lmao even.
>1. Why couldn't germany be a little creative with serial numbers?
>let's not embarass ourselves with Italy
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>Tanks produced in 1940: 300
>Tanks produced in 1942: 25,000
Jesus fuck man, take the meds
well the german plan was to have won at the end of 1941. they never thought it would go on until 45.
>no longer
in which country? in germany it has always been very very very much frowned upon ever since ww2 and the stance towards militarism has actually gotten a little bit more relaxed in the last few years. in 80s germany when i grew up i could not have a toy rifle, it was taboo. there were some kids who had toy rifles but that was considered sus as fuck and the only games that they were allowed to play were "cowboy and indians". playing as a soldier or even worse as a german soldier would have resulted in me getting spanked and getting any military toy taken away immediately. the post ww2 generations up to gen x and early millenials absolutely hated the fuck out fo the military and anything militaristic.
It is still illegal to make accurate maps in China, take a look at any Chinese city with the satellite overlay, and you'll see that the road layer and sat layer do not match
>the post ww2 generations
actually the war gen and pre ww2 gen hates the military even more because they had experienced how the militarists and gung ho nationalists had brought doom to germany.
>Be civilian
>Receive a direct commission as a lieutenant general
>Prove you actually deserved it
>Win war
We're at the point where you can be proud your (great-) grandpa fought the nazis, but the moment you reveal you know anything more like specific dates, units, and battles you get hit with the smarmy wHY d0 you KNOW THAT?????????? questions. Doesn't help that red flag tiplines are spreading nationwide and they're encouraging people to report any """suspicious persons""" to them, with an "interest in military/guns" (same difference) always within the top or bottom 5 things in the list (exploiting the serial position effect of psychology to really make sure they remember).
If you keep track of your production serials, you can run non-sequential SNs.
Ever watched a Forgotten Weapons video where he shows an uncommon weapon and the serial number is like "10349" so Ian says "yeah they didn't make ten thousand of these, it's probably 349 out of 500 produced and they just started at 10,000".
>the moment you reveal you know anything more like specific dates, units, and battles you get hit with the smarmy wHY d0 you KNOW THAT?????????? questions
The other day I saw an instagram reel of some young woman wearing some 1940s "inspired" journalist/spook attire in a museum with the text "can't find a man, gonna to go the WW2 airplane section".
We're at the point it has become a joke that guys will think about the Roman Empire and WW2. A few months ago women realized guys sometimes think about stopping a shooter in public places.
Nobody gives a shit. Hyperfixations are getting normalized. Grow up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
It's doubtful the war was in any capacity affected by allied analysts knowing exactly how many tanks the Germans were producing.
It seems it would be far more important to know where the Germans were amassing armored units, which they bungled several times even though they had air supremacy and had cracked the enemy's codes
Huh as a dane I never heard of this guy. Neat.
Germans are autists. It was well known for example that German code names for their military operations were too revealing. E.g. Barbarossa.
You high? Of course it affected the war. The Allies thought the Panther was a limited production Heavy Tank and didn't prepare for the Germans using it as a medium tank in relatively large numbers.
That seems utterly asinine. Are actual spy satellites supposed to respect that too?
>Case Yellow
>Case Red
>Weser Exercise
>Case White
Other than Barbarossa and Sealion, what German code names are revealing?

1. You see this in lots of stuff now. It's why you can't pick the next letter in a Steam key and get another free game
2. Something something supply chain analysis
My NVA general uncle gifted me my first air rifle. I am from west Germany and was born after the fall. But whenever we got asked what we want to do in school I got laughed at because I wanted to go to the army but only by the teachers the other kids did not care at all.
>British monitors soon started receiving intelligence from Enigma decrypts referring to a new device known as Y-Gerät, which was also sometimes referred to as Wotan.[31] Jones had already concluded the Germans used code names that were too descriptive, so he asked a specialist in the German language and literature at Bletchley Park about the word Wotan. The specialist realised Wotan referred to Wōden, a one-eyed god, and might refer to a single-beam navigation system.[31]
take your meds
His pay as a 3-star general was $1 per year (because you can't be an employee of the federal government without getting a salary).
Now mouth off about historical military paraphernalia with letters and numbers in the model designation IRL and watch what happens. PROTIP: You won't, and you and I both know very well why.
Most people on the street can't even tell you approximately WHEN WW2 happened, believe stupid shit like America fought Japan in the VIETNAM War, or think the Cold War was just a setting for 2020's CoD game. Further, most zoomies' first exposure to history isn't even shitty post-no-crack-babby-left-behind public school history class or even the history channel's ancient aliens bullshit. It's the class chudjak.png who they were afraid was going to shoot up the school. And most of these kids, who have known nothing other than social warfare for their entire existence and regularly deploy backhanded, machiavellian tactics against each other, including the normalized use of bad faith tips to the authorities, what the older generation would have called "squealing" or "snitching", have entered the workforce. Learn to read the room, autist. Or don't and get red flagged. lol, lmao even.
Cope. You would also get the side eye if you started gushing about the HyperPoopenfarten X42069 ECU that just gave your shitbox 30 horsepower at the wheels, or you started going off about delidding your Intel i9 Cawksux Edition to reduce temps by 5 degrees.
>Most people on the street can't even tell you approximately WHEN WW2 happened
Requesting a sample size that wasn't obtained on selectively edited videos or going to walmart at crackhead hours.
>It's the class chudjak.png who they were afraid was going to shoot up the school.
Anon it's not my fucking problem you're whining about the fact that you look like a chudjak.
Yeah if you look weird and talk weird people will wince. Should have been born to parents with better genetics.
>normalized use of bad faith tips to the authorities
Last time I heard of this being used against one of the supposed /ourguys/ it was an alcoholic with a domestic dispute making videos while wearing a plate carrier. Yeah no shit there were tips to the authorities.
Who was the guy before him? Duncan Lemp, who ironically goes against your stereotype because there's pictures of him posing with bitches and he had a pregnant girlfriend when he was swatted.
I don't even need a second hand to count on my fingers how many relevant cases of these tips have happened.
I once sperged about Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Utoya massacre in Norway in a first date and nothing went wrong - she was actually applying to join the feds and was interested in counter-terrorism. Seems like you can't pick who to talk to and what to say.
So how did the allies produce like 8 times the tanks and not wrap it up by like 43? Next to having more soldiers and better economy in every sector. You can't boast about beating someone when you had to do it 10 against 1 and you still got a really bad bloody nose from it.
The more you see the total tonnage and pure industrial might of the Allies compared to the Axis powers, the more you have to be impressed by the sheer will they must have had to prosecute the war and be as successful as they were until late '42. It's all 20/20 now looking back with the fuel and manpower shortages that both Germany and Japan faced, but if nothing else I think this should show to never, ever underestimate how far your enemies are willing to go to win. I'd always been raised learning of how utterly unstoppable the Nazis were in WWII for years, reading through it I was immediately shocked they weren't bogged down in Poland, let alone getting fucked up by their military superior France.
>the sleeping giant responsible for 60% of the world's economy doesn't enter the war until late '42
>oh wow they had such will to go to war with such an industry disparity
Lend-lease began in 1941 and before that we were already shipping food/ammo to GB
>point by point rebuttal wall of text
>any evidence that contradicts my narrative is invalid
>cope, /ourguys/, my hyperspecific anecdote is ok, urs isn't
Yeah, nah, get fucked cunt. I really hope I don't know you IRL since you're the kind of insufferable autist who drags everyone he knows into trouble and won't even get a sentence reduction out of it.
>the more you have to be impressed by the sheer will they must have had to prosecute the war and be as successful as they were until late '42
you mean the delusion and mental illness
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This was an actual glownigger grooming operation they tried last year and up through May '24. The idea was to convince people, particularly spergs, that infodumping on inappropriate topics at inappropriate times would make others like them more to induce social isolation, combined with implanting ideas of entitlement (autism supremacy and revenge for previous perceived maltreatment) which can be later used to push vulnerable people towards plotting terrorism. This is basically their mosque infiltration playbook but adapted for vain mental cripples with autism.

The trial run in 2023 was so ham-fisted the only uncomped assets they got to shill it FOR FREE was some failure at life who thought Chris MOTHERFUCKING Chan would be an excellent martyr (rallying point) for autism rights. The problem is that it did produce a shooter in the later part of the year, but in the Netherlands.
Pic related. Here's his news article:

This made them try again this year, which flopped since anons got wise to their plans and kept calling them out, so they reverted to garden variety incel/muh bulying grievances around the supreme mentlegen anniversary. But after the attempted trump assasination we're starting to see it come back since they want to flush out attempted copycats to show the MAGAtards they're Do!|\|g $$$o|\/|EtHiNg!!!!1111!!!!
The most incriminating thing about >>62130646
is the use of shaming tactics to encourage anti-social behavior. That is classic glowniggatry.

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